The Murli

May 26, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 26th May 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Are you experiencing love, or are you lost in love?

All of you have attained yoga and power according to your capacity. You have one hundred per-cent faith in the Father, but your faith in the Father’s elevated versions and directions is only fifty per-cent. There is only per-cent faith in accepting Baba’s orders and instantly putting them into practice with an intellect that has faith in His orders and directions. In the same way there is faith in the Teacher, but there is a percentage in the result of fully following the study that He teaches. In the same way there is full faith that as the guru, He is the Satguru, but together with that faith, you should also follow His orders, His teachings and his shrimat with an intellect that has faith. This is still lacking and it has to be accomplished.

What is the sign of love? What is the sign of someone who has total love? What is that person’s main aim? Whatever all of you spoke of is there anyway. But even so, to clarify that, when someone has love for a person, the face of the one he has love for is visible in his own face. That same light will be visible in his eyes. And there will only be words of love for that person emerging from his mouth. The image of love is visible from his every activity. Only that person would be visible in his eyes, and the image of the one he has love for would be merged in him. You should have such a stage. At present there is a great difference in sanskars of the Father and the children. When you become equal your sanskars will not be visible. Only He will be visible. Others will see the Father in each one of you. Everyone will have visions through all of you. But that is still lacking now. ask yourself “Have I developed such love?”. It is easy to develop love, but to become the embodiment of love is the final stage.

There is not enough power of tolerance. The greater the power of tolerance the greater will be the success in service. The power of tolerance is also needed to stay within the gathering. The power of tolerance is also needed for the final paper of destruction also. How will you develop the power of tolerance in yourself? The more you become loving, the more love you have for someone, the greater the power is in that love. Have you experienced how you are able to increase the power of tolerance through love? For instance, take the example of a mother and child. When an obstacle comes to a child, because the mother has love for the child, because of that love she has the power to tolerate anything. She is prepared to tolerate anything for the child. At that time she does not worry about her own body or the circumstances etc. So also, if you have constant love, then it is not difficult to tolerate anything for the one you love. Because there is a lack of love, there is a lack of the power of tolerance.

There is a great lack of the virtue of fearlessness. How can there be fearlessness? Be incorporeal; the more you remain in the incorporeal stage, the more you will remain fearless. There is fear when you are in the body.

Why does BapDada have special love for the kumaris? What is the aspect which makes BapDada have special love? BapDada feels that if they do not receive Godly love, they will become trapped in another type of love. Baba is merciful. Because of his mercy, He has love. BapDada has special love for their future safety. Now BapDada will see how they respond to BapDada’s love. You have to save yourself. This is the response to BapDada’s love. Do you know which aspects you have to keep yourself safe from? Firstly, there has to be purity in the mind. There should be no doubt in the mind, and secondly, you should maintain such control that no innaccurate word emerges from your mouth. There should be control over your words and control over your mind. Your words should be like those of BapDada in the corporeal form. Your actions should be such that, seeing you, others do the same. This specially applies to the kumaris. What else do you have to keep yourself safe from? You must also keep yourself safe from the influence of company. There is another special aspect. At the moment, many different forms will come to entertain you, in the form of the soul, and also in the form of the body. But don’t be entertained by them. Many examinations will come but they are nothing. Who can pass the examination? Those who have the accurate power of discrimination. The greater your power of discrimination, the better you will pass the examination. You lack the power of discrimination. If you are not able to discern what type of obstacle it is or see in what form Maya has come and why that obstacle has come in front of you, what will the result be? Because of the lack of this power of discrimination, you will fail in the examinations. If your power of discrimination is good, you will pass.

May 18, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 18th May 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Those children who are the instruments in the Father’s task have to remember one aspect all times: “we have to remain ever-ready and all-rounders at every moment in every situation”. You children who are instruments have to remember the slogan: “whatever actions I perform, others who see me will perform the same actions”. At every moment consider yourself to be playing a part in the drama on the stage in front of everyone. Imagine how much attention those who play their part on a stage have to pay to themselves. They have to pay attention to themselves at every moment whilst performing each action. They have to pay attention to their hands, their feet, their eyes, to everything. If anything is not right, it doesn’t add beauty to the actor’s performance. You should think about this. Everyone’s vision is on your every action. Always think that even when you are doing something by yourself, you are in front of the world. The souls of the entire world are watching you from all four directions.

If each flower were to become perfect and beautiful, the fragrance of this garden would spread so much. A bad odour spreads even faster. There cannot be any thorns here. All are roses, but there are differences in the roses. The first is the spiritual rose. They remain in the stage of the spirit and always close to a spirit. The second quality are very good in service but they are lacking in the spiritual stage. What are the signs of the spiritual roses? Do you know how to judge the line on the forehead? Have you become fortune tellers or not? What do you see in the fortune of knowledge and yoga that BapDada teaches you? You can tell from each one’s face, eyes and forehead. And in that also you can especially tell everything from someone’s forehead and eyes. You can become the fortune tellers and recognise anyone. Those lines definitely exist in the eyes and on the forehead. Knowledge of astrology is needed to discern someone. When anyone comes in front of you, you should be able to know about his three aspects of time in a second. One is to know what his life was in the past, another what his vision and attitude are at present, and another to what extent he can create his future reward. Many souls will come in front of you; internally they will be one thing and externally something else. they will come to test you, because many think that this is something that you learn off by heart. So many will come to you in an artificial way in many different forms and colours in order to judge you. Therefore you must pay attention to what each one comes for and what his attitude is like. You have to be very cautious with impure souls. Calamities, untimely death and sinful actions are increasing, and so, because their desires are not fulfilled, they wander as impure souls, and so you have to be very cautious about this. When an impure soul has entered someone else, a special incense stick is lit to chase it away; something is heated in a fire and that person is touched with it. Or, that person is even fed rare chilli powder. So all of you have to work with the power of yoga. you have to heat up each of your physical senses with the fire of yoga so that no one can attack you. If there is the slightest slackness, if any of your physical senses become slack, then it can enter you. Those impure souls are also very powerful. Maya’s power is no less. You have to pay a lot of attention to this. And even the elements of nature will carry on their own work. In order to confront them you need to imbibe Godly power into yourself. At that time you must not have love for them. At that time you need to be the embodiment of power. If such a person comes and you show him extra love, then it can also cause damage. You have to have love for BapDada and the divine family. but together with everything else, you also have to confront them with the form of power. Many children make mistakes and they are attracted by your love. That love increases and makes them weak, and therefore there is now the need to be the embodiment of power. The part of the gopikas (gopi mata – loving mother) was in the corporeal form. Now it is the part of the shaktis in the avyakt form. When each one of you is stable in being the embodiment of power, the power of all of you put together will show wonders.

You have to give the finger of power to lift the mountain of the iron age. Everyone’s finger is needed. Some people’s finger is sometimes straight and some people’s finger is sometimes bent. When you give your whole finger, then you will have an impact. All of you have to give your finger to the same extent. You must quickly give a finger to lift this mountain of the iron age and bring about the golden-aged world. All of you must become stable in being the embodiment of power and all your long-lost and wandering bhagats will be attracted to the magnet even when you don’t wish it. Achcha,

May 17, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 17th May 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Do you know the signs to discern the avyakt stage? There will be uniqueness in each action and secondly, whilst performing every action, there will be the experience of supersensuous joy from every physical sense. Eyes, features and activity will all remain in supersensuous happiness. You will be able to see the sparkle of uniqueness and supersensuous happiness in every action, and through this you will know that they are stable in the avyakt stage whilst in the corporeal form.

The self-sovereignty of heaven is your birthright. At the Confluence Age, the Fathers treasure is your birthright. When you consider yourself to have a right, you will not be dependent on Maya. You have a right to the happiness of the Confluence Age. you have a right to the happiness of heaven in the future. So, do not forget your rights. When you forget your rights, you become dependent on external things and can never be happy. Those who have a right stay in the intoxication and joy of having the right. Do you know about the happiness of heaven? There you will play with jewels. You have to fill yourself with those sanskars of the Golden Age now.

BapDada’s love is eternal, whereas the love of the children is not constant. They are either full of love or of difficulties. You should always keep a mirror with you, so you will continue to see your own face, and by seeing it you will be able to remove the weaknesses. This is why, in every aspect, keep a mirror with yourself. However this mirror is such that when you think you have it, it sometimes disappears in-between. It is a magical mirror; it disappears in one second. How can you keep the mirror eternally? In order to keep the mirror, you first have to surrender yourself totally. In other words be a total renunciate. A total renunciate has a mirror.

Only those who are stable in the avyakt form are able to experience the avyakt meeting. At present there is a great lack in the avyakt stage. You are all right in two aspects, but lacking in the third aspect. One is to speak about something and the other is to churn it. At present there is greater speaking about something and less churning it. The third aspect is a little subtle. What is the third aspect? One is to churn something and the other is to become lost in that. That is the stage in which you are totally merged in love. It is visible that you are lacking in this stage. From the activity of those who stay in a stage of being totally lost, the virtues of uniqueness and having supersensuous joy are visible. It is now the time for becoming intense effort makers. Are you taking as much benefit from this as you should be or not? Each one of you has to check this. This is why you are told to keep a mirror with yourself at every moment so that you can quickly know your weakness. Then by making your effort intense you will be able to move forward. Achcha.

: Today Baba had a meeting with everyone through the eyes. Even whilst being far away, you can be close to Baba according to your worthiness and power. No matter how far away someone may be sitting, he is merged in BapDada’s eyes with his love. this is why they speak of the jewels of the eyes. Today BapDada is meeting the jewels of the eyes with His eyes. Each one of you is more loved than the other, and therefore nothing special can be done. BapDada is now meeting all of you in the avyakt form. Achcha.

May 8, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 8th May 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Do you have faith in the intellect. There is either faith or there is doubt. When new ones come in front of you, how are you able to discern them? What vibrations will you receive through which you can recognise them? A lot of subjects are to be created, and so a lot of practice is needed to discriminate between the close ones and the subjects. The main aspect of how to recognise them is that from their eyes you will have the feeling as though they are clearly focussing on the target. What are the eyes of a marksman like? The archers or the marksmen in the military keep a perfect aim. From their face, you will feel that they are marksmen. You people receive the main teaching of looking at just one target, which is to look at just one point. So, to see the point means to see the target. So what is the sign of those who have faith in the intellect? They will have perfect aim. If their aim moves even slightly there is defeat. When you look at someone who has faith in the intellect, from his eyes you will have the feeling that although he is looking at one thing, he is seeing something else. And his words will also be accordingly. This is the sign of those who have faith in the intellect. The stage of a marksman is that of intoxication. And so, the sign of those who have faith in the intellect is that they will always aim at the target and their stage will be that of intoxication. Practise this now, and then judge whether your discrimination is accurate or not. And then, whilst practising this, your discrimination will become accurate. People say that the whole world is merged in the vision, and so you will be able to know their whole world from their vision.

In order to make your thoughts, words and actions accurate, simply remember three words. What are those three words? In your thoughts become incorporeal; in your words, become egoless; and in your actions become viceless. What will you become by remembering these three things? You will become the knowers of the three aspects of time, and you will become the masters of the world in the future. In the present you become the lords of the three worlds and the knowers of the three aspects of time. Those who churn the knowledge of all three worlds are the lords of the three worlds. Achcha.

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