The Murli

March 27, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Sun of Knowledge and the moon of knowledge are seeing their alokik constellation. Only the Father and the Brahmin children understand this alokik unique constellation and it’s specialties. Each and every star is giving light to the entire world with it’s own sparkle. BapDada was seeing the speciality of each and every star. Some are the elevated, fortunate, lucky stars. Some are the stars who are close to the Father, and some are at a little distance. All are the stars, but because their specialties are different, the service is different, and the fruit of attainment is experienced in different ways. Some are constantly easy stars, and experience attainment in a very easy way. Some are the stars who make effort, and experience attainment after making effort. Some, even before doing karma, experience success as their birthright – they perform service with faith and intoxication, and very easily experience success – they are the stars of success, always close to the Sun and moon of knowledge, and always powerful. Others are powerful, but not always powerful – their sparkle is not constant. The stars who are closest become the servers who bring others close to the Sun and the moon. Let each one ask – what type of star am I? The Father, the Sun of Knowledge, constantly gives unlimited light and power to all the stars – some are close and some are far away, so they experience it in different ways – the closer the relationship, the greater the light and power. The aim of the closest stars is that they want to become equal. To what extent have you become a star of success, close to the Father? You are no longer the stars who can fall, or who have a tail. Those with a tail ask questions again and again, of why and how – they ask themselves, they ask Baba, they ask the souls who are the instruments responsible – their tail dangles constantly behind them. The stars of success are the ones whose every karma is merged – they are with the Father. Do you understand what you have to become? Together with being lucky and lovely, always experience the elevated stage of being constantly successful. Achcha.

: Today BapDada has come to have a meeting with everyone. BapDada thinks that to listen to the murli is in itself a meeting. However, seeing the wave that arises in the children, the Father also has to make the children happy, because the Father is happy in the happiness of the children. So today the wave is that of meeting individually, and the Ocean has come into that wave. This is the wave of the season, and so this chariot also has to be given special rays of power in order to make it continue to function.

To the alokik stars in all directions of the alokik constellation – to those who constantly give light to the world – to the sparkling stars who erase the darkness – to the elevated souls who constantly stay close to the Father and who are the elevated stars of success – to the fortunate souls who transform the lines of fortune of innumerable others – special love and remembrance from the Sun of Knowledge and the moon of knowledge – from BapDada to the special souls in front of whom the whole world bows down – namaste to such souls.

March 23, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 23rd March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba the comforter of hearts has come to meet the children who listen to the things of the heart – the children who have conquered the heart of the Father. They remain seated on the Father’s heart throne – in their hearts there is always Baba. In the heart of each one there is the constant sweet music of Baba’s remembrance.

BapDada constantly listens to the sweet sound coming from the hearts of the children. Sometimes some also sing songs of their own weaknesses – instead of singing songs of Baba’s praise, they sing songs of their own. Your praise is merged within Baba’s praise – so the song of Baba’s praise is the accurate song.

Your words should remind others of Baba’s remembrance. So check, are you revealing the Father at every step? In all directions let this sound echo – our Baba – not the Baba of the Brahma Kumaris, but our Baba. When this sound echoes in all directions then the gates of the sweet home will open. Whether they go with you and the Father, or whether they follow behind in the procession, everyone definitely has to return home – all will be taken home. The Father is the Father of the world. You have swallowed the ocean, but there are those who are thirsty for even one drop – so enable them to attain at least a few drops.

From your hearts there comes the music of the virtues of the Father. From today, sing this song, and none other. You can speak good news in just two words – O.K. By all means take time to have a heart to heart conversation. But do not give time, nor take time, to listen to any other type of song. It doesn’t take time to listen to news that is good. It does take time to speak or listen to the Ram Katha (story of Rama) – Baba calls such stories the Ram Katha – that isn’t the story of Krishna – it is the story of 14 celestial degrees, an not the story of the ones who attain 16 celestial degrees.

There are five and a half billion souls – at least let them receive one drop. Whether they become your bhagats or your subjects – if you are becoming deities, it means you have to give – and subjects will only accept their role if they have received some benefit. As you give, remind them of the One who is the Bestower.

No one should ever think that Baba has less love for them or more love for someone else – there is more love for all. Perhaps the words that are spoken through the lips are more with one than another, but the love of the heart isn’t distributed through words. In Baba’ vision, each and every child is number one. No matter what may happen, every one has passed in the subject of love. Baba has already given you the certificate of love for the Father. All of you passed in the subject of love. Achcha.

To all the children from all corners who sing the song of deep love from their hearts; to the ones who listen to the things of the heart from the Comforter of Hearts; to those who through every karma reveal the Father – the son showing the Father – to those who link others in relationship with the Father, through their every word; to those who constantly give others the experience of the Father of Spirits, through their spiritual vision; to those who reveal the Father; to those who have conquered the Father’s heart, and thereby have conquered Maya and the world; to such children, love, remembrance, and namaste, from Baba the comforter of Hearts.

March 19, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the Bestower of the Law, the Bestower of Blessings, is seeing his children, who are master bestowers of the law and of blessings. You bestow the law – you show the correct systems. You have heard already how every system of yours becomes transformed for the Golden Age, and also become the systems of the path of bhakti. The elevated methods of your life are remembered in the worship worthy form, on the path of devotion, the path of worship, that is, the path of bhakti. Every single custom and system continues as a custom and system later on. You bestow the law, blessings, and the correct methods.

Your main principles become the method for attaining all results. You understand that there is one Father and that the great souls or righteous souls are not fathers, but are your brothers. The inheritance comes from the one Father, not from a brother. From this main principle you attain results for half the kalpa, and this also become the basis of bhakti in which the results are attained with the awareness that God is one. The beginning of bhakti also has for its foundation the worship of the one Father in the form of a Shiv lingum, and that is the bhakti which is described as unadulterated, pure, uncorrupted bhakti.

In this way, each one of your main principles becomes that which enables souls to attain results and success. For instance, the main principle of this life is purity. Through purity you souls attain the crown of light, and become the embodiment of results for the future – the memorial of this is the double crown. In bhakti, when they do bhakti out of their hearts, they recognise that purity is the main principle – they understand that there cannot be results without purity being observed.

So, in this way, let the intellect think of every aspect of the principles of gyan, and of the main principles of dharna. You can se how each and every principle becomes a method for results. This is the task for churning that is being given.

When you, the soul, have attained all results, then you can become the instrument responsible to enable all other souls to attain results and success (siddhi). The result is not bad, because it has nothing to do with occult power (riddhi siddhi). Occult powers bring influence for a temporary period of time. However, your attainment of results is by using the accurate method (riddhi), that is, Godly methods – and so the results are Godly results. Just as God is eternal, these results are eternal. The souls that reveal occult power are ignorant themselves, and so their results are temporary. Your results come through the understanding of the principles and the right method. You become the embodiment of results for half the kalpa, and for the other half, through your principles, the bhagat souls are able to attain results – when they use the principles according to their power and capacity, they receive the fruits of attainment. The power of bhakti also decreases through time – now bhakti is tamopradhan, the principles are not accurate, and so results are not attained.

The most elevated seat of all is the seat of self respect – are you able to sit on it? If you stay on this seat you will not get upset. This is your position – how great is it? The bestowers of law.. the bestowers of results…! You become upset because you move from this seat of elevated consciousness to a state of ordinary consciousness – and then, to stay in remembrance, or to do service, becomes an ordinary routine on your timetable. When you sit in remembrance, you should sit on the seat of elevated self respect. Don’t just get out of bed and sit down. Don’t just sit down in remembrance as at any other time of day. Just as you give the body a proper place to sit, give the intellect a proper place – then Godly intoxication will come automatically. Your elevated consciousness is your elevated throne. At times, set yourself on the seat of consciousness of a master seed. At times, set yourself on the seat of a subtle angel.. At times, set yourself on the the seat of consciousness of a world benefactor. Upheaval in the intellect takes place when it is not set on it’s seat.

You understand this now – who you are – but you should understand this at all times, and also consider it, and accept it for yourself – not just know it, but accept it, and power will then come. Accept it, and live it, and intoxication comes. When set on your seat you have that authority – so do not come down to ordinary consciousness. If you don’t experience results, then your method of sitting on the seat is not accurate. Gyan is entertaining – and entertaining experiences chase away laziness. If you fall asleep in yoga, this is not a question of tiredness, but because the intellect hasn’t been set on the seat of entertainment in a natural form.

So use a variety of forms – don’t just practice one form – transform it – variety makes the heart happy. Be the seed form, but also the lighthouse, sometimes the might-house, sometimes the seed on the top of the tree, sometimes stand on top of the world cycle and give power to everyone, sometimes the jewel merged in Baba’s eyes – experience these forms – sometimes the jewel on the forehead, sometimes being seated on the heart throne. Let there be variety, and there will be entertainment. This is why BapDada gives you a variety of titles every day in the murli – so that you can set yourself on the seat. So, let it become a natural practice – only then will you become bestowers of the law, bestowers of results, and able to bring benefit to all the souls of the world. Do you understand? Achcha.

Hearing praise you become great – praise becomes a shield – remind yourself of that praise, and remember your own greatness.

Madhuban is a stage in front of the world – the vision of all souls from all corners is on Madhuban – everyone focusses on the stage. Madhuban is also a unique dome: the slightest sound that is made in Madhuban reaches the entire world, with the speed of the wind.

To those of all the different corners who maintain zeal and enthusiasm for service – to those who are constantly merge in the love of the one Father – to those who experience elevated results through the elevated method of each action – to the constant world benefactors, those who are like the Father, tireless servers – to such children, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 15, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the Creator of the World, the One who creates the elevated fortune of the world, is seeing his children who are the picture of the elevated fortune of the world. The present Brahmin life is the picture of the fortunate world of the future. Each elevated action of Brahmin life gives the experience of the elevated fruit of the future. The elevated thoughts of the present Brahmin life make the elevated future world very clear. BapDada is pleased on seeing the children who are the picture of tomorrow.

The world becomes elevated only when you become elevated. When you have the flying stage, the world also has the flying stage. When you are satopradhan, the world is also satopradhan – it is the Golden Age. The world changes when you change. At present, you are playing such an elevated part with Baba – filling the desires of all the souls for innumerable births. You become the instruments to give ever soul the right to claim mukti and jeevanmukti from Baba. You are the lamps of elevated hopes in front of the souls of the world. You are Kamdhenu – the one who fulfills all desires.

In this way, you give each soul the experience of the stage of being totally ignorant of desire, for innumerable births. Then for half a kalpa, throughout each birth, neither the souls who attain mukti, nor the souls who attain jeevanmukti, have any desires. Just as all of Baba’s bhandaras – all his treasure stores – are overflowing – there is no name or sign of anything unattained – in the same way, all your treasure stores are constantly overflowing. To be a Brahmin soul means to be a soul who is the embodiment of all attainments – full of everything – equal to the Father – always a lighthouse and a might-house – enabling each soul to reach his destination. Just like Baba, you are master bestowers of blessings in every thought, word and action. You are the greatest artists of all – so are you creating your own picture?

As your picture is being made, the picture of the world is being made at the same time – the future is becoming clear through your life. So is your picture created in such a way that whoever sees it becomes satisfied for all time?It should be such a picture that peaceless souls become peaceful on seeing it, and souls who are lacking would experience attainment – one who comes as a beggar would go away full – those who are crying would go learn to smile. You tell Baba that he taught you how to smile – so teach them how to smile. You are the foundation – the image of support. Look at the picture of the tree – the Brahmins are sitting at the foundation, are they not? The Brahmin foundation is so strong that it remains unmovable and unshakeable for half a kalpa. You are not ordinary souls – you are the foundation, the image of support – your perfect stage of the present is the basis of your stage of sixteen celestial degrees in the Golden Age. The sanskara of the relationship with the one Mother and Father here makes you experience the world emperor and world empress of the one kingdom in the form of mother and father. There is only the one relationship of a family full of love. There, even a subject considers himself part of the family – through each one has a different status, the status is of love, not hesitation or fear.

So to what extent is the elevated picture ready? Are you still drawing the lines? You are clever artists, are you not? You cannot complain about anyone else, or blame anyone else – you have to create your own picture. You are receiving the materials from Baba. Here also you teach the game of buying materials and using them for building – BapDada does not keep and account of whether you buy two or four – you can buy as many as you want. The one who wants it should be able to take it – the bazaar is open.

You have already heard that because you are loving, you are co-operative, and because you are co-operative, each soul receives co-operation from Baba – you receive multi-millions for one. Since there is Baba’s co-operation, no task is difficult – when there are fortune and blessings, there will be attainment – nothing is difficult. Do you understand?

So fly very high – don’t run, fly. The ones who fly will go high, so keep flying and inspire others to fly.

To the great souls in all four directions who are the elevated picture of the elevated fortune; to the souls who experience themselves as the image of support for the world; to those who experience attainment, and through that, give the experience of attainment to others; to the worship worthy Brahmins who are to become deity souls, the ones who have a multi-million-fold right to Baba’s love and co-operation: BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 12, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing those children who are complete with all three specialties – love, co-operation, and power. Everyone is loving, but within love there is love of the heart, and selfish love according to the time. Thirdly there is love at the time of desperation. With love from the heart, the soul will easily experience all relationships and all attainments constantly. The soul should recognise the time and also the relationship appropriate to that time.

When someone has a heavy body, or is carrying a heavy burden, he is not able to mould his body as he would like to – in the same way if there is burden on the intellect, there is impurity in it and it is a gross intellect – such an intellect can not be moulded at the time of need. So a very clean, deep, subtle, divine, unlimited and broad intellect is needed.

The one who experiences the love of all the relationships according to the time, is so lost in these experiences that he remains merged in love – no obstacle makes him bow towards it – he is automatically an easy yogi. This is a number one accurately loving soul. Such a soul receives co-operation from Baba in each task, and so experiences contentment with immovable, unshakeable and imperishable love.

There is no need to speak of the second and third numbers because you know them very well.

: Today you have heard about love – co-operation and power will be taken up another time. All of you are loving souls, aren’t you? You can stabilise the intellect wherever and whenever you need? You have controlling power, don’t you? Ruling power comes when first there is controlling power. To control the kingdom you must first control the self.

The quota of meetings has to be completed. If a murli is conducted the number of meeting is reduced. If the murli is spoken and you are not met individually, will it do? How many came instead of 200? Seeing the body that is taken as a support, Baba has to act by setting the time and setting the numbers. None of this is needed in the subtle region, because the speed of the subtle body is much faster than that of a physical body. How long would it take an angel to reach somewhere? And how long does it take a bodily being? There is a lot of difference. Brahma Baba now has a subtle body and is doing service in all four directions with fast speed, to make others move forward. The speed of a subtle body is faster that the fastest instruments of this world. Within one moment, an experience can be given to many, so that all will say that they saw Baba or met Baba. Each one will consider that he celebrated a meeting, had a heart to heart conversation, and received help. So the life of an angel is free form bondage. Although there is the bondage of service, the speed is so fast that, no matter how much you do, yo are constantly free. The greater the love, the greater the detachment. Baba inspires everyone, but while inspiring them, because he is a bodiless angel, he has the constant experience of a stage of freedom, because he does not depend on the body or bodily actions. All of you also have this experience that when you perform any task in the form of an angel, that is, of being free from bondage, you experience lightness.

To the children from all four directions who have the love of the heart; to the children who constantly have a divine, broad, and unlimited intellect; to those who constantly experience the stage of an angel, equal to Baba, and attain success in service and self progress; to those who become co-operative and experience co-operation as a right; to such special great souls who are to become equal to Baba, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 7, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada the Bestower of Fortune is seeing his fortunate children. On the one hand there are five and a half billion ordinary, ignorant, unknown souls of the world, and on the other hand there is the small world of Brahmins – you souls are so few compared to the rest of them, and so extremely fortunate. BapDada is seeing on the forehead of each Brahmin the line of fortune sparkling very clearly like a tilak. Worldly fortune tellers see the fortune through the hand, but the line of divine Godly fortune is visible on each child’s forehead.

The foreheads of the fortunate children are constantly sparkling with spiritual light to the extent that your fortune is elevated. Other visible signs are a divine smile on the face, and eyes which create waves of happiness within whoever you meet – whoever receives your vision will experience lightness and spirituality and remembrance of the spiritual Father – they will experience light.

Let the time carry on a little bit longer – soon you will experience both the extremes and the end – the ignorant souls of all four directions will have limited disinterest, while you will experience unlimited disinterest. Due to extreme tension, everyone’s attention will be drawn to the Father. The sound will emerge form the heart of all that the Creator of all, the Father of all, is one, and the intellect will automatically move away from all other directions and go in one direction. By that time your stage of unlimited disinterest will be natural and constant, and the line of fortune on each one’s forehead will be clearly visible.

Even now God and the fortune (Bhagwan and bhagya) remains in your intellect. Check from amrit vela and make a list of your fortune. At amrit vela the Father himself wakens the fortunate children and also invokes them. Those whoa re the extremely loving children experience that, though they wish to go to sleep, someone is not letting them sleep, but is awakening them and calling out to them. In bhakti the devotees consider the deities to be God, and ring bells to awaken them. Here, God himself awakens you – it is such great fortune. Form amrit vela, Baba becomes your server and invokes you: come sit with me and experience being equal to the Father. So go to paramdham or to the subtle region and sit with the Father. If amrit vela is powerful there will be automatic help throughout the day. Keep your fortune in your consciousness – that your day begins with God.

Then see your fortune further – Baba comes for a faraway land to teach you. Become tireless servers like the Father. Whatever you do, always experience that Karavanhar (the One who makes you do it) is enabling you to do it – is making you an instrument, Karanhar (the one who does it) for the sake of service. You are not alone. The burden is on the master, not on his companions. The Master makes the child do it – this makes you light and makes you fly. The fruit of elevated karma is constant happiness and constant lightness – you will continually experience the angelic life. Angels come into the relationship of karma, but do not become tied in the bondage of karma. They are constantly humble in carrying out the task of re-creation.

And who is feeding you with Brahma bhojan? It isn’t brahm bhojan, it is Brahma bhojan. Brahma is constantly the protector of the yagya. Each child of the yagya, that is, each Brahmin child, receives Brahma bhojan through Brahma the father – Baba is feeding them. You are a trustee – a trustee does not have anything belonging to them – you have given everything to Baba. Baba guarantees that for 21 births Brahmin souls will not be hungry. You will be fed daal and roti with a lot of love. You will also be fed sabji (vegetables). In this birth also you will eat the daal and roti of love, not of effort, but of love. So keep in your consciousness the fortune that you have received.

It is also Baba who puts you to sleep, singing you a lullaby. Go to sleep in baba’s lap, and tiredness and illness are forgotten and you will rest in comfort. Simply invoke: Come Rama (Aa Rama-aaram) and you will be comforted. When you sleep alone thoughts continue to come one after the other. Go to sleep with Baba – sleep in the lap of remembrance – go to sleep listening to the lullaby of “sweet child, lovely child”, and see what a unique experience you have.

You have to drink the drink to become intoxicated – become the embodiment of remembrance.

To those elevated, powerful souls, who constantly remember God and their fortune; to those who remain in a high place and high stage with the Father at amrit vela; to the special Brahmins who give others the experience of the line of elevated fortune through their forehead; to such souls, BapDada’s love, remembrances and namaste.

March 3, 1988

Avyakt BapDada 3rd March 1988

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada the Bestower of Fortune for all has come to celebrate the Hold of the jewels of knowledge with his holy swans. To celebrate means to celebrate a meeting. BapDada is always pleased to see each of the extremely loving hold swans, who are constantly co-operative in Baba’s task, those who are transforming the world through their pure attitude and pure vision. Because every thought is pure, because the consciousness is pure, your attitude and vision automatically become pure. Not only do you become pure, but you also purify matter. This is why, when matter is pure, you receive pure bodies for innumerable births in the future. The highest on high Father makes you the ones with such an elevated life in every aspect. The purity is the highest purity, it is not ordinary. The ordinary souls will accept you as the extremely pure souls, and will bow in front of you saying: “your purity is so elevated”. The householders of today consider themselves to be impure and bow their heads to the pure souls, thinking them to be great. There is great difference between their purity and the purity of you elevated souls.

The festival of Holi is the memorial of purification of you pure souls – all of you, number-wise, burn impurity for all time in the fire of love of the remembrance of Baba. This is why you celebrate the Holi of burning – to burn something means to finish all name and trace of it – tis is why, after killing Ravan, they burn him. So check, have you simply killed impurity, or have you burnt it? The hidden breath of impurity should not come alive, even in dreams. Even dreams are transformed through thought.

There are two types of maharathi. The first become maharathis on the basis of effort made to attain blessings or the inheritance – they always swing in the swing of supersensuous joy in the mind, in the swing of contentment, and the swing of being the embodiment of love received from everyone’s heart. The second variety are maharathis on the basis of their speciality in service, who superficially, through their bodies, appear to be the embodiment of the fruit of contentment – their minds are content through the support of service – there will always be love from everyone, due to the speciality of service, but not constantly – not constantly either from their minds or their hearts – it will sometimes be superficial and sometimes from the heart. However, speciality in service makes them a maharathi – they are counted in the line of maharathis.

: Today BapDada was seeing the promises of both the maharathis and the effort makers. There is benefit in making a promise because of the full attention paid to determined thought. A promise which is remembered again and again brings power, and thereby a little transformation – but the seed remains buried. When a certain time or situation arises, the seed that is buried receives the water of situation and reasons, and its leaves begin to emerge once again – it does not finish for all time. There is a change, but it does not finish. So BapDada was seeing who celebrated the Holi of burning – a burnt seed never bears fruit. Everyone recently made promises “we will let the past be past – we will finish everything and bring transformation”. Everyone makes promises in the heart to heart conversation with Baba. BapDada has a record of each one. Promises are made in very beautiful forms – some through songs, some through poetry, and some through pictures.

Transformation does not take place as much as you wish because of seeing, hearing and imbibing the weaknesses of others – this has become a natural habit, and has been there for a long period of time. You think “I will not allow this weakness to emerge again”, but you think that by knowing the sanskaras of a certain soul, you will keep yourself safe in the future and have good wishes and pure feelings. It is good to not see the weaknesses of others – but you have to pay constant attention to what you will see in their place, or what you will imbibe from that soul. You remember to not do a particular thing, but you do not have natural attention as to what you should think, see, or do for the other souls instead. This is why, although you clear a place, it is not used in a good way – dirt or mosquitos gather in that empty place, for the space has to be filled. So, whenever you come into connection with souls, the elevated thoughts of natural transformation should first enter the consciousness. Because you are already knowledge-full, you already know everyone’s virtues, task, sankaras, service, and nature. If, instead of space, the elevated sankara of transformation is constantly overflowing, impurity will automatically finish.

You heard previously as well, that when some children sit in remembrance, and when they practice remembrance as they move along, although they experience pace, they do not experience happiness, and so do not have hope and enthusiasm. Even whilst having yoga the soul is not content with itself – the soul remains tired. This is because you only think “I am a soul, a dot, the embodiment of light, and Baba is the same” but not “what sort of soul am I – what are my specialties? I am multi-million times fortunate. I am a soul of the original creation. I am a soul who claims Baba’s heart-throne”. You don’t think of those specialties which bring happiness. To simply think “I am a dot. I am light. I am peace” takes the soul to the stage of nil (emptiness) and the head becomes heavy. So think about the elevated stage and your specialties. Transform your consciousness, form, attitude, and drishti. See yourself in this form and see others in this form. Fill the space – do not leave it empty. Do not think about whether others are going to change, but ask “Have I changed?”. Self transformation will bring about transformation of others in front of you.

Once you have burnt the waste and impure, you become clean, elevated and pure. Such souls automatically remain coloured with the company of the Father. Such souls constantly celebrate the auspicious meeting with Baba and all souls – “auspicious” means that they celebrate a beneficial, elevated, and pure meeting. Do you understand? Did you celebrate such a Holi? When there is hope and enthusiasm, every moment is a festival. So celebrate with great happiness, play, eat, and enjoy yourselves, but always be holy, and continue to celebrate a meeting. Achcha.

To those who are constantly congratulated by Baba and by every Brahmin through good wishes and blessings; to the extremely elevated, pure souls who are constantly coloured by the company and who constantly celebrate a meeting with Baba: BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

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