The Murli

February 15, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 15th February 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

All souls are brothers.

A mountain is lifted by giving a finger. If you do not give a finger, the mountain will not be lifted.

I have to uplift the souls here on this earth, lift the mountain and take them with me. A group gets together. At the end, you will have to live together and form a group. First of all, you had a vision of something red and at that time you did not understand it, but now you know that it was a group of those souls.

Even though you may remember Baba individually, you also have to be part of the gathering. You become confused by forgetting the Father. If you always keep the Father with you, you will not forget him.

February 6, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 6th February 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

You have heard a lot and now you have to show everyone by becoming the embodiment of all that you have heard. Only the Father should be seen in your eyes and only His knowledge should be heard in your speech. The avyakt image should be visible in your corporeal image.

Never make excuses. Never wait to be told to do service. Never wilt while doing service.

Which is the third eye? That of knowledge. Only when you constantly have the third eye of knowledge can you become the embodiment of tapasya.

Why are the shaktis still incognito? Because until now your self respect, your service and your greatness are incognito even to yourself. Because it is incognito to yourself, it is incognito to the world also. When it is revealed to you, it will be revealed to the world.

The power of silence is greater than that of science.

Remain stable in the seed stage, in the remembrance of the Seed, and then sow the seeds of the recognition of time and the Father’s introduction. If there is too much expansion, there is no value: it will be wasted.

You should always be in the stage of the form of love.

One always sacrifices oneself out of love.

February 2, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 2nd February 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

All of you are the embodiment of love, are you not. Love that is based on knowledge is real love. The sweetness of your love even pulls BapDada here.

Sit in remembrance at amrit vela and have the thought that you are going to have a meeting with avyakt BapDada. Become stable in the avyakt stage and have a heart to heart conversation. You will have the experience of deep, entertaining, significant aspects through the yoga of the intellect.

Only those who are stable in the avyakt stage and introverted throughout the day will be able to remain stable in the avyakt stage at amrit vela.

Children either become loving, or they become detached. But BapDada becomes both loving and detached at the same time. When you remove this difference you will be seen as the alokic and angelic subtle angels.

There is the thought in everyone’s heart that the scenes of the drama should now pass and the drama should come to an end very quickly. But will it move fast? Is this possible? Whatever is destined will remain destined. Do you children have so much power that you are able to pull the subtle region into the corporeal world?

Some children have become confused because they were told through sakar Baba that the subtle region does not exist. So where has Baba gone? From where does he come to meet us? The main reason for this is that, as all of you must have seen, when little children like something very much and they chase after it, even when it is a very good thing, when they like it beyond limits and they chase after it, what are they then told? That thing is hidden from their vision and they are told that it does not exist. This was told to the children in order to remove their intellect away from these things. But that doesn’t mean that, when something is hidden away from the children, that thing finishes. No, this is a yukti to free you from something that you cling to. The subtle region does exist, but instead of going to and coming from the subtle region, you now have to become a resident of the subtle region.

You can become angels even whilst staying in this corporeal world. It is the shaktis and pandavs that have to be put in a showcase. BapDada is incognito anyway.

: Today in the subtle region there was a fragrance from the distance. It was the fragrance of love. This love becomes eternal. everyone’s remembrance reaches here, but a certain stage is needed in order to receive the response. You receive an instant response. Let go of the corporeal form and you will be able to hear the response.

Whilst doing service.. constantly remember “I am the instrument”: if there is the thought that “I” did this, there will be arrogance, the feeling of wilting and depression. You come into the spinning of differences of opinion. By being the instrument, there won’t be any arrogance, you are able to create a stage of being incorporeal, egoless, and free from waste thought.

You now have to become the form of fire. You have to ignite such a fire in which the iron-aged world burns away. Achcha.

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