The Murli

November 28, 1984

Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1984

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the almighty Father was seeing his Shakti Army. Three types of children were seen. Firstly the mahavir victorious special souls, constantly armed with all powers. They were ever ready. Secondly, those who were armed with all powers, but not constantly. Thirdly, those who had to make effort to become armed at the appropriate time, and who were thus is a constant spin of battling and were sometimes defeated. They were sometimes deceived by time, and were not ever ready at the instructions of the almighty teacher. So become those who follow the instructions of the almighty teacher, and not the instructions of time.

You world transformer children have been given the task of invoking the elevated time of completeness. You are the instruments for bringing into being the time of the Golden Dawn. You are the master creators of time. Time is your creation. You are immortal.

Preparations must be made beforehand, and not at the time, so constantly check yourselves: are you armed with all the powers? If there is any weapon missing, Maya will attack that weakness. Maya is present whenever there is a weakness. Are you complete with all virtues? The account is a deep and intricate one. You have promised the Father that “we will live with you, go with you, and return again with Brahma Baba into the kingdom”.

The different varieties of fluctuation will continue to increase: this is the sign of the time coming close. You must become complete with intense speed.

To those who are always powerful, always alert, who are armed with all powers. To those who are complete and who use their powers to give cooperation in bringing the elevated time, the elevated age; to such sweet elevated children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

November 26, 1984

Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1984

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

When the children have courage, the Father gives help. Where there is courage there is enthusiasm. Through the wings of courage and enthusiasm, through that elevated flying stage, the greatest and bitterest of obstacles become minor and easy, in a second. In the flying stage everything is experienced as little games. No matter how many scenes of horror or sorrow are seen or heard, the drums of happiness beat inside. Your peace and power act like water to cool the fire of pain and sorrow of others. In this way, give help to all. Become master bestower and enable others to experience a powerful stage in the midst of an atmosphere of pain, sorrow, and horror.

At such a time, if you become absorbed in seeing and hearing what is happening, you will not be able to help. The slightest trace of the desire to see or hear will prevent your stage from becoming powerful enough to fulfil the desires of others. And so from now practice being in a powerful stage and free from temporary desires. Become a yogi who in every breath and thought is a complete server and helper.

Time is now ringing the bell and awakening the deity gods and goddesses. You are already awake, but have become too busy with the pure family. You hear the bell of time ringing do you not?

Achcha, to those who easily overcome every difficult circumstance through their flying stage; to complete servers, complete helpers; to those who are the embodiment of giving, who in a state of of being free from desires, fulfil the desires of all others; to such powerful. master almighty children, Baba’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

November 21, 1984

Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1984

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing His children, the world famous holders of the cycle of self realisation, who are the embodiments of the power that grants visions. If there is no self-realisation then there are no divine visions either. Those who remain stable in the state of self-realisation will, while moving around in their natural form, through their divine thoughts, divine drishti, divine words, and divine actions, give the experience of being divine images to innumerable souls. Ordinariness will not be seen, only divinity will be seen. You will become deities in the future, but now you are to become the embodiment of divinity. The image of divinity becomes the deity image. The angel is the image of divinity. Innumerable bhagats have intense desire for divine visions. You will be revealed as the images of divinity in front of them, and they will shower the flowers of praise on you. This powerful stage enables souls, for a short period of time, to receive power, in proportion to their love, which will even liberate them from some sins, and enable them to experience lightness.

Now check, have you become worthy of giving visions? Are you the destroyer of sins? You will only remove sins when you become the embodiment of the fire of remembrance. Have you become this? Have you become double crowned – benefactors of the self and of the world? If at the end you are still just benefactor for the self, you will not be double crowned: you will enter the kingdom but will not have the right to rule. The speed of time is now intense, so increase the power of remembrance with intense speed.

Now, because remembrance is ordinary, you can be deceived by circumstances at any time. If you remain in the furnace of powerful remembrance, you will remain safe. Such a critical time is to come that you will need the armour of remembrance. So create an attitude and atmosphere of powerful remembrance in which you yourself will be safe, and in which you will be able to give peace and power to Brahmin souls and to innumerable non-gyani souls.

Achcha, to all such souls who are the holders of the cycle of self-realisation, to the images of divinity, those who completely fulfil the hopes of all, those who remove the sins of all, who are the deities of peace and power, to all such souls, BapDada’s completely power-filled love, remembrance, and namaste.

November 19, 1984

Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1984

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the creator of the world is seeing his pure, elevated creation, that is, the souls who are at the forefront of the creation. On the basis of these souls, the souls of the world will receive power and peace. Do you hear the cries of the thirsty souls? Through the power of the mind, and through peace of mind, are you able to give souls the experience of peace of mind? Does the sound of the mind reach your mind? Through words there is the power of expression, and through thoughts the power to churn: one makes you a listener, and the other makes you the embodiment of intoxication.

Bharatwasis now have distaste for the graveyard. To inspire them to have unlimited distaste, you must have unlimited distaste yourselves, for the home, the body. The body is the Fathers, not mine. Unlimited distaste includes never coming under the influence of anyone’s sanskaras, personality, or facilities, at any time. “To be influenced” is similar to when a soul is possessed or harassed by an evil spirit. The one who has unlimited distaste will be a flying yogi: one who flies up above the earth of body consciousness, and above the fire of the vices of Maya, and is detached from the flow of company. Just as the flow of water makes on its own and one into itself, don’t let any temporary flow attract you to it.

Let every thought be filled with love and desire for remembrance. Let every action give to all the experience that Karankaravanhar (the one who does and gets things done through others) is inspiring you to act. Let the unlimited and Baba be merged in every thought. Become deities of peace and power.

So in what state did Baba see the children? Some were sleeping in the sleep of carelessness, thinking “it is still a rehearsal, the end will come later..”. Some were sleeping in the sleep of laziness, thinking “all this was going to take place, and so it did take place”, and following their brothers and sisters and their weaknesses, instead of following the Father. Only when upheavals awakened them did they move forward. The third group were those who remained stable on witnessing upheavals. They have pure elevated thoughts of service, and think of different plans for service, and give peace and power to the entire world. Such children who have courage, and who give others courage, were seen. But do not simply move of the wave of hope and enthusiasm or intense effort inspired by distaste for the graveyard, or merely an attitude of distaste for weaknesses. Always be the ones who transform the situation with the power of your own stage, and remain in the consciousness that transforms the world. Your pure elevated thoughts transform time – don’t move forward on seeing time and watching it change, but instead, by your own movement, bring time closer.

Do not think “what will happen now”, but apply yourself to spiritual service. The fireman apply themselves to the task of extinguishing the fire: they do not ask “why has this happened?”.

May you be constantly stable; may you have constant unlimited distaste, and may you be constantly flying yogis. To such souls who are ever the image of unbroken remembrance and the conquerors of the sleep of carelessness and laziness, who are always the image of unlimited remembrance; to such souls who are at the forefront and worship-worthy, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

(meeting with Dadi Kumarka and Jagdish Bhai)

You have given the message and the experience of it all, and so have increased their love and relationship. Up to now they have applauded you, and now they will come forward to claim their right. Later the sound will become so loud that all the kambhakarnas will open their eyes to see what has happened. The fortune of many will be transformed. You have prepared the field and sown the seed and very quickly the fruit will emerge. The revelation is the fruit. They will experience being drawn here as if a magnet is pulling them. This is the last scene.

Now BapDada will speak for the foreigners. Because the majority busy themselves in service with hope and enthusiasm, they are moving forward in conquering Maya. When they do service with their heart, and not out of duty, they conquer Maya with ease. The means are acquired readily and easily.

In Bharat you are no less: you are also moving forward with hope and enthusiasm. The name will emerge in Bharat as well. The success abroad will emerged from Bharat. They are making preparations, but up to now the sound has only reached the foreign countries. The sound that is to reach Bharat from abroad is coming flying. It is now flying.The sound is now travelling around and flying. It will come here.

Each soul has its own part. As you gain experience you will continue moving forward on the basis of that experience. A memorial of the service you have done has been left in the hearts of all.

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