The Murli

December 20, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 20th December 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada has come to make his extremely lovely children make a promise. You souls were clever in making a promise at the beginning. You had courage and came close to BapDada and received love from him. You took help from him, and also helped him. So BapDada has come to test those sanskars once again. The promise you have to make is that from now on there will be unity, cleanliness, subtlety, sweetness, and greatness in your thoughts, words, and actions, visible to everyone at every step.

You were told that many went on service after the bhatthi. Do you remember those days? What did people say about you then? That all of you have come out of the same machine: “what all of you say is the same, and the attraction of all of you is the same.” So whose influence was that? That was the influence of the subtle sustenance. Even whilst being in the corporeal form, you were visible to everyone as avyakt angels. In an ordinary form, you were visible as spiritual beings, and as images that attract, Now once again, just as that was the sixteen year bhatthi, this is the sixteen day bhatthi. From now, everyone should come to know that you have come here transformed in order to transform the world. The entire divine family has an eye on this group. So the special souls have to reveal their speciality.

Although you create plans, those plans will only be successful when you have total love. There should be plain remembrance: there should not be anything mixed in it. Check before you create any plans. There should be plain remembrance.

Baba likes variety. Some fail in this. You have become those who defeat everyone. You are not defeated: you do not allow yourself to be defeated. This is good. However, you do become sensitive. When this little difference finishes, all these souls will surrender themselves to you. Just as all of you surrendered yourself to Baba, so too your bhagats will surrender themselves to the shaktis. The aspect of being sensitive should finish.

The most sensible ones that emerged are those who instantly struck a bargain. This is the gathering of those who are the most sensible. You are also courageous: you gave an instant donation, which counts as great charity. Although everyone bathes in the rivers, you bathed in the ocean. You have passed in this. Now it remains for you to pass in one other aspect. No matter what direction you receive, at any time, in any form, or anywhere, have all of you become ever ready? When you left the impure household did you think about anything? You did not consider your jewellery, clothes, or children. You did not consider anything. So since this is a pure household, what need is there to consider all those things? Previously you were just lost in love, and you did all this out of love, not with knowledge. Love alone made you ever ready to that extent. Now, as well as love, you also have power. So why is there a delay in becoming ever ready? Because BapDada knows the future, he warns you in advance. You should not keep yourselves in the bondage of service. You should not be in bondage to any soul. You will be warned about that which you never thought or even dreamt about. Those who pass such a paper will pass with honour. BapDada is telling you in advance. You are being given a signal in advance. This is known as going into the depth.

Those with a subtle intellect will be able to mould themselves in any circumstance, according to the circumstances. They will have the courage to confront anything. They will never be confused, but they will go into the depth of whatever the situation is and move according to that. Only when you are light will you be able to mould yourselves. Only when something is soft and warm can it be moulded. What is the warmth and the softness here? The softness is humility and the warmth is the form of power. Humilty means the form of love. Those who have love for every soul will be able to remain humble. If there is no love they will be neither merciful nor humble. This is why there has to be humility, the virtue of serving, and the form of power, of being a master. You should be a server, and also have the intoxication of being a master of the world. When you have both the softness and warmth, you will be able to mould yourself in every aspect. Each of you has to check that the intellect is equally balanced with warmth and softness. Sometimes, extreme humility causes damage, and sometimes the extreme feeling of being a master causes damage. This is why there has to be a balance of both. There will be as much greatness as there is equality.

The final paper is being announced in advance. You should be free from bondage at every moment, even the bondage of service. As soon as it is announced you have to be ever ready and come onto the field. You have let go of the iron chain, but now there are still the subtle golden chains. They are not visible to anyone. The final paper is of final thoughts which lead you to your destination. To easily be free from the bondage of the body at the end is a sign of passing with honour. That will only be possible when your costume is not tight. Tightness means attachment to someone. Has your costume become so loose that you are able to shed that costume in one second? This is known as being ever ready. You saw in the practical form how Baba demonstrated being ever-ready: when he was called he instantly left here in one second. Did he think: what will the children say? How can I go without meeting the children? As soon as he was warned, he was ever ready. Because of being easy in the costume, it becomes easy to shed the costume. Only those who remain detached over a long period of time can be detached in one second. You must not have love for the body. The more detached you remain from this, the more you will be loved by the world. This is the effort you have to make.

Do not think that you will go only when you are sick, or that you will put yourself right at the right time. It is not like that. At the end there will be such unique deaths of the children that the son will show the father. It will not be the same for everyone. There are very few children who will show the father: only those who have the one special virtue. They will continue to reveal the father until the end. They will be thinking and doing at the same time. There will be no difference in their thinking and their stage. It will happen the moment they think about it. Flowers will be showered on them here, at the end, by those who are the bhagats of the copper age. They will be those who show the father. Even their death is serviceable.

The mother and father are in an incognito form. In service, the mother and father are the backbone, and the children are in front. Only the children will reveal the father.

Bow you must bring about newness in service, just as you bring about newness in yourself. Now show everyone such spirituality that they feel they have become instruments to change the scene of the world. You must become such a form of love and power before you go. No matter how many thousands of people you may be amidst, from a distance you should be visible as alokik beings. Amidst thousands of people Baba was a sparkling diamond. So follow the father. Do not take their vibrations into yourself. Make them alokik through your vibrations. This is the newness you have to bring about.

Now, because of service, you appear to be mixed with worldly people. Remember to stay detatched whilst coming into relationship because of service. You had the relationship that you had to have, but now there is no need to have a relationship in that way. There is no need to make yourself loose because of service. That time has now gone by. Now, amidst the lokik, you should be visible as alokik beings. You should appear amidst many others as the avyakt images. This is the transformation. Even whilst being in the midst of someone else’s vibrations you have to make yourself loving and detached. People will not surrender themselves just through your words. How did all of
you surrender yourselves? through internal spiritual love. You crated many subjects, nut you now have to enable other souls to surrender themselves.

This is the service that still remains. You have created few heirs and many subjects. Subjects are created through words, but heirs are created with Godly love and power. So you have to create heirs. The final paper will mark you on how many heirs you created, how many subjects, and in how much time, whether you revealed the father through service till the end, how many times you you were victorious and how many times you failed in your stage from the beginning to the end, and how long did it take you to confront any situation. The full account will be announced. The service done throughout your entire life, the stage of the self, and the proof of service till the end: these three things will be considered.

December 6, 1969

Avyakt BapDada 6th December 1969

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Should one think that all those who have come here today have come prepared to go home? Those who are ever ready are always prepared. As soon as they are called they are able to pack everything and take a high jump. You saw in a practical form how much time baba took to answer the call of the drama, did you not? On the one side you have to pack up everything, and on the other side you have to take a high jump. You saw both these scenes. Why did this happen in the drama? In order to teach you. You will have to be ever ready to this extent. Now the line of those who are ever ready has started. Anyone can claim a number in this line. Whatever is in everyone’s thoughts will never happen. What is to happen will happen suddenly. This custom and system of the Brahmin clan has already begun. There is a very deep secret within the drama, as to why this custom and system has been created. So make such effort in advance so that you are instantly able to pack up and take a high jump.

Wh are the ones who have the power to pack up? Those who have an easy nature. They will also be co-operative with others. Those who have love for all will always receive co-operation from all. This is why they are easily able to confront everything, and to pack up. To the extent that their nature is easy, Maya will confront them less. They are loved by all. Those with an easy nature never have waste thoughts nor is their time wasted. Their intellect remains broad and far-sighted, so no obstacle can confront them. The more there is easiness, the greater the cleanliness. Cleanliness attracts everyone towards itself. Cleanliness means honesty as well as being clean. There will be honesty and cleanliness only when you have an easy nature. Those who have an easy nature can adopt many forms: you can give any form to something that is soft. So, although you have become gold, you must now melt that gold in the fire so that it can be moulded. You have come t o the bhatthi to learn to mould yourself.

The power to mould is one thing, and the other is the power to apply a brake. How much time should you take to mould yourself? Although you know how to mould, you sometimes take a long time. You have to have such thoughts that you don’t take a long time. The moment you have a thought, it should take a practical form. These people attain occult powers, whereas here you attain powers through yoga. You have to learn what the powers of remembrance are. Those who attain success will not have a single waste thought. They will only have successful thoughts. Only when you give value to yourself will others recognise the value of you jewels. Through your forehead, eyes, and mouth, others can know your consciousness, your attitude, your vision, and your words.

The entire knowledge is contained inside the three main picture of the Trimurti, Lakshmi and Narayan, and the Ladder.

Madhuban is the line of fortune. Not just anyone can step inside. BapDada explains to you all that this is the line of love, and BapDada lives within the boundary of this love. No one else can enter, not even if he were to cut off his head. It is not a small thing to receive this love in the corporeal form. As you progress further, when you see others weep for it, then you will have value for it. They will fall at your feet, weeping. They will be thirsty for one drop of love, and will fall at your feet. All of you have merged the ocean of love into yourselves, whereas they will remain thirsty for even one drop. No one else can have the happiness and sweetness of all relationships with which you souls are filled. So within this drama, always keep your elevated fortune in front of you, and you will be reminded about giving a return. Achcha.

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