The Murli

February 7, 1980

Avyakt BapDada 7th February 1980

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing the balance of all the children in being the stable in the form of the embodiment of knowledge (rup) and in being the ones who shower that knowledge (basant). There is a great deal of practice in being basant, that is in coming into speech, but is there also the practice of gong beyond speech? Can you stabilise yourself in the form of the soul beyond the consciousness of all actions performed by the physical senses? Is it karma (action) that pulls you, or is it the karmatit stage? Looking, listening, and speaking, is there the practice of becoming karmatit, of having the power to merge all activity and become still, that is free from all actions (karmatit)? On is the stage of being in bondage to action, the other is the stage of having authority over action. Do you have authority over your kingdom? Or is there any worker who corrupts or mixes anything, causes conflict or disturbance, or gives orders instead of obeying them? Is the kingdom run by you, the ruler with authority, or is it run by the subjects?

Do you hold court daily, or only when the enemy comes? What is the state of your royal court? Is the business of your kingdom running accurately? Are your servants carrying out their tasks accurately? The most important servant is nature – matter. Is it obeying the orders of the one who has conquered matter? Are the main eight powers in your royal court cooperating with you in every task? If the one with the authority of sovereignty is sleeping in carelessness, or in the intoxication of ephemeral attainments, or is lost in the dance of wasteful thoughts, then the cooperative powers cannot cooperate when the need arises.

So what is the result? Do you also check your own result? Firstly check whether all three faculties are under your control: the power of thought, the power to discriminate, and the power of sanskars. Then check whether the eight powers are under your control as well. The three faculties are your senior ministers, and so is your ministerial cabinet organised, or is it in disarray. Do your ministers change allegiance? Do they sometimes become followers of Maya? If there is not controlling power the soul will have to appear in the court of dharamraj (the supreme judge) and will be fined! So be refined and avoid being fined. Do you wish to be welcomed with honour in the court of dharamraj? Or do you wish to experience repentance?

Have you made your final settlement already, or is your filing system overflowing? Is the account clear, or are the files of “I should do this” and “I should do that” still cluttering the desk of your forehead? or many, old accounts have not yet been burnt, but are still continuing. The more they are allowed to continue, the more the soul will have to cry out. Those cries will be very painful, and every second will be felt to last a year… There are many who are very clever in adulterating srimat with instructions from others or with dictates of the mind, and still giving the appearance of following srimat. They use words from the murli, but instead of Shiva the Father, they get stuck in Shav the corpse. Their language is also very royal. They also try to protect themselves, by blaming others. They allow themselves to continue with such false hopes. They think that others are losing but in fact they are accumulating sorrow for themselves, and for every sin one hundred fold punishment is being accumulated. And so now stop the adulteration and the interference. Imbibe spirituality and mercy. Be merciful to the self and to all others.

Only see the self and Baba, no one else. Teach by your activity, not by your words. Change and show others through your transformation. Become the hold swan: imbibe that which is powerful and renounce that which is wasteful. Constantly remain decorated in your sparkling dress. Always be with your beloved, Baba and I, with no third one in-between. Do not allow even the finger nails, that is your thoughts, to touch the mud. Do you understand what must be done? Otherwise you will still be wiping away the mud and the bridegroom will have arrived. He will have reached the destination and you will still be wiping away the mud, and then you will become only part of the wedding procession. Do not wait for time, but constantly put yourself forward as ever-ready.

The accounts of many are still not cleared: old stains still remain. They rub the stains, but cause more stains. The stain for some is a tiny one at first, but as they hide it and behave with cunning, it grows larger and deeper. Their hearts will be ripped apart with tears. So become truthful, become clean.

At the moment BapDada is still merciful, so hold your own court daily. Have a daily enquiry. With checking, change will come.

Achcha. To those who with the transformation of the self, transform the old world; to those who always have the authority of sovereignty, those who always have spirituality and an attitude of mercy; those who make the atmosphere of the world peaceful and happy; those who are lighthouses and mighthouses for souls that are stumbling; those who have determined thought; those who remain beyond the attractions of the old world… to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

February 6, 1980

Avyakt BapDada 6th February 1980

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba has come to meet his children of the last kalpa, the long lost and now found, most beloved, loving, cooperative children, who are the embodiment of power. BapDada constantly stays with his cooperative children. The thread of cooperation and love is an unbroken imperishable one. Today BapDada was making a rosary of the most loved children, a rosary of love in the subtle regions. All of you are loving, but still numberwise. Some children are very close jewels, absolutely equal to Baba in specialities. Others were seen to be labouring and Baba felt merce: “my children, yet still labouring…”. The greatest labour was to become bodiless.

Bap and Dada spoke together “the souls is bodiless. Why is there labour in becoming bodiless?”..

Brahma Baba said “having adopted their parts for 84 births they have become bodily beings”.

Shiv Baba said “they have played their parts but what is the time now – according to the awareness of time, correct action follows automatically”. Baba said “now the part has finished: it is time to return home. The dress of this part has to be shed. In order to go home the old body has to be renounced”.

Do you forget that you want to go home? All of you are ever ready waiting to go, or are there still ropes tying you down? Are you ever ready? BapDada has given this time period only for service. You are playing the part of servers. Now look at yourself. Is there the bondage of the body? Is the old costume too tight? To be free from bondage means to have a loose costume, so that as soon as the order is received, the soul goes in a second. Since the promise is “only one Baba and none other”, the soul is liberated from bondage, is it not?…

To become bodiless, pay attention to four things in particular. Firstly become lost in true love. Secondly find true friendship: when true friends meet together there is neither the awareness of the self nor of time. Thirdly sing the song of the heart, from the heart. Fourthly, follow an accurate system.

All of you have experience of these four aspects. Baba and the self, no third being. Find everything in Baba. Where there is love for God, what is it to become bodiless? As soon as you say “Baba” the body is forgotten. The word “Baba” is the atomic bomb for forgetting the old world. Put on the “switch” of Baba, and the switch of the bodily world goes off. This is the game of one second. To say “Baba” with your lips takes time, but how long does it take to bring it into your consciousness.

And what about the truest friendship of all, that which accompanies you to the crematorium? The friends of your body will accompany you to the crematorium also, but they cannot remove your sorrow and bring you happiness. Now you have found your true friend. Constantly experience the company of this eternal friend, and in that love all labour will finish. If you know how to love, then why do you labour? BapDada has to laugh sometimes. If somebody is accustomed to a burden and you sit them down with comfort, they don’t know how to sit. They run again and again toward that burden. They become breathless and cry out “free me”. So constantly experience the love and friendship of your friend and companion.

In the same way, constantly sing the song of praise for all the benefits that you have received from BapDada and all his virtues. There are so many songs and praises for Baba and for you, and instruments of happiness automatically play in these songs. Singers will also come. Constantly remain singing and you can become bodiless very easily.

Now the system: the accurate system takes only one second. It is easy is it not? So let everyone experience being a natural yogi, constantly. There should be no difficulty or effort. Just as Baba feels mercy for the children, so too have mercy on yourself, and become merciful to all others. If you come into the consciousness of “I”then the mercy is forgotten. Others come into the consciousness of of doubts, and lose hope. Do not allow loss of hope in the heart, but constantly occupy the throne of the heart. So be a natural yogi, become merciful, and sit on the throne of the heart.

Baba comes on tour every day in the early hours of nectar, to put the tilak of success on his children. If children are asleep then that is their mistake. At the festival of Diwali, they have a flame lit in every place and clean throughout the house, and there is also invocation. So there is cleanliness, light, and invocation. They invoke Lakshmi, and you invoke the creator of Lakshmi. So sit and ignite the flame and Baba will come. Some wake and then fall asleep again, into the sleep of carelessness. In satyug there will be nothing but rest, nothing but gold, but now you must be the one who is eternally awake. If you sleep here you will not receive gold there.

Achcha, to those souls who constantly fulfil the the responsibility of love, those who constantly stay in the company of the true friend, those who constantly sing the song of praise of all attainments and virtues, to those who become natural yogis in one second by using the accurate system, to such constantly merciful souls, who change difficult into easy, to such conquerors of sleep, to such children who serve the globe, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

February 4, 1980

Avyakt BapDada 4th February 1980

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the bestower of knowledge, the bestower of fortune, the bestower of blessings, is seeing the fortune of all his children. He is seeing how elevated the fortune of the most elevated souls is, and the way in which it is elevated.

When giving Baba’s introduction, you relate six major attributes. If the soul recognises these, it will claim the most elevated status. In the same way BabDada was seeing the six major aspects which determine the fortune of the children. You know these very well already.

You have the fortune of your name. You have the title “Brahmins”, the topknot. Even today in this last period of the cycle those who are “Brahmins” in name only are considered to be the most elevated. There is also the title “pandav army”. Eve today the name “pandav” inspires hope and enthusiasm in a souls who has lost all hope. They remember that although there were only five pandavs, still they became victorious through experiencing the company of the Father. So even if there are only a few, it doesn’t matter. Then there is the title “gopes and gopies”. Even today as they praise the gopes and gopies they experience happiness themselves. Just by hearing their names they become lost in that love. And so there is great fortune merged in your name.

There is also the fortune of the form. Even today the devotees are ready to tolerate hot and cold in order to gain a vision of the form of the Shaktis. Here there is comfort, but they stand between earth and sky doing their intense meditation. So there is fortune in the worship of the form of the shaktis and deities. You become worship worthy in both these forms. Together with the worship of this form there is also praise.

Then there is the fortune of your virtues. Even today they speak of these and sing your praise. The fortune of your virtues is so great that just singing songs about them brings happiness and bliss to devotees for limited periods of time.

Go further still and there is the fortune of your task. Today the different festivals celebrated throughout the year are the memorials of the different efforts that you, the most elevated souls, have made. These celebrations inspire and enthuse those who celebrate. Celebration is the sign of the fortune of your task.

Go further – there is the fortune of the abode of residence. There is such fortune in that abode that it becomes a pilgrimage place. Even the very earth of that land has fortune: The bhagats take up the earth from the pilgrimage place and rub it on their foreheads, and consider themselves fortunate.

Further, there is the fortune of the time of sangam, praised as the “special time of nectar”, that is nectar of knowledge. It is also remembered as the age of charity, the most auspicious age. The evening hours are also considered to be the hours of most elevated fortune. The praise of this period of time is the praise of you who belong to it.

: Today BapDada was seeing the extent to which each child had created their fortune. To what extent was there the consciousness of your own elevated name, and for how long that consciousness remained? Was there the form of the deity, full of all virtues. Was there the form of master almighty authority, the shakti form, the form of power?

You have heard how it is no effort to carry out checking in the subtle region. As soon as the thought was switched on, each one was emerged with the total of all forms. With the power of silence you can see beyond the stars. Every child receives the fruit of their labour, and they also receive name, fame, regard, happiness, and success, for a limited period of time. They are also under the influence of drama, that is under the influence of their own role.

It has been said that nature brought trays full of diamonds and jewels in front of the deities. The earth and the oceans will be the instruments responsible to gather in one place the gold, pearls, and diamonds that are now spread around the world. This is what it means when it is said that the trays will be full and be brought to the deities. A tray is used to gather together that which is scattered all around. So the abode of Bharat and the places all around will become the tray. Nature will become the servant and will prepare and present everything in front of you, the masters of the world.

Occult powers will also come in front of the deities as servants. All the aspects of science in their most refined form, all the varieties of equipment through which there is the greatest results and success, will be servants in front of you. Now there are accidents as well as achievements, but in the final form that brings results, the causes of sorrow will have finished, and they will take on the form of constant happiness and success. All these people belonging to different disciplines will bring the achievements of their own knowledge, the results of their inventions, and use them in your service. This is the state when nature is a servant, and occult powers are attained. As soon as the order is given, the task is achieved. This is said to be the embodiment of results.

Do you understand how great your fortune is? Other souls speak of the fortune of the father, but the father himself speaks of the fortune of you children. There cannot be greater fortune than this, nor will there be. The star of each one’s fortune is now visible. So always see the star of your own fortune sparkling constantly.

Achcha. to such most elevated and fortunate souls, those who are the instruments responsible for creating the fortune of all other souls; to those souls who constantly conquer matter and make nature become their servant; those who as master almighty authority attain all occult powers; to such souls who constantly have all authority, and become world benefactors, giving great donation to the souls of the world, and blessings to all; to the children who are the bestowers of knowledge and the bestowers of blessings; BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

February 1, 1980

Avyakt BapDada 1st February 1980

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada has come particularly to meet the children who have good faith and good feelings. According to the extent of their good faith and good feelings, so is the extent of their fortune. So Baba the bestower of fortune has come to meet his fortunate children.

Just as the governors of the old world have a map of the complete area and a chart of their army, so too Baba has a map of every place of service and a chart of those serving there, visible at all times. Thee is a vision as well of the stages that each child passes through during the day, and whether they maintain one stable stage or whether there are a variety of stages.

What is the power that enables the entire activity of the subtle regions to take place? Here there are different aids and equipment by means of which activty is run, and in satyug it will be atomic energy that will be used. The subtle regions is a region of light, but its activity is run on the basis of the power of pure thoughts. There is the praise that Brahma had a thought and the world was created: a thought came and it emerged. There is a game of merging and emerging. The activity of the subtle area is through the power of the mind, and the form of everything is based simply on signals. BapDada switches on the thought and everything emerges. The activity of BapDada reaches far and wide. Just as the wireless reaches all around, here the power of being viceless reaches throughout the three worlds. Through this power of being viceless, a connection can be made.

For thought to reach the subtle region, the yoga of the intellect has to be absolutely refined, and there has to be the wire of all relationships in their essential, most subtle, form. When this powerful wire is connected, Maya cannot interfere.

BapDada has many splendid scenes there. It is not like this world. Out of the whole kalpa it is only at this moment that the subtle region has emerged. The beautiful scene of the subtle region takes place only now. Later you will see the beautiful scenes of heaven. The subtle region is especially for the children. No other soul can experience the subtle region because it is the relationship of Brahma and the Brahmins. The bhagats may sometimes have a vision of a special scene, but the experience that “the subtle region is my home”, that “because it is the abode of Brahma Baba, it is also my abode” is your experience. The experience of the entertainment of the subtle regions, of the meeting there and the happiness there belongs to you Brahmins.

To all the children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.


To be world benefactor is to be an unlimited server. The world is unlimited and so the server of the world cannot enter any limitation, and must be stable in the unlimited consciousness. Always be detached whilst engaged in service, detached even from the golden chains of attachment to service. The easy method for success is to be detached and beloved.

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