The Murli

May 29, 1970

Avyakt BapDada 29th May 1970

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

The sign of a close bead coming closer is that that soul will constantly see in front of him his angelic form of light, and his future form. There is the complete form in one eye, and the future form in the other. This will be visible as clearly as you experience your present form. Whilst sitting, there will be the experience that you are not sitting here, but are sitting in that perfect form. This body that is making effort will become totally merged, and those two forms will emerge on either side. When you yourself have this experience, others will also have this experience. You will experience it in the same way that you take off one garment and put on another. This one will merge and that one will emerge. You will forget this one.

There is also will power in this stage. You receive will power and you also have the experience that you have already willed everything over. Everything will be willed, including your thoughts. There will be the stage of being equal to the father. Being equal and being complete are the same thing.

When you are in the avyakt form, you receive help in every respect. Achcha.

To be able to read someone’s thoughts is also a sign of perfection. The more you stabilise yourself in avyakt feelings, the more you will understand the feelings of everyone else. The avyakt stage is a mirror. The more avyakt your stage, the clearer and more powerful the mirror.

Be easy and simple. Be tolerant. Change the ordinary into the elevated. Success is your birthright.The closer you come to one another, the closer success will be. Have regard for one another. In giving regard you will receive it.

Transform your language. Even when someone’s ideas are not clear, you must never say ‘no’. Say ‘ yes’ and accordingly in satyug your subjects will say ‘yes’ to you. If you say ‘no’, then your subjects there will salute you from a distance. To say ‘yes’ to others is the easy way to make their sanskars easy.

Whatever actions you now perform are becoming a law for the future. So each word must emerge only after careful consideration.

Until now if you catch hold of one thing you let go of another. Sometimes you catch hold of the systems and let go of the laws, and sometimes you catch hold of the laws and let go of the systems. Because you forget the Law-maker, you let go of one of the things. By remembering the Law-maker you are able to maintain both the laws and the systems. When both remain together, success will become the garland around your neck. Achcha.

May 28, 1970

Avyakt BapDada 28th May 1970

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

(to kumaris)

The moment you maintain courage, Maya starts to oppose you. So you have to have courage in advance. You have to take a high jump. You will need lightness internally and externally, to be able to take a high jump. You have to be so light that you are able to mix wherever you go. You have to be able to face every situation.

Some are those who finish all problems, whereas others are those who become a problem.

You must keep the drums of destruction in front of you, and also keep the scenes of your kingdom. You must keep both destruction, and the establishment, in your intellect.

You have to become an image that destroys any devilish sanskars in one second. You have to check that you do not create a creation when you should be destroying something, and that you do not destroy anything where you should be creating. You must not be Shankar where you have to be Brahma. You have headr the story about when Shankar performed a wrong task, cockroaches and scorpions were created. So here also, if you create a wrong creation instead of destroying something, there will be the scorpions and cockroaches of wasteful thinking. You must not create anything which would sting you and sting others.

Young ones can go a lot faster. You young kumaris are the long lost and now found children.

Birds eat up the small tender leaves: they enjoy eating the leaves because they are tender. Therefore you must be careful. Once you have surrendered yourself to One, you mustn’t allow yourself to be surrendered to anyone else, even in thought Thoughts can be very deceptive.

You have to decorate yourself with success. From your eyes, from your mouth, from your forehead, only the embodiment of success should be visible. Even your thoughts should be of success. Success is your birthright.

May 21, 1970

Avyakt BapDada 21st May 1970

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

When you say “Baba, Baba”, Maya runs away. When you say “I, I”, Maya kills you. You have to change your language in every respect. Always keep the shield of “Baba, Baba’ with you. Any obstacle that comes will be finished by that shield.

The easier and simpler someone is, the more easily he can stay in remembrance. Who can remain simple and easy? The clearer someone is in every aspect, that is the more honest he is, the more simple and easy he will be. The easier and simpler he is, the more he will be able to stay in remembrance, and the more he will be able to make others into easy effort-makers. His creation will have the same sanskars as him.

You have to make all tasks elevated. With easiness, simplicity, and tolerance in your thoughts, words and actions, every task becomes elevated. Easiness and tolerance have to go together hand in hand. Easiness without tolerance is called innocence. Easiness with tolerance is power. Shaktis have to have both the virtues of easiness and tolerance. There has to be balance between the two. You have to have sweetness and be the embodiment of power. The images of the deities have as much coolness as they are the embodiment of fire. Their task is that of a fire, and their face is cool. This is the final stage.

What is the give and take between Brahmins. To give love and to receive love. By giving and receiving love you also receive the Father’s love, and this is how those who have love come close. The more you remain bodiless, the more loving you will be.

You must not have any thoughts of weakness, even in your dreams. These weaknesses are from many births and you have to finish all weaknesses in this birth. Never say “I cannot do this”. You can do anything. Nothing is impossible. You should experience difficult things to be easy. You have to become master almighty authorities, the ones with all powers. Not even one power should be lacking.

Whenever you are alone, always think that you have company, that Shiv Baba is with you, and you will not be lonely. You must definitely practice having company, even whilst living alone. And whilst living with others, let there be the practice of being alone. You should be able to live with others and also live alone. To be alone means to be detached, and to be in a gathering means to be loving. You have to be detached as well as loving. Externally you have to be on your own, and internally you have to have that Company. When you have external company, you forget to be alone.

Those who stay in the consciousness of being a soul in the centre of the forehead for a long period are very few. Very few remain in the forehead, and many remain in the heart. Everyone’s vision goes first to the forehead, and so you have to become jewels of the forehead.

Never say ‘sometime’, but say ‘now’. Never say ‘I will see’ but say ‘ I will do it now’.

You will become complete with all the virtues in the future anyway, but now you have to become complete with all the powers. The more you become complete with all the powers, the more you will be complete with all virtues. You need a balance in the powers of love, relationships, co-operation, and tolerance. Those who are courageous receive help. You cannot receive help by asking for it. You have to maintain courage. Constantly remain courageous and you will automatically receive help from BapDada and the divine family.

You must be the embodiment of love and also the embodiment of power. There is a need for both love and power. You become victorious through power, and you come into relationship with others through love. All of you are lucky stars anyway, but now you have to consider yourselves the stars of success. Those who do not have any desire of instant fruit attain success. Achcha.

May 14, 1970

Avyakt BapDada 14th May 1970

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba has brought a gift from the subtle region. Tel me do you know what gift I have brought? In the avyakt form, even the gift would be avyakt. Today I have brought a mirror from the subtle region. Why has Baba brought a mirror? Baba has brought a mirror to see the face of everyone who is to be surrendered and to show it to everyone else.

Have all of you surrendered? Have you surrendered your body consciousness? Have you just surrendered or have you TOTALLY surrendered? Have you surrendered your relationships? Have you surrendered your nature? The surrender of the body is the surrender of attachment to the physical senses.

There should be four aspects constantly be in front of you: the aim of your life, BapDada’s directions, the message, and your original home. It is now time to return home.

BapDada is giving the children a new AUTHOR: BapDada TITLE: the Law-makers. You are the creators of all the laws that will exist in satyug. Just think that whatever step you are taking, it is becoming a law. This is why you must not perform any wrong actions. Whatever thoughts you have, whatever steps you take, the entire world will follow you. Your subjects will follow all of you. When you consider yourselves to be responsible in this way, all little things will automatically be finished. Although all of you are law-makers, there is a number in this too.

The Confluence Age is the time to sow the seed for every divine system and custom. The seed of everything is sown through the seed form. All of you must help in sowing this seed. All the systems are created by Brahmins. You are instruments for such a huge task. Are you ever-ready?

Do you know how many types of customs and systems there are? One is through the Brahmins, the second is through the court, and the third is in the temple by the guru. The seed for all three is sown here in one form or another. Madhuban is a temple: it is a living temple. The marriage of the soul with the supreme soul takes place in this temple. Together with that the system of a court begins here: they make a promise in front of you, so this is a court, isn’t it? All three systems take place at the Confluence Age in an alokik way, and their memorials continue in a physical way. Achcha.

You must remain egoless and remember that you have a right. And you must be a benefactor: no matter how much someone disregards you, your vision and attitude must be of bringing benefit. Then this crown and throne will remain eternal. Achcha.

If you remain combined with BapDada, Maya will not be able to attack you. In order to defeat you, Maya first separates you from the Father, and then attacks you. So you know the tactics of Maya.

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