The Murli

March 30, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 30th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada has come to meet his constant companions. Baba cannot do any task without the children and the children cannot do anything without Baba. This is why from the very start Baba created the Brahmins together with Brahma. It was not just Brahma alone that was created, but the Brahmin children also. The true companions follow the Father – every step is like the Father – their companionship is imperishable, and they do not have to labour. You are such companions are you not? In your every thought you are aware “Baba belongs to me and I belong to Baba”. In the intellect there is the unlimited treasure you have inherited. In the heart is the comforter of hearts. And so, Baba is merged in the hearts, minds, and intellects of the children who are the true companions. Remembrance is merged within the soul, and so, as is the consciousness, so is the stage, and so are the actions performed automatically. Baba, seeing the hope and enthusiasm of the children, congratulates the children. Sangam yuga is a time for congratulations at every moment.

Obstacles will come, because to be a Brahmin means to challenge Maya. Only through challenging Maya can you conquer Maya. Recognise it to be a game. It comes and it is gone – the soul sees it from a distance and chases it away from a distance. You must neither be influenced by any obstacle, nor must you yourself become an obstacle in front of others.

Firstly you must have purity. Secondly you must have unadulterated remembrance, so that no obstacle disturbs your remembrance even slightly. Then you will be constantly content and will give contentment to others. The virtue of contentment is the mirror of inculcation. Constant contentment is a sign of being part of the eight jewels, the special deities.

Service is good, and BapDada congratulates you for this, but to become one of the eight you must pass with honour in all subjects. So remember and check three things. Firstly let there be no limited attachment to anything at all. Attachment to Baba is another thing, but have no limited attachment. Secondly let there be no tension, neither within the self nor with others. Let there be no struggle with each other. The basis of tension is the consciousness of “I” – not the consciousness of “I the eternal soul” but the consciousness of the body. Thirdly let there be no form of weak nature. Maintain the pure feelings and elevated stage of the eternal self. Your true nature is that of soul consciousness. If your nature becomes an obstacle then there is a weakness. Your original nature is elevated, like the Father’s.

Constantly distribute the fortune that is the fruit of your renunciation, and co-operate with others and move forward. Let your hands come together and share the tasks with each other. Do not follow others. Brahma Baba always kept the children in front. If anyone praised Brahma out of love he would say “there is no inheritance from Brahma. Do not keep a photograph of Brahma”. These were his words: “do not consider Brahma to be anything at all”. He always said this. This is the stage of renouncing even the fortune that has come from renunciation, by using it in service. This is the stage of the doubly great donor.

Do not pull towards yourself. If something comes easily, that is elevated fortune. If you pull and take, there will be great labour and less success, because you will not receive everyone’s blessings through this. If something is received easily and naturally, it is filled with blessings from everyone.

Never say “my nature is this, because of living in this land” or “because of being born into this religion”, or “because of the company I keep”. Which land do you belong to? Germany? England? These are simple superficial places in which you stay in order to serve. Neither is anyone a foreigner, nor can anyone have the intoxication “I belong to Bharat”. All of you belong to the one Father. The people of Bharat are Brahmin souls, and the people living abroad are Brahmin souls. There is no difference. Why have you people taken birth in foreign lands? You went there to open service places, otherwise the people of Bharat have great problem with visas. You can live there easily, and this is why service is possible in so many lands. You have only gone abroad for service. And so do not let nature become dependant on such aspects.

Baba’s nature is the nature of the children also. What is Baba’s nature? Good wishes and the feelings of benefit and mercy for every soul – this is Baba’s nature, the nature of uplifting everyone to the elevated stage, the nature of sweetness, the nature of humility. Baba’s nature is also the nature of the children. So never say “my nature is to speak loudly” or “my nature is to become irritated and jealous” or “I don’t know why it happened – this is my nature”. Where did “my’ come from? This is weak nature. This is wrong. Do not let there be arrogance, but maintain the stage of eternal respect for the self.

So pay attention to these three things, attachment, tension, and weak nature. And in order to keep away from these three aspects, remember three others. Firstly maintain constant balance in all things in your life. Balance service with remembrance. Do not be too serious or too entertaining. Secondly take special blessings from the Father in the early morning hours of nectar. Each day in the hours of nectar, BapDada fills the apron of the children with blessings. You can take as many blessings as you wish. Thirdly be blissful.

Achcha. There are another three things. Inculcate three other things. Have as your aim to finish the first three things, to remember the second three things, and to inculcate the following tree things. Firstly let there be reality in everything – the Lord is pleased with an honest heart. The soul dances with truth. If there is truth then the soul will constantly dance with happiness. Secondly, let there be royalty – do not bow in front of little things. Be the constant embodiment of attainment. The eyes will not be drawn anywhere. The intellect will not be drowning in anything. It is spiritual royalty, not the royalty of clothes. Thirdly let there be unity in thoughts, words and actions. Let the many become one. And so there are three things to inculcate: reality, royalty and unity.

BapDada has reserved the early morning hours of nectar (amrit vela) for the Brahmin children. BapDada constantly sees the speciality of every child and the virtue of service of each one especially at that time. Special sustenance is given – the sustenance of blessings and the co-operation of love. BapDada makes imperishable the speciality of every child through special blessings at that time. This is why amrit vela has been reserved specially for the children. You just have to say “Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba.”. BapDada fills the soul with power to prepare it for the entire day. This sustenance is in fact available constantly, but there is extra sustenance at amrit vela. Take as many blessings as you wish with a true heart, not out of some desire. The more powerful you make your time at amrit vela, the easier your whole day becomes. Do you understand? Achcha.

Do not set aside progress for the self for the sake of progress in service. Do both things together, otherwise the ones for whom you have become the instruments remain weak, and they have to work very hard.

Sangam Yuga is the time of celebration. BapDada says – by all means eat, drink, and enjoy yourselves, but in remembrance, and there will be nothing but pleasure. Otherwise, one moment you celebrate in pleasure, and the next there is confusion. So eat, drink, and celebrate in remembrance. Achcha.

To those who have the aim of passing with honour and who inculcate those virtues; to those who, like Brahma the Father, share the fortune that has come from renunciation, and so make other souls into elevated fortunate souls, the number one renunciates; to those who have claimed all rights to easy attainment; to those who easily maintain the balance
between progress for the self and progress in service; to those who are constantly co-operative companions at every step, and so move forward; to those who create a powerful state of consciousness and stage, and always follow the Father; to those who are constantly obedient and trustworthy; to those who remain content, and who understand the significance of making everyone else content; to such greatly elevated, charitable souls; to the children who are the doubly great donors; BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 27, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada went on a tour to see the pilgrimage places of the Brahmins everywhere. Some places had an attraction of physical decorations. Some had the attraction of the vibrations of tapasya. Some had the attraction of an atmosphere of renunciation and elevated fortune – an atmosphere of simplicity that was elevated. A variety of stages of consciousness were also seen amongst the Brahmin children. BapDada took this tour to see how prepared the children are.

Brahma Baba asked: are the children free from all bondages? Are they ever-ready and just waiting for the time? Shiv Baba said: did you go on tour and see to what extent children are free from all bondage? To what extent they are yogyukt: accurately linked in yoga? Only those who are free from all bondage can be accurately linked in yoga. And only the soul who is accurately linked in yoga can achieve jeewan mukti. And so today Brahma Baba was specially taken on tour in order to see this.

It was seen that the majority of souls have stepped away from the large bondages, from the ropes that can be seen clearly. But there are subtle, very deep bondages, ropes that still remain, but can only be seen with a deep subtle intellect, with the subtle power of discrimination.

Firstly there is the subtle support of companions in service. Whether because a soul is specially co-operative, or has special talent or virtues, or there is a harmony of sanskars, a subtle attachment develops. It is forgotten that all of that is a gift from Baba. If the intellect bows down in front of another soul, even in thoughts, this bowing means that you have made that soul your support. And then, at a moment of need, that soul is remembered, instead of Baba, because that soul is co-operative on the corporeal level. Once the link of Baba’s remembrance is broken, it takes a great deal of effort to join it together again. It has not remained constant. So don’t think “this one”. To have spiritual love for all, to speak with love, to give and take co-operation in service, that is another thing. All are good – see their specialities. Be co-operative with everyone and take their co-operation. Don’t forget Baba. When Baba is there, there cannot be sin. When Baba is removed from the middle, then there is sin.

Secondly, subtle support is taken from physical equipment. Service fluctuates when the equipment is not available. Do not make equipment your support. Your support and foundation is Baba. The equipment is perishable. If you make it your support then your stage will be perishable too. Be detached and don’t let the mind be drawn into the attraction of the equipment.

The karmateet stage has to come. Karmateet doesn’t mean detached from karma – it means detached from the bondage of karma, to experience detachment yet still perform karma.

It was also seen that, from time to time, the power of discrimination becomes weak in some of the children. The reason for this is that the love in their intellect does not remain stable. They are not constantly lost in the love of the one Father, so they don’t recognise their own weaknesses: they cannot discriminate. More often a soul does recognise its weaknesses, but tries to hide them by trying to prove itself right, or by becoming stubborn. This is another sign of lack of discrimination. And so, lacking discrimination, there intellect does not become stable. Stablility doesn’t mean keeping the same stage of consciousness for a year, it means to constantly experience the flying stage. The flying stage means to experience that there is progress, day upon day.

You want to become karmateet don’t you? Let the intellect become stable and then check. Whatever subtle weaknesses there are will be seen clearly. Don’t take support from subtle threads or royal threads – they are not support, they are bondage.

You saw how Brahma Baba had special love for the children but was equally detached: the call came and he went immediately. In cooking, when something is ready, it leaves the support of the side of the pan. In the same way, leave the support of individuals, possessions and objects.

Never hide anything. When you hide something it increases further. The more you hide it the more it grows. The more stubborn you are, the more you try to prove yourself right, the more it grows. In this way, little things become large. So finish it while it is still small, and then it will be easy, and you will remain happy.

The double foreign children especially receive Brahma Baba’s sustenance, the sustenance of love. Brahma Baba created you children through special invocation. You have been born through Brahma’s thoughts. You became Brahmins. You are extra clever. You understand just through a signal. This is also a speciality. Although there are questions yet, you understand quickly.

: Today this hasn’t been a murli, but a conversation of the heart, the giving and taking of news. You are the souls who will enter the flying stage. If someone is seen to be worthy, capable, then a signal is given to make them into perfect yogis. Achcha.

To those who are constantly liberated from the bondage of karma; to the souls who are accurately linked in yoga; to those who constantly make the one father their support; to those who have stepped away from even subtle weaknesses, from the perishable support of humans or objects; to those who are like the father, jeevan mukt, stable in the karmateet stage; to such special children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 24, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 24th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, loveful and lawful, was seeing the accounts of the children, to what extent each had accumulated a stock. Whatever you accumulate in this one birth will determine your royal status for 21 births, and your worship worthy status for the rest of the kalpa. Those who belong to the eight jewels are the most elevated deities. The number one worship is for Krishna, the most elevated soul. What you accumulate in this one birth will be the return you receive for the entire kalpa. “If not now then never” – this is the slogan for Brahmins. Do whatever you want to do now, with hope and enthusiasm – this is the time for intense effort.

Instant donation is the greatest charity. If there is time spent between the thought and the practice, Maya gets a chance to slip into that gap of time, and the situation changes. The offering of mind, body, and wealth, as an instant donation, is the greatest donation, called Maha Prasad (the great offering). Instant donation means to have a thought and to do it instantly. If it is a pure task, then it should be done instantly – don’t waste any time thinking about it.

Just as there is multi-million returns for one powerful thought, so one wasteful thought creates an account of sorrow and hopelessness, and all happiness disappears. Then they will say “I don’t know what made my happiness disappear”, or “I prefer solitude – I would like to go away somewhere”, but where would they go? Do not go anywhere alone without the Father. By all means become alone, but never become lonely. Sangamyuga is the age of being combined – never again in the whole kalpa can there be such a wonderful couple – even Lakshmi and Narayan are not such a couple. There should not be separation for even one second. What happens if there is separation? Everyone has a lot of experience in this. Sometimes you go to the shore of the ocean, sometimes you go on top of the roof, sometimes you go to the mountains. To go to these places for churning is another thing, but do not go alone without the Father. Wherever you go, remember the promise you made: “we will stay together, we will move together”. Do not go away into the jungle or into the ocean. Stay together, live together.

So today the accounts were being seen. To what extent have you accumulated a treasure store of elevated knowledge, elevated powers, elevated thoughts, and elevated actions?

BapDada has great pleasure in meeting every child and taking the sweet, sweet, spiritual fragrance of every child. BapDada understands the three aspects of time for every child, whereas the children understand only their own present. BapDada sees the elevated future, rather than the present upheaval. The speciality of every child is seen. Achcha.

To those who constantly have the elevated thoughts of instant donation, and of becoming great charitable souls; To those who constantly change themselves now; to those who receive the blessings of this period of time and fill their aprons with blessings; to those who constantly follow the father Brahma and, together with him, claim all rights to the elevated kingdom and to the elevated worship-worthy status; to those who constantly stay combined with the Father; to such children who are the constant companions, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 21, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 21st March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, as a spiritual commander, is observing his spiritual army. The souls instrumental for destruction are inventing powerful weapons in he race of destruction. They are creating the weapons while sitting in one place, and they can hit the target from a long distance. Similarly, the spiritual army, he instrument responsible for transformation and establishment, is imbibing very subtle and powerful weapons. You are making plans for creation and they are making plans for destruction. While sitting in one place, can you send rays of spiritual vibrations through spiritual remembrances, and touch the soul? Everyone is receiving knowledge and that is power. Have you become mahavirs (brave warriors) or just warriors? Have you received the chakra of victory, through swadarshanchakra (the cycle of self realisation). The spiritual weapons are shown in memorial pictures as gross weapons – they show goddesses and pandavs holding weapons.

You all receive the same knowledge – you all study together in the same class – you all receive the same education – the same murli. Some hear a point and revise it and relate it very well – they give very good lectures – some children can even give a better speech than BapDada. But it is one thing to imbibe the knowledge as points to relate, and another to imbibe it as a weapon or power. Those who imbibe the knowledge in their practical life become unshakeable, while those who just imbibe it in the form of a point of knowledge will fluctuate. This difference makes you numberwise. The real accurate knowledge is in the form of light and might. So now revise the course once more with force. See what powers are in each point of knowledge, and see when each power can be used. You are becoming powerful in order to become victorious at the time of need.

Achcha. To those who become constantly mahavir and use the power of knowledge according to the time; to the ones who always remain steady and unshakeable, and experience themselves as master almighty authority; to such constantly elevated conquerors of Maya, love, remembrances, and namaste from BapDada.

March 18, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 18th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Dilwala Baba, the one who has stolen all the hearts, has come to have heart-to-heart conversation with His loving children who occupy the throne of his heart. Dilwala has come to exchange the things of the heart with the ones who have a true heart. You hear many murlis, but today there is going to be a heart-to-heart conversation. You the spirits have such a power of love that you are able to tie the Father, the creator of spirits, into the bondage of that love. Whenever you remember, the Father becomes present.

: Today Baba is asking the double foreign children, are all of you constantly content? To be content is the special virtue of Brahmin life. Contentment is the mirror for seeing the special transformation of Brahmin life. This transformation becomes the instrument responsible for the transformation of many other souls. Where there is contentment there is also happiness. Everyone will try to co-operate with a contented soul. Contentment enables a soul to mix amongst the sanskars and natures of all others. A contented souls will never be disturbed by anyone’s nature or sanskars. Have you become contented souls in this way?

God came to you, you did not go to him, so fortune automatically came your way. As you sat at home you received the key to all treasures. A contented soul constantly receives the love of everyone’s heart – not external love, but love from the heart.

Maya is able to recognise the obedient children who stay within the line of the code of conduct shown by the Father. If there is delay in recognising, or if there is a mistake, Maya catches the soul. Instead of being a yogi in union, they become divorced – instead of being the embodiment of attainment, they become a souls who is crying out. Maya comes through the path of weakness. A very easy method to conquer Maya is to experience the constant companionship of the Father. The colour of the company influences you automatically. Keep the seed form with yourself, and the seed of Maya will be burnt. Stay in company, remain content, and Maya will surrender.

Never think you are foreigners and these people belong to this land, that your methods are different from theirs. It is simply for introduction that the term is used. All are Brahmins. And so it is wrong to think that you are foreigners. You have taken a new birth – the past old birth has finished – your new birth is in Brahma’s lap. There must never be any difference in sanskars – you are Brahmins and belong to the Brahmin dynasty. There is only one family: the family of Shiva. We are one, the Father is One, the path one, the customs and systems are one, nature and sanskars are one. We are Brahmins, the children of Brahma. You al belong to one, and so you have become one.

Madhuban is sparkling – BapDada likes seeing this sparkle. It is always the children who are the sparkle of the home – Madhuban has become decorated by your presence. There is a speciality which is very good – the love of service is very good. There is also study, but sometimes you become a little careless in that. But for the majority the love of service is making you free from obstacles – because you remain busy, you are liberated from many types of Maya.

To those souls who have become constantly content; to those self sovereigns who have claimed the right of being world sovereigns; to such elevated souls who become number one in every task through constant faith; to such children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 15, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

BapDada comes into the stage of sound, from the stage of nirvana, the stage beyond sound, because of the children’s love. He comes to give them the experience of the stage beyond sound, which is like himself, to take the children to the sweet home of nirvana. The consciousness of nirvana is free from all vices and evil thoughts. I, the incorporeal take the support of the corporeal, and I speak, keeping the incorporeal consciousness. This double consciousness of the original incorporeal and the corporeal support is a powerful consciousness. So do not forget the incorporeal form whilst taking the support of the corporeal, or there is labour in trying to remember again. With the power of knowledge you have recognised your true form, so remember it just as you remembered the consciousness of the body.

Check yourself while walking and working: am I , the incorporeal, taking the support of the corporeal while doing this task? Then automatically and easily the stage of consciousness will be freed from labour. It feels laborious when you forget again and again. So why do you forget the original form and remember the artificial? BapDada is sometimes amazed on seeing the children – how can you forget yourself? And having forgotten yourself you experience distress.

BapDada cannot bear to see the children labouring – a master almighty authority, the master of all powers, labouring! With pure thought you can invoke whatever power you wish at whatever time, and that power will be your servant. Will a master labour, or simply order with pure thought? You are the kings are you not? You are the souls who have claimed all rights. All powers and virtues are your servers. Just invoke them and they will appear. Learn how to invoke. Learn how to order. The servers will obey the master. The master must not become the server. You have been liberated from labour of the mind.

Labour of the body for service is a separate thing. Those who recognise the importance of serving the yagya do not feel that is is labour – it is like a game. Their love for Baba changes the form of the work.

However, now the time has come to be liberated from the labour of the mind. Since the copper age the mind has been labouring, searching, seeking, and crying out. The labour of the mind increases the labour of earning a living, and causes sickness of the body. It also takes labour in trying to please everyone in ones own family – sometimes one sulks, and sometimes another one sulks. Today they all belong to you, and tomorrow they do not: they have turned around. All these varieties of labour make you tired. You have become tired of everything: your body, your mind, your wealth, your relationships.

BapDada first finishes the labour of the mind because the mind is the seed. The labour of the mind gives the experience of having labour through the body or for wealth. When the mind is happy, nothing seems difficult. Weakness of the mind pulls it into the weakness of the atmosphere. BapDada cannot bear to see the children experiencing the labour of the mind. There has been labour for 63 births and now this is the one birth to experience enjoyment, the birth to experience love, the birth to experience attainment, the birth to experience blessings, the birth to experience help. There should be no labour in this birth. Transform the labour into love.

: Today Bap and Dada were having a great deal of chit chat together over the children’s labour. BapDada was smiling. Because of the labour of the mind, many crippled children are born. Some do not have a face, some do not have an arm, some do not have a leg, and so, many wasteful children are produced. And then because of such a creation being created, there has to be even more labour in sustaining the creation, and the soul gets tired. And then the heart loses hope, and it seems difficult. The soul doesn’t want to leave anything, and doesn’t want to fly. And then you have to walk, and this takes effort also. If you stop creating weak creation, you will be liberated from labour of the mind.

Should we tell you the amusing things that are said further? Baba asks “why are you creating this creation?”. And then just as the people of today say “What can we do? God has given us this creation”, and so God is blamed for everything, so you say “I do not want it, but Maya comes”. So, become the masters, become the ruler. Just sit on your elevated throne of the consciousness of the eternal self, and be the masters. Order your servers, the powers, to obey, and they will appear in front of you. So is it better to labour, or to be master? Constantly practice one thing: “I the incorporeal have taken the support of the corporeal to do this task”. Order the sense organs to work.

In the consciousness of the original real incorporeal form, the original virtues and powers will emerge automatically. The consciousness will automatically create the stage. Finish the word “labour” from your life, and the word “difficult” will finish automatically. Achcha.

To those who constantly make difficult into easy, who transform labour into love; to those who, through the consciousness of the original form, experience the elevated powers and virtues; to those who constantly give Baba the response of their love; to those who become like the Father; to those who sit constantly on the elevated throne of elevated consciousness; to those who become masters and do all the tasks through their servers; to such royal children who are the masters, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 12, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the true father, the true teacher, and true guru, is seeing his children who are the embodiment of the power of truth. How great is the power of truth – true knowledge! This is what attracted you to the Godly University, to Raja Yoga. You received the true introduction to the true father – true knowledge. You found the true family. You received true love. You experienced true attainment.This is what attracted you. The word “sat” (truth) has two meanings: it means truth and it also means eternal attainment, eternal relationship, eternal love, and eternal family. This same family is going to continue to meet you for 21 births in a variety of names and forms.

Just as you have been attracted here by that recognition, you must now reveal the power of truth, the true knowledge, to the world. For 50 years the land was being prepared. Just as all souls of a variety of religions recognise that there is only one who is the supreme soul, in the same way they should recognise that there is only one true knowledge which is accurate from the father. That is, there is only one path. Until this sound is spread around, souls cannot stop stumbling around, and they will continue to seek the support of tiny little sparkles of light. Now at least they understand that this is one of the paths, and that it is a good path. But they have to recognise finally that the one father has one introduction, and that there is one path. When all the innumerable illusions finish, then this will become the basis of peace in the world. The flag of glorification cannot be hoisted until the truth is recognised, and the wave of power has been spread in all directions, everywhere.

In the Golden Jubilee you will give special invitations to souls and bring them to the Father’s home. Through your stage and elevated atmosphere, through the influence of pure intellect, the land of love, and the sustenance of purity, you will begin to clearly reveal your true knowledge. A clear introduction should be given. They should hear things that they have not yet heard in the world. Whoever is speaking should relate the experience of their own transformation, and each speaker should clarify a new aspect of knowledge. Use truth and humility to clarify the knowledge. The greater the humility, the greater the authority. Explain that God is not omnipresent, nameless or formless. Explain the drama, and the specialities of the soul. Let them experience both newness and truth together. Let them dance in happiness.

As yet the Father shows the son. Now let the son show the Father. You have taken 50 years to prepare the ground. When the ground is tilled and made worthy, it does not take long to sow the seeds. Powerful seeds yield powerful fruit.


You souls are very thirsty for knowledge. It is good. Brahma Baba gave all of you birth after invoking your for a long time. You have been born through special invocation. Although it took a long time, you children are strong and healthy. Baba’s sound was reaching you, and when the right moment came, then you came close. Even though the majority of you did not see Brahma Baba, you are able to experience the living quality from the picture. Even though you did not see, you have been experiencing great sustenance, and you say from the depths of your hearts “Brahma Baba”. This is the connection of special subtle love. Even though he is in subtle form, yet the sustenance is equal to the corporeal sustenance. That is your experience, is it not?


Make yourselves golden , and the jubilee will be golden too. You must have attention on the balance of self and service – progress of the self, and progress in service. When making a plan, first pay attention to the consciousness of the self, and then there will be power in the plan. The plan is the seed.

Achcha. To those who reveal the truth; to those who maintain the balance of truth and humility, who through every word prove the one introduction of the one Father; to those who, through constant self progress, experience success; to those who hoist the flag of Baba’s revelation in service; to such children of the SatGuru, the true father, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 9, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 9th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Love for the Father and love for service gives life to each one in their Brahmin life. You have now reached the Golden Jubilee. Let this wave spread in all directions: that it is now time for the Golden Age – the golden period is coming. In all four directions the scene should be like the early morning sunrise, spreading the light of good news in all directions. Darkness is forgotten and they come into light. Give souls of the world the rising sun of good hope. Just as there is the wave of impending destruction, so too spread the wave of the establishment of the Golden Aged world.

You children, while seeing the world of sorrow, are constantly and automatically ware of the land of happiness, and this awareness lets you forget the land of sorrow, and lose yourselves in preparations for going to the land of peace and happiness. So prepare others to go also. Give hope to those who have no hope. Give good news to those who have become weak hearted. Reveal your knowledgeable form.

They now understand that you souls are the embodiment of peace. You show the easy path to peace. This image has emerged and continues to emerge. So too, let this sound emerge from everyone’s mouth: “if there is true knowledge, then this is it”. Now the seeds of knowledge have to be sown.

The waves of hope in your hearts create the atmosphere that attracts souls closer. Now the hope and enthusiasm in your hearts is arousing hope in them as well. Now when your hearts dance, their feet begin to move.

Achcha. To those who constantly experience their right to the Golden World, who constantly remain in the hope and enthusiasm of creating their Golden Aged stage, who with merciful hearts are constantly absorbed in showing the path to the Golden Age to all souls, who inculcate every golden version from BapDada into their life; to such souls who are constantly seated on BapDada’s heart throne, who are merged in love; to such victorious jewels, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

For half a kalpa, the people of the world have suppressed the shaktis, so this is now the time for the shaktis to move forward – this is why BapDada gives them a chance at the Confluence Age. The gathering of the shaktis has always been a very good and lovely form. Now too, take the opportunity to come forward. Pandavs are always with you anyway, because the task cannot be accomplished without both. Achcha.

March 6, 1985

Avyakt BapDada 6th March 1985

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the holiest and highest father has come to celebrate Holi with his holy and happy swans. Trimurti Baba has come to tell you three divine secrets of Holi. The Confluence Age is the holy age, and the age of celebration. For you elevated souls, every day, every moment, is a time for celebrating with enthusiasm and joy.

Ignorant souls celebrate to inspire enthusiasm in themselves, but for you the elevated souls, Brahmin life is a life of hope, enthusiasm, and joy. Your elevate life is spent constantly dancing in happiness, singing songs of love in the heart while drinking the powerful nectar of knowledge. Ignorant souls celebrate for one day and experience temporary joy, and then become as they were before, whereas you become holy and make others so as well. You forget your sorrow for ever.

People celebrate Holi in three ways: by burning, by spraying colour, and by meeting with love. All three Holis have a spiritual significance and are celebrated in physical form. But you burn your old personality and sanskaras in the fire of yoga, and then through remembrance you are coloured by the Father’s company, and take on his qualities and powers. Then you continually celebrate the Holi of the elevated meeting of the soul with the supreme soul, of the Father with his children.

So the ignorant souls celebrate your spiritual Holi in the form of a memorial. You burn Maya and they light a bonfire. They are light for a day and you become constantly double light. They for get their age and relationships and see each other as equals – the child will spray colour on the grandfather. This is the memorial of your special attitude of brotherhood, of seeing each other as brothers and no other relationship. They spray colours and you spray spiritual colour, of love, peace, happiness, bliss, and power, through drishti.

Have you become combined with BapDada to such an extent that you cannot be separated? Have you celebrated this meeting?

Further, this is he day when they forget all the things that have passed. So what do you do? You forget the things of 63 births. You apply a dot to that which is past. This is why they say Holi means past is past. Every enmity s forgotten and they come together and celebrate. You have also forgotten your enmity, the devilish sanskaras, devilish personality, and celebrate a meeting with God, have you not?

So the people of the world remember your specialities and have made memorials of them. So do you understand how great you are? Your every action becomes a memorial.

So, have you allowed the past to be the past? In the new birth, remember only new things, new sanskaras, new world. Even the language of Brahmins is new, the language of the soul. What are the things you speak of and what are the things they speak of? If you look towards the supreme soul, you are listening to new things in a new language. Customs and systems are also new. Relationships and contacts are also new.The songs “what?” and “why?” are old songs. The new songs are “wonderful!” and “aha!”. To the extent you remain in happiness, you are carefree kings.

You even sleep in happiness. If you did not sleep with Baba, you would need sleeping pills. Such a time will come when, as in the beginning, you will not take medicines. Yes, whatever was in the home was used: butter was taken, but you did not take medicines. Just as in the beginning you had this practice: the bodies were old, they were not divine, and yet Baba gave this practice. Now, whatever happened in the beginning will repeat again: all will have wonderful visions. Many of you have the desire to have visions, don’t you? You have the desire to see a vision at least once, and so in the end those who remain strong will see those same visions again. It will be a bhatti of the same gathering, and service will have come to an end. Those who remain pukka up to the end will have visions. At this time, because of service, you have become dispersed, but all the rivers will merge into the Ocean again. But the period will be a critical one, and the facilities will not function. The line of the intellect will have to be very clear so that you will be touched about what to do next. If you delay for one second then it will be very difficult to reach Madhuban. Just as in the beginning you were called “come here”, “leave now”, in the end you will hear Baba’s voice. Yet it is also possible that Baba will give you directions to stay where you are and fulfil some special task. You may have to give power to people there. This may happen, but it should be according to Baba’s instructions, not because of some attachment.

So be prepared, be ever-ready. Everything should be always packed so that you don’t think of packing at the time.The baggage of the state of mind should be ready, so that when Baba calls, children are present. This is being ever-ready.

Achcha. To those who are constantly coloured by the company, who allow the past to be past, and make the present and future elevated; those who always celebrate the meeting with the supreme soul; those who remain in remembrance while performing every action, and so make every action memorable; those who celebrate the Confluence Age, who constantly dance and sing in happiness; those who are like the Father and so catch every one of Baba’s thoughts; those who always maintain an elevated and clear intellect; to such holy and happy swans, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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