The Murli

January 22, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the resident of the faraway land has come to meet the children who are residents of faraway lands. BapDada sees and hears the thoughts of love and enthusiasm for a meeting in the hearts of the double foreign children. Although they are sitting far away, yet they are close. BapDada sees how children stay awake all night and catch love and power through drishti and vibrations.

: Today Baba has not come to speak the murli. You have heard many murlis. This year BapDada wants to see in you the revealed form of BapDada’s love – the manifestation of you becoming close to full completeness and accomplishment. It is a form with elevated thoughts, elevated words, elevated actions, and elevated relationships. Such an elevated form has yet to be seen. BapDada wishes to see you become the embodiment of all that you have heard and are hearing now. Baba wants to see transformation in practice. BapDada wishes to create a garland of really flawless, invaluable diamonds – each sparkling with light and might that reaches out to the unlimited.

For a long time now BapDada has been seeing the children’s limited thoughts, limited words, and limited relationships. Become lighthouses and might-houses. Keep your vision focused on the unlimited. The world will be transformed when your vision becomes unlimited. The huge task of transforming the world has to be completed in a short time – the speed and method has to be unlimited. Let it echo in the atmosphere of this land and abroad: the unlimited masters of the world, the unlimited servers, the deity souls, are now here.

To those from all four directions who fulfil the elevated feelings and wishes of others; who are angels and deities; who are lighthouses and might-houses, and remain stable in the high stage; the special souls who understand the subtle signals, the children with far-reaching intellects – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 20, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 20th January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the powerful father is seeing the powerful children who have the determined thoughts to create the new world and to make every soul peaceful and happy. The task is already done – the destination is fixed – you are simply the instruments to receive the fruit. It has happened many times before and it is happening again. You see the practical proof of self transformation. You have unshakeable faith. This is the task of God, and such is always successful.

People are afraid of destruction, but you are carefree because the new world will be established. In front of you the golden sun is rising for the golden world, and in front of them are dark clouds. The time is coming closer and so you are wearing the bells of happiness and dancing. The complete stage and the complete Father are both calling you “come powerful children – become equal – and rest in your home”. Become angels – angels bestow – bestow blessings. A deity always gives. Become the embodiment of the great mantra – hum so, so hum. From now on, over a long period of time, emerge the sanskars of being an angel, and so a deity.

When will destruction will take place? Don’t calculate a date for that. Don’t calculate towards 2000. Destruction is the very end period. By then, the chance to practice over a long time will be finished. Even now the long time is changing into a short time. Effort over a short time means fruit for a short time. For some there is still the account for a long period of waste thoughts, inaccurate action, and a backlog of sin. BapDada knows – he just doesn’t reveal it – he draws a curtain over it. Baba, the ocean of love, has love in all relationships, and though seeing carelessness and ordinary effort, it is as if he has not heard or seen them. With the extra help of love, he gives extra marks, and enables you to move forward.

It has been said that the 18th chapter has begun. The speciality of the 18th chapter is to become the embodiment of remembrance. Not remembrance one minute and forgetting the next, but remembrance over a long period of time, in an automatic easy way. Finish battling. Finish labour. Finish confusion. In the 18th chapter you become free from all attachments, by becoming the embodiment of remembrance. As yet the list of attachments is still very long. First is the household of the self, then the household of the divine family, then the household of service, then the household of limited attainments. You now very well the secret of how to isolate yourself from each one of these households. Become detached and loving.

To those who make elevated effort over a long time; who are the original jewels of the age of God, the Confluence Age; who are the first deities, the original jewels of the children of God; who are equal to the original , eternal Father, love, remembrance, and namaste from Baba the server.

January 18, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the seed of the tree is seeing the children who are the foundation and trunk of the new tree. Adi Dev is seeing his original jewels. All are special souls responsible for the new creation.

You were first to recognise the Father, and become examples to others. You didn’t look at the world – you looked at the One who creates the new world. You became the practical proof of unbreakable faith and courage in front of the world. BapDada smiles and sings songs of praise for you gathering of special souls. You recognised the Father, and the Father accepted you , whatever you were, because the comforter of hearts is for those who have a true heart. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a “head of the world” because Baba prefers those who have a heart. Baba gives you such an unlimited head that you are able to understand the creator, the beginning, middle, and end of creation. BapDada chose you because of your heart. The number that is claimed is also on the basis of an honest and clean heart, not on the basis of service. Has service been done with a true heart, or simply on the basis of the head? The sound of the heart reaches the heart. The sound of the head reaches the head. Those with a head earn a good name, whereas those with a heart earn blessings, and so Baba is seeing two rosaries.

: Today, those special souls who have gone in advance were emerged in the subtle regions. All of you emerged those special souls. There was a special heart to heart conversation with them, about seeing the difference between the stage now, and the stage of perfection. How many are ready? Are all ready or are they still preparing? Each is coming on to the stage number-wise. The advance party was asking what co-operation their companions are giving to them in their advance task. They were also creating a rosary. What was the rosary that they were creating? Which souls will take birth in which situation in order to begin the new world. All these things were being fixed. The special co-operation that they need for their task is that of the subtle, powerful state of mind.

The powerful souls who are the instruments responsible for establishment are themselves pure, but the atmosphere of human beings and matter is impure. In the midst of extreme impurity these few pure souls are like lotus flowers. This is why, today, in the conversation, your most beloved, elevated souls were smiling and saying: “are our companions aware of this huge service, or are they busy in serving their zones?”. The task of transformation of the whole of matter, and of the atmosphere, is such that – no matter the method of destruction – the sudden and untimely death, in a collective form, of souls with tamoguni sanskars, will create very tamoguni vibrations. This has to be transformed. So, to keep the soul safe from the vibrations of an atmosphere in which blood is flowing, and to still give co-operation to those souls, is a huge task. Are you prepared for this?

: Today BapDada is telling you their message. Who will be the instruments responsible for such a huge and unlimited task? You have been the instruments from the very beginning, and so you must be the instruments for the unlimited task of transformation at the end.

The palaces of the womb must also be prepared. Only then can the new creation, through the power of yoga, begin. There is a great need for the power of the mind, that is the power of yoga. This power will become the method of safety for the self. It will also make the end a beautiful one for yourself. At that time it will not be possible to receive physical co-operation, and if the mind is not clearly linked with the One, your own weaknesses will come in front of you in the form of repentance as evil spirits. When weaknesses come into you consciousness you experience the evil spirit of fear. If now you set it aside, then at the end there will be fear. So accumulate the power of the mind, and the power of fearlessness now, so that your end is a beautiful one, and so you can be co-operative in the unlimited task, and claim the right to the unlimited kingdom of the world.

Your companions are waiting in anticipation for your co-operation. They have a different task but both of you are instruments responsible for transformation. They are telling you their own results. The souls of the advance party are preparing to invoke elevated souls and this is happening. Some are engaged in that preparation. The methods of service that they are using are their own – their methods of service are friendship and a relationship of closeness. They are not able to have discussions of knowledge in a clear emerged form, but because they have the sanskars of being gyani souls, they see each other’s elevated sankars, elevated vibrations. They give each other inspiration through their faces which are constantly holy and happy. They belong to different families, but through friendship they are in contact with each other – because the soul has full knowledge, there is the feeling that this one belongs to me or is very close. They recognise each other on the basis of that feeling of belonging. Time is coming very close, so the task of the advance party is moving forward with intense speed.

: Today Baba is acting as messenger. Jagadamba was saying two words of sweetness for all her children – the basis for success is constant tolerance and the power to merge . Vishwa Kishore Bhai spoke very little, but whatever he said was powerful, and so in just one word there was the entire experience that success in any task is based on unshakeable faith and total intoxication. If faith is unshakeable then others automatically experience the intoxication of that soul – that was his experience. Achcha. Vishwa Kishore always had the intoxication that he would be the first prince of the first World Emperor. This faith was unshakeable in the present and in for the future, and so he attained equality, and this is what you saw. Those who lived together with him witnessed this. Achcha. What did Didi say? Did also had a very good conversation, and said – “why did you call everyone without telling others in advance? I would like to have taken leave and then come”. But would all of you have given leave? And so this was the heart to heart conversation of BapDada with the children.

Even though there are no longer relations of the body in lokik form, yet everyone still has alokik relation ships and sanskars connected with the body. So this was the method fixed by the drama to become conquerors of attachment, form the alokik relationships, from the body, and from sanskars. This is why, at the end, you are able to destroy attachment, and fulfil your duty. Vishwa Kishore knew slightly about this, so when the time came to go, everything was forgotten. Where a child has been co-operative over a long period of time, and has passed in the main subject of One Baba and no other, then Baba also gives co-operation in liberating them from the bonds of karma, at the moment of need.

Some might be thinking – were all these souls karmateet? The children who have been co-operative from the very beginning receive extra co-operation, and this is why, even if sometimes their own efforts seemed to be less, with Baba’s help in the final moments, they received extra marks and so were able to pass with honour. That of course is incognito, and so the question arises – what did they do that this is the return they received? This is why there is the expression – to set something aside for a moment of need. Those who have been co-operative with their heart, receive the return.

Achcha. What else did Didi say? All of you know her experience don’t you? Her words have always been – constantly either hold Baba’s finger or give your finger. Achcha. How could Did be missed from the special gathering of the original jewels? This is why she was also emerged, and so these are the stories of the advance party. The advance party is doing its own task, and now you must fill yourself with advance force so that the course of the ta
sk of transformation is completed, because you are the foundation. The foundation has to become the unlimited servers and glorify the unlimited Father.

Very quickly you will hear the bugle of revelation sound through the world. From all directions there should be this one bugle blowing: we have found, he has come. When there is this one sound from all directions, where there is this one tune, what will happen? A great deal of work will still remain. You can understand, is it complete? At the moment the task of transformation is still going on through words, but now let it be through your attitude that the attitude of others change. Let it be through your thoughts that the thoughts of others change. You haven’t even started this research yet – it is through this subtle service that you will automatically go beyond all weaknesses. Those who think “how is this possible?” should keep themselves busy in this service and automatically the atmosphere will reveal your weaknesses to you very clearly. Because of the atmosphere you will be so ashamed that you will transform your weaknesses. No one will have to say anything to you. You have seen what happens if somebody simply tells you, and so now make a plan for this. Don’t worry, more seekers will come, the numbers will increase, financial help will also increase, You don’t have to worry about that. You will be given houses, don’t worry about that either. Everything will be fulfilled. This one method is such that it will make you the embodiment of all results. Achcha.

There are many shaktis, because at the beginning there were more shaktis and they were the instruments. In the Golden Jubilee there are more shaktis too, and there are a few pandavs. It is good – they have courage. These are the original jewels who showed the proof of tolerance form the very beginning. You are the ones who have been instrumental in destroying all obstacles, and you have become immortal in the task of creating instruments. BapDada has special love for the children who have claimed the blessings of eternity and immortality. As you have heard, BapDada gives a special return to those who have been co-operative at a time of need. All of you have been instruments at such a time, so now it is fixed within the drama that you receive an extra gift – you have the right to claim this extra gift.

Did the mothers understand? The task of establishment began with the pennies of the mothers and these were the drops that created the lake. The mothers give out of the earnings of the heart – the earnings of the heart are the equivalent of a thousand of the earnings of business. You have sown the seeds of love and this is why the fruit of those seeds of love are now so successful.

The pandavs have also been companions, and without them the task could not have continued. But the shaktis are in the majority – this is why they have written of only five pandavs. The pandavs are no less. You have shown proof of fulfilling the responsibilities of the household, whilst being detached and loved by the Father, and shown proof of your courage and enthusiasm. The almighty authority of the shaktis has been remembered, and the Father of the pandavs has been remembered.

Achcha. To those who have claimed the right to multimillion-times fortune, and to constant success; to those who consider themselves the image of support; to those who bring help to all others; to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 15, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 15th January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba the jewel merchant is smiling, seeing his children who are the businessmen making the greatest deal. The deal is so huge and yet , compared to the world, those who make the deal are so ordinary and innocent. The deal is so huge that it is made in one birth yet keeps you full of treasures fro 21 births. An income of multi millions is received so easily – it takes only one second to make the deal. You accept from the heart and say “my Baba”. How inexpensive it is! There is no expense, nor do you need to give time. You have made a fine deal, haven’t you?

Who is well known in the world of businessmen? They create a special directory, don’t they? Whose names are in Baba’s directory? Those to whom the eyes of the people of the world are not drawn are the ones who have made a deal with the Father. They have become the stars of the eyes of God, the jewels of his eyes. The souls who had no hope are now special souls. Do you constantly have this intoxication? “We are the special VIPs of the directory of God!”. God praises the innocent ones. God is clever but he accepts the innocent kingdom – he does not not lie the external cleverness of the world – it is their kingdom in kaliyuga, the kingdom where they are multimillionaires for one minute.

Yours is not the kingdom of fear. You are fearless. In today’s world, if there is wealth they eat and sleep in fear. And you are in the carefree kingdom, fearless. Fear is a ghost. Where there is consciousness of “mine” there will definitely be fear. “My Baba – only one Shiv Baba” makes you fearless.

Silver and gold become pure when the alloys are removed by melting them in fire. So, become real silver and real gold.

Have you accumulated so much credit that you remain complete for 21 births, so that your clan remains full of treasure? Not only for 21 births, but even on becoming a seeker in the copper age, there will still not be anything lacking. There should be so much wealth in the copper age that you are able to give a lot in donation and charity. Even at the end of kalyga, during the last birth, you were not beggars – you will not become a beggar in the whole kalpa – even in your last birth you will still have dhal and roti.

What will you do for your 21 births? Will you be the ones who earn and income, or will you claim the right to the kingdom and rule the kingdom? The royal family does not need to earn an income. The subjects will have to earn and income, but even that will be number-wise. There will be wealthy subjects and ordinary subjects, although no one will be poor. The royal family claims the reward of the kingdom. For birth after birth they claim the right to be part of the royal family. They don’t claim the right to the throne every birth, but for birth after birth they claim the right to the royal family. And so what will you become?

Keep a chart of your whole day. How much were your powers increased by using them in actions? If you don’t use your powers, there is no income. Did you give happiness to anyone? Did you do service that was powerful and essential? Did you speak such words that hope was created in someone without hope? Did you bring courage in someone without courage. Did you bring anyone into the hope and enthusiasm of happiness? Give something to everyone.

You are doing the service of purifying not only human souls, but also the elements. The Godly budget is such that every soul and the elements become happy and peaceful. You grant mukti and jeevanmukti for innumerable births to everyone – you liberate them from beggary, peacelessness, and sorrow, to stay in comfort for half the kalpa. Their desire for mukti is to be fulfilled.

To those who keep the elevated deal in their consiousness; who accumulate credit, and increase each power by using it; who understand the significance of time, and become great, and make others great; to such elevated, wealthy, sensible children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 13, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 13th January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing his gathering of holy and happy swans. To be holy is the sign of purity. To be happy is the sign of accurate thoughts and actions, and another indication of purity. Impurity is not just in the form of the five vices. For those who are to become deities, to have inaccurate, waste, or ordinary words or actions, is impurity. As you come close to your complete stage, check for waste or ordinary actions, and change them. If thoughts, words, and actions are powerful and elevated, there will be constant happiness. This will be experienced by others also. To become Brahmins is to live a life of happiness, not to labour, nor to experience upheaval. You have become Brahmins to experience spiritual, internal happiness, and super-sensory joy, which is not attained at any other time in the cycle.

You are children of the ocean of happiness, flowing with waves of happiness in every thought, at every second. Some children change their aim and go into the small streets of limited attainment. They leave the highway and aim for limited attainment or temporary success, on the basis of limited desires or personal pleasures. Today, if respect is received, or a task finished, they are happy. If there is anything lacking the aim finishes. When the limited support shakes, they shake. Today there is pleasure, tomorrow confusion and waste. The aim was limited and you were drawn away from unlimited happiness.

True service constantly gives the experience of the unlimited stage, of unlimited happiness. If there is not this experience, then such service is mixed service, it is not true service. When there is great contentment, there will be eternal attainment. To do service means to bring the garden of flowers into blossom, and not to become trapped in the jungle of thorns. Upheaval, lack of attainment, confusion of the mind, fluctuation: all these are thorns. To experience happiness, move away from these thorns, even if some limited attainments have to be renounced. You may let go of other things, but no matter what happens, do not let go of happiness. And don’t be fooled by temporary happiness – the side scenes may be very attractive, but do not consider them to be the destination. Don’t let the happiness of temporary attainment draw you away from the eternal fortune of happiness. You are not the ones who become happy with little things, are you? You don’t just make yourself happy do you? Don’t think “I am all right, but the others don’t know it”. Can the light of the sun be hidden? The fragrance of truthfulness can never be erased. Don’t be deceived. Keep this lesson firm. First there is your unlimited eternal happiness, and then there are other things. Those who are constantly happy are the ones with a happy fortune – all the attainments come easily, without labour and without desire, that is without asking.

BapDada is seeing what you have come for and where you are going and where you have to go. BapDada has love for the children. This is not mercy because you are not beggars, but children of the Donor, the Bestower. Mercy is normally for those who are experiencing sorrow. You are the embodiments of happiness, the children of the bestower of happiness. Those of the outside world say “eat, drink, and be merry”, and BapDada says: eat and teach others – be merry and make others merry.

To those who stay in unlimited happiness, who experience their happy fortune, who spread the fragrance of happiness, who attain the elevated aim, BapDada’s love and remembrance to keep you always holy and happy. Namaste.

January 8, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 8th January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Sun of Knowledge is seeing the special stars. Each star gives light to the world for transformation. The world is especially interested in research about the stars of the sky, and these stars have an influence on the earth. But you are the stars of the earth, who fill the world with purity, happiness, and peace. You protect the world from upheaval, and create a happy world, a golden world.

At present both nature and human beings are creating upheaval and chaos in the world. You souls, who are becoming the highest of all, give happiness and peace to the world. You stars of the earth fulfil the desires of all souls by being the embodiment of attainment. You are the elevated stars of hope who change everyone’s feelings of hopelessness into hope again. So check your influence and see: am I a star of peace, a holy star, a star of happiness, a star of constant success, a star that fulfils all desires, a star that brings contentment to others? To what extent do you have this light and sparkle? To what extent do you exert this influence? The world, especially at this time, has a great need for you holy stars.

How elevated is the gathering of spiritual stars, and how great is the happiness that you give! There are many who are interested in looking at the other stars, but the time is coming when they will search for you holy stars – they will ask where this influence of peace, happiness, and stability is coming from? They will research into it. At the moment their attention is engaged in research into matter. When they get tired of research into matter, the thought of this spiritual research will arise. But before that happens you holy stars must make yourselves complete. Prepare to fill yourselves now with one of the virtues, or with peace or power. You also must research this. Although you must have all of the virtues, you must make yourself complete by having the speciality of at least one specific virtue. In bhakti when they sing the praise of the goddesses, they praise each one for a specific quality, and the worship is also according to that. Saraswati has been remembered and worshipped specifically as the goddess of wisdom. She is also the embodiment of power, but they specifically call her the goddess of wisdom and worship her for that. In the same way, they specifically call Laksmi the goddess if wealth, and worship her accordingly. So too, although you must fill yourself with all the virtues and powers, you must also research one specific quality and make yourself powerful in that.

Go into the subtle depths of every virtue, every power, every stage of remembrance, every stage of effort. It is by going into the subtlety that you will experience its greatness. So go into the subtlety and have deep experiences. Don’t swim around on the surface, but go to the bottom of the ocean. Be introspective and fill your intellect with the jewels of deep experiences. Research into this. Be a search light. The time for revelation is coming very close. Become complete and perfect – the light of your perfection will part the curtains of ignorance that are in front of all souls.

This golden jubilee, everyone should experience the golden powers through your drishti, as though rays of light are giving power to make them golden. Let every thought and every action be golden. Take iron, and, through your company, make it divine. Let the whole world experience the sparkle of the holy stars. Let everyone say that the lucky stars have come, the stars of success, the stars of happiness and peace. Now they are still looking around with their telescopes but then they will see with the third eye, the divine eye.

This is the year for preparation. Prepare very well. Achca. What will you do in your programme for the golden jubilee? Let the time for lectures be less, and let the influence be more.

For half an hour one day let there be a group of different ages on the stage – a little child, a kumari, a pure couple, a couple who live in a household, and one mature person – let them be seated in the form of a moon – let the light on the stage be ordinary, not too bright – and then let each one speak for three minutes of his special experience of the golden versions that have made his life elevated – let there be special light on the one whose turn it is to speak, so that everyone’s attention is drawn there – and at the end let the slogan of the golden versions be repeated by the entire gathering. Let there be the influence of silence. Let the scene be created in this way, just as when you have dramas. They will be lectures, but in the form of a vision. Let there be preparations in advance. Let there be this special programme – one day, for half an hour.

The next day have the same format, but let it be people from different professions. It will become clear from this how vast and subtle Godly knowledge is, and how there is something specific for each profession.

The atmosphere should be of such silence that the ones who are listening will not have the courage to come into the upheaval of sound. Every brahmin must attend the programme, so that everyone creates an atmosphere of silence, just as you all create a powerful atmosphere when you play the record for the break in traffic (“traffic control”). Every one must give a lecture through silence. The atmosphere created by Brahmins will allow others to be brought into this experience. Nobody with duties still to perform should sit at the front – there should be no movement in the front at all. Consider it to be a bhatti. Every brahmin should be there to give co-operation. It should be felt that this is a gathering of angels. During the time of the cultural programs, let there be entertainment and laughter. During the time of the conference, let it simply be a powerful atmosphere, and the others who come will also speak in the same style. Those who come to speak will be influenced by the atmosphere. If BrahminsBrahmins speak softly then outsiders will also speak softly.

And so make a programme in which many treasures can be given in a short space of time, short and sweet.

So what will you do now? Reveal your own special star. Neither let yourself experience upheaval, nor cause upheaval for others. Nature is going to cause enough upheaval anyway. Nature is doing its own task. You must do yours.

To those who are always the holy stars who give peace and happiness to the world; to those who make the world divine and make all others divine; to those who go to the bottom of the ocean of experiences and fill themselves with the jewels of experience; to those who are the searchlights and remove the curtain of ignorance from others; to such special stars who reveal Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 6, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, who is trikaldarshi (knower of the three aspects of time) is seeing the accumulation in every child’s account. The Confluence Age is the only time in the kalpa for creating and elevated credit account. The age is short, the life is short, but you can accumulate as much credit as you wish, in all of the accounts – the accounts of elevated actions, elevated relationships, elevated powers, and elevated virtues. From the copper age the credit gained through bhakti is temporary – you perform one moment, receive fruit in the next, and that is it, finished. Now is the time to accumulate in an imperishable account. Now is the auspicious age, the age of dharma (charity), the age of God’s incarnation, the age of receiving blessings.

Because of his love, Baba comes as the Innocent Lord of the treasure store and gives multimillion fruits in return for each single thing given. In other ages you receive as much as you give, but only now can you accumulate multimillions in return for one. In bhakti there is the fruit of good feelings, and now there is the fruit of inheritance and blessings. So recognise the importance of this period – the attainments and the potential for accumulating. Are you the viewer of the three aspects of time? One second of this time is so much greater than a period of ordinary time. Do you know clearly how much can be earned in a second and how much can be lost in a second? Those who are raja yogis, those who are self sovereign, claim a right to the kingdom. Now you become living models of your future form.

A self sovereign is king of the senses – the subjects. Does the king rule or the subjects? If the subjects rule, the dynasty of the king finishes. Even if only one sense deceives you, you are not self sovereign. Do not think there are bound to be one or two weaknesses, and you will become complete at the end – a weakness that continues of over a long period of time will deceive you at the last moment. The longer you are self sovereign in this age, the longer your future kingdom will last.

Only those who become equal to Baba now, and thus gain his heart throne, will then claim the right to the throne of the kingdom. Check your account – do not simply check your chart: “yes I attended class”, “yes I had yoga” – but was the yoga as powerful as it should be? Was the time well spent? Was there great pleasure? Was credit accumulated for the future, or were the earnings spent immediately? Are you crawling like an insect, or moving like a rocket?

This is the year of the golden jubilee. Your effort should be Golden Aged – satopradhan, and not silver aged – sato. Your service should also be golden. There should not be the slightest alloy of old sanskars – no arrogance, disrespect, jealousy, stubborn-ness, or other alloy. Mould yourself into real gold. Be loving, co-operative, and benevolent.

Embody solutions, not difficulties. When problems arise, this is the time to show the authority of self-sovereignty. Victory comes at the time of battle.

To all fortunate souls who have a double right to the inheritance and blessings – to elevated self sovereign souls – to real gold children who are always in a Golden Aged state – to special souls who, through absorption in self transformation, transform the world – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 1, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 1st January 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, in the early morning hours of nectar, the sweetest elevated thoughts from the hearts of the sweetest, loving , co-operative, and powerful children, reached the Friend from all directions. They were promises of love and transformation, thoughts of zeal and determination to become like the Father. Songs from the hearts filled with many spiritual tunes reached the Friend of the mind. Hearing these sweetest songs of elevated thought, the Friend of the mind was extremely pleased. The Friend of the mind was responding to all his spiritual friends, that is Godly friends, for all their songs. Congratulations for constantly remaining holy, happy, and healthy, in every thought, at every second, in every word. Let there be the hand of co-operation, and the holding of hands through thoughts of co-operation, in the Father’s task. All the thoughts of the children – letters, cards, gifts of love and signs of remembrance – reached BapDada from all directions. BapDada is giving all the children congratulations for the New Year . and is putting His hand of blessings for constant success on the brow of each child. In the New Year the Satguru is especially giving the tilak of being the embodiment of remembrance to all the obedient children, so that there is the awareness to follow the Father at every step, and to bring this promise into visible form.

: Today is the day that the young and the old keep saying, again and again, words of greeting and congratulations. Let it be so forever. Every second is always new, every thought is always new, and so give congratulations at every second. Congratulations are always given for that which is new, and for you everything is new – this is the speciality of Sangamyuga . Every second and every action in Sangamyuga brings you towards the flying stage, and so it is, in fact, the newest of all. Each second is more elevated than the previous – it is nearer the flying stage – and so every moment brings something new. So congratulations to all of you for the newness of every thought, of every second. Sangamyuga is the age of greetings – the age of constantly having sweetness in your lips, a sweet life, and a sweet relationship. BapDada gives you greetings and congratulations not just for the new year, but for all time. Congratulations for coming close to the new.

BapDada heard very good songs of thoughts and became absorbed in their music and significance. The early morning hours of nectar are different in each land, yet each child thinks he is speaking in the early morning hours of nectar. BapDada is constantly listening to the way each one sings, and finds it most elevated. Each one’s tune is different but BapDada has love for each one’s song.

Every year you make very good promises. Now let there be equality in thought and form. This is greatness. Whoever accepts responsibility is Arjuna. The speciality of Arjuna was to remain constantly in the awareness of the dot form and thus become victorious. Arjuna is the one who conquers attachment and is the embodiment of remembrance. Arjuna is the one who listens to the knowledge of the Gita and churns it. Such a soul is bodiless, and even whilst alive sees everything as though dead. Who will be such an Arjuna? One with unlimited disinterest. Do you wish to become this, or just simply to say it?

You cal this the new year, so let there be newness constantly, at every second. Bring newness in the mind, in speech, in actions, and in relationships. Let the level of consciousness constantly increase. Let every step take you closer to the destination, closer to perfection. At every step and at every second let others also experience this. Bring newness to the self and there will automatically be newness in service. Have good wishes, co-operation, and benevolence for each other in the mind.

Let every word give courage and enthusiasm. Let there be no waste, no ordinary conversation. Let every action bring fruit whether for the self or others. In every form, always have a powerful spiritual influence on each other. Let them say that raja yogis are angels, and that real spirituality is here , that this is God’s work. In this way reveal the Father. Spread such a wave of goodness that they also want to be good. When they say “you are good” the rosary of bhagats is created. But first prepare the rosary of victory, that is of those who have the right to be in heaven. 900,000 are needed at the very first birth. The rosary of bhagats is very long, but there must also be those who have the right to be in the kingdom (the subjects) and those ruling the kingdom (the royal court).

Do not be impressed by others, but let others be impressed and influenced by the Father. In bhakti they say everything is a form of God, but let them experience Baba’s form in the form of each one of you. Only then can the new age come. As yet not even the subjects of the first birth have been prepared. The subjects of the end will be prepared easily, but the subjects of the first birth will be as powerful as the rulers, and so constantly let the seed of thoughts bring practical fruits. Constantly realise in a visible form the promise that you have made.

Will the double foreigners show a double result in this, with newness at every second? Take congratulations from the Father at each second also. Achcha.

To those who always show the greatness of newness in every thought; to those who experience the flying stage at all times; to those who always have a powerful effect and reveal Baba’s influence; to those who give new inspiration to souls to create a new life; to those who spread the elevated waves to make souls worthy to enter the new age; to such souls who are constantly great donors and bestowers of blessings, BapDada gives thoughts of newness together with love and remembrance and namaste.

1986 Season

Filed under: Years — themurli @ 1:00 am

Avyakt BapDada – 1st January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 6th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 8th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 13th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 15th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 18th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 20th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 22nd January 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 16th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 18th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 20th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 22nd February 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 25th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 27th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 1st March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 4th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 7th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 10th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 13th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 16th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 19th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 22nd March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 25th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 27th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 29th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 31st March 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 7th April 1986
Avyakt BapDada – 9th April 1986

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