The Murli

March 31, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the master of all powers is seeing his master children – seeing to what extent the children have become the masters, equal to the Father and complete. A master will have the sanskar of being a world server. Some are still in the stage of the child, and only sometimes able to stabilise the consciousness in the powerful stage of being like the Father. Some reach equality in thoughts, some also in speech, some even in actions, but when they come into relationship and connections, either in service or with the family, there is a lower percentage of equality.

BapDada has a deep and constant love for the children. BapDada wishes to make the children strong and very firm through determined tapasya over a long period of time. BapDada is giving this year to the children for particular determined tapasya, so that every thought becomes imperishable and immortal. Time is being given to strengthen this. You have to accumulate the power of pure thought in particular, and fill yourself with it. Become introspective and finish all waste thoughts. Let the power of your pure thoughts be such that there is transformation in others also.

At present Brahma Baba in the avyakt form is sustaining all of you with the power of pure thoughts. So now become equal to the father, Brahma, and fill yourself with pure thoughts through tapasya. The very word tapasya indicates practice which is full of determination. Why is time being given now? So that you still have a long period of time to accumulate your stock. A time will come when you have to be bestowers – bestowers of the law, and bestowers of blessings. In a very short time you will have to give a great deal to many, so your account must become full and complete.

So become one who always gives. Give without the feeling of taking. And develop the power to merge all things – you are children of the Ocean and the speciality of the Ocean is to merge. If you can merge you will be able to have pure thoughts and feelings of good wishes and benefit for all, constantly.

You must be co-operative in finishing the obstacles of others, even if you have to bow down in front of them. To erase thoughts of the self, has greatness, so do not think “why should I bow down”.

As the anxiety and upheaval increase, the line of your intellect has to be very clear – you need the powers of touching and catching. You should be able to catch Baba’s directions, with nothing else mixed with them. If the line is not clear, dictates of the mind become mixed in and the soul suffers loss. And, with a clear intellect you will be more able to give all powers to all souls – the touching will come that at this moment, this is the specific easy method of serving this particular soul. Remember the one Baba and none other. To avoid attachment is one thing – attachment is wrong – but you must also avoid conflict, as when the intellect is influenced through conflict, Baba is not in the intellect at that time. Economise not just in wealth, but in thoughts and time – do not waste any of them. To economise is to increase the account of what you have stored.

You must practice touching and catching now so that you are ready at the time of destruction, at the time of need. If you are not ready, if you are still weak at the end, there will be a battle and you will enter the silver age. To labour means to hold the bow and arrow and to try to attain the target. To stay in deep love and happiness means to play the magic flute and to be in the sun dynasty. The flute makes you dance. So don’t be the one with the bow and arrow, be the one who holds the flute. Don’t complain later that you need extra time – you have to move now with fast speed. Understood?

BapDada is seeing the children in every corner of this land and abroad. There are many tiny places which are considered ordinary, and yet have children there overflowing with treasures. BapDada wants the maharathi children to go on tour to light the lamp of desires that these souls have placed with Baba – they desire to have this lamp lit, and so perform this opening. This is why BapDada is giving this time specially. Let the desires of the children of every village be fulfilled. Do not say that Dadi has to go everywhere – no, all the main maharathis should go. If one were to go everywhere, five years would be needed. Different people should go to different places, so that no-one is left out. Wherever you go let there be one day for the service of outside people, and one day for a special programme of tapasya for Brahmins. Refresh the Brahmins.

Be content, with a broad and unlimited intellect, and no desire for the self. Increase the power of the gathering – be subtle and generous, and renounce your own thoughts – do not separate yourself from the gathering. If there is separation the soul cannot enter the royal family or rule the kingdom, but there also you will be separate. To be within the gathering now means to be be in close relationship with the gathering for 21 births. So do what has to be done to create the power of the gathering. Do not just pull the quilt towards yourself, but give it to others also, and they will then let you share it too. The more you give to another first, the more they will give to you. So let there be subtlety and generosity.

The visible sign of contentment (santosha) and generosity (vishalta) is fullness and happiness (prashanta) visible on the face, with no questions arising in the consciousness.

This is then the end of the eighteen chapters. Understood? This is the result that BapDada wishes to see. Let there be tapasya for this result. BapDada will come especially on the 18th of January to tell you the half way result. There will not be a full season – the 18th and 21st of January (anniversary of first avyakt murli) are special dates and BapDada will come to celebrate the day of becoming avyakt.

The importance of Madhuban is eternal – Madhuban is Madhuban – the greatness can never be reduced, because this is where the great soul and the supreme soul have filed every grain of sand with powerful vibrations over a long period of time. God is not in every grain of sand, but every grain of sand here is filled with those vibrations. Madhuban is the Peace House of the world.

Renunciation for selfish reasons does not create fortune, but renunciation which is totally altruistic creates a huge fortune. When you have made everyone else happy, you receive a share of everyone else’s happiness.

BapDada knows the numbers, yet the children are not yet being seen numberwise – that will happen at the end. The last can still go fast and become first. Baba has this elevated hope and pure desire for all of the children that you should all be first. Achcha.

To all the constantly loving children of all the different corners; to the children who are constantly sitting on the heart throne, constantly showing the sparkle of contentment, constantly full and happy; to the children with unlimited generous hearts; to those who constantly develop an intellect which is unlimited, broad and subtle; to such big hearted special souls; Bapdada’s love and remembrance, full of affection, and namaste.

March 29, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 29th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada brought all the double foreign children from all the different corners into the subtle regions, and was seeing their specialities. All were special though it must be said that all are number-wise. In a short time in all different corners, the children have come to accept one belief and to follow the instructions of One, though they come from a variety of lands and beliefs. Baba was seeing two specialities in the majority of the children . Firstly, they have come very quickly into the bondage of the relationship of love, belonging to Baba and to the Godly family. Secondly, because of love, there has been easy application of the power of transformation in their lives. Together with self transformation you are moving forward with deep love to transform others. So there is the power of love, and the power of transformation. Both have been imbibed with courage, and you are giving the proof of them in a very good way.

Bap and Dada had a conversation in the subtle regions about the specialities of the children. The experience of the subtle meeting in the subtle form will continue, but the time for the meeting in the corporeal form has to be fixed as there is a limitation. There is no time limit for meetings in the subtle form – each one can celebrate that meeting however much they wish. There can constantly be the experience of avyakt power for both the self and service.

According to the the time fixed for this year, this season has come to an end – it isn’t an end, it is a completion. The meeting means to become equal. You are becoming equal, are you not, and so it isn’t an end. Some double foreign children were able to come in corporeal form and some were not able to come and sent photographs and letters. So BapDada emerged all in the subtle form. In the subtle region there is no need for physical facilities. The subtle region is unlimited. All the children from Bharat would seem just a tiny gathering of stars. But today, only the double foreigners were emerged.

BapDada was seeing that the majority are moving forward with zeal and enthusiasm. Some children are still showing games, but overall there is a big difference from last year. Last year there was more confusion, this year the children are stronger. You are more experienced and more mature. It was seen that there is love for study, enthusiasm for remembrance, and love for service. It is easy for the people of Bharat to experience transformation because they understand the deities and they have the mixed knowledge of the scriptures, so the beliefs are not so new for them. But Baba saw children from all the different corners and they all had faith and were stable and steady. They had such faith they were encouraging others to have similar faith. Even whilst staying in the household there has been transformation of consciousness and attitude through powerful thoughts. Some thought of renunciation, and after that not even their eyes were distracted by anything else. And so the total result was being seen.

Brahma Baba was especially happy seeing the children. Seeing the powerful souls, Bap and dada were smiling and having a heart to heart conversation. Tow form of the creation of Brahma have been remembered. Firstly, Brahmins emerging from the mouth of Brahma, and secondly Brahma creating the world through his thoughts. Bap and Dada are together, but the creation is not called the creation of Shiva. It is called the creation of Brahma. Yes, here are the children of Shiva, but the terms shiv kumar and Shiv kumari are not used. Brahma has invoked you with elevated thoughts and has created this creation. The creation through thought is not a little thing – it is so powerful that children hidden far away behind a variety of curtains have all come into this family. Elevated powerful thought gave you inspiration and brought you close. Special inspiration touched the intellect. And because of Brahma’s powerful thoughts, even as you see the photograph of Brahma, there is a feeling of living quality in it. This living relationship moves you forward. And so BapDada smiles seeing this creation. As time goes on further the fruit of more powerful creation will be visible.

According to the time of service, the days of childhood finish and you become experienced. Now it is time for you to become steady and stable yourselves, and to give others the experience of becoming the same.
Now the time of playing games is over. Be constantly powerful and make weak souls powerful also.

You will have to give co-operation to those who come later, through your relationships and company, to enable them to move forward quickly in a short space of time. Give them courage and enthusiasm, so they can move forward easily. Be co-operative with each other, but don’t have yoga with each other. Don’t make others become like yourself – make them become like the Father. Be a powerful soul yourself and make others powerful. Constantly maintain this determined awareness.

Achcha. To the children from all the different corners, special love and remembrance, filled with all affection – to those who are always loving and always co-operative, to such elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 27, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Father, the Ocean of Love, has come to meet his loving children. This spiritual love makes the children easy yogis. This love is the easy method for forgetting the whole world. All the special children who have arrived to be face to face with Baba have come on the basis of love. Flying with the wings of love, you have become the residents of Madhuban.

So all the children are loving, but what is the difference between them? Some are constantly loving, some are loving, sand some have love according to the time. BapDada saw three types of loving children.

Those who are constantly loving are above effort and difficulties – they neither have to make effort, nor do they experience difficulties. Why?Because of their constant love, Maya and the elements are subservient to them. They have become masters. Every thought and moment is applied solely to remembering Baba and service. The Father is their world – one Father and none other. Such are the constantly loving souls.

The second number are the loving souls – their love does not remain constant – sometimes their love and their thoughts get directed elsewhere. Sometimes they experience effort in transforming themselves, and sometimes slight difficulties. Whenever there is even a subtle war with Maya or the elements, because of their love they remember Baba very quickly, and with their power of remembrance are able to transform themselves quickly. But a little time and thought is taken up in overcoming the difficulty, or in making the effort. Not a great deal, just a little, but it means that their love is not unbroken. Sometimes their love becomes ordinary, while at other times they are really lost in love. They take the second number.

The third number are those who have a relationship of love only according to the time. Such souls understand that one cannot experience true love from anyone other than the Father and that he alone makes spiritual love constantly elevated. Their knowledge and understanding is complete and they also like this life of love. But because of some sanskars of attraction to the body, or some particularly old sanskars, or some sanskars of waste thoughts, and a lack of controlling power, there is a burden of waste thoughts. Or because there is deficiency in the power of he gathering, or family, which makes them unsuccessful in the gathering, the state of the gathering finishes their love and pulls them towards itself. Some are poor at coping with the gathering and some lose hope quickly. At one moment they will be flying very well, and the next moment they have even lost hope in themselves. A sanskar of one sort or another attracts them towards matter or the situation at hand, and because they are now in a state of disturbance, then they remember the Father. Then they attempt to lose themselves in the Father’s love again. Because they fluctuate according to the time and situation, sometimes they remember Baba and sometimes they spend time battling. Their life of battle is greater than their life of love, and so they take the third number.

In comparison to the souls of the world, even those who take the third number are extremely elevated. They recognise the Father, belong to the Father, belong to the Brahmin family, and are Brahmin souls, the highest souls, Brahma kumars and kumaris. So, all are loving, but numberwise.

The number one constantly loving souls are always like the lotus flower, detached, yet with deep love for the Father. The loving souls are also detached and powerful but are not like the Father in being powerful and victorious. They are not lost in love, but are loving. The word “sometimes” still comes in – they are not constant, so some weakness remains. Such children say “it is your direction so you will have to do it Baba” or “you will have to accept me as I am”. What can Baba say then? Baba feels merciful towards the children – he gives them special power through the instrument souls, and some take power and change, but others are unable to take power because they are intoxicated with their own sanskars. If you give someone something nourishing to eat and they refuse it, what more can you do? Some are not able to take because they are careless. So there are three types of children, but everyone is still given the title “loving children”. So which are you?

You are the ones who will beat the drums of victory with splendour and force in front of the world, are you not? Souls of today are entranced with the intoxication of perishable things, or else they are so tired of unhappiness and anxiety that they are sleeping in a deep, deep sleep.They will not be awakened by a little noise – they will simply not hear it. Those who are drugged with intoxication have to be shaken awake, and those who are sleeping in deep sleep also have to be shaken awake. Both have to be shaken violently to awaken them.

Love for the Father means love for the One who plays the magic flute, which means love for the murli. If there is no love for the murli, there cannot be love for the One who plays the flute(!!!). No matter how many times someone may come to Baba and say that they have great love for Baba, if they do not have time to study, or if they give some other reason, Baba will not believe them. When there is enthusiasm and love, no obstacles can stand in the way. Those who have love for study and for the murli will overcome the obstacles easily. Being up above, in the flying stage, the obstacles are left down below. For those who can fly, a high mountain is merely a rock. Love makes difficulties easy. You have love for the murli, don’t you? You have love for the murli and love for the family, and this becomes a fortress – those who live in a fortress will be safe. If there is love for study and love for the family, then there is love for each other, and under its influence you become close. Love needs no language – it is the most elevated of all languages. Even if someone knew no language, they will know the language of love.

This is the age of happiness. There are the treasures of happiness. There is nothing but happiness. Achcha.

March 25, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing the spiritual royal court of all those with the right to self sovereignty. He is seeing the crown of light sparkling on each one’s head. This same royal court is also a holy gathering. Each one of the supremely pure, worship worthy souls is not pure, that is holy, for one birth alone, but the lines of being pure and holy run through numerous births. Throughout the cycle there are other souls called great souls who become pure, but there is a difference between their purity and your purity. Your method of becoming pure is extremely easy. There is no effort involved, because you inherit happiness, peace, and purity from the Father.With this consciousness, you easily become imperishable. The people of the world become pure but through hard work, and they do not have purity as an inheritance for 21 births either.

According to the world, today is the day of Holi. You become holy by being coloured with the colour of the supreme soul. They celebrate for a day, whereas you become holy for a lifetime. The Confluence Age is the age of a holy life. To be coloured by the colour of the supreme soul is to be coloured forever.

At the Confluence Age you experience the state, like the father, of being karmateet and incorporeal. And for 21 births you experience the elevated life, like Brahma Baba, of being all-virtuous, complete, and completely free of vice. So your Holi is to be coloured by the Father’s company, and therefore to become like him. This colour is so strong that it makes you like the Father. Each soul absorbs so many colours from the Father – the colour of knowledge, the colour of remembrance, the colour of numerous powers, and the colour of virtues. Automatically, drishti, attitude, feelings and desires become elevated forever. This spiritual colour is absorbed so easily. You become holy.

They celebrate Holi in extrovert ways with a bonfire and a celebration, followed by an auspicious meeting. These are memorials of you becoming holy – you burn your old sanskars and memories in the fire of yoga, then celebrate Holi by being coloured by the company of Baba, and then celebrate an auspicious meeting with each other. Once a souls is coloured by the Father’s company, all souls of the world are seen as the Supreme Soul’s family, and there are good wishes for every soul. You meet them and spray them with the Supreme Soul’s colour. All are children of the Father.

You know the past and the future, that you are to become angels from Brahmins, and deities from angels. You have been victorious numerous times before, and you continue to be victorious. Maya came to strengthen you and then left.

Holi means “that which has already happened” and so, past is past. You know how to apply this full stop, don’t you? This is another meaning of Holi. There are four types of Holi – burning, being coloured, applying a full stop, and celebrating an auspicious meeting. You must celebrate all four type of Holi, or at the end the crown will not fit – it will continually fall off, will it not? You are to become like the Father, complete and perfect – if you have love for Him, it is easy.

The Father, the highest on high, gives all the happy swans congratulations for becoming holy like the Father, and for constantly celebrating the age for being holy. He congratulates you for being holy swans and becoming complete with the jewels of knowledge. He congratulates you and also gives constant love and remembrance. The Father who is the server always says namaste to the children who are masters – and so love, remembrance and namaste.

March 22, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 22nd March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing his holy and happy children everywhere. It is not possible to see such a huge gathering of holy and happy people at any other time throughout the entire drama. Every child is determined to become pure in mind, speech and action, all three.

You have received the knowledge of the religion of the self, the land of the self, the Father of the self, the form of the self, and the action of the self. Through the power of knowledge, what was difficult has become easy. That which the great souls of today consider to be impossible, and unnatural, you have experienced with ease. You can challenge the entire world by telling them that purity is your intrinsic form. Wherever there is purity, peace and happiness are automatically present. Purity is the foundation. Purity is the mother, and happiness and peace are its children. You can never feel sad. You remain ever happy. Where souls are holy they are also happy. The sign of pure souls is their constant happiness. So BapDada was seeing to what extent the souls sitting in front of him were pure and had faith in their intellects.

The souls of the world scramble around after peace and happiness. But purity is the foundation of peace and happiness. They do not recognise that the foundation, purity, is not strong, so their peace and happiness are transient. Permanent peace and happiness is not possible without purity. Peace and happiness come automatically to a pure soul. Purity is the mother of peace and happiness, and the children will always run to their mother. Wherever there is purity, peace and happiness follow automatically.

So you have become the kings of the land without sorrow, the world of happiness. The kingdom is unique and the kings are also unique.

BapDada feels mercy seeing the children, the souls of today, who are scrambling so much, trying so hard. They make a great deal of effort but where is their gain? They may even have temporary happiness, but will also have sorrow, worries and fears. Where there is worry there cannot be rest, and where there is fear there cannot be peace. So, together with happiness, they also have the causes of sorrow and anxiety.

Now you have become the embodiment of solutions to all problems, have you not? Problems come to you as play things. They come for you to play with, not to frighten you. You are all complete, aren’t you? Nothing can be a problem in front of a master almighty. These problems are like ants and you are maharathis. Happiness is experienced by considering it a game. Even very big problems become minor difficulties.

Where there is purity and power and peace and happiness, there can be no wave of sorrow or anxiety even in dreams. Sorrow and anxiety cannot remain in the face of a powerful soul. Pure souls will always be cheerful.

You have been released from the web of every variety of confusion, stumbling sorrow, and anxiety. You do not experience even one type of sorrow – otherwise an entire family of sorrows will come with that one sorrow. Consider yourselves fortunate – you have been freed from the web.

: Today the Australians are sitting here. BapDada always praises the Australians for the speciality of their tapasya, and their great donor minds. Australia is extraordinary. Everyone there very quickly acquires the attitude of renunciation for the sake of service, which is why so many centres have been opened. There is the thought “others should have the fortune we have received”. To have such determined thoughts is Tapasya (!!!). So through renunciation and tapasya you are increasing service. Love for service finishes all other limited attitudes.

You have the power of the gathering – one suggests and another puts it into action. It is not that one suggests and the other one says “but this is not possible”. A gathering can disintegrate because of this. There is power in the gathering when one suggests and the other co-operates, with enthusiasm, to bring it into practice. There is also a gathering of pandavs. You never think “you”. Instead you simply say “Baba, Baba” and all matters come to a close. Friction is cased by the attitudes of “you”, “yours”, and “mine”. If you keep Baba in front of you no problems can arise.

Then souls who are constantly free of obstacles experience the intense speed of effort of the flying stage. A stage which is free from obstacles over a long time is always a strong stage, whereas those who are repeatedly influenced by obstacles will have a weak foundation. Those who are free from obstacles over a long period will be powerful, and will make others powerful too. Anything which breaks and is glued together will be weakened because of it. Energy is wasted in overcoming obstacles. A soul that is free from obstacles is worshipped as the “destroyer of obstacles”, and will fly in the flying stage.

You have been given an instrument who from the very beginning has never been involved in obstacles. She has always remained detached and yet loving. She is a little strict, but that is also necessary. There would not have been so much expansion if you had not had a strict teacher. This is necessary, just as bitter medicine is necessary for illness.

Any souls who has renunciation and tapasya is an elevated soul. Contentment is the basis for success – since all of you are content, success is your birthright. Understand? Those who are nearest and dearest are always held back until the end as family members, because they are always happy with anything. Of course this does not mean that the rest are not nearest and dearest. But Australians have this extra honour. Achcha.

March 19, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the spiritual gardener is seeing his spiritual rose garden. This spiritual rose garden is only established by BapDada, only at the Confluence Age. BapDada is seeing the splendour of the fragrance of spirituality, and the fullness of the bloom of spirituality of each spiritual rose. All are fragrant, but the fragrance of some is permanent, but of others it is temporary. Some roses are always in full bloom, whereas some reach full bloom but wilt under a little sunshine or weather. But all spiritual roses belong to the spiritual gardener’s garden. Some have the special fragrance of knowledge, some the special fragrance of remembrance, some of dharna, and some of service. Some are complete with all fragrance. So where in the garden will attention be drawn first? Those that have a fragrance that attracts from a distance will draw everyone’s attention first.

The spiritual gardener always looks at all the spiritual roses, but number-wise. He loves them all because within each rose there is intense love for the gardener. The flowers love the master of the garden and the master of the garden loves the flowers. But the roses that are placed in the showcase will be those with permanent fragrance, always in full bloom – it will never be the ones that have wilted.

Every day at amrit vela , BapDada celebrates a meeting with all the spiritual roses, and sustains them with special love and power. Amrit vela is the time of special sustenance from God. Amrit vela is the special time of the meeting with the supreme soul. It is the time for spiritual conversation. Amrit vela is the time when one can easily, without effort, attain blessings, and limitless treasures, from the open treasure stores of the Innocent Lord. You experience this auspicious period do you not? Only the experienced know of its elevated happiness and elevated attainments. So, BapDada smiles on seeing all the spiritual roses. BapDada says “my spiritual roses are so wonderful!”. You sing the song “wonderful, wonderful”, so BapDada sings that same song.

You have heard many murlis. You have become complete by hearing them, and now, as great donors, you are making plans to donate the treasures to all. This enthusiasm is very good.

: Today it is the turn of the UK. The UK has been instrumental for bringing together people who have different types of limited powers, from a variety of lineage, from a variety of religions, and who speak a variety of languages., to the one Brahmin religion and to speak the one Brahmin language. You have your own language such that anyone new does not understand what is being said. The language of the Brahmins, and the dictionary of the Brahmins are their own. So the UK is busy uniting all into one, are you not? The numbers are also good, and your love for each other is also good. The speciality of love for the yagya, and co-operation with the yagya, is clearly visible. By setting aside a portion for the yagya, that is Madhuban, at each step, you are claiming a good number. Remembering Madhuban directly becomes a special lift. At each step in each task there is remembrance of Madhuban, that is, of Baba. Madhuban automatically inspires remembrance of Baba. Wherever you live, to remember Madhuban is to get a special lift of love. You are liberated from the effort of ascending. Within a second, you can switch on, and arrive.

BapDada does not want any diamonds and pearls. Anything of love is a diamond to Baba. Love has value whereas articles do not. No matter how many things a person gives, if he gives without love, he accumulates nothing. If you give just a little with love, that accumulates multi-million fold. So Baba likes love.

Co-operation make yoga easy. The thought of co-operation will automatically bring remembrance of Baba. The Father likes co-operation from the heart. Baba, the lord of hearts, loves love from the heart, and co-operation from the heart. Those who have a small heart are happy with a small deal, and those who have a big heart make an unlimited deal.

As the foundation is of a big heart, so the growth is also huge. Just as some trees have branches that have become trunks too, so in the UK trunks have emerged from the foundation, and branches have emerged which have become trunks, and from these trunks more branches have emerged. Australia, America, Europe, and Africa have emerged like this. All have now become trunks and more branches are emerging from these trunks. Because the foundation was made strong with the water of love and co-operation, the growth and the fruit is good. Achcha. Om shanti.

March 16, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing the stage of sweet silence in the children. Can you become stable in the state of silence in a second? Your eternal form is of sweet silence. Your original form is of coming into sound, but your eternal, imperishable sanskars are of silence. So, knowing your eternal form and eternal personality, are you able to stabilise yourself in that whenever you wish?

Because the cycle is finishing, you have to return to your home of silence. Now the time to return home is close. Now it is time to close your role of the three aspects of time – the beginning, middle, and end – so stabilise yourself in your eternal state and eternal form. Check yourself and see if you have conquered the senses. This is spiritual drill – spiritual exercise to make you powerful. No matter what the atmosphere there is all around – there may be disturbance – while living in sound, you now need to practice, over a long period of time, going into a stage beyond sound.

To become peaceful in an atmosphere of peace is not a big thing. You need the practice of being peaceful in the midst of disturbances, including the disturbance of your own weaknesses, waste thoughts from your sanskars. If it takes time to make yourself stable, then you may be deceived. At the end you will not have a lot of time. The results of the paper will emerge within a matter of a few seconds, or minutes, but your number will be fixed by your ability to remain immovable when there is an atmosphere of disturbance everywhere. So practice doing spiritual exercises. You should be able to stabilise your mind anywhere, at any time, in any state, for any length of time you wish.

The final paper is extremely easy, and you have been warned in advance that you will be tested in this way. The number will be received in a very short space of time. The stage should be so powerful that although the body, bodily relations, bodily sanskars, individuals, or wealth, vibrations and atmosphere may all be present, nothing can attract you. Destroy all attachment and become the embodiment of consciousness. Do you have this practice?

While people scream you remain immovable. At the end, the elements and Maya will come to stake their claim. No matter how much they pull towards themselves, you should remain absorbed in love, in the stage of being detached and beloved of the Father. This is called seeing and not seeing, hearing and not hearing. Let there be such practice. This is the stage which is called “being the sweet form of silence”.

Still BapDada is granting you time. You still have some time to deal with your defects. Will you be ready when the bell rings? There should not be the slightest fluctuation. Simply say ‘dot’ and at that instant become fixed in that stage. The dot should not waver – you should not be thinking “I am a soul”. The war will be taking place in every direction. Everyone and everything will have a final trial as you reach your final stage of having settled all karmic bonds. The scene will be of a very powerful battle on both sides – externally and internally. Maya and the elements will apply full force and your effort to complete will also be given full force. The victory within a second will be the victory that beats the drums of victory. Now do you understand what your last paper will be?

Everyone has, and must maintain, the positive thought that you are about to become number one. Only when you win everywhere in everything will you become number one. If you have the slightest waste thought or waste time, in even a single matter, your number will be reduced. So check everything and check in all four directions. To move forward with intense speed, make intense efforts at this practice, from this moment on. Understood?

Now you know the question, as well as the time allowed for it, so you should all pass. You are all going to pass, are you not?

What will happen in the future will be revealed later. The scenes of drama change continually. Everyone has come to eat the fruit of the season, have they not? Now you can enjoy yourselves, and at the end of the season you will be told of what is next.

You must not think “I am ordinary”. All are special. If any were not special, you would not come to the Father. You are all maharathis and mahavirs. If you were to see the shaktis, then each shakti would be seen to be a great soul and a world benefactor. You are all world benefactors, are you not? Achcha. Om shanti.

March 13, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing the children who are the images of support and upliftment for the world. You are the elevated souls who give the divine eye to those who lack the eye of knowledge, who guide the stumbling souls to their destination, who uplift deprived souls and bring them fulfilment.

Everywhere now the world is disturbed. The souls of the world have seen all forms of support and have tried them all, and they do not give the experience of truth. They want something new and different. The temporary supports that exist are like timber, and they are now searching for the true support.

Compared to the world you number only a few, but in the memorial of last kalpa, only five pandavs were shown facing an unlimited army.

All types of authorities, of science, of politics, of religion, whatever, have already tried to change the world. But the greatest authority of all, the experience of the supreme soul, is with you, and can easily transform anyone or anything.That is why you say and will continue to say “there is only one easy and true path – it can be attained through the One who unifies everyone”. This is why you are the images of support and upliftment for the world. Those who are ordinary have become this. They want the famous, whereas the Father wants to make those whose name and fortune have been destroyed famous again, to make the ordinary great, to make the weak enormously powerful.

Now the eyes of the world are moving away from everywhere else, very slowly, and focussing in this direction. Everyone knows that, in an incognito way, the Father is arranging to do things that they have not been able to achieve.

The religious leaders, the political leaders, and the scientists are the three main authorities. Now all three are coming closer in the elevated hope of seeing the supreme soul in an ordinary way. Up to now they have been looking through a veil – now the veil will be removed. There are many types of veil – the veil of leadership, and the veil of their throne or seat are major ones. It will take a little more time to lift these veils, but their eyes have opened.

BapDada will definitely make all souls, all the Father’s children, into heirs – he will enable them to claim their inheritance. No matter what they are – they are Baba’s children. Whether they want mukti or jeevanmukti, both forms of inheritance are available. Baba has come especially to give the children their inheritance. They are ignorant but that is not their fault. So feel merciful towards them and be enthusiastic about enabling all souls to claim their inheritance somehow. You have such enthusiasm, don’t you? Achcha.

Baba’s vision is always on the children everywhere. He keeps you merged in His eyes. No one is far away – you re all close. Baba’s constant company makes you powerful and urges you forward with zeal and enthusiasm. You are the eternal children of the eternal Father, so your attainment is eternal, and your happiness is also eternal. When waste is destroyed, only the best remains.

In the end everyone will have to come to the same destination – it s only a question of time. Some will come now, others will come later, but they will definitely come. No mater how happy they may be, they still have some desire or other. Even though the atmosphere may be good, and so people may not be upset, as long as they do not have knowledge, their temporary desires will never finish. One desire after another will arise, and desire always prevents constant attainment. So give those who are not unhappy the experience of divine, selfless love, of what a life of love is like. Bring them close with this method. No matter how loving they may be, selfless love does not exist anywhere – there is no true love.

Out of multi-millions, a handful comes, and out of a handful, a rare one recognises the Father. You have desire for the meeting, and no other desire. Achcha.

When the moon rises it spreads moonlight everywhere and creates an atmosphere of coolness. Similarly wherever special souls go they create a powerful atmosphere and everyone receives love, co-operation, and power. Achcha. Om shanti.

March 10, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 10th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BabDada is seeing the gathering of carefree kings. This gathering is more elevated than the gathering of the kings of the golden age. Why? There there is no knowledge of the difference between worry and intoxication, but now the entire world is worried about something or other, about their family, friends, relations, work or business. All of you begin the day by becoming carefree kings at amrit vela, and fulfil yours tasks as carefree kings, and sleep in bliss and peace. Have you become such carefree kings or do you have some worry?

If you hand of over responsibility to the Father, you will become carefree. There is worry when you consider yourself responsible. Be an instrumental server, an instrumental karma yogi. So don’t have baskets of worries on your head, but be a carefree king with a crown of light. Baba has come and removed the innumerable baskets of the burden of innumerable births, and made you light.

Only when you become a king will the senses remain under your control – only as a king will you conquer Maya.

Baba has been invoking you for a long time, and so you are drawn here as if by a magnet. You feel that you do not know how you came to belong to Baba? It feels god that you have become so, but just sit and consider what happened, how it happened, how each of you has come to be here. When you think, you realise how amazing it was, don’t you? It was written in drama, and that pulled everyone out of every corner, and brought them to the one family. All of you, in the colour of Baba’s company, have become extremely lovely. Spirituality is visible on everyone’s face.

Foreigners like to make up their faces. This is the place where you can make up your face like an angel’s. The spiritual make-up makes you sparkle.

Foreigners like to walk hand in hand. So BapDada says – always walk hand in hand with Baba. Do not walk alone. If you walk alone you may become bored, and someone’s vision may fall on you. If you move with Baba, the vision of Maya will not be cast on you, and also you will always be happy.

Everyone likes their companion do they not? Or do you want another companion sometimes, to amuse your heart? You have been liberated from relations that deceive, so that there is neither deception nor sorrow. You have been saved, forever.

Europe has had good expansion, and has become the largest of all families. The UK is large anyway, and separate – but what about the rest of Europe? Everyone has a connection with the UK, because it is the foundation of the world. No matter how many branches emerge, the foundation is always maintained. In London, especially precious gems have been made instruments, because it is the foundation – so with that connection, directions can be received easily. It is like this, is it not?

Sometimes there are such storms of Maya that the intellect is too unclear to pick up Baba’s directions, or his power. This corporeal medium has been created for such a time. Those people whom you call Dadis and Didis are all instruments and because of them you need not waste time.

Seeing you elevated family, there is special happiness. The pandavs are the special teachers. The shaktis are always helpers. Through the pandavs there has always been the special, visible fruit of expansion in service. And the shaktis have brought sparkle and flourish to the centres. The pandavs have a good planning intellect, and the shaktis are good at applying the plan in practice. Without the pandavs there would be no plan, and without the shaktis, the plans would not take a practical shape. Both therefore are essential. A centre where there are no shaktis has no sparkle and flourish, and if there are no pandavs then it is not powerful. This is why both are necessary. Will the shaktis unfurl the flag, or will the pandavs? Both will do it together.

Now that you have woken, innumerable others will wake easily. One will listen to the next and expansion will be rapid. Where there is a greater influence of religion, that land takes time in yielding fruit, but now the fruit has begun to emerge. Once the fruit begins to emerge, then other fruit follows in quick succession. You are the first fruits of the tree, and so you are special.

Determination brings success. Om shanti.

March 7, 1986

Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1986

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Father, the Innocent Lord, the Giver of Knowledge, the Bestower of Fortune, the Bestower of blessings f all powers, the One who fills you with all treasures, has come to meet his extremely loving, co-operative, and close children. All those sweet meetings between the Father and the children at this time, become the special occasion that are celebrated in the future. For you children, every day, every moment is filled with happiness and enthusiasm. The spiritual life, spiritual attainments, and spiritual experiences of this short Confluence Age are made into various memorials by the devotees from the copper age. Your life in this one birth become the means for hope and enthusiasm for 63 births on the path of devotion. You are such great souls.

The image and life history of the memorial, over the full 5,000 years, of what each one did, what they attained, what they became, and how they became it 5,000 years ago, is now clearly known. Your hear it, and seeing it, you smile, thinking “they are singing about us and worshipping us – they are speaking about our life history”. Everyone has seen there memorial haven’t they? They cannot make exact images of you – with loving feelings the devotees have made images in whatever way they have been touched.

: Today you are all celebrating Shiv Ratri – in reality you celebrate it every day, because the Confluence Age is the age of the incarnation of God, and, having incarnated, it is the age of the elevated task and the divine, elevated activity.

They call out “come”, whereas you say “he has come, we have found him”. This is such a huge difference – the difference between the memorial and the reality is the difference between day and night. This is the day of the Innocent Lord – why do they call him the lord of the innocent? Even though he is knowledge-full, he is innocent. He is also remembered as the Lord of the overflowing treasure store.

The four main subjects of the Confluence Age are remembered on this special day. There is importance given to the dot and the drop. The dot is the memorial of the subject of remembrance, the yoga of this time, becoming stable in the state of a dot. The drops are of knowledge, the memorial of the subject of knowledge. The memorial of dharna is the special fast they have on this day – you imbibe determined thoughts. The memorial of service is staying awake through the night – your service is to awaken people from the sleep of ignorance.

So the four subjects are remembered – they have changed shape into physical form, because no-one had the divine intellect to appreciate the subtle significance. The devotee intellect is not a subtle and refined intellect, but what BapDada refers to as the gross intellect. Although they have given it an ordinary form, God is pleased with the devotees – they are full of loving feelings, and remain single minded in any decision they make.

Also on this special day you celebrate the surrender ceremony. They surrender goats, and you surrender yourselves, the limited “I” and “mine” – this is the greatest sacrifice.

They have created a good memorial, have they not? You also say “well done” to the bhagats from your hearts – after all they are your bhagats. They are the Fathers and they are yours. It is your reign for half the kalpa – not just Laksmi and Narayan’s reign. In the same way they are your bhagats, not just BapDada’s. If you watch the devotion, you will enjoy it very much. Baba thanks the bhagats for spreading hope and enthusiasm, even if it is only for one or two days – even if it is temporary, the attention of the majority is drawn to the Father in a special way.

When you are at Madhuban your feet are not on the ground. When you return abroad, will you come down to earth, or will you always descend from above to do your work? “Above” means an elevated stage – be stable in a high stage and then do ordinary work. Baba takes an ordinary body, does he not – he performs ordinary actions, he speaks as you people speak, he moves as you do. The actions are ordinary and the body is ordinary. But while doing ordinary work, the stage remains high. You must do the same.

Every day at amrit vela, you should think that you have emerged from shantidham to do your work. At night, having done your work, you should return to shantidham. Having incarnated, you come as avatars (incarnations). Avatars incarnate to do elevated work. It is not called a birth, but an incarnation. From an elevated stage you come down. When you perform work in such a stage, ordinary actions become unique spiritual actions. Just as other people eat, you also eat – but they are said to eat food, whereas you dine on Brahma Bhojan. You move, but you move like angels – you move in that state of being double light.

The entire Confluence Age is a day of incarnation for you. BapDada receives congratulations from all four directions, and BapDada gives countless congratulations in response. You are first congratulated for recognising the Father, then there are congratulations for becoming the Father’s heirs, then congratulations for becoming tireless and unlimited servers like the Father, then congratulations for the constant and determined thoughts and elevated actions to become angels and then deities, like the Father. There are congratulations for every step, for every moment, and for every thought. You congratulate BapDada, but BapDada says “you first”. You sing the birthday song, and BapDada says “happy birthday” to you. You are being sustained by congratulations – the encouragement of the Father and of the family. With encouragement you dance and sing and fly. You encourage each other.

If someone is doing something wrong, never tell them straight out that they are wrong – you will never change them like that. You cannot extinguish a fire directly with another fire – you must apply cold water to it. First tell them what they have done right, and bring them within reach. First apply cold water and explain how they have caught fire. Then they will feel the reason for catching fire, and the method for extinguishing it. If you say straight out that something is wrong, and refer to some wrong action, you are adding fuel to the fire. Give them encouragement. Even if someone were to ask BapDada directly “am I wrong” He will not tell them – he will say “you are right” – because at that time they will not have the necessary courage. If someone’s heart is weak, and you tell them “you are dying”, they will suffer a heart failure! At that time they do not have the power to change their efforts.

So the Confluence Age is the age of expansion through encouragement – this encouragement is the elevated sustenance. To give each other encouragement is to have a large heart. It is not that you are explaining wrongly about their wrong – have some patience. An indication will have to be given, but look at their courage and find the right time. Congratulate them with loving feeling – say it with the heart. Touch them with mercy. Always give encouragement, and take encouragement – this encouragement is a blessing.

On this day there is praise of Shiva as the Lord of the overflowing treasure store – this is also your praise, not just the Father’s. As children of the Bestower, you become Bestowers and give constantly. Deities give. Give without taking. First give them courage, enthusiasm and happiness, and you will be able to persuade them to do whatever you wish.

Every day you must celebrate the auspicious occasion of meting with the Father. Achcha.

To the children from all four directions, imperishable congratulations for every day of the confluence age. To those who become bestowers of blessings like the Father, and who fill every soul; to the children who are the master lords of innocence, who perform all actions while staying in remembrance, making them into memorials; to the elevated children who move forward with hope and enthusiasm, congratulations for the birth worth diamonds, in which you become
complete, and congratulations for making everyone happy – love, remembrances and namaste. Om shanti.

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