The Murli

April 5, 1970

Avyakt BapDada 5th April 1970

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Do all of you wish to listen or to become complete? Will you have to listen after you have become complete? First you have to listen and then you have to become complete. You have heard so many points. The essence of all of these points is to become a point. The essence of all points is included in a point. So you have to become the form of a point. A point is extremely subtle and everything is merged within it.

Your main effort at present is to merge the expansion. Those who can merge the expansion become equal to BapDada. You were told previously that you have to merge and pack up. Those who know how to pack up also know how to merge. Which power does a seed have? That of having the expansion of a tree merged within itself. So what effort do you have to make now? To stabilise yourself in the seed stage, that is to merge your expansion. So check this. It is easy to create expansion, but has it become easy to merge it?

You have to bring yourself closer to everyone. It should be just as easy to go beyond sound as it is to come into sound. You have to be fearless and able to merge the expansion in one second. Unity and stability have to be learnt: how to change many different sanskars into one pure sanskar. You have to spend less time on things and speak less, yet there should be greater success. You have to listen to something, become the embodiment of that, and you have to teach this method too.

You have a lot of sense, but now you have to remain within the essence of knowledge. You have to apply the sense in essence. You know the essence don’t you? The essential things of knowledge are the essence.

You have to be light. The one word “light” includes two aspects, lightness and brightness: to be the form of light (jyoti), to be the form of an intense fire, and then to be light and subtle. The task is also included in this: to be a lighthouse. The form is included in light, and the task is also included. In order for you to have awareness of both of these , the sign of this tilak is being applied. You should have intoxication when you see the sign.

What do magicians do? They show something very big, and pack it into something very small. This is magic. So you have to learn the magic of merging the expansion. When you go into expansion, you must make the effort to merge it there and then. Then you will be able to become equal to the father. Baba is called the magician. You have to show such magic. Achcha.

(meeting teachers)

The children are the embodiments of coolness and the embodiments of light. Do you know how to stabilise yourself in being the embodiment of both of these? To be the embodiment of coolness in one moment, and the embodiment of light in the next. When you know how to stabilise yourself in both, then you will have a stable stage.

Those who are detached are much loved. There should be as much love as there is detachment. Those who are detached and loving receive support from BapDada. If you cannot be loved by any particular soul, the reason for that is the nature and sanskars of that souls are not those of detachment. The more experience you have of being detached, the more you will be loved by everyone. You do not have to make effort to be loved, but to be detached. The reward of being detached is to be loved. This is the reward of this time.

This group is also cheerful. What has to be added to that cheerfulness now? How will you become the image that attracts? When your intellect is beyond being attracted by anything, then you will become an image that attracts. The more you become subtle, the more you will be able to attract. Just as when those people go beyond earth into space, they go beyond the pull of the world, so when you go beyond the pull of the old world, you will then become an image that attracts, even against your conscious wish. Even whilst being in the corporeal form, you have to see everyone as subtle.

You receive a lot of power from service. One is the power received through your effort and the other is the power received through serving others. You receive both these powers. How do you receive BapDada’s love? Do you know? The more you become co-operative in Baba’s task, the more love you will receive. Be constantly co-operative and be constantly loved.

How do you receive regard? The more you remain humble, the more you will receive regard. The more you are equal to BapDada the more you will receive regard. You have to become humble and equal to the Father.

What will you have to become in order to grant a vision of BapDada through yourself? You have to make yourself into a mirror. You can only become a mirror when you totally surrender yourself. Total surrender means to surrender even the consciousness of the self.

What must you consider yourself? The special task of kumaris is to grant everyone a vision of BapDada, not just through words, but through their faces. You have to bring about in yourself the specialities that sakar Baba had. This is a special group. You have to become equal to Allah and show everyone.

Because of your being co-operative in service, BapDada also has special love. Together with co-operation and love you now have to fill yourselves with power. You now have to become the embodiment of power. Out of all the powers, which special power does this group have to fill themselves with? Tolerance power. The souls who are fulfilled have the special virtues of fearlessness and contentment. Those who remain content and keep others content automatically have all the virtues within them. The more you become the embodiment of power, the less the weaknesses will remain in front of you. So you must return having become the embodiment of power.

Not just a Brahma Kumari, but sometimes there is a weakness in considering yourself to be a kumari. The embodiment of power has the power to destroy. A shakti is constantly victorious. There is always a garland of victory around the neck of the shaktis. So you must always consider yourself to be a shakti.

The days of becoming subtle are close, and so you have received a lift from the subtle. You have to become equal in both being the embodiment of knowledge and the embodiment of remembrance. When you wish you have to become the embodiment of knowledge, and when you wish you have to become the embodiment of remembrance. You have to become the embodiment of remembrance and remind everyone of Baba.

Am I waiting for time, or is time waiting for me? You must not wait for time. You must keep yourself ever-ready in such a way that the time can come at any moment. You must finish waiting and have everything ready. Be ever-ready in everything, not just in service, but also in effort. Ever-ready in making your sanskars close to those of the Father.

You have special love and therefore Baba is talking of things that will make you special. What are the new flowers and leaves on a tree like? The first ones are old, but those that emerge later are very beautiful. So you have also come late but are very much loved. The ones that come later are very soft. The softer you are the warmer you are. The younger ones are equal to Allah. Whatever actions you perform, so you will be named accordingly. Achcha.

April 2, 1970

Avyakt BapDada 2nd April 1970

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

What do you call yourselves? Master almighty authorities. At present you have very little intoxication of being a master almighty authority, and therefore the practical sparkle of the power of going beyond sound in one second, and coming into sound in once second, is not visible on your face. Only when this practice becomes simple and easy should you think that perfection has come. This is the sign of a perfect stage. All the effort will become easy. Everything is included in effort. The pilgrimage of remembrance, and service, are both included in effort. When you experience both to be easy then you are about attain the stage of perfection. Those who have the stage of perfection will make less effort yet attain greater success.

Today BapDada was checking one special aspect on each one’s face. Baba will see who receives atouching of what BapDada was checking. Since thought readers can check, can master almighty authorities not do that?

Those who just had this bhatthi were not given a paper, and so Baba is giving it today. All of you have passed. One is to pass and the other is to pass with honour. Does the pandav army remain in front of the shaktis? Or are some in front and some at the back? (speaking to the brothers) Are you in front of the shaktis or behind them? Those who wish to race ahead cannot be stopped by anyone. Yes you can be stopped by your own obstruction, but you cannot be stopped by anyone trying to stop you. In fact for the pandavs to remain at the back means to be in the front. Why do you stay at the back? Guards remain at the back, and the guides stay at the front. So the guides are in the front anyway. Pandavs have to remain behind and put the shaktis in the front. You mustn’t become guides, you must become guards. When pandavs become guides there is chaos, and therefore the pandav army has to become guards.

Now BapDada is teching you the study to become master almighty authorities, so that you can easily understand anyone’s stage or thoughts from their face. There wouldn’t be any doubts either. You will be able to know them clearly. This is the final stage of the study. You were shown a little glimpse of that by the sakar form at the end. Those who were with Baba in the sakar form must have noted many such things. In the same way all the children have to have the same stage numberwise. Only when you make your stage like that will everyone clearly see your final form and the future form of all of you from your faces.

Until you become the image that grants visions in the corporeal form, there cannot be any visions. This is why the jewels that are close have to pay attention to all the subjects. The closer you are the clearer you will be, and the clearer others will be in front of you. The more each one’s effort becomes clear, the clearer his reward also becomes. And all others become clear in front of him.

The more content you are, the clearer you will be. And those who are clean and honest are always clear. When there is cleanliness, everything is clearly visible.

You have to pay special attention to four subjects: remembrance, love, co-operation, and tolerance. These four topics were the special subjects of this bhatthi. What result did BapDada give in these four aspects? It is a result that pleases Baba. A little percentage is missing in all four powers being equal. There are all the four powers, but not equally. You passed with seventy-five percent. The missing twenty-five percent is the difference of all four powers being equal. Some especially have one power, and others have another power. When all four powers are equal you can understand that you have become perfect.

BapDada has promised the children that those who maintain courage until the end will definitely receive help from Baba. It will be easy for such courageous children at the end: they will receive help in removing the yoga of the intellect away from everyone else and staying in the remembrance of One.

Until now what was seen as the total result? You know how to become an ‘in-charge’ in the subject of service, but you know very little about how to charge the battery in the subject of remembrance. Do you understand? Children know how to move along with the waves of the ocean, but they don’t know how to go to the bottom. You must practise sometimes moving along with the waves and sometimes being at the bottom of the ocean. The more you take a second and practice this, the more you will become the practical form.

How many lines of effort makes does BapDada have? One is the line of intense effort makers, the second is the line of effort makers, the third is the line of incognito effort makers, and the fourth is the line of those who are slack in effort. Now tell me, which line are you in?

Now the time will come very soon when you will not say the words “don’t know”. We know everything because we are the master almighty authorities. All powers will become equal and then we will become master almighty authorities. You have this much faith in the Father. You also have an intellect that has faith, and so you will be victorious.Victory follows those who have faith in the intellect. They even renounce the thought that they should become victorious. Are you such renunciates who have renounced everything? All relationships? All thoughts? This is the stage of perfection.

BapDada is seeing the stars of victory. Are you in BapDada’s list? Now you have to follow Baba completely in all aspects in a short time. You have to come as close as when someone makes a sound and it reaches you.

You should accept no defamation or praise, and no consciousness of “mine” or “yours”. Only the supreme soul has supreme power. Other souls have power according to their capacity. So you will receive supreme power when you say “Baba”, and you will receive power according to your capacity when you say “I”.

You must remain beyond and have the vision of a detached observer. These were the qualifications of the perfect stage of the sakar form. You have to make your sanskars equal to those. With these virtues you will be able to conquer everyone’s heart. Those who conquer everyone’s heart at the confluence age will become the world emperors in the future. All are included in the world. So you have to sow the seed here and receive the fruit there. Achcha.

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