The Murli

February 28, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 28th February 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was listening to the determined thoughts of all the children. As soon as each one had a thought, each one’s heart to heart conversation through the thought reached BapDada. Thought is much more subtle than speech – it moves extremely fast, and reaches much more quickly. The language of the heart to heart conversation is the language of thoughts. The scientists can catch sound, but subtle instruments are needed to catch thoughts. BapDada catches the thoughts of each child – he listens to the language of their thoughts. An extremely subtle, clean and clear intellect is necessary – only then will you be able to understand Baba’s response in a heart to heart conversation. BapDada congratulate the children for constantly being successful through determined thoughts. Where there is determination, success is certain.

Seeing the children’s generous hearts, Baba the Bestower of Blessings gives blessings to be constantly generous – blessings for a generous heart, a broad intellect, unlimited service, and sanskaras of generosity. To have a generous heart means to be the embodiment of an unlimited consciousness. To be unlimited in every aspect means to be generous. Where there is a state of the unlimited, nothing can attract the soul towards itself. This is being equal to Baba, karmateet, detached from all varieties of limited nature and sanskaras. Limitation is bondage.

You have heard many murlis. Now you must carry out what you have heard., in thoughts, words, and actions. Words and actions are a physical mirror of thoughts. The words of one wit elevated thoughts will automatically be elevated.

Seeing the double foreign children, BapDada is always pleased with their specialties. What are those specialties? You have taken divine birth through Brahma Baba’s elevated thoughts, and through the elevated thoughts of invocation – you were created by elevated thoughts, and in the same way you pay special attention to make your thoughts elevated also. Because there is attention on thoughts, you recognise all types of subtle attacks of Maya very quickly, and you quickly make efforts to transform and finish them. You constantly pay good attention to cleanse the power of thought. You have good practice of checking the self – the heart is clean in placing small mistakes in front of Baba or the instrumental children – through this method you do not accumulate rubbish in the intellect. The majority do not hesitate to speak with a clean heart. Whenever there is cleanliness, divine virtues are imbibed very quickly. Cleanliness is the method of imbibing divine virtues, that is, of invoking them. The elevated nature of cleanliness automatically invokes the divine nature. And the majority of double foreign children have this speciality. Therefore, according to drama, you have received a golden chance of moving forward with great speed – this is known as “last so fast” – so you have this great speciality of going especially fast. Constantly keep this speciality in your consciousness and continue to take benefit from it.

Thoughts came, they were clarified, and they went. This is known as making a mountain into a piece of cotton wool. How long does it take for a piece of cotton wool to fly? It takes a second doesn’t it? And how long would it take for a mountain? So you clarified things by placing them in front of Baba – with the method of cleanliness you became an angel, and off you flew. This fast flying is known as “last so fast”.

As soon as you take birth you claim the inheritance, for there is automatic zeal and enthusiasm for service. By engaging yourself in service, you receive the immediate fruit of happiness, and you also receive special power, and co-operation in being free from obstacles. And so, by naturally having zeal and enthusiasm for service, by making time for it, and by using your body, mind, and wealth in a worthwhile way, there is a lift. This speciality also is received according to drama.

You can move forward with these specialties as much as you wish. Drama is created accurately – according to drama no soul can complain that he came late and therefore was not able to move forward. The double foreigners have a golden chance with their specialties. So constantly fly fast using these specialties.

You have already given dilkush toli (happy heart sweet) to Baba. To have the determined thought means to give dilkush toli to Baba. This sweet is imperishable. The children’s mouths are being sweetened, and Baba’s mouth is always sweet anyway. But don’t offer any other bhorg – only offer dilkush sweets. You can offer whatever physical bhorg you want – you can only offer what you are able to prepare – but offer the bhorg of your thoughts only in the form of dilkush sweets.

BapDada always says that whenever you write to Baba, always write a letter consisting of only two characters: “OK”. You will not need so much paper, ink, or time. The meaning of “OK” is that Baba is remembered and so is the kingdom. The “O” is the image of Baba, and “K” is the kingdom. When Baba and the inheritance are both remembered, it will become easy, won’t it? You must definitely write this letter – BapDada always knows the enthusiasm of your heart – the things of love reach Baba, the Comforter of Hearts.

All problems are now finished – what else is left? All that is left is to eat toli and feed toli. Now make others the same. You must do service and become servers free from obstacles.

To those who are constantly flying with the zeal and enthusiasm of becoming like Baba; to those who constantly check the self, change, and become complete; to those who become elevated in thoughts words and actions, through constantly imbibing cleanliness; to such special souls who fly with fast speed – BapDada’s special love, remembrance and namaste.

February 24, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 24th February 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing the children who are like spiritual chatrak birds – anxious to listen, to meet, and to become equal to Baba. As you listen to the flute of knowledge, you become players of that flute. As you celebrate the spiritual meeting , you become merged in Baba’s love, and lost in love – free from obstacles and coloured by Baba’s company. As is Baba’s name, so is the children’s name – world benefactor. As is Baba’s form, so is the children’s form. As are Baba’s virtues, so are the children’s virtues. So check yourself – to what extent have you become like Baba in every respect?

Baba has given the blessing: “may you constantly be full of the wealth of all powers”. These are the treasures of Brahmin life.

“May you have a long life” – from Brahmin birth until the end of establishment. If the soul goes towards old sanskars, away from Brahmin life, this is taking birth again, but with a short life span – some are such that it is as if they are in a coma – that living is equivalent to being dead. So have a long life span – live the elevated, divine, Brahmin life of all attainments from the beginning until the end.

“May you be free from disease”. If the lifespan is long but the sickness of Maya makes the soul weak again and again, that living is not living – so remain healthy: free from obstacles.

“May you have many children” – may you be stable on the stage of master creator – with the blessing of unlimited children. Have the consciousness of each soul, and the elements of nature, as your creation, and have good wishes and pure feelings of benefit for each one. The seed, the creator of the tree, will stand on top of the kalpa tree – together with Baba the soul will become the unlimited master creator, and spread the rays of powers, virtues, good wishes, pure feelings, love and co-operation. The sun’s rays spread automatically over the entire world, because the sun is high above. In the same way, become master creator and master seed and give rays and water to the entire tree. So how many children do you have? The entire world is your creation!

So, Baba gave all these blessings to each Brahmin soul, as soon as each one took birth. Everyone has received blessings, but you can increase your blessing with the accurate method: remember each blessing according to the time, and by remembering it you will become powerful and the embodiment of success. The more you use it according to the time, the more the blessing will increase. You have received such elevated powerful blessings that not only can you achieve fruits by using them for yourself, but you can also make other souls worthy to claim blessings from BapDada, the Bestower of Blessings.

Now is the time to meet the Bestower of Blessings and so receive blessings. The one who has received blessings does not have to labour. The hand of Baba, the Bestower of Blessings, is constantly over you the Brahmin children. The elevated directions are the hand.

There is praise for the deities – that they have no knowledge of any desires – this is really the speciality of an angelic life. There is no question of any desires in a deity life. Brahmin life becomes the angelic life – that is you reach the karmateet stage, and then perform no sinful or impure or useless or karma-bound action. There may be relationship with karma, but no bondage – this is called an angel. Just as there is ignorance of desires, in Brahmin life there is ignorance of burden. This is called a blessed soul. Always be carefree, and experience victory as a certainty.

Some children make good effort – but to experience effort as a burden is not accurate effort. To pay attention is the accurate method of a Brahmin, but attention changes into tension. Accurate attention is natural with the power of knowledge – the light and might of knowledge enables you to move in an accurate way, with an accurate method. So by all means make effort – definitely pay attention, but not in the form of tension. Tension creates further tension, because what you wish to happen does not happen. So be neither heavy, nor careless – but, through balance, experience Baba’s blessings. Always remember that Baba’s hand is over your head. You have made a lot of effort – now be sustained by blessings, and fly. You have experienced Baba as the Bestower of Knowledge and Wisdom – now experience Him as the Bestower of Blessings.

To those who constantly follow the Father at every step, who constantly experience themselves to be elevated blessed souls who belong to the Bestower of Blessings; to those who always use the blessings at the appropriate time; to such elevated souls who are to become equal to Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

February 20, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 20th February 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba the foreigner has come to meet the children who are foreigners for the sake of service. BapDada understands that my long lost and now found children of the eternal land, paramdham, were also the children on this land of Bharat when it was the kingdom of the self – our own land. On this land of Bharat you children ruled together with the Father, Brahma. You passed many births in your own kingdom filled with peace and happiness – many lives were spent in this way. So your heart has love for this land of Bharat. Bharat has become filled with mud and dust yet still one’s own land is one’s own land. Every soul here had many births in Bharat. Those who are close to Brahma, who are going to become equal to the Father, play a part with the father Brahma of being worshipworthy, and also the worshippers. The first bhagats of the copper age were you the Brahmin souls.

BapDada is responsible for service. You are light, free from responsibility, aren’t you? Are you light? The Father works through others, through avyakt Brahma, to carry out service. You are dancing like puppets on a string. Service is a dance. The one who is working through others is doing it all. The Father carries the burden – to him it is nothing at all – it is done already – as easy as drawing a line. You are simply repeating something. The children are instruments playing a game. Just as the obstacles of Maya are a game, service also is not labour, but just a game. By thinking of it in this way there is refreshment in service – one participates with interest and heart. By thinking of it as a duty, there is tiredness. Let the intellect always be light.

BapDada has been watching all the plans and programmes of the children from the subtle region. BapDada has a record of all times – each child’s remembrance and service – BapDada’s facilities are more refined than the facilities of science. The subtle region is light itself – the facilities of the subtle region are not the facilities of matter – matter keeps changing its form, from sato to rajo through to tamo. At this moment in time nature is tamoguni, and so the facilities of science operate today and will not function tomorrow. But the facilities of the subtle region are beyond matter and so they cannot be changed. Whenever you want, however you want, the subtle facilities can be used automatically. BapDada can see the record of all of the children at all times.

You make time for service, and are given more time than is actually required, as a discipline – it is very good to give time in service, and you receive power from service. Because you remain busy in service you are saved from the influence of many little things. BapDada is pleases seeing the service of the children, and Baba surrenders himself with love seeing their courage. But if service causes a block in the progress of remembrance, then reduce the time of service. Go to sleep earlier and then the morning hour of nectar will be good – the intellect will remain fresh. Otherwise the conscience bites. A fresh intellect will do in one hour what a tired intellect takes two or three hours to do. So keep the intellect fresh. Give the body the essential hours of sleep it needs.

Just as you make time for service, make time for remembrance. Remembrance is essential, and the body should also be given rest. The task of service, day by day, will become newer and newer, and bigger and bigger. So always maintain balance. Let there be freshness in the early morning hours of nectar. When the intellect is tired you are not able to do as much as you would like to, and also tiredness will bring irritability, and will reduce happiness. The bodies are old ones. Do a lot – do a great deal – but with balance. Don’t let anything affect your chart of remembrance. To remove tiredness, every hour or two have powerful remembrance. Make time for this.

Your remembrance is not constantly powerful, because the link keeps breaking, and then it takes time and labour to rejoin the link. So instead of becoming powerful you become weak – there is remembrance but it is not powerful. You won’t return to forgetfulness will you? Only allow powerful automatic remembrance to remain constant. Ensure that the link doesn’t break. At all times let the intellect experience the link of remembrance. This is essential – give it your energy.

Seeing how busy the children are, Baba thinks their heads should be massaged: make time and come to the subtle region and Baba will massage your heads! That will be alokik – it will not be mundane, but will make you fresh. Even one second of powerful remembrance makes mind and body fresh. Just come to the subtle region – whatever is the thought you have will be fulfilled. Baba has come to remove all tiredness. And so: service AND remembrance.

: Today Baba is isn’t speaking a murli, but is speaking personally to the double foreigners, having a heart to heart conversation. You have done very god service and you will continue to do this – service will continue to increase. Just as remembrance is the nourishment of Brahmin life, so is service also the nourishment of Brahmin life. But balance is essential. Don’t do so much that there is burden on the intellect. Neither carelessness nor a burden – this is what is meant by balance.

Baba sees the double foreign children doing their double task, lokik and alokik, and moving forward. You give time to your double task, and you use the intellect and body – this is also wonderful. To move forward in alokik service even whilst doing a lokik task – that takes courage. BapDada always gives help to children who are courageous.

Are you liberated from Maya? Free? If you are accurately linked in yoga – yogyukt – then you are automatically liberated from Maya. Does Maya ever come? Maya also loves Brahmin souls. The powerful enjoy the company of the powerful, so Maya enjoys playing a game with you. Never allow the mind to become tired, even if the body is weak – happiness of the mind removes even tiredness of the body, but a tired mind increases the tiredness of the body. If ever you get tired, come to the Father’s region, the subtle region, within a second. You should always experience, as you move along, that the One who is making you move is inspiring you and giving you energy to do this. Karavanhar, the one who inspires and works through others, is doing the work and making everything happen.

Continue to do service according to time and energy – with a true heart and love in the heart. Whatever service needs to be done will definitely happen – it cannot remain undone – some soul or other will be touched and BapDada will help you children. Yogi children will always receive co-operation in some form or another. The Lord is pleased with those who have a true and honest heart.

To those who are constantly balanced with remembrance and service, who claim a right to Baba’s blessings, who are constantly like the Father, and who remain double light; to those who constantly maintain a link of powerful remembrance, who give others refreshment with the power of remembrance, and fulfill every karma according to the right system; to those who are achieving elevated success, to such most elevated, close souls, love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada.

February 16, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

All the souls of the world are children of the Lord, but Brahmin souls are the closest and the most loved of all, because the Brahmin souls are the original creation. The children are dancing with the happiness of zeal and enthusiasm in celebrating Baba’s birthday. BapDada is celebrating the children’s birthday. BapDada, Jagadamba, the advance party, are showering you with golden flowers, and congratulating you from the heart.

Shiv Jayenti is the day of the Shiva lingum image – the memorial of the Father in the form of a point of light – this is the significance of the dot. You are a dot and the Father is also a dot of light. Today is the memorial day when every bhagat all over Bharat gives importance to the dot form. Just as the dot is extremely subtle, it is also extremely powerful. This is why the Father, the Dot, is also called the Ocean of All Powers, the Ocean of All Virtues, and the Ocean of All Knowledge.

: Today you hoisted a flag of Shiv Baba, but what did the Father do? BapDada raised the flag of love of the specialties of the children. You have the thought “we have found the Father” and the Father has the thought “I have found my children”. The Father is intoxicated and proud of His original creation, the Brahmins. You are Brahmins are you not – is there anyone who is just a warrior? Is there anyone who is second rate, belonging only to the moon dynasty? Everyone belongs to the sun dynasty. The sun dynasty is the original creation. All souls of the world are the eternal creation – you are both the eternal and the original creation. And so there is a double intoxication, isn’t there?

Every moment of Brahmin life is a festival day. Celebrate the festival, and maintain enthusiasm, and inspire others. When you do service, consider it to be a game. The higher the form of service, the more you receive a very beautiful, huge, visible form of the fruit of that service – eating this immediate fruit gives you strength and the power of happiness – and so you don’t feel tired. You are not serving – you are celebrating a festival.

In Brahmin life, firstly there is service, but what else is there? Maya comes! All of you are now laughing hearing about Maya: illusion, ignorance, and negativity. Perhaps you were thinking that you love Maya, but Maya loves you also. If there is enthusiasm, then you watch the game. Maya comes to play a match with you to see whether she can hit the target or whether you can. So Maya throws the ball, sometimes in the form of anger, sometimes in other forms, to see whether you can catch it – if you recognise it as a game there will be enthusiasm. If you see Maya as your enemy, if you see any difficulties which have been created by Maya, then there is confusion. So see it as a game. In cartoons of Mickey Mouse, sometimes there are monkeys, cats, dogs, and mice. Do you get confused by those? Is there confusion or pleasure seeing all that? And so also see the games of Maya as a festival – just watch with awareness – watch the game and dance with happiness.

You are singing the songs of praise of the specialties of the Father and the Brahmin family, and eating Brahma bhojan with happiness. No one else in the world receives food which is as clean and filled with as much remembrance as you do. This food has been called the food that removes all sorrows. Why? Pure food purifies the mind and body. If wealth is unclean it destroys happiness and creates worries – worry is like a funeral pyre. And unclean wealth comes from an unclean mind. Clean food purifies the mind, and so wealth and body also become clean. So there is importance in food that is prepared in remembrance, and there is praise given to such food, to Brahma bhojan. Food prepared and eaten in remembrance works as medicine, and also blessings. Food cooked in remembrance can never cause any damage. So at all times celebrate the festival.

No matter what form Maya may take – perhaps it comes as attachment – think of it as a monkey’s game. Attachment comes like a monkey – watch the game – be entertained – but be a detached observer. Don’t get caught in the spin of Maya. Watch it like a Mickey Mouse cartoon. Whatever form Maya comes in, one moment it comes, and the next moment it goes. Let Maya go away, but don’t let your elevated stage of consciousness go away. Let the scenes change, but don’t allow your elevated consciousness to change. Watch the game of trying to make you fall – catch the form that it has come in – watch the scene as a detached observer – and learn from the scene how to strengthen the eternal consciousness of the self for the future, and so move forward.

And so the festival of the night of Shiva brings enthusiasm – but it doesn’t just refer to today – for you there is always a festival and so there is always enthusiasm. The Father is making a golden offer to each of the children to experience constant companionship. So always remain in the company of the Father.

It seems that the double foreigners prefer to remain alone. They want to be free – they don’t want to come into any sort of bondage – but in this company, in this companionship, there is no bondage. Rather, there is freedom.

To those who remain always in the intoxication of being the eternal and original creation; to those who celebrate each moment as a festival; to those who remain in the enthusiasm of remembrance and service; to those who consider every situation of Maya to be a game, and watch it as a detached observer; to those who constantly remain with the Father at every step and become the constant companions; to such elevated Brahmin souls, congratulations on the spiritual birth, and love and remembrances.

February 3, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the one who fulfills all the hopes of all the souls of the world, is seeing His spiritual lamps of pure hope. Just as Baba fulfills the pure hopes of everyone, so the children also fulfill the pure hopes of Baba. Every Brahmin soul is a lamp for Baba’s hopes – a lamp is a constantly burning light – a lamp that is constantly burning is loved.

: Today Bap and Dada were having a heart to heart conversation about the children. Brahma Baba has to take you home with him and also has to stay with you. Shiv Baba will take you with him, but he will not be with you in the kingdom or through the rest of the kalpa. One will be with you always, whereas the other will observe with detachment. Pure hopes of making the children constantly equal emerge from Brahma Baba – in fact both the mother and the father are responsible. The mother’s love is pure and not one of attachment or viciousness. Brahma Baba has the pure hope that you will become a detached observer and companion like BapDada. Both Bap and Dada are completely satisfied with the children in one respect – all children have very good love for the father – the thread of love is strong. Souls are surrendered to BapDada’s love. Baba is satisfied with the rosary of love. However souls are number-wise in being powerful like Baba, and in being detached from the cycle of “ifs” and “buts”. When there is a need to become a detached observer, you become a companion, and when you need to become a companion, you become detached. To fulfill both needs according to the time is to become like Baba.

The rosary of love is ready – however BapDada has the hope that the rosary of victory will be just as long, not just of 108 – don’t be limited by 108. Brahma Baba has the second hope that there will be constant good wishes and pure thoughts, in action, for every Brahmin soul. You have deep love in the heart for Baba – you belong to Baba – this love is unbreakable. There should be such love for the Brahmin family as well. Become like Baba in this.

Love is so elevated, that whether you do something, or someone else does it, happiness is experienced equally in both. Baba was pleased to let the children move ahead in service – love removes the consciousness of “I”. Where there is love, there will be faith. Let there be as much love for the children as there is for Baba.

If Maya comes in service, the root cause is that there isn’t love in the heart – and so no feeling of renunciation. Don’t be happy thinking “I have 40 centres” – but how many centres are free from Maya? Samja (do you understand)?

Service means there is co-operation with the self and co-operation with others, and that the fruit of contentment is visible. So check – what is the reason – why is the fruit not received? Check the method and change it. This is true service – service should be from the heart.

To all the lamps of hope of the Brahmin family; to those who constantly fulfill BapDada’s pure hopes; to those who maintain the balance of love in the heart for Baba and for the family; to those who constantly accumulate the greatest account of service from the heart, to such lamps of Baba’s pure hopes, to the servers who do service with a true heart, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

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