The Murli

December 31, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is watching both the present and future forms of the children. He sees them in both the forms of present world benefactors and future world rulers. Just as you are world benefactors now, so in future you will also be world rulers. In order to achieve these rights you need the power of self transformation, from the hours of nectar through until midnight.

The first transformation from the moment you open your eyes should be “I am a soul and not this body”. The routine for the whole day is based on this very first thought. If there is no transformation in the first thought then throughout the day you will not be successful on becoming the authority over the self let alone world benefactor. It is at the beginning of the world cycle that divine souls descend from the brahm element to play their roles, and similarly it is at the beginning that there is the hour of nectar each day. So when you awake, your first thought should be “I, the Brahmin soul, have come to meet BapDada.” This very powerful thought will be the basis for elevated thoughts, words, and actions.

So the first transformation is “who am I”, and the second transformation is “to whom do I belong, with whom do I have all relationships, from whom do I receive all achievements?”. This transformation is called easy remembrance or easy yoga.

After the early hours of nectar, always have the thought that “this body is my temple, the living temple of I, the living image. Now I am adorning my temple. In this temple resides the most beloved idol of BapDada. BapDada himeself is chanting the rosary of praises of this idol”. Think “I am not an ordinary student, and this is not an ordinary study. My study is the supreme directions of the supreme Father, and each word of this study gives an income of millions”. If one word is missed, the status and achievements of many lives in the future will be less. Think “God is speaking to me and I am listening”. These are the highest thoughts to bring about transformation. During class you must imbibe these thoughts and become the embodiment of them. Don’t look at the one who is reading the versions, but at the one whose versions are being spoken. See the incorporeal Father, and the subtle father.

After study, comes the part of service, whether in the family, business, or in Godly service.

In relationship with the lokic family, continue to serve them and emerge the though that “I have died alive, so all my karmic bondages are over”. Now, instead of the relationship of karmic bondages, there is the relationship of service. Remember that souls are of various type and that you are serving them, and you should not have hatred or disrespect for them, or the though that they are extremely dirty, vicious souls. Be a merciful benefactor. If you continue to serve such hopeless cases you will be widely praised as a peace maker. Be careful not to become attached whilst serving: the relationship of service is detachment, renunciation, and deep meditation. These are the qualities of a true server.

In the same way, whilst in business, aim to sustain the soul, not just the body. Don’t forget to nourish the soul through remembrance, whilst earning your income for the body. There should be the balance of sustaining body and soul. Otherwise dealings with people will be transformed into the web of Maya. If you get entangled in this web, then you will get more and more trapped. The lokik physical work should be converted into karma yoga. Actions should be benevolent. So do action on behalf of the supreme Father, following the supreme directions, whilst at the same time having dealings with others: “I am dealing with others for the sake of God”. Earn a double income, through body and mind.

Similarly, on the field of Godly service, always remember the mantra “I am the instrument soul and Baba is working through me. I am acting upon supreme directions”. Be humble while engaged in the work of establishment. Never let there be any attraction to the scenes of the old world, or to the means of limited happiness. That would be like building on a foundation of sand: the house will shake violently and there will be confusion. These means of comfort are perishable, whilst meditation is imperishable. Imperishable meditation cannot be founded upon perishable and temporary means. Meditation is the basis for establishment, so give importance to meditation, and not these physical means. Meditation will lead you to your perfect achievements. So now forget these attractive things: on seeing each physical object or on hearing worldly things, or watching physical scenes, convert them into alokik spiritual things. Take knowledge from everything, but don’t just become involved at the level of words or the surface level of things, but go into the depth of knowledge.

Achcha, what else remains? Sleep. Sleep in the world of gold. Convert sleep as well. Don’t sleep in bed but sleep in remembrance in the lap or God the Father. Go to the world of angels in your dreams.

So right from the very beginning until the very end, bring about transformation. The gift for the new year is the power to transform. With the lift of this gift, the time of world transformation will be brought closer by you. Everyone says “happy new year” but BapDada wants to see something new in the new year. In the new year be ever fast effort makers, with new sanskars, new nature, new enthusiasm and new spirit. Have the thought to make this world new again. Always have the highest thought to give blessings of mukti and jeevanmukti to all souls.

So congratulations and thanks in advance, for leaving behind old sanskars, old activity, and old behaviour, and for bringing this newness to all.

Achcha, to those who through the power of transformation, in every action, every second, bring about self transformation and world transformation; those who make everything golden and new in each thought, word and action; those who make everything the highest, who in the new year show miracles in themselves and in the world, who consider things formerly impossible as now possible for the self and the world; to such eternal embodiments of success, the highest elevated souls, to such living images, BapDada’s love and remembrance, and good morning from the Mother and the Father, namaste.

December 26, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 26th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing the tilak on the foreheads of the children: the tilak of being stable in remembrance, which is the sign of the Raja Yogi, and the tilak of the ruler, which is the sign of the authority of world sovereignity. Do you see your own tilak?

On the forehead of some Raja Yogis there is a tilak of three dots, others have two dots, and some only one dot. In fact, knowledgable Baba has given a tilak of three dots signifying three froms of consciousness. In memorial to these three forms of remembrance they show the trident. The three forms of remembrance, or forms of consciousness, are: remembrance of self, remembrance of Baba, and remembrance of the knowledge of the drama. These three aspects contain the complete knowledge. First there is the seed (Baba), and then the two leaves (knowledge of the soul and of the drama), and then from that the complete tree emerges. On the basis of these three remembrances, the soul becomes the conqueror of Maya and of the world. If even one limb of the trident is damaged, it becomes useless as a weapon.

So, those who are completely victorious have the three dots signifying the three remembrances. But some are wearing only two or one dot: there is not the constant remembrance of the three forms at the same time. There are some very good children who wear the three dots constantly. Their tilaks become indelible when they become the embodiment of remembrance. Maya cannot destroy that which is imperishable.

To have the three dots of remembrance means to have total power. In front of this power all the wasteful forms of Maya finish, and the five forms of Maya take on the form of five maids, five servants. Their appearance will be transformed. The vice of lust is transformed into pure desire, and becomes your ally. Anger is transformed into tolerance through spiritual intoxication, and instead of burning you , it will burn your sins. Greed is transformed into giving, through unlimited detachment and distaste, and you become a constant bestower. Attachment is transformed into love. Arrogance, the consciousness of the body, is transformed into self respect and humility, the consciousness of the true self.

So the vices are transformed into your own most elevated powers, on the basis of the three remembrances. The one who is victorious puts the others into a state of bondage, that is they become slaves. So, now you are becoming victorious and conquering the five vices, do not tie them up and keep them in your bondage, otherwise they will still erupt within. Transform them completely, giving them a form which co-operates with you, and they will constantly salute you.

After self transformation, world transformation will take place easily.

Achcha, to those souls who wear the tilak of being Raja Yogis, who have the tilak of future sovereignity; those on whose forehead the three remembrances always remain powerful; those who with their elevated power, make even Maya co-operative; those who are conquerors of Maya, and conquerors of the world; those who have all powers as their weapons.. to such elevated souls who constantly carry their weapons, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

December 24, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 24th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is smiling as he sees every child because BapDada knows the every child is the most elevated soul. Each child is the light of the world, that is, the light FOR the world. They are the stars of BapDada’s eyes. Baba merges each child in his eyes. Eyes are greatly praised, and if there are no eyes then it as though the human being is without life. In the same way that the eyes have great importance for the body, so to each of you children serves as the eyes of the world. Without you, the light of the world, the sight of the world, the world has no value. When you eyes of the world are stable in your true consciousness the world is filled with happiness and becomes elevated. And when the eyes of the world descend from their elevated stage of consciousness, then the world also becomes tasteless.

So much depends on all of you. There is an expression that when you awaken then the world awakens, and when you sleep then the world also sleeps. So in this way you are the image of support for the world. Through your upliftment there is upliftment for all. Through your descent the whole world descends. There is so much responsibility on each one of you. Do you move in the consciousness of this? Does this remembrance remain?

BapDada is seeing the present stage of each child… the extent to which the eyes of the world are bringing light to the world. If the light itself is flickering, then what will be the state of the world? If you are in upheaval, then what about the other souls? The vision of everyone is on you, the stars of the world, the light of the world.

What is everyone waiting for? On the path of devotion it is said that Shankar opened his eye and the world was transformed. In fact this praise belongs to the children of Shiva, the eyes of the world. The eyes of the world reach their own stage of completion when the eye of perfection opens. Then there will be transformation in one second. So, eyes of the world, tell me, when will the eye of perfection open?

The eye is open, but from time to time the dust of Maya enters it and so the eye flickers, and drishti cannot be given with stability. The entire world is waiting to take a vision of one second from you eyes of the world. They are waiting for the moment when the special deities cast their vision upon them. With vision they will be able to go across. So if those who are responsible for taking others across, with their drishti, are still rubbing their eyes, how can they fulfil their task? There is a long queue of those who are waiting for a vision to go across, so let the eye of perfection be opened.

BapDada is seeing a wonderful scene of the eyes of the world, but the eyes of the world are not even able to stabilise their own eyes. Sometimes they tend to nod off whilst taking others across. How can those who are nodding off take others across? Your devotees are watching you, yet the image which grants a vision becomes drowsy! What will happen to the devotees? Now you must stop rubbing your eyes and nodding off. Only then can you become the image which grants a vision.

In the early morning hours of nectar, Baba sees the eyes of the world and sees whether they are stable or shaking. Numerous different forms are witnessed. You all know of these and so what is the point of mentioning them again? Finish the past. Now, by constantly remembering the task and your own importance, remain as the eternal flame. Through self transformation you can achieve world transformation. Practice this. Now be a karma yogi, and now reach your karmateet stage.

In the old world they give the example of your creation, the tortoise, which is able to merge everything in one second. If even your creation has the power to merge, can you the master creator, who also has the power to merge, not merge all your thoughts in one second and stabilise them in one pure thought? Even whilst there is upheaval and difficulties all around, become steady in the midst of that within one second. Do you know how to put a full stop? A full stop is so easy that even a child can apply it. A child cannot place a question mart, but he can apply a full stop. The upheaval will increase in this present period, but let matter be in upheaval, and let the masters of matter be stable.

Now there are tiny papers which come to you, but in the final paper the five elements will take on a fearsome form. On the one hand there will be a fearsome form of matter, an on the other the five vices coming as a final pull will also take on the most fearsome form. They will come to test themselves in this final war. From the third direction there will come various kinds of souls. On the one hand, the war with impure souls, and on the other, the various calls of the devotee.

What about the fourth direction?… There will be old sanskars. They will also take their chance in the final period. They will have one last war and then bid farewell for good. In which form will those sanskars come? For some they will come as physical illness, and for others as the bondage of karmic relationships. For some they will come as wasteful thoughts, and for others, in particular, as carelessness and laziness. So there will be upheaval from all directions. Political, religious, and scientific authorities, will all witness some form of upheaval in their authority.

Will you be able to apply a full stop and merge all question marks at this time? Will you experience such power that you can merge all things so that even as you see, you don’t see, even as you hear, you don’t hear? Whilst seeing the upheaval in matter, become the master of matter and make matter peaceful also. Through your own stage of “full stop” stop the upheaval in matter. Now practice changing the tamoguni (degraded) into the satoguni (purest) stage. You are invoking such a time are you not? So accumulate to a great extent this power to merge all things within yourself. For this, practice is necessary.

One moment corporeal, the next subtle, and the next incorporeal. Stability in these three stages should be as easy as stability in the corporeal form. In the same way that you change your dress in the corporeal, so you should be able to transform your stage of consciousness into the subtle and incorporeal stages. Renounce the consciousness of the corporeal form, and adopt the consciousness of the subtle angel. In this way adopt the dress of an angel in one second.

Are you unable to change your dress? Only through practice over a long period of time will you be able to pass at the last moment. Are you ever-ready for the fearsome form that time will adopt? Or will you wait until the end and then prepare? No date will be given. Otherwise, instead of becoming soul conscious you would become date conscious, and would not be able to pass fully. This is why the date will not be disclosed. That date will touch everyone’s intellect automatically, and there will be the experience that the future is clearly visible in advance, just as a scene is clearly visible to the eyes. But for this the eyes of the world must have their eyes open constantly. If there is the dust of Maya they will not be able to see clearly.

So now practice changing your dress.

Achcha, to those souls who fulfil all of BapDada’s thoughts, those who fulfil the purest desires that burn like flames; those who constantly apply a full stop; those who are ever ready; those who practice being powerful over matter over a long period of time; those who with self transformation also transform the world; BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

(to foreigners)

The foreign lands must do their work instantly. Those abroad have made good effort, the jewellery has been prepared. But what must be done now? Now the diamonds must be set in the jewellery: those who are to claim the parts of hero and heroine must appear.

December 19, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing those children who are natural yogis, the co-operative children whose very name is “servant of God”. On seeing such children Baba smiles. The servant of God is the one who is ever-present on the service which the Father has given. Such children constantly have the special intoxication that “we are engaged on service given us by God himself”. Whilst performing the task, the one whose task it is could not be forgotten. If the president directed you to do a task, you forget neither the president nor the task, so when the highest on high has given you a task, how can you forget him?

On the path of devotion they say, without understanding, that the Father makes every leaf move. But you understand the meaning of this. Baba does not make leaves move: all of that is happening according to drama. So this praise does not refer to physical leaves, but to those who are the first leaves of the kalpa tree. At the Confluence Age, all of you are the Golden Aged leaves that have been changed by Baba from iron into divine beings. At this time Baba is making these living leaves move. Baba’s directions are: let every thought come from Baba so that there is equality with baba in each one. Let every word be equal to Baba, let every action be equal to Baba. In other words, let all thoughts progress only on the basis of srimat.
At the present moment, all of you leaves are being moved continually by Baba’s srimat. He is making the leaves move, or progress. Any thoughts other than srimat are wasteful.

So this praise does not belong to the period of devotion, but rather to the confluence period. When it is the Father’s task to move you, then why does it seem so difficult? When Baba has taken the total burden, then why are you not flying constantly? The which is light remains constantly above, constantly flying. Be so light that every thought moves only when Baba makes it. The promise of each one is that we will move only as you make us, and Baba’s guarantee is that “I will make you move”. Have you given only the body or have you given the mind as well? You have promised that intellect and body together will sit only where Baba makes you sit, will move only as He makes you, will do only that which he inspires, will eat that alone which he eats. The food for the intellect is pure thoughts, so why do you consume the food of wasteful thoughts? Just as you would not eat unclean, impure food through the mouth, so too how could you eat wasteful thoughts, the unclean food of impure thoughts, with the intellect? This is tantamount to the promise “I will eat only that which makes me sick”.

Your speech an actions must be equal, so remember this promise for the mind and intellect, and then you will become easy natural yogis. “Baba has said it and so it must be done”! Do not take the burden on yourself. Be light from the burden of the thoughts “how can it be done?”, “how ill I be able to move?”. These thoughts will stop you from reaching the highest stage of consciousness. So even in thoughts, allow them to move only according to Srimat, and you will be saved from labour.

Baba sees the various postures of the children as they labour. There is an automatic camera. The scientists have copied everything from the subtle regions. Come into the subtle regions and see what kind of equipment there is there. You will fond whatever kind of equipment you require there. You say to Baba “call us there” and Baba replies “do you only want to visit the subtle regions, or do you want to live there?” (“we will come there on trial”) Do you have some doubts, that you want a trial?… Brahma Baba is waiting simply to call you there, so why don’t you become complete and go there?

To become complete is very easy, but since the copper age there has been the sanskar of mixing everything. This mixing has been present in worship, where the face and tail of a monkey has been attached to the deities. In the scriptures also the biography of a child has been confused with the biography of Baba. In the household impurity has been mixed into the pure family life of the householder so that now the dictates of the mind are mixed in with srimat. Just as pure gold becomes heavy when alloy is added, in the same way when dictates of the mind are mixed in with srimat, then there is heaviness and it seems like labour to move. So do not mix anything into srimat. Remain light and you will be able to see all the scenes of the subtle region very clearly, even whilst living here in this world. Simply ensure that the power of your thoughts, that is the power of the mind and intellect, is free from the dictates of the self. The mind has a strong habit of moving by itself. You try to stabilise it, yet still it moves, and so then there is labour.

What is the method to prevent the mind from moving? Just as in today’s world if here is something you can’t control, if someone is causing distress or chaos, or becomes crazy, they inject them so that they become peaceful and still. In the same way, if you are unable to control the power of your thoughts, give yourself an injection of being bodiless. Sit down with Baba and the power of your thoughts will not jump wastefully. Do you not even know how to sit down? The only task that has been given to you is to sit, nothing else.

Now you can understand how easy it is. You hand over the reins of the intellect, but then again you take them back. This is why the mind is given wasteful labour. When Baba sees the labour of the children he feels pity. So liberate yourself from wasteful labour.

Baba says: let every soul sit comfortably on the throne with Baba constantly. You can then order the physical and subtle powers, that is the physical senses together with the mind and intellect. The subtle powers can all be ordered to move accurately. If you are seated on the throne then your orders will be obeyed. But if you leave the throne and then try to give orders, the senses will not obey.

Nowadays even the chair of thorns is in upheaval, and you are being offered a throne. So why do you leave that throne? To step down from the throne means to become a servant, the servant of the sense organs which should be your servants. This is why there is then labour.

Become a Godly servant, one who serves God. Do not become a servant. If you are seated on the throne then you can do Godly service. There is never any need to come down. Baba wants you to sit with him, but what do you do? Instead of becoming the wife of the lord and master, you become the slave. So become the true wife of the lord and master. Do not be a slave. Always keep yourself safe by remaining behind a veil so that no one’s vision fall on you. Seat yourself behind that curtain with the lord and master so that you are safe from Maya. All the slaves will be present in front of you to serve you. As from today, step away from labour and constantly be a natural yogi by sitting on the throne with Baba.

Achcha, to those who are constantly servers of God, constantly liberated from labour; to those whose every thought and action is accurate, those whose thoughts and actions are always equal; to such children who are constantly Baba’s companions, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

December 17, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the gathering of hold swans was being seen, the gathering of spiritual swans from all corners. Holy swans always imbibe jewels of knowledge and inspire others to do the same. The food of swans is always valuable pearls, and so you imbibe jewels of knowledge right through from the early hours of nectar when the spiritual meeting takes place and when there is a heart to heart conversation. Along with this you also imbibe the various powers which enable you to churn these jewels of knowledge throughout the day and to bring them into practical life so that others are inspired to do likewise. During the early morning hours of nectar there is power to experience the meeting, power to imbibe, and power to catch the pure thoughts and special inspiration which Baba is giving daily. These powers are most essential.

During the early morning hours of nectar each one becomes, according to his own capacity, the image of imbibing, and the image of experience. At that time in particular BapDada is the Innocent Lord who is filling the treasure stores of all his special children. He adopts the form of Bestower and of complete love in all relationships, and he fills your apron with treasures. Any method or attainment that you desire is readily available at that time. On the basis of one second’s experience in the early morning, you become the image of experience and attain everything throughout the entire day and night. At that time BapDada is free to talk to each one until their heart is content… to listen to their requests… to erase their weaknesses… to forgive numerous forms of sin.. to watch the love and the mischief of the children. He is free for anything. At that time the meeting is unofficial and he is there as the i
Innocent Lord bestowing all treasures.

However, even though there is such a golden chance available, some step aside and watch others take advantage of the opportunity. Maya interferes at that time with the game of offering many excuses to tempt you children.. just a s a juggler attracts the attention of many people with his tricks, so too Maya sways children with numerous forms of carelessness, laziness, and excuses in the form of wasteful thoughts. This is how the golden chance is lost. And then because the the time of easy attainment has been squandered, the foundation for the whole day is weak, and there is little return for much labour. Tiredness and hopelessness are experienced. Weak thoughts come. Because the attainment of the present is renounced, the eyes go to the future. So always keep a list of the present attainments with you, so there is happiness in the heart instead of hoplessness. Experience the present, don’t ignore it. Learn to recognise the juggling of Maya. Maya appeases you with numerous excuses so that you are unable to sit and play with Baba, that is you are unable to adopt the easy way. Instead of taking that which is available in the form of blessings, you begin to labour for it.

So recognise the value of the early morning hours as a time of attainment. Take full benefit from this time. Become the master and take your right. The games of Maya are only a side scene, so don’t stop for them. Come and sit down and surrender the mind and intellect to Baba. As soon as your eyes open, jump up within one second and sit down with Baba. Claim your throne. Claim the consciousness of your golden stage. This is the time for easy effort and this is the easy method. Do why renounce that which is easy and go instead to that which is difficult. Finish all traces of this word “difficult”. Only then can you finish the difficulties of the world.

Achcha, to such souls who have claimed the throne, who constantly win the games with Maya; those who understand the significance of all of Baba’s secrets; those who have changed the word “labour” into “love”, and those who change hopelessness in the heart to happiness in the heart, and who thus bring happiness into the world; to such souls who are constantly with Baba, to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

December 15, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 15th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing his infinitely fortunate children. He smiles because each is an invaluable jewel in the showcase of the world. Each jewel has a different value and recognises its own capacity. However BapDada sees all children constantly in their complete stage. Baba sees the present angelic form, the future deity form, and the worship-worthy form in the middle of the cycle. Baba sees each jewel in its original, middle, and final stages, and recognises the vale of each as one out of multi-millions, one of the lucky handful.

Do you recognise yourself to be this?

See the contrast of yourselves on the one hand, and on the other the millions of souls in the world. For each one of you the future is more elevated than for all the others.

Do you have this intoxication constantly? Even today the devotees are worshipping your worship worthy deity form. They go in front of non-living images and invoke the living deities. They call out to you: “come and liberate us from our sorrow and peacelessness!”. Can you hear the cries of the devotees and of your future subjects?

Seeing the political upheaval today, people are remembering Ramraj, that is the heaven of Sat Yuga, and are remembering the days when you world emperors and empresses ruled. They desire the return of such a kingdom. In Ramraj you will have the authority to rule in conjunction with your Father. Your subjects are invoking you to re-establish that kingdom once more.

Aren’t you most elevated souls able to hear this? All are crying out, some because of hunger, some because of physical disease, some because of mental anxiety, some because of inflation, some because of taxation, and some because of household problems. Others are crying out because their chairs are shaking, and some politicians are crying out because of the fear they have of one another. Even the small children are crying out because of the burden of their studies. All are crying out, from the very youngest to the very oldest.

Are these cries reaching your ears? At this time, are you towers of peace like Baba? The vision of all is being drawn towards the tower of peace. All are waiting to hear the cries of victory which must follow the cries of distress. So….. all you towers of peace must tell me when there will be the cries of victory. BapDada has kept you children as his responsible instruments in the corporeal form, and so when will you corporeal angels take on your incorporeal form to remove all the sorrows of the world, and to create the land of happiness? Are you ready for this?

“Foreigners” are “last going fast”, and so when will you bring salvation to all with such speed? Are you ever-ready?…. BapDada is signalling to all his children.

Are the shaktis worshipped most? There are two places where there are very long queues, one in front of Hanuman who is the memorial of the pandavs, and the other in front of the shaktis, particularly Vaishnu Devi. Very long queues form in front of both, and today they are getting longer. It is you who give all the devotees the fruit of their devotion. So recognise yourselves as master bestowers of liberation and salvation, and distribute this prasad (holy food) to all devotees. Do you know how to distribute this holy offering? You are well practised at distributing toli, but now you must distribute this holy offering also.

Achcha… today Baba has come particularly to meet the foreigners. You have heard what the scene was during the early morning hours of nectar. On the one hand there were the cries, and on the other, the requirement for external force to get things done. It is as though nothing is being done naturally, but rather some force is being applied, as though wheels are being attached to everything in order to keep them moving in an artificial way. In the present climate, unless there are wheels attached, nothing gets done. This is the news of today’s world. Some are crying out, and others are applying external forces.

Baba has searched for and found his own children in distant lands. Did you ever imagine even in your dreams that you would find such a Father after having been separated for so long? Baba has selected his children from all corners of the world and brought them together in the bouquet of this one family. And so all of you who have come from a variety of places are now “variety flowers”, part of the total bouquet of the Brahmin family. According to drama, double foreign children have been given a special lift on the basis of which those who have come last are going ahead very fast. Which is the gift that is giving all of you a lift?

The speciality of the foreigners, that is the special lift that has been given to the foreigners, is that having experienced all the resources available abroad which offer happiness, all have now wearied of these. Meanwhile for the people of Bharat this period is only just beginning. The foreigners have already experienced all the resources which bring limited happiness, and it is as though their appetite has already been satisfied. When these resources are placed in front of them now, there is no pull whatsoever. Having already experienced the materials and equipment which offer limited happiness, their hearts are contented and satisfied. And so they are able to renounce all this very easily, and experience that the support they seek is found through the meeting with the one Baba and no other. There is certainly renunciation, but that renunciation takes place after the appetite has been satisfied. The foreigners have the lift that even before they encountered this knowledge, their intellects had moved away from all of these things, and an atmosphere had been created in which all were searching for some support. For the people of Bharat it takes effort to renounce all these things, but for foreigners there is no effort at all in renouncing. Renunciation is simple. For the people of Bharat, renunciation breaks their heart, whereas for the foreigners, with one wave of the hand, they renounce everything at a stroke, and leave it all behind.

Secondly it is the nature of the foreigners that “I should do whatever is in the mind”. They don’t stop to think “what will happen?” or “what will others say?”. They have already crossed the boundaries of social convention and so are able to make fast progress, more easily and naturally than the people of Bharat. The people of Bharat are more concerned with the bondages of the social conventions of the world, whereas for “double foreigners” the bondage of social customs and systems has already been broken.

Thirdly, half of their relationships have already been broken, and so in this way those who have come last are able to go fast.

Do you understand?… according to drama, these are the features and specialities which the foreigners have carried over from the path of ignorance. And according to drama these sanskars are also the means by which there can be quick transformation taking place. And so for foreigners it is easy.

Foreigners are clever in destroying all attachments. Even the Indians living abroad have been influenced by the atmosphere of foreign lands. The “foreigners” are clever when it comes to taking a high jump. Do you understand the speciality of the foreigners?

Achcha, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

December 12, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing all of his children in their special decorated form. The decorated form of each, bearing the various symbols, is a very beautiful sight. Have you seen yourself in this way? Which are the symbols that you are carrying? Each child was seen seated beneath a very beautiful canopy which was protecting them from being troubled by matter and Maya. Many devices for spiritual protection were visible, so that not even the most subtle vibrations could infiltrate the canopy.

First there were those wearing the crown of responsibility in service, those engaged in world benefit. Then the crown of light, gained through attaining complete purity. The double crown was very beautiful. The crown of light was radiating all around, to the extent in which there was purity in thought word and action. In this, all were numberwise. Similarly with the crown of responsibility, the size and radiance also varied: some had the light of ten powers, whilst others had the light of a thousand.

The variations in the crowns were also apparent in the canopies. in some cases the canopies were so large that all tasks could be carried out under their protection. For some the canopy was so unlimited that they were even able to throughout the world and yet remain under its protection. But for others the canopy was limited in size: those were the ones who had made remembrance into a discipline to be performed at fixed times. They would have remembrance for four hours or for eight hours, and in this way would transform the remembrance of the unlimited Father into a limited activity. They had fixed a set time to experience a relationship which is eternal, and had thus made that relationship into a temporary one. They had brought remembrance of the unlimited into limitation. Sometimes there would be a relationship with Baba, and sometimes a relationship with human beings. Sometimes there would be a relationship with possessions, sometimes with old sanskaras or with the former nature of the self. At the time of receiving there was generosity in the heart, but at the time of giving there would sometimes be “economy”. At the time of receiving they do not say “just a little for the time being”, but at the time of giving they say “it will happen gradually…”. With great cleverness they raise Baba’s hopes with the words “yes we shall become complete”. But if you are claiming the right to receive in one second, you should equally be generous at the time of giving. Those whose remembrance is constantly limited were seen under their canopies, but the effects of the vibrations and atmosphere of Maya, together with the battling with matter, sanskars, and other human beings, were also being experienced. Had their remembrance been unlimited, they would have experienced continual safety under their canopies.

Next, all were seen sitting on their thrones. You know which throne: the throne of Baba’s heart. However the heart throne is such a pure place that only the one who is pure constantly can sit on it eternally. Baba does not send anyone away from the throne of his heart, but they themselves climb down from it. It is Baba’s wish that all of his children should be seated on the throne eternally. But according to the operations of the law of karma, only those children who constantly follow the Father are able to sit on the throne eternally. If there has been impurity, or disciplines have been broken, even in thought, then they step down from the throne, and experience either realisation or repentance. If the misdeed is sinful, there will be the stage of repentance; and if the misdeed is wasteful, there will be the stage of realisation. The repetition of wasteful thoughts gradually brings realisation that “I should not be allowing these”. Then the thought “this is wrong” pricks like a thorn. Realisation and repentance prevent the soul from enjoying the intoxication of the stage of being seated on the Throne.

The first stage then is to be seated on the Throne. The second stage is when, after something has happened, there is the realisation that even the Thrones are “numberwise”. Seeing that something is about to happen, that a storm is brewing, some check in advance, and finish that thing off. Other realise it is happening during the event. Others only realise after the event has taken place. So the second stage is that of realisation. The third stage is repentance, and all are “numberwise” in this also. Some repent, but at the time, lack the power to reform. What should the do? There should be a special vow, or discipline observed for the self, so they are able to transform their thought patterns. Through your thought patterns the future of the entire world will be changed. The special vows which you take will cause the same pure thoughts to emerge repeatedly.

So some remained seated on their Thrones, but others were seen to step down.

And what was the fourth symbol to be seen? Each one also held a discus. For some the discus was spinning freely, while for others, effort was required. For some the discus was spinning in the wrong direction, towards the left: instead of spinning thought of self-realisation, they were spinning thoughts about others, and so they were trapped in the web spun by Maya. Instead of conquering Maya, they were trapped in a cycle of confusion, the web of “what” and “why”, created by looking at the behaviour of others. So many questions, all created by the self, so that eventually the self is trapped.

Now you have heard what was seen. All were decorated with the four symbols, yet all were “numberwise”. What will you do now? Come below the unlimited canopy of constant remembrance. Claim the double crown of purity and service, of unlimited size and radiance. Practice giving and taking in one second, and in this way claim the throne constantly. Climbing on and off the throne tires you, so sit on the throne in constant unlimited spiritual comfort. Remain in the consciousness of a soul liberated from all bondages. You are master knowledgeful, so let the cycle of self realisation spin constantly and freely. Remain constantly free from the web of questions of why and what, which arise from the cycle of thoughts about others.

Then you will constantly yog-yukt and jeevanmukt, and together with Baba, Ruler of The Globe, you will continuously circle the world for the service and benefit of all. You will become a world servant, ruler of the globe.

Achca, to such souls who are constantly bearing their symbols; those who remain constantly in the stage of master knowledgful, and so are able to recognise in advance every form of Maya’s spinning; those who end the innumerable forms of warring with Maya; those who force Maya to surrender and become the garland of Baba’s nexk; those who constantly fulfil the responsibility of all the imperishable relationships; to such children who are like Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

December 10, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

A charitable soul constantly accumulates charity in every thought, at every second, both for the self and for others, and inspires others to do the same.

A charitable soul constantly gives donation of one treasure or another, and therefore earns treasure constantly.

A charitable soul always has BapDada’s image visible in his eyes, and BapDada’s character on his face, and BapDada’s knowledge emerging from his lips. In every thought, and at every second he spreads rays of benevolence and mercy to dispel the darkness of peacelessness and sorrow from all around.

Even in the copper age those kings who performed pure karma gained so much authority within their kingdoms that their power was absolute. When they issued a command, no one could interfere. Their judgement was final, whether it involved awarding someone great treasures, or sending them to the gallows. The basis of their authority was the fruit of previous donation and charity. At the beginning of the copper age the power and authority of the sovereign was so great, but as time passed, this was gradually misused, and ultimately it ended completely. The power of the sovereign was such that they were able to keep their family and their subjects content, even if only for limited periods of time.

And so, those who are charitable souls, great donors, receiving power directly from Baba, have special authority to conquer matter and defeat Maya. You are the ones who possess that almighty power and authority. On the basis of your almighty authority, on the basis of the treasure of your own charity, on the basis of your own pure thoughts, you can do whatever you wish to help another soul. Your power is such that through even one of your thoughts you can link another soul into relationship with Baba, and fill them with all treasures.

In one case there are commands, in the other it is simply a question of thoughts. By your thoughts alone you can elevate other souls as much as you want by means of the authority that you have received directly from the supreme soul. You are such elevated souls.

But why is this not happening in practice? Throughout history, if there has been some authority existing which has not been used in practice, then it is because that authority has somehow been misused. Rulers have lost their kingdoms, political leaders have lost their seats, dictators have lost their power. Why? Because they deviated from their true path and became preoccupied with comfort and luxury. Coming into the bondage of something or another they have lost their authority. Becoming trapped by external influences, they have then abused their rights.

You charitable souls have received all rights and authority from Baba, and possess that authority over each thought at every second. Nevertheless, whilst recognising the significance of that authority, still you do not use it accurately. Through your own carelessness you become involved in tiny matters of comfort, or else in wasteful thoughts or speech. In this way you misuse that authority and also the treasure which has been stored for charity. That Godly authority you have received cannot be properly utilised. In fact each of your thoughts is extremely powerful. The thought of Brahmins is the means by which the lines of fortune of all other souls are drawn. Each of your thoughts is a switch which is capable of illuminating the darkness of many others in a second.

The thought of charitable souls is a spiritual magnet capable of attracting another soul towards spirituality.

The thought of charitable souls is a lighthouse which can guide souls who are stumbling to their correct destination.

The thought of charitable souls is the essence of complete coolness, which can bring relief to those souls who are burning in the fire of the vices.

The thought of charitable souls is an elevated weapon that can free a soul trapped in the bondage of various external influences.

The thought of charitable souls contains such a special power that it operates like a magic spell, transforming that which is impossible into that which is possible. The power of their thought acts like some great mantra which can influence anything. It can make a soul trapped in bondage fly like a firefly. In today’s world different techniques are available to transform desert land into fertile soil so that flowers can bloom even on mountainsides. In the same way, your elevated thoughts can transform those who have lost all hope into those who are full of hope.

At each moment you should gather more in your treasure store for the purpose of donation. Recognise the significance of each second and each thought, and utilise them accordingly. With your own thought you can achieve that which numerous millionaires have been unable to achieve, You can transform another soul into a multi-millionaire. The power of your thought is so elevated.

So whether you gather and inspire others to do likewise, or whether you waste, that is for you to decide. Those who are wasteful will later experience great repentance. Those who accumulate will be swinging on the swing of all attainments, sometimes on the swing of happiness, sometimes on the swing of peace, sometimes on the swing of bliss. Those who have been wasteful will look upon those who are swinging and then they will examine their own apron.

All of you are swinging on the swing are you not?

Achcha, to those souls who, through their elevated thoughts, give donation to other souls; those who free other souls form obstacles by their Godly authority; those who constantly accumulate treasure to donate in charity, and give in world benefit; to such elevated, charitable souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

December 5, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was looking at his spiritual army. BapDada saw each member of the army in their various stages of effort. Some were Maharathis (elephant riders), some were cavalry, and some were infantry.

On the forehead, that is, in the consciousness of the maharathis, the flag of victory was flying high constantly.

The flag of victory was also on the forehead of the cavalry, but not flying constantly. It was flying with the sparkle of happiness, and the intoxication of faith, but then sometimes the breeze would subside and so the flag would droop.

The infantry were very busy trying to hoist their flag, with great effort, using the rope of faith, and the intoxication of happiness. But because there were some knots of weakness, the flag would not hoist smoothly. Only after a period of time, after labouring with intense efforts, would the flag actually fly. Because of this, the sparkle and intoxication were not clearly visible.

Seeing the efforts of his children, BapDada was donating vibrations of might from afar, that is to say he was giving a signal: “do it this way”. Whilst some children could see the signal and so become successful, others were so busy in their efforts that they missed the signal completely. They didn’t have time to notice it!

And so this was how BapDada saw the three different kinds of warriors. When everyone’s flag had been hoisted, either with great effort or considerable ease, there was a showering of flowers and Baba and his children were glorified with very great splendour.

Now BapDada wants to give an easy method to those children who were labouring. Do you know why the flag of victory does not fly at the right moment, or why it does not fly constantly? Because you do not rehearse in advance, you do not have realisation. It is one thing to hear or speak about the fact that all relationships are with Baba, but to experience the benefit of all relationships is a different thing. If you were to remain lost in the experience of love and in the attainment of all relationships, then how would the whole day pass? You would detach very easily from the old world, and would be elsewhere. At each moment, in every act, you can experience some different relationship, and through this have constant yoga. At every moment take the help of different relationships with Baba.. experience them. This itself is yoga.

Why is it that you are unable to be such natural, constant yogis? At any moment Baba is committed to fulfilling any relationship. Baba is offering his company and help, but the ones who are in need do not take. Experience the relationships of Mother, Father, Friend, Companion, Beloved… if you remain devoid of any of these relationships now, you will be devoid of them for all eternity, since it is only at this stage in the cycle that the mine of all experiences is available. If not now, then never. So check yourself: is there any relationship which the soul has not yet experienced?

In the same way, take up the subject of spiritual knowledge and check whether there is any point of knowledge mentioned which you have not experienced. You talk of being spinners of the discus of self realisation, but have you had a vision of the self? If not, then how can you claim the title? To understand means to “have a vision”. Those who churn these matters over, and bring them into practice, will always have the authority of knowledge, of understanding.

Similarly, in the subject of imbibing, you talk of the various virtues, but is there the experience of each of them, and of the authority that comes from this? Are you a talker, a listener, or an authority?

A Maharathi has authority on the basis of experience. The cavalry do more listening and talking.

The main difference between bhakti (worship) and gyan (knowledge) is realisation. On the one hand talk, and on the other, practical experience. So to become a constant yogi, gain experience in taking advantage of all relationships with Baba. Experience all attainments and all points of knowledge.

Now the time for battling is over. If yo are still battling like a warrior, then you will belong to the Moon Dynasty. For Brahmins it is time to become victorious. The sanskars of victory must be present over a long period of time. Even now you can transform your fortune.

Achcha, to such constantly victorious souls; those with the authority of the experience of all relationships; those with the authority of every point of knowledge; those with the authority of the experience of each virtue; those who are all-rounders in service, and who are ever-ready and so have the authority of this speciality also; to such elevated souls who are like Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.


Just as the jeweller recognises the value of every jewel, so too Baba recognises the elevated stage of every child. Each jewel is more elevated than the next. You are not ordinary. Even the very last bead is not ordinary because it has the speciality of having recognised Baba. You are not the last, but you are the ones who are going first. No one’s number has yet been fixed. All the seats remain vacant. The whistle has not yet been blown. Only after the whistle blows will everyone claim their seat. Even the last one can go fast and become the first. Except for the seats of the Mother and Father, all seats are still vacant. Your fortune is in your own hands. Baba, the bestower of fortune, has put your fortune in your hands. You can create as much as you want. So take up this golden chance. No mater how much expansion of service there may be, keep yourself stable in the essence. If now you receive the instruction to become master seed, then within a second it should happen: it should not take time. Within the game of one second, you can create your fortune for the entire kalpa. Create as much as you choose.

If at the time of the final paper there is the thought “now I must have yoga in one second”, the second will pass in this thought, and you will leave the body battling, and so will come into the Moon Dynasty of the Silver Age.

When service finishes then everyone can come to Madhuban, but who will be able to come? Those who have conquered all attachment. Those whose line of the intellect is clear, because at that time no one can be called by telephone or telegram, but if the line of the intellect is clear then Baba’s call will reach them. There will be such situations that only the train you are travelling in will arrive, there will be nothing further after that. If the line is clear, then you will also find the method for reaching here, otherwise you will get stuck somewhere or another, and so this is why you need to have constant yoga over a long period of time. Yoga is the armour: one who wears armour is constantly safe. So, the dress for safety is the armour of remembrance.

December 3, 1979

Avyakt BapDada 3rd December 1979

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

BapDada smiles as he sees all his world-benefactor children. As Baba is the unlimited world benefactor, there is only one thought: ” let there be immediate benefit for all”. This is the foundation, the seed, of Baba’s thoughts. The remainder is the expansion, the tree.

In Baba’s words there is always a variety of yuktis for his children.

In his eyes there is always a searchlight for the benefit of his children.

On his forehead there is the remembrance of his benefactor children in the form of a jewel.

Every action is a benevolent one.

Similarly, the thoughts of each child must be like Baba, so that the desire and good wishes for world benefit are revealed in words, in the eyes, and in the actions of each. Let the desire and feelings for world benefit be the same. No matter what your activity is, whether running a limited household, or a service centre, there should be constant good wishes for world benefit. Emerge all the souls of the world in front of you constantly. On the basis of your remembrance, souls should appear very close, as though just in front of you, even though they may live very far away.

You use a picture of Sri Krishna depicting him as the master of the world, with the entire globe in his hand. In the same way, the souls of the entire world should appear in your forehead as though they are very near, because at this time you are the world benefactors. On the basis of your most elevated feelings and good wishes, you can send rays of peace and power to souls whilst sitting here, even though they may reside in America or some other distant land. Those who are master suns of knowledge are able to spread light in this way.

The instruments of time can conquer time and distance: aircraft can arrive quickly at a distant destination; telephone can bring distant sound very near; distant scenes can be seen on television. As you have created science, so too you can create the power of silence, through which you can hear the cries of a soul living very far away. The instruments of science can record the sound of the lips, but not the sound of the mind. It is only through the power of silence that the sound of each mind can be heard as though it were speaking in front of you. Can you visualise clearly the state of peacelessness and grief which exists presently in the mind of souls? With physical equipment, you have to plug it to a power source, then switch on, and everything will be heard and seen clearly. In the same way, plug in your connection to Baba and switch on elevated thoughts and desires so that distant souls seem very close. This is the stage of world benefactor.

The basis for all this is silence, so now you must accumulate the power of silence. Sound comes in the mind in the form of thoughts. As the sound of your wasteful thoughts stops, as the expansion of thoughts is merged and transformed into their very essence, so the power of silence will accumulate automatically.

Introversion is powerful, and extroversion is wasteful. Merge the wasteful sound of the lips and transform that into its essence, so that the power of your silence can accumulate. You will witness many wonderful proofs from the power of silence. Souls will come from a distance and say: ” you have shown me the correct path….”, “you have directed me towards my destination”, “you called me and so I have come”.

Your divine form will be visible to them clearly on the television in their forehead, so they will have the clear experience of meeting you personally. You will witness many spiritual wonders through the power of silence.

Just as in the beginning of the yagya, many experienced a very clear vision of Brahma Baba signalling to them whilst they were sitting at home, and as a result were able to find their way to the correct destination, so too all of you special benefactor souls will also be playing this unique role. But in order to achieve this the soul must be liberated from all bondages. It must be completely free. Your power should be such that it manifests in the appropriate form for a particular task, at the appropriate time. The soul free form all bondages is able to give jeevanmukti (liberation in life) to all other souls.

Do you understand how high the destination is, the height you must attain?

The form of unlimited service is so elevated, but through this you become liberated from all other labours. However there must be this one effort.

Do you possess such courage?

Achcha, to such constantly powerful souls, those table in one elevated thought, in one elevated stage of consciousness; those who are like Baba, constantly world benefactors, those constantly lost in the love of the One; to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.


Even if someone defames you, or tells lies about you, there should be no trance of anger. Brahmins should show mercy to those who have been causing damage. Even as they are defaming, embrace them. This is the wonder. This is called transformation. If someone is embracing you and you respond, then that is nothing special. But if someone is defaming you, and yet still you accept them as your friend, not merely with words, but with your thoughts, then this is something special. When there is such transformation taking place your fame will spread throughout the world. You must prove that which the entire world considers impossible, and then they will agree and say “yes, this is a wonder”.

In the pandavs there is bossiness and anger. Let there be no body consciousness, and no anger. A Brahma Kumar means one with absolute humility. Have you renounced anger, or do you still use it like a weapon sometimes? Even if there are insults or false allegations against you, there should be no anger.


Do the shaktis stay in the consciousness of Baba, and no third one in-between? Is there any third one remembered?…. Just Baba and I, the child… Baba and I. Stay in this intoxication. Has the shakti army become the conqueror of attachment? Is there attachment to the limited home, or to children? Whatever happens, stay free from attachment. Be the observer, and watch the scenes of drama.


Do you constantly remember the three relationships: the Father gives you the inheritance, the teacher gives you the study, and the Satguru shows you the path back home and gives his company for the return journey.

Devotees say that when God is pleased He removes the roof and showers all things. He is even lifting you beyond the physical element of ether. The devotees only talk about it, but here, practically, the One who lives beyond the five elements is giving you everything, and so how fortunate you are!

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