The Murli

January 30, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the royal court of the worthy children who have claimed the right to the kingdom are being seen all around. BapDada smiles seeing such constant yogis, who have deep humility and the most elevated self respect. This court of self sovereigns is unique, the most loved in all the kalpa. Each one is wearing the divine tilak and crown, sparkling with all specialities. There is the garland of divine virtues and the crown of the light of complete purity, and the soul is seated in the most elevated consciousness on the throne of the self.

How many maids and servants are there in front of each one who has claimed the right for self sovereignity? There are the five vices and the five elements of matter. Nature has also become a server. Enemies have begun to serve you. The soul that stays in spiritual intoxication can transform all the vices. Lust is transformed into pure desire, elevated good wishes, and so is used in service. A soul who makes an enemy become a server can never be in bondage, or be drawn to any one of the elements of matter. But every element is transformed from the tamoguni (impure) into its satopradhan (pure) form. In Kaliyug these elements deceive you and cause sorrow, but in Sangamyug a transformation takes place and the form changes. In Satyug the five elements become instruments to provide happiness for the deities. The sun will prepare your food, and so will be your cook. The air will move like a natural fan for you, and will also entertain you by creating music through the branches and twigs of the trees. The sky will be a royal path for your flying vehicles – the largest highway of today is very small compared to the highway of the sky. And this path has no accidents at all: even an eight year old child can never fall. And the water will work like a perfume spray, because of the herbs and plants within it: it will have a natural fragrance. And just as milk here has energy in it, the water will full of power. And it is because it will be completely pure and clean that they have said that it is as though there will be rivers of milk flowing. The earth will give such elevated fruit that, whatever kind of taste you are looking for, a fruit of the particular taste will be in front of you. There won’t be any salt of sugar there: whatever taste you seek, there will be a fruit that has it already. You will use the juice and the taste will be there.

And so this earth will serve you, giving the most elevated fruits and cereals, and secondly there will be natural scenes, wonders of nature. For instance, within the scenery there will mountains, but they won’t just be simple straight mountains. They will have a natural beauty and will come in a variety of forms. There will be some in the form of birds, others of flowers. They will have been created naturally in that form. And you will only need to touch things superficially to get things done, because the five elements will have become your servers.

This will all be possible for those who have claimed self sovereignty and become servers of souls. Have you transformed the five vices? The fire of anger should be transformed into the fire of yoga. The vice of greed should become the pure desire of selfless giving. You should be attached only to BapDada, so that whoever looks into your eyes should see the Father merged in your eyes. They should her from your lips only the invaluable words that Baba has spoken. From body-consciousness let there be soul consciousness and the pure ego of “I am a special soul – I have become a carefree emperor”. So check to what extent you have changed the vices into instruments for service, and conquered Maya and nature. You can become ruler only after you have created your maids and servants. If you yourself are in bondage to the maids, then how can you rule a kingdom?

So check and change. If even one vice remains, it will bring the other four back with itself, because they have a deep connection with each other. Finish everything and burn it. Throw even the ashes into the Ocean of Knowledge.

Achcha. To those who constantly have sovereignty over the self; to those who wear the alokik tilak; to those who wear their crowns, who have transformed nature and the five enemies into servers; to those who are constantly carefree emperors, and maintain spiritual intoxication; to those who are constantly like the Father; to those victorious children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

BapDada is the Ocean of Love and yet also detached. Enjoy everything: celebrate, eat and drink and dance, constantly. Always remain merged in love. BapDada constantly listens to the songs from the hearts of all the children, and today the songs from the lips have been heard. BapDada doesn’t notice the words or the time, but He listens to the sound from the heart. Experience constant companionship – the days of separation have finished, and Sangamyug is the period to celebrate the meeting.

Let all the childen everywhere give light through the service of the mind. Even one lighthouse can show the path to many, and each one of you is a lighthouse and might house, so many wonders can be revealed. Achcha. Om shanti.

January 28, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 28th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Almighty Baba is looking at his Shakti Army, his Pandav Army, and the Spiritual Army today, and is seeing how far the high army officers have become victorious through their spiritual power. Baba is specially checking about three powers in each mahavir (commander) soul: the extent to which each possesses mental power, talking power, and acting power. Perfection in these three powers is the foundation for becoming world sovereign through world service. There is a difference between world service and service, the difference between a world emperor and satyugi king. There are many who do service, but few who do world service. One who does service possesses the three powers in limitation number-wise, but one who does world service possesses all three powers in perfection.

The highest power is the mental power through which you can make any soul experience attainment in a second, even if they are far away from you. Your mental power can stabilise the wavering mental stage of any soul. Your mental power can turn any sceptical mind into a faithful soul through your good wishes and elevated thoughts, and change one’s weak aspirations into strong one. You can even change one’s very nature, and make one experience the fruit of one’s faith through your own high power of faith, and bring one nearer to God. Through your mental power you can change the very line of anyone’s fortune and give courage to a discouraged soul.

Such mental service is greatly needed today, but can be done only by one whose mental attitude is always benign towards all, who is selfless, benevolent even to an enemy, and philanthropic. He must himself be transformed, and must be able to urge others to do good deeds, by performing good deeds himself. He must not think “I will do this only when he also does it – he must also do some work”. He must think that when he does the work, others will help. He must show kindness, help, and encouragement towards weak and ignorant souls.

Mental service is a spiritual wireless set through which you can connect distant places to yourself. You can give distant souls the message, and create enthusiasm for becoming children of Baba. They will feel that some great power is calling them and giving them valuable suggestions. Such souls would feel that you are directly talking to them and encouraging them. Mental service is the easiest way for world service. For speech and action you have to go physically to other places. Mental power can reach anywhere in an instant. Like a spacecraft that has gone beyond the pull of gravity, souls with the introverted craft of mental power are always double-light.

People see flying saucers nowadays in some places. They look like light only. Similarly people will experience the presence of those who do mental service just like a point of light. They will have wonderful experiences. They will be puzzled and will ask who you are and where you come from, and why you are so philanthropic. This kind of atmosphere will go on increasing. Just as the attention of people is attracted to the stars in the sky, so people will experience the presence of the divine light of the stars of the earth. Such is the power of those who do mental service.

There are many other important points about mental service, but this is enough for today. Speed up this mental service – only then will nine hundred thousand souls get ready. What is the census up to the Golden Jubilee now? Nine hundred thousand is the number required up to the Diamond Jubilee of Satyuga. Otherwise, over whom will the world sovereign rule? Nine hundred thousand stars are well known. People will sing the praise of nine hundred thousand stars when they have the experience of souls as stars. So let people now experience you souls as stars. Achcha.

To children who are always engaged in high class service, through the introverted craft of mental power; to those who have acquired the power to do unlimited service, through good wishes and high hopes always; those who serve the world through their own stage, inspiring all souls from all corners; to those who grant the fruit of faith to other souls, through their own good wishes; to those who are world benefactors and uplifters of others; loves, remembrances and salutations of BapDada.

January 23, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba the viewer of the three aspects of time, was seeing the children who are the viewers of the three aspects of time, and who have the third eye. BapDada was seeing the percentage of clarity and power of the divine intellect and the divine eye of each child. Baba has given everyone a full power divine eye, but each child applies their own eye according to their own law, their abstinence from other things, and their attention. For some the divine eye is completely powerful, but others lack a percentage. You have received this divine eye from BapDada. It is like a divine pair of binoculars – in one second Paramdham, which is at a distance which can’t be measured, can be seen close and clear. The instruments of science can see the sun, the moon and the stars of this corporeal world, but the divine eye can see three worlds and three aspects of time.

The divine eye is called the eye of experience. It sees what happened 5000 years ago as though it was yesterday. You have the experience that yesterday you were worship worthy souls and you will be so again tomorrow. Today a Brahmin and tomorrow a deity. So the things of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, have become clear, have they not?

Those children who have this powerful eye will always see their double crowned decorated form clearly in front of them. You will put these clothes on tomorrow. Just as Brahma Baba always saw his fortune form of Shri Krishna in front of him, so too you all see, through this powerful eye, your own form clearly in front of you. In one moment the angel, and the next moment the angel becomes a deity.

So is your vision clear or blurred? You have eye lids of faith and the pupil of consciousness. If one is weak then your vision cannot be clear. Check it, or have it checked. Has the strength of your eye been reduced. If from birth you have followed shrimat and abstained from other things, your eye will be constantly powerful. If abstaining from other things though shrimat is lacking, then the power of the eye will be reduced. So whether you cal it the blessings of shrimat, or the medicine of abstinence, apply shrimat to make it powerful again.

This eye is the divine binocular. This eye is also a very powerful instrument through which the speciality of each soul can be seen easily and clearly. You can see the incognito soul present inside the body clearly, just as you see the physical body through the physical eyes. So do you see the soul clearly, or is it the body that you see? Just as the eye is divine, so too the specialities, or virtues, that are seen, are also divine.

A weak eye will only see defects. Baba has not given you a weak eye. You yourselves have made it weak. In actual fact, as you move around in a natural way, this divine eye should be able to see constantly the form of the soul. There should be no effort involved in distinguishing the body from the soul.

Just as through a microscope you can see germs, the powerful divine eye can very clearly see the extremely subtle forms of Maya, and so will not allow these germs to flourish. Before any illness of Maya can take hold, you will finish it, and so you become ever free of disease. This divine eye is this powerful.

This divine eye is also a divine television. You will be able to see a film of all your births in Heaven, that is your 21 births. You can see the beautiful scenes of your kingdom and the story of the soul in each birth. You can see the fortune of the crown, throne, and kingdom. Whether you call it divine vision or far-sightedness, it is very powerful. Whenever you are free, see this film. Do not see the dangerous dance they perform nowadays, but see the dance of the angels and of the deities.

The switch of consciousness is working is it not? If you use the divine intellect and divine eye that you have received, in the correct way, then you will neither have time to think nor see that which is weak. Seeing and thinking are the two special methods for either becoming complete, or for becoming weak and complaining. While you see and listen, always have divine thoughts, and as are the thoughts, so you will do. Remain always powerful and make others powerful. Samja.

Achcha. To those who constantly apply the divine intellect and the divine eye in all activity, who constantly remain in the intoxication of seeing divine scenes, who always experience their future deity form clearly; to such children who have a powerful divine eye, who are the viewers of the three aspects of time, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

January 21, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, the creator of the world, is seeing his children, who are the eyes of the world, the light of the world. To have physical eyes means to have physical light, otherwise there is darkness. In the same way if you, the eyes, are not there, then there is not light in the world.

When a Brahmin child takes birth, BapDada gives two divine gifts on the special divine day of birth. He gives divine intellect, and divine, or spiritual, eyes. The divine intellect enables every child to become the embodiment of divine knowledge, divine remembrance, and divine inculcation. The divine intellect can inculcate the shrimat of BapDada in a second, and experiences being always powerful, always unshakeable, and always the master almighty authority. Shrimat means the directions which enable you to become elevated. The divine intellect is required to inculcate this.

Don’t let Maya snatch away the gift of divine intellect by making you belong to herself. Maya has the cleverness to make this Godly gift belong to herself – she becomes clever and makes you innocent. It is all right to become the innocent children of the innocent lord, but do not become innocent about Maya. To be innocent about Maya means to forget. The Godly divine intellect is always the canopy of protection, but Maya casts its own shadow and then the canopy flies away and the shadow remains. So check constantly, is the gift of the Father always with you?

A sign of the divine intellect is that the gift does the task of a lift: turn on the switch in the form of an elevated thought, and become stable in that state in a second. If there is the shadow of Maya on the divine intellect then the lift will not perform its task, but will become stuck. Instead of becoming stable in the state of self respect, you become distressed. Then you will have to climb the ladder in the form of effort. Then you yourself have made difficult that which was easy, by becoming careless and allowing yourself to become overshadowed by Maya.

The gift of the divine intellect is the spiritual aeroplane: switch it on and it can take you wherever you choose in a second. The switch is a thought. The people of science can travel around the one world, but you can travel around the three worlds. You become the embodiment of world benefactor in a second, and you give light and might to the world. Simply become stable in a high stage through the aeroplane of the divine intellect. They threw the ashes (of Indira Gandhi) over the Himalayas and onto the rivers from an aeroplane, so that they would spread in all four directions. They spread ashes, but you spread waves of cooperation of pure feelings, and elevated thoughts of light and might for all the souls of the world. The aeroplane is powerful is it not? You simply have to know how to use it.

You need the double refined device of elevated directions from BapDada. If there is even a little bit of rubbish of the dictates of one’s own mind, or the dictates of the minds of others, what will happen? Will you fly up or come down? Otherwise this is the aeroplane that always gives happiness.Just as in Satyug there cannot be any accidents, because that is the elevated fruit of your elevated actions, in the same way in the Confluence Age, the Godly gift of the divine intellect is also free from sorrow and deceit. Those with a divine intellect can never be deceived: they will not have the experience of sorrow, and they are always safe from adversity.

Always check at amrit vela whether anything is lacking. By correcting it at amrit vela, the entire day will remain powerful. If you are not able to correct it yourself then have it corrected, but correct it at amrit vela.

The subject of divine vision will be spoken of at some other time. Call it divine vision, or divine eyes, or spiritual eyes, it is the same thing. At the present time all of you have the golden vessel of the divine intellect, have you not? Silver or copper cannot be mixed with true gold. Satopradhan means complete gold: this is what is called the divine intellect. Achcha.

No matter what direction you have come from, the rivers of knowledge have come from all four directions and have merged into the Ocean. You have come to celebrate this great meeting of the rivers and the Ocean. BapDada is happy to see all the rivers of knowledge, and that with so much hope and enthusiasm you have reached here from far away, to celebrate the meeting. Achcha.

To those who always apply the golden gift of the divine intellect; to those who are most clever, like the Father, and recognise the cleverness of Maya; to those who remain under the canopy of protection of the Father, and remain far from the shadow of Maya; to those who always celebrate the sweet meeting with the Ocean of Knowledge; to those who make every difficulty very easy; to those elevated souls who remain stable in the stage of being world benefactors, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 18, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

On this powerful day, the powerful father is seeing his powerful children. Today is the special day when through the Father, Brahma grants the blessing of being powerful to the special children. Today is the day when BapDada brings his Shakti Army onto the world stage. Today is the day when the Shiv Shaktis begin to play a visible role in the corporeal form. Father Shiva continues to play and incognito role, so that he may be revealed through the Shaktis. He reveals the Shaktis as the embodiment of victory in front of the world. Today is the day when the children receive from BapDada the blessing of becoming equal. Today is the day when the special loving children are merged in the vision of the embodiment of love.

: Today in the early morning hours of nectar, BapDada was seeing the words “Baba sweet Baba”, sparkling at the centre of every pearl, in the garlands of pearls of love of every child, the innumerable garlands of invaluable, unique, spiritual gems. You would not wear such necklaces even in the Golden Age. Today is the day when sweet songs filled with heart-felt separation and love are sung by all the gopis in bondage. To such loving, long lost and now found souls who are merged in such love, BapDada gives the good news that the drums of revelation are about to sound.

On such a great day, all the children, wherever they are, even if they are far away, are close to the heart. BapDada gives a handshake of love to the children who have hope and enthusiasm for revelation, and so are like his right hands. Have courage. In return for love you will receive help anyway.

The splendour of the children, of this country and abroad, was seen in the subtle regions. The foreign children who have come last, but are moving fast with the enthusiasm of coming first, are making good progress. They feel that the farther away they are by being abroad, the closer they are to BapDada’s heart. Today some were having very good spiritual conversations filled with hope and enthusiasm. Some children are very sweet adn also try to persuade Baba with sweet things. They speak in a very innocent way, but are in fact very clever. They say “you must make a promise” and persuade him in this way. What would Baba say to this? Be happy, be content, and continue to move forward.

Achcha, the story is a very long and convoluted one: how much can be said and how much should be said? But everything is very good, in terms of being amusing.

Achcha, to all those who constantly remain in the hope and enthusiasm of love and service, who become equal and worthy of all attainment, and who reveal BapDada’s elevated and divine actions through their own actions, and thus glorify him; to those who clarify and reveal the life story of the father Brahma, through their own divine life; to such children who are BapDada’s constant companions, BapDada’s power-filled love, remembrance, and namaste.

(Dadi Kumarka and Dadi Janki)

: Today your friend (Didi) was merged in the subtle regions and she has given special love and remembrance to all. They (advance party) are also strengthening their gathering. Their activity will also continue to be revealed in step with yours. They are close in country and in relationship. This is why small groups of them, for some reason or another, without knowing it, meet. They do not have this full awareness, but their intellect is touched with the thought: “we must meet together and fulfil a new task”. According to the present state of the world we must come together and accomplish that which no-one else can accomplish. With this “touching” they meet with each other. At this time however, some are small and some are large groups, although all variety of souls have gone. Those who will do the physical work have gone, and those who inspire hope and enthusiasm have also gone. In the entire group, the three varieties of children were seen, and all three are essential: some who plan, some who do the physical work, and some who inspire hope and enthusiasm. A good group is forming. But the two groups (us and them) will be revealed together.

The speciality of revelation is at present behind clouds. The clouds are dispersing, but have not parted. As you reach the state of being powerful master suns of knowledge, so accordingly the clouds are dispersing. As soon as they have dissolved, then in a second the drums of revelation will beat. At present the clouds are still dispersing. The advance party is also concertedly preparing itself. They are the youth now, and are making plans amongst themselves. Just as in Bharat also, while the speciality of the numerous (political) parties is diminishing and one party is moving forward, there is significance in this “outside unity” as well. The “diverse” are weakening, and the “one” is gaining power. They are playing the special secret role in this establishment. Internally they have a great deal of enthusiastic energy, but are able to accomplish nothing outwardly. This is also a role of cooperation within the secret task of establishment. They do not lend support by conscious consent, but lend support out of their helplessness, and so this, also, is filled with significance.

Now the time of revelation of the deep, subtle, and secret method and system of establishment is drawing close. Then you will come to know what the advance party is doing and what you are doing. At this time you also question what they are doing, and they also question what you are doing. But both are moving forward according to drama. Jagatamba is, anyway, the moon, and Didi, from the beginning, has played a special role with the moon, Jagatamba. They have played a role together in this task. That one is the moon (cool) and this one (Didi) is intense. There is the meeting of the two. Now let them grow up a little. Jagatamba is even now radiating intense beams of power and energy of coolness, but there is need for a companion in planning, is there not? Pushpashanta and Didi have also an account with each other from the very beginning and now, also, both have an account of closeness with each other. Dada Vishwa Kishore is the backbone. Here, also, the Pandavas are the backbone, and the Shaktis are in front. And so, he also is in the groups of those who inspire hope and enthusiasm. When those who are in the planning group step onto the field, then there will be the revelation. Achcha.

January 16, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 16th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Father, the seed of the world tree, is seeing his children, the foundation through which the tree grows, he special souls who have inculcated all powers received directly from the seed. From the copper age until now you souls have received fortune according to the account of karma, but in the present Age of Fortune, you receive fortune from God. In order to draw the elevated lines of fortune, you children have been given the pen of elevated karma. You can draw as long a line of fortune as you wish, for a clear elevated fortune for innumerable births. You do not receive this blessing at any other time. Only at this time can you claim whatever you want to the whatever extent. God, the treasure store of fortune, generous-heartedly, is giving to the children without their needing to make effort. The treasure store is open, there is no lock, no key. It is so limitlessly full that everyone can take as much as they wish. Do not claim according to the power accessible to you, but take with a large heart. Claim an elevated fortune with ease. Don’t be pleased with just a little. There is still a little time to receive fortune from Baba’s open treasure store.

Because of love, Baba is now a friend, at every moment and in every circumstance. But soon, instead of the friend, he will begin to play the part of the Observer. Whether you become complete with all powers, or complete to the power accessible to you , both will be seen by the Observer. So attain the inheritance, blessings, help, and companionship which are obtainable now. Never be careless in attaining: “so many years still remain” – do not add the period of world transformation to the period of attainment. Do not get left behind, thinking such thoughts of carelessness. Remember the expression “if not now then never”. Remember God and remember fortune.

Bap and Dada have a spiritual conversation with each other to discuss why you become helpless through such old tendencies. Baba makes you strong, and still the children become helpless. He forever gives you legs of courage, and wings as well , and even makes you fly with him. Why then do you fluctuate so? Even in the Age of Merriment, you continue to be confused. This is said to be “being helpless as a result of old tendencies”. So are you strong or helpless? Baba makes you double light and gives you company to take your entire burden upon himself. And yet, because of the tendency of carrying the burden, you still take the burden upon yourself. Then you sing the song of “what, why, how” and the other song of “will do, later”. These are the songs of bhakti. The song of those who have the right is “I have found”. So which song do you sing? Check and see which song you sang through the day. BapDada has love for the children and it is because of this love that He thinks each child should be constantly, completely powerful, and forever multi-million-fold fortunate. Samja?

Achcha. To those who always, according to the time, have the right to the inheritance and blessings; those who always, through the open treasure store of fortune, make their own fortune complete; those who change accessible power into complete full power; those who, through the pen of elevated actions, draw the lines of complete fortune; to such elevated souls who are the embodiment of all attainments, who recognise the importance of the time, BapDada says namaste, and gives love and remembrances to make them complete.

January 14, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Those who have pure thoughts for the self automatically have good wishes for all. Pure thoughts or the self start with the awareness of the first riddle “who am I”. To know your original, eternal, elevated image, is the true “thinking of the self”. The weakness of non-efforts or slack efforts is the offspring of body consciousness. Self awareness means souls consciousness. In this state the question of weakness simply does not arise. “As is the Father, so am I, the soul, elevated”: those who think of the self in this way are able to have pure thoughts.

To have pure thoughts means to churn the gems of knowledge, which means playing with the deep, subtle, entertaining secrets of the Creator and the creation. One is to repeat and the other is to flow with the waves of the Ocean of Knowledge, and constantly play wit the gems of knowledge, in the intoxication of being the master of the treasures of knowledge. Bring knowledge into the realm of experience. Such pure thoughts automatically remove you far away from waste thoughts. Fill the intellect with pure thoughts. Go into the secret significance of each word of knowledge, and don’t just enjoy the music. To listen to the music of the flute of knowledge is very nice, but those who understand the secret significance will be lost in the intoxication of churning, and will automatically become a well wisher for all who come into contact with them.

A true well wisher will have neither impure thoughts nor impure vision for anyone else. They will automatically acquire the habit of pure attitude of mind and drishti towards everyone else, and so remain a well wisher for all. Even on seeing the weakness in others they will always give the wing of hope and enthusiasm, to make them powerful, and enable them to fly high. They will always be cooperative with such souls, through good feeling and good wishes. They will fill hope in those who are without hope. They will give a leg of support to the lame, and enable them to move. They will give happiness to the heart. They will serve every soul.

Have you become such well wishing souls, with pure attitude of mind, and pure vision? Then the world will always appear pure to such elevated Brahmins – as it is said “always see that which is pure, good, and auspicious”. You have taken pure birth at a pure time. There should be no trace of impurity even in your dreams.

Achca. To those who remain in the spiritual; intoxication of thinking of the self, who remain complete and full with the treasures of pure thoughts, who fly as well wishers and enable all other souls to fly as well, who are always bestowers like the Father, who bestow blessings and make everyone powerful and equal children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

You have become the crown of the head, from being the servants at the feet of God, have you not? You remain constantly happy seeing your elevated fortune, do you not? Maya is clever at stealing the treasure of happiness. If you are brave and clever Maya will not be able to do anything – she will be subjugated – even further, the enemy will become a server. So are you such conquerors of Maya? If there is BapDada’s remembrance, it means you are always in his company, and have acquired the colour of spirituality. If there isn’t the Father’s company then there isn’t spiritual colour. So have you conquered attachment by being coloured by the Father’s company? Or is there a little attachment to the children or the grand children? Having served the children have you begun to serve others? The line never finishes, one after another, a queue continues to form. Become free of the bondage.

From being completely empty you have become full of all treasures. From living within four walls, you have become masters of the world. Baba has made you his own: do you remain in this intoxication? He hasn’t made those who are more famous his. God has come and made you his own. So remain ever happy on seeing your fortune, and don’t let Maya steal your treasure.

January 9, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing his children who have elevated fortune. All have become children of the bestower of fortune, and because of this, fortune is your birthright. There is a difference between experiencing these rights for the self, and enabling others to experience it in their lives. Just as you can see the temporary intoxications in the face and activities of one who has gross wealth, so too the sparkle of the rays of the suns of elevated fortune will be experienced from a distance. The vision of elevated fortune and the face of spirituality are more elevated and lovely than that of any worldly soul. everyone will always experience spiritual royalty in the drishti of the soul with an elevated fortune.

No matter how great the royalty and personality of those of the world, when in front of souls of elevated fortune, they will experience their own personality to be perishable, and the spiritual personality of those with elevated fortune to be extremely elevated and unique. They will realise that these souls are the people of God. They will lose themselves in the experience of receiving something, like a thirsty soul stumbling upon an oasis. An empty souls will experience the hope of attainment. In the midst of the darkness of hopelessness they will experience the kindled flame of good wishes. Happiness will enter their hearts.

Have you become those with such elevated fortune? Do you know your spiritual specialities? Do you believe in them? Or do you only think of it, and hear about it? As you move along hidden in the ordinary form, do you souls forget you are invaluable diamonds with an elevated fortune? The body is old and ordinary, but the soul is special and great. See the horoscope of the fortune of the entire world: no one else has lines of elevated fortune longer than yours, no matter how complete with wealth souls are. There are souls complete with the treasures of scriptural knowledge of the soul, there are souls complete with the power of knowledge of science, but what will that be felt to be, in front of the completeness of fortune of all of you? They have begun to experience that they are outwardly full but empty inside, whereas you are inwardly full and outwardly empty. So remember your elevated fortune, and remain in the spiritual intoxication of your power. Fulfil your lokik activity by being the spiritual people of God. Give others the experience that there is something unique in your drishti and faces.

You children have such elevated fortune, Baba sometimes smiles on seeing your innocence. You are God’s but have forgotten your own fortune. The innocent children forget that which no one else would forget. Does anyone forget their father? You have made the inverted role of 63 births so firm that though God says forget it you cannot do so, whereas you do forget that which is elevated. And so you are innocent. Baba says, my part in the drama is with such innocent ones! You have been innocent for a long time. Now become knowledgeful and powerful, like the Father. Samja?

Achcha. To those of elevated fortune who give to all the power to become fortunate, who enable the greatness of their ordinariness to change the innocent into fortunate ones, who constantly remain in the intoxication of happiness of their right and fortune, who sparkle as the stars of fortune of the world; to such elevated fortunate souls, BapDada the bestower of fortune’s love, remembrance and namaste.

(residents of Madhuban)
The residents of Madhuban means those who with their sweetness constantly make others sweet, and who with their attitude of unlimited distaste, inspire distaste in others. This is your speciality – extreme sweetness balanced with extreme distaste. Those who maintain this balance move forward very easily and naturally.

Madhuban is the lighthouse and mighthouse for the entire world, even for ignorant souls. Whether someone desires it or not, the light of the lighthouse falls on all souls. As you become powerful here, so something powerful and special happens there. Together with Brahmins, the people of the world are also affected by the waves generated here.

If those who are the special instruments acquire enthusiasm for a short while, and then become ordinary again, then those people will also have enthusiasm and then become ordinary again. Madhuban is a special and great stage. Those who play a part on a great stage must also be great. Everyone sees you with raised vision, because whatever is the praise of Madhuban is also the praise of the residents of Madhuban.

So every word you utter is a pearl. It is a shower of pearls. This is sweetness. Speak such words that those who hear them will think “I will also speak in this way”. Listening to you all they should be inspired to learn, and to follow you. Your every word should be great – filled with sweetness for each soul.

And secondly, to whatever extent the treasure stores in Madhuban are full, to that extent there should be unlimited distaste. If you do not have anything then of what will there be an attitude of distaste? As your attainment is extreme, so your distaste should be unlimited. The fruit will be received in the future anyway. You receive true love and blessings from the heart of everyone now, and this attainment is even greater than the attainment of the kingdom of heaven. The experience will be as though someone is making you fly very easily, in their hands.

This year you have made resolutions filled with new hope and enthusiasm, have you not? There is determination in that, isn’t there? Revise those resolutions every day and strengthen your determination. Then that determination will work through into activity. Otherwise weakness will creep in. So revise your resolutions every day, and repeat them in front of Baba, and they will become firm, and success will be easy.

If one soul fulfils even a small task, and that task done in that place gives inspiration to all, then the entire account of the benefit received from that speciality is returned to the soul who performed it. So just think how much benefit is derived from the soul who initiates the increase in the enthusiasm of all. You sit in one corner and your effect spreads everywhere. Such is the importance of the residents of Madhuban.

Nowadays there isn’t so much influence from words as there is from thoughts. Words have become common, but nowhere else is there the powerful vibration to go with the words. That only happens here – so now show this speciality. There is a need for soul power, and vibrations must be spread.

January 7, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 7th January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the bestower Father has come to meet his bestower children. The bestower Father was seeing each child’s chart. Having received treasures from the bestower, to what extent have children become master bestowers like the Father? Are they bestowers of knowledge? Are they bestowers of remembrance, bestowers of power? Are the bestowing their elevated company, and hope and enthusiasm, on the powerless, to make them fulfilled? A master bestower gives at each moment through each thought. Bestower means generous hearted and constantly giving. Like the Father, never take and always give. A great donor is selfless, constantly beyond concern for the self, and, like the Father, loved by all. Such bestowers belong to the royal dynasty. They are sustainers, like the Father, who are constantly complete. So check yourself – are you those who take or master bestowers who give?

Now is the time to give. As much as you give, so accordingly will you accumulate. If even now you have the desire to fulfil limited desires of the self, then when will you fulfil the desires of all the souls of the world? Sing the song of “I have found, I have become” and not the song of “I want, I want”. When even the five elements are servants in front of you, the bestowers, when you have become masters of matter and Maya, then you will see the limited desires as candle light in front of the sun. The sun has no need of candle light.

To fulfil “I want”, give what you want, to the greatest extent. Give respect, don’t take respect. Give regard, don’t take regard. If you want name, donate the name of the Father, and your name will become famous automatically. Giving is the basis of receiving.

Finish lokik hopes and desires – anyone with a limited want can never confront Maya. The destination cannot be reached by taking the wrong path. Don’t say “mine, mine”, but say “yours, yours”, then everyone will say “yours”. If you say “mine” then whatever is coming your way will also go away. Where there is discontentment, achievement seems like non-achievement. Where there is contentment, a little achievement seems like everything. By saying “yours”, you will become the embodiment of attainment. If you make a sound in a dome, the same sound comes back from all directions. In the same way whatever you say comes back from all directions: if you say “mine”, they will also say “mine”, but if you say “yours” they will all say “yours”. By this method you can change the limited into the unlimited, and become master bestowers. Achcha.

To all master bestowers who constantly give to all, who are to become deities, who constantly sing the song of “yours, yours”; to such complete souls who constantly satisfy unfulfilled souls, love remembrance and namaste from BapDada, the bestower of blessings.

January 2, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada smiles on seeing all the love-filled gifts from all the children. These gifts were from the heart to the comforter of hearts. Baba received any number of varied gifts from every child. Some were of greater value than others – the greater the extent the love was unbroken in every relationship, the greater the value of the gift.

Everyone should be constantly merged in unlimited love, and no other individual or thing should be seen, other than the sky of unlimited love and the ocean of of unlimited experience. There should be no attraction outside of this sky and ocean. The gifts of love accumulate over the years and become visible to BapDada.

The love should be unbroken, from the heart, and not just emerging according to the necessity of time, or to suit their purpose. There should be all relationships, with not one missing, and each relationship should be 100%.

In service as much as possible should be done through mind, body, and wealth, and through thoughts, words and actions. The treasures of knowledge and virtue that are received from Baba should all be applied in service whole-heartedly. Service should be done with the heart, not out of duty. Reveal the Father’s love through the image of your love and your eyes.

So let the past be past, and for the present and future become powerful to your full potential.

To those who are constantly loving and have heart-felt love in all relationships; those who taste the juice of total spirituality, who are powerful in all treasures, who are constant servers; to such souls who are specially loving and close in all relationships, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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