The Murli

March 13, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

At present you are the embodiment of love, but you also have to be the embodiment of power to the same extent. When the images of the goddesses are created, apart from Kali, they are all portrayed with moist eyes. There eyes are portrayed as being lost in love, and together with that, when the face is created, power is visible on their faces. Love, compassion, and coolness are visible in their eyes. Motherly love is visible in their eyes, and their posture, or whatever vehicle they are riding and the weapons they are holding, epitomize the form of power. In the same way there should be the balance of both these virtues in you shaktis. You should be the embodiment of love as much as you are the embodiment of power. As yet, you do not have both. Sometimes you have waves of love, and sometimes you stabilize yourself in being the embodiment of power. Both should be simultaneous and equal.

Constantly continue to climb to the eternal, perfect and complete stage.

There is great weakness in the subject of yoga. This is a question of experiencing supersensuous joy within your life.

Know one another’s sanskars and live in harmony with one another with a lot of love. When you have special love for someone, you mix very easily with that person.

BapDada has a lot of love for the kumaris. BapDada is supremely pure and the kumaris are pure and purity attracts purity.

In which awareness are all of you sitting? In which world are all of you sitting? Are you in the corporeal world or the subtle region? Have you brought the avyakt One into the corporeal world or have you become avyakt?

You tell everyone to renounce the five vices (lust, ego, attachment, anger, greed), and together with that the sixth thing is laziness, and the seventh is fear. Fear is a big vice. You have to renounce fear.

You have to know your original form, your original religion, your original home, pure actions, your aim, the qualities for that aim, and you also have to spin the discuss of self realisation. You have to imbibe these seven aspects, and you will become the goddess of coolness. You must not become Kali. You now have to become Shitla, the goddess of coolness. You have to become Kali over the vices. Be Kali in front of the devils, but you have to become Shitla, the goddess of coolness, for your Brahmin clan. Achcha.

March 4, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 4th March 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Is there sometimes some churning taking place upon seeing the scenes of the drama? To churn the knowledge is one thing, but what is the churning about the scenes of the drama with the questions of why, what and how? When yoghurt is churned you are able to get butter. But what will you get when you churn water? Nothing at all. The result will just be that firstly there will be tiredness, and secondly it will be a waste of time. Instead of churning this, churn the knowledge.

Encircle everyone through subtle angelic attraction. Let there be such encircling that neither you nor anyone else can get away.

You must become engaged in Godly service. You must not wait for someone to tell you to do something. When there are two partners in a shop, everything is shared out between them. If it belongs to only one, he is the master. Everyone must do everything as a master. But together with being a master, you also have to be a child. Sometimes when you become a master you are caught up in that, and when you become a child you become irresponsible and leave everything aside. You must not leave anything aside nor must you hold on to anything. When you hold something very tightly the form of it changes. What will be the state of a flower if you hold it very tightly? You have to hold it, but to what extent? And how? Either you become trapped when you catch hold of something very tightly or you let go of it.

Be creative and egoless (master) at the same time as being humble and the embodiment of love (child).

March 2, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 2nd March 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

What is the aim of the kumaris that have come? You should be a world mother and instrument teacher for the world. Fill yourself with gyan and yoga. Adopt divine virtues. Be a warrior. Be pure, and consider yourself an unlimited world mother. All the souls that are thirsty and crying out in sorrow have to be given the sustenance of gyan and yoga. Only when you have such an attitude, consciousness and vision will there be spirituality in your vision. The bodily vision will be removed and the vision will become spiritual.

When you become perfect, a perfect world is needed for you. The imperfect world will quickly finish and the perfect world will come.

Each ones nature is of course different, but what do you have to imbibe to be free from the influence of your own nature? A nature of easiness, lightness and simplicity. To the extent that your intellect, your vision and your words are simple, light and easy, you will be liberated from conflict with your nature.

What decorations will you kumaris wear? Remain decorated with your ornaments; never take them off. Royal people never take off their ornaments. What tilak have you applied? You will receive the tilak of sovereignty from your parents in the Golden Age. What is the new tilak of the Confluence Age? The V for victory, the tilak for becoming victorious. The tilak is the discus of self realisation. What earrings will you wear? The conch shell – continue to blow the conch shell. Achcha, what bracelets will you wear? You have worn the bracelets of the disciplines. However many disciplines you follow, you will be wearing that many bracelets. Some wear ten bracelets and some wear only one. It looks beautiful when someone wears a lot of bracelets. Achcha, what ankle bells will you wear? There is sound from the bells around the ankles. So everyone should hear the sound from the bells of knowledge. The sweeter your sound, the greater the attraction. So you must wear these ornaments all the time. Be careful that Maya does not take the off. Maya, who takes them off, is also very clever: she takes them off with a lot of love.

Whenever you see someone’s virtues, you must pick up that virtue very quickly because each one definitely has one or another special virtue. So in picking up a virtue from each one, become complete with all virtues. If you see a defect in anyone, simply turn your back on it. When you see virtues, imbibe them, and whilst looking at defects, you must not see them. Hearing about them, you must not hear them nor must you think about them. Turn your back on them.

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