The Murli

February 27, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is looking at his spiritual shakti and pandav army. You hear the stories of your victory of a kalpa ago – the victory of the pandavs. On the path of bhakti, instead of non-violence, they have shown violence – the spiritual army is shown as the physical army. Even now you smile when hear the praise of your victory – there is victory for those who have love for God, and destruction for those who are divorced from God. Do you have faith and intoxication? There cannot be a doubt. There will be victory. You know the past kalpa, and you know the future.

: Today it is Africa’s turn. Actually all are Madhuban niwassis. Your permanent address is Madhuban, the other is your office, your place of service. Why have you gone to Africa? You went for service, did you not? Service created the Ganges of knowledge. And today so many bathe in the Ganges of knowledge and become pure. Baba is thinking how fearless the children are, staying there with deep love for the sake of service. Just look at Africa! What is the atmosphere, diet and relations? Even so, because of service, you are living in such a place. Are you ever afraid? (no). That is because you receive strength from service – that strength makes you fearless.

If you wake, that is good, but to wake and become instruments to awaken others, that is double benefit.

Hands have gone from Bharat to foreign lands, but the foreign lands have not given hands to Bharat. Bharat will become heaven, will it not? The foreign lands are the places of picnic. All of you are ever ready are you not? If you are told to stay in Bharat, what will you do? And so, you may be asked to go anywhere – there will not be attachment will there? When there is courage, help is received. When the time comes an order will be given. What will you do there anyway? Will you go there to watch destruction? And so, the order will be given by Baba. When will it be? That date will not be given. If the date is given, everyone will pass with number one. This one question of the date will arise. Nothing else will happen. Only the one question will arise suddenly. You are ever-ready are you not? Or will you remember your children? – or you home? or the furniture? The instruments of happiness are there, but heaven will be created here. Be ever-ready. The line of your intellect should remain clear.

Be carefree, fearless, and move forward in service. With love, help will be received multi-million times.

BapDada is happy to see every jewel, whether from London, Fiji, Nairobi, wherever, all belong to Baba, and Baba belongs to all the children. Each one is loved more than the other.

February 25, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 25th February 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am


: Today BapDada is giving congratulations, filled with special love. Today there was a ceremony of special hope and enthusiasm filled with determined thoughts. The scene was very beautiful. It was everyone’s ceremony, wasn’t it? Did everyone have the determined thought of “one Baba and none other”: one breath, one support? Or did you simply sit on the stage? Were you sitting on a double stage or a single one? One was the physical stage, and the other was the stage of determined thought. You were also wearing beautiful garlands. Did you simply wear this garland, of did you also wear the garland of success. BapDada sees the double scene – he does not simply see the corporeal scene – he sees the spiritual stage. He was seeing both the determined thoughts and the elevated rosary of success. He was seeing the double rosary and the double stage. Everyone had a determined thought. Very good.

No matter what happens, constantly fulfill the relationship of God’s love, and attain success. Success is the garland round your neck. That is a guarantee. When there is only one, a constant stage becomes easy. You have linked the thread of all relationships, have you not? Even if one relationship is missing there will be upheaval. So tie the thread of all relationships and forge a connection through thought.

Everyone has love – all are lovely. Each one is more loveful than the other. This is the speciality of the Brahmin family. Each one feels that “I have the most live, and Baba also has more love for me”.

Krishna is shown with every one of his lovers, not just with one Radhe, or with eight princesses. He is with every Gopi. When you go to the Dilwala temple you al decide “this one is my picture” or “this is my room”. And so in this dance of Krisha there is your picture also. This is called the great dance – there is immense praise for this great dance. BapDada has love for each one more than the other.

Every child is one out of multi-millions – multi-million times fortunate. In comparison to the world you are a handful out of millions, are you not? For Baba, all are special souls.

Because this is the family of all souls, Brahmins are scattered in all religions. There isn’t a single religion where the Brahmins have not reached. Now they are emerging from all religions. Now the land has become good in all directions. After an upheaval the land becomes all right, does it not? And the fruit that emerges is good and easy. Achcha.

February 22, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 22nd February 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the world benefactor is seeing he children who are his companions in world service, from the beginning , through to the end, in both visible and incognito forms. In the beginning Brahma Baba and the Brahmin children became instruments for service in a corporeal form, a visible form. The children – the shakti army and the pandav army – are doing the task in front of the world now, in a visible form. There is love for service – Brahmin life is a life of service – Brahmin souls cannot survive without service – service is the elevated means of surviving maya – service makes you yog-yukt.

But which type of service. One is simply service through the lips, the service of sound. Secondly there is service through the mind, service by being the embodiment of those sweet words, service that is selfless, service through being the embodiment of renunciation and tapasya, service beyond limited desire. This is known as divine service, spiritual service.

Service through words is only the service of making the self happy. Service to make everyone else happy is done through the mind and lips together. Service through the mind means service through the lips while in the stage of manmanabhav.

BapDada is seeing both right hand and left hand servers. Both are servers, but there is a difference between right and left. Right hand servers are always free from desires. Left hand servers do service with the desire to eat some limited fruit of that service now. One is incognito, and the other wants a name. An incognito server is free from desires. Their name may be incognito at present, but they remain constantly full with the happiness of success.

Some children think – there is more fame for those who have a name and do service with a performance. But it is not like this. The sound from the heart reaches the heart. There are those who earn an internal name, for they are free from desires. The sound of their heart cannot remain hidden. The sparkle of being a true server is visible on their face, on their form.

If a name is earned, it is eaten and finished – the future doesn’t become elevated or eternal. BapDada has a complete record of all the servers. Continue, but don’t have any thought for a name. Claim the right to eternal fruit. You have come for an eternal inheritance. If temporary fruit is eaten, this lessens the right to an eternal inheritance. It should all be saved. So be right hand servers, free from desires.

There is greater value in incognito donation and incognito service – you are constantly full in the self – you become a free emperor, not caring for name or glory. You will be constantly seated on the eternal throne of self respect, not the limited throne of others’ regard. You attain success through renunciation and tapasya.

Real service does not make the stage shake. A true server is a true diamond, and a true diamond cannot hide its sparkle. No matter how great the sparkle of a false diamond, which one has more value? Service for namesake has the show of temporary sparkle. So do service for world benefit, true service, free from desires. They may not consider you to be anything now, but they’ll consider you something for 2,500 years. Go beyond limited thoughts. Become a free emperor and celebrate the happiness and pleasure of the Confluence Age.

If service makes you gloomy, then understand it is not service. If it shakes you and brings you into fluctuation, it is not service. Service should make you fly. Service should make you a carefree emperor. Such servers sill not run after success – success is right behind them.

Now you have made a good plan to make the world itself a great donor (Million Minutes of Peace Appeal). If only for a short while, either out of desperation or out of love, they will emerge sanskars of peace. Peace is their religion anyway. They are children of the ocean of love. They are residents of the land of peace. If someone experiences sweetness, the taste will pull them again and again. They will taste the honey of peace. World peace will be the basis of spiritual peace. The elements will become peaceful when the souls have the awareness of peace.

Peace is the breath of human life, but they have become unconscious of that. They are unconscious through peacelessness. And so the plan is like oxygen – a little bit of breathing will begin through it. All of you must become the houses of peace and give rays of peace. Your vibrations of peace will draw them to the true method, the method to bring hope into one without hope. When the sound echoes in all directions from the donors of peace, the angels of peace will be revealed.

: Today it is Europe’s turn. The spark of destruction emerged from Europe, did it not? Bombs were created underground and then put to use later, were they not? In the same way Europe will be specially revealed in the task of establishment. Underground incognito souls are now being prepared who will become well known. A weapon from Europe will be used to glorify the name. Europe will be very helpful to you for the preparation of the new world. Things from Europe are always very strong. Everyone gives importance to things from Germany. On the whole, the quality of Europe is very good. Increase quality as well as quantity – there should be the balance of both. How many are there from foreign lands out of 900,000? (5,000). At least the cycle of one kalpa is completed. Foreign lands have the blessing “last goes fast”. It takes less effort to prepare the land, than in Bharat, because they havn’t heard bad things, and wrong things are clear. Those from Bharat have to clean the slate first, and then write upon it.

To the elevated souls who are constantly true servers, instruments for world success, world benefactors; to the special souls who will always attain success as their birthright; to the close souls who give awareness of true form to others through their form; to the double light children who are constantly unlimited servers, free from desires, and continually flying, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

February 20, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 20th February 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

(double foreigners)

BapDada is seeing that the musical instruments of happiness are playing in everyone’s heart. BapDada hears the music and songs of happiness from the children. With love you are moving forward in remembrance and service. You should always keep a balance of these.

Whenever a drama is completed, all the actors come to the front of the stage. You are beloved gods and goddesses are you not? You are hero actors aren’t you? Emerge what this scene will be like. See how beautiful the scene will be and how beautiful you will be: a decorated image of divine virtues, an angel, a deity. Constantly practice being an angel. If one divine virtue is missing you are not 16 celestial degrees complete. Be the ones who will play a part in the first birth – begin in the first year. Do you know how to put on your sparkling angelic dress?

BapDada does not see weaknesses. He simply gives a signal. By saying that someone is very good, they will become good. By saying they are weak, they will become weak. If they are already weak to begin with , and someone says it, they will become unconscious.

No matter how unconscious they are you should teach them about the life-giving herb of an elevated consciousness, the consciousness of their speciality. The unconscious ones will come alive again. Does everyone have the life-giving herb? Every Brahmin soul is special – keep a mirror of their specialities in front of you. They are a few out of a million are they not? They have simply forgotten their specialities at this time – by reminding them, they will become special souls. The more you speak of their specialities, the more they will realise their weaknesses. If you tell them their weaknesses, they will try to hide them and hide from them. They will say; ” I am not like this”. If you speak about specialities, they will realise their weaknesses on their own. Until they realise their weaknesses, they cannot transform them, even if they made efforts for 50 years. And so with this life giving herb you should bring them back to life, back to the flying stage, and back to inspiriting others to fly.

In Bharat centres are opened by invitation, whereas abroad, invitation is given by the self to the self. So expansion is quicker abroad and will continue to be so, because an easy chance is received by instrumental foreigners abroad. All of you are servers. There is no comfort without service – service brings the sleep of comfort. No Brahmin soul can say that they have no chance for service. Even if sick you can do service through the mind, the chance of creating an atmosphere, of spreading vibrations.

To those who stay in the flying stage that brings upliftment for others, who always consider themselves to be angels, who are always revealed in front of the world in the form of special deities, who constantly consider themselves to be special souls and give the experience of specialities to others – to the special souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

February 18, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, the Ocean of Knowledge, is meeting His rivers (Ganges) of knowledge. The Ganges have arrived from all directions and are celebrating a meeting with the Ocean. BapDada smiles on seeing the Ganges of knowledge. Each one has deep faith and intoxication that the impure world of impure souls will become pure. There is enthusiasm that the transformation should be as soon as possible. All the Ganges, like the Ocean, are world benefactors, bestowers of blessings, great donors, souls with merciful hearts.

You are the instruments to give rays of happiness, peace, and power to the world.

In the beginning, the original jewels, with hope and enthusiasm, handed themselves over to Baba. They surrendered, day and night, their minds, bodies, wealth, time and relationships. Because of this enthusiasm, the power of their service was manifest. This speciality was seen at the beginning of service, and at the time of establishment – at both these times. In the beginning, while moving around, was the ordinary form of Brahma seen, or was Krishna seen? Even while seeing, the ordinary form was not seen – this was your experience, wasn’t it? In the beginning of service, whenever and wherever you went, there was the experience of goddesses – you heard the words “the goddesses have come”. These feelings attracted everyone and became instrumental in the growth of service. And so in the beginning there was the speciality of being unique, and also at the beginning of service there was the speciality of being unique. Now at the end, that same glimpse, that sparkle, will be experienced in a revealed form – only then will the fanfares of revelation sound. Now, for the short time remaining, become constant yogis and constant servers. Constantly give visions of being like Baba – through this there will success.

To celebrate the Golden Jubilee means to become one with a constantly golden stage – to become the embodiment of giving visions of the Golden Aged world. While moving around, let everyone experience an angel, and with that a deity – through this powerful consciousness others will see you as an angel and as a deity. Now transform the time used on the self. Be lost in service. Become bestowers of blessings – become great donors constantly, and not just for a few hours. Let every second be surrendered for world benefit, and the self will benefit automatically. Maya will not have time to come to you. Any difficulty should be transformed into a solution.

Don’t spend time in transforming your sanskars. Emerge the sanskars of pure feelings, of pure thoughts for the benefit of the world. In front of these elevated sanskars, limited sanskars will finish automatically. Do not battle, but emerge the sanskars of being victorious – enemies will burn away automatically. Don’t find yourself in any situation other than service. Give donations, give blessings, and then the bad omens of the self will finish automatically. Everything has to be served: souls, the atmosphere, the elements, and the evil spirits. The souls who are stumbling have to be shown their destination. They will be given a home in the land of mukti, won’t they? With the power of service, old sanskars, and all difficulties, will die automatically.

Think about the unlimited task. Whether through drishti, attitude, words, company, or through vibrations, you must give. In bhakti they say if something is lacking, then give a donation, and giving will become receiving.

Achcha. To those who are constantly world benefactors, who through remaining in a powerful stage of consciousness, finish the difficulties of the self, and easily become the embodiment of solutions for others; who surrender all time and every thought in service; to such real gold, special souls, to the elevated souls who are BapSaman, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

February 16, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba the bestower of fortune is seeing the shining star of fortune on each child’s forehead. BapDada sees and smiles – he has great pride in all his fortunate children, those who remain lost in the love of One. Even the last number is greatly elevated compared to the fortune of the world.

All have given love in service, and have glorified the Father with love and courage, hope and enthusiasm. In this land and abroad, those here and those who are sitting far away all become co-operative through heart-felt thoughts or through service. May you always be successful and accomplished in every task – may there be the revealed form of this.

BapDada has a TV more powerful than the corporeal TVs – he can see the acts and thoughts of each one – he can see the mind. So what has been seen? Baba has come today to give congratulations and so anything else will not be spoken of. There was this one enthusiasm in everyone – that through service Baba should be revealed. The beauty of the hope of revelation brought a wave of happiness into the atmosphere. The majority experienced the holy offerings of happiness and selfless love.

You had golden thoughts for the Golden Jubilee. What special golden thought did you have for yourself, so that every thought and every moment be golden, throughout the year? In every second there should be in both your eyes the golden world and the sweet home of golden light. One is golden light, and the other is the golden world. Mukti in one eye and jeevanmukti in the other. Every second should be golden. Every thought should be golden. Shower golden flowers of love and happiness on every soul. The shower of constant love will change an enemy into a friend. With constant self-respect, continually give drishti of love and spiritual regard. They may not believe in you, but you believe in them – as your sweet brother or sister. They throw stones, you give jewels. You are masters of the mine of jewels, multi-millionaires. You are not beggars that would think “I will give if they give”. The children of the bestower never extend their hand in order to take.

Only when you become a selfless yogi will the wave of happiness of the golden world reach out to the world. Science has a very powerful means of finishing the world, and it can be done in a short time. Just as the power of science is creating such refined things, so the ones with the power of knowledge must, with a powerful attitude, create such an atmosphere, that the wave of happiness, of the elevated future of the world, spreads very quickly in all four directions. Half the world is now half dead – it is sleeping on the deathbed of fear. Give them an injection of the wave of happiness.

All that there has been up to now is good. Do even better in future.

To the most elevated, fortunate souls; to the obedient children who make every thought golden, who are all accomplished, who constantly bestow every blessing, who bring mukti and jeevanmukti; to the children who are constantly full, BapDada’s love, remembrances, congratulations, and namaste filled with golden love and flowers of golden happiness.

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