The Murli

November 27, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the World Benefactor, is seeing his companions, the children, who are all instruments in the task of world benefit. Everyone has thoughts of benefit for, and love for, the distressed souls of the world. The bhagat souls also have these feelings of love, but for a temporary period – you have love for all time for souls – feelings based on knowledge, and for the benefit of everyone.

The fruit of your feelings of love is the transformation of the souls of the love. As you go further, matter will also be transformed. Your pure feelings are powerful – they enable souls to receive instant fruit. Any souls who come into relationship and connection with you will experience peace and love at that moment. You have a desire of mercy for each soul, so that they claim the right to the inheritance, and are not deprived of our Godly family.

Pure feelings can enable a soul to experience fruit even while far away. The power of silence, the power of pure feelings, reaches from afar – the basis of this is the accumulation of the power of peace within you. Pure feelings produce powerful thoughts – the speed of thought is faster than all other powers. This subtle service of you souls gives practical experiences, and takes less time, facilities, and money.

To do this, the mind and intellect have to be free constantly. When you keep your mind and intellect busy with small matters, the subtle line of speedy service does not remain clear. So pay attention to solitude and stability. No matter how busy a soul who loves solitude is, he will find one or two moments in between to experience solitude. Because a soul who loves solitude becomes so powerful, he can concentrate the subtle powers of the mind and intellect whenever and wherever he chooses. Even in external circumstances of upheaval, he can go within a second into the depths of One. There is a great deal of noise and upheaval superficially with the waves of the ocean, but there is no upheaval in the depths of the ocean. When you go into the depths of One, into the depths of the ocean of knowledge, the upheavals finish and you become stable.

So by recognising the importance of pure desires and pure feelings, and by becoming the embodiment of it, you give many souls an instant experience. This is subtle service. This should take place alongside your service through words. The practice of subtle service should carry on for a long period of time – that is, it should start from now – or later you will not be able to maintain the balance between remembrance and service.

BapDada is amused on seeing the kumaris, because they are prepared to give up the burden of a job, yet do not have the courage to do service in God’s house at the centre. To do a job means to sustain the self – keep the aim of giving Baba’s sustenance to the souls of the world. To claim blessings from man is a huge income. You have a golden chance to be an instrument of the unlimited only in this birth, so be a worthy right hand. If you do not become a worthy server, yo are taking service. It is because you do not become a worthy server that you are afraid. On who is worthy is a carefree emperor – so become worthy and nothing can stop you. To be worthy, remember : “mine is one Baba and none other”.

The kumars run very fast and are great destroyers of obstacles. The people of the world consider it difficult for kumars to be yogis, but you have to challenge them and say: “we are free from obstacles and worthy of respect”. The obstacle that kumars have is in thinking: “I want company, a companion”. A kumar who remains constantly in Baba’s company can remain constantly happy. The company is the whole family – it is wrong to keep the company of one or two. A kumari stays in the company of service, but the kumars have desire for company. BapDada has pride in the kumars – they are moving forward with efforts, even though they are alone. Two or three kumars can live together and give co-operation to one another when there is a need. Be free from obstacles and do not be a problem at the centre – be one who removes problems.

(reply to letters received)
BapDada is giving congratulations from his heart to the children in all four directions with the canopy of love and co-operation. Children from this land and abroad give news from their hearts – there are more letters from abroad. Baba congratulates the children who give news of service, and also gives the blessing: ” may you be successful in self service and world service”. Just as you please Baba with a true heart, in the same way understand your weaknesses, and remain content. To give your chart with a true heart, and to write letters of chit-chat with love means to finish the rubbish. The chit-chat with love gives the experience of closeness. The letters should be short and sweet. Achcha.

To the great souls who understand the significance of pure feelings, pure desires, and subtle service, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

November 23, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 23rd November 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is pleased seeing his children who have claimed blessings. The Bestower of Blessings gives aprons full of blessings to all the children – but the children take numberwise. However, each one of you can take as much as you wish from the treasure store.

The easiest method to please Baba is to have only One in the intellect – the soul promises that there will be One and no other – there should be no other promises made, even in dreams.

Some children are very clever – they say because they are corporeal beings they need a corporeal friend for co-operation and for service. It is sometimes difficult to stabilise the self in the subtle or incorporeal stage, and when your head is filled with too many things, you need to tell someone, don’t you? But the souls who is fulfilling the promise to One does not collect together all the burdensome things which he would need to tell someone about. Baba is your constant companion, and you promised “we are with you, we will always stay with you, and we will return with you”. So do you still need a special companion in the corporeal? Is your promise to One being fulfilled?

If Baba is with you, all are your companions – there is no one special – this is fulfilling your promise to One. Baba himself takes on all the responsibilities of such children at all times, and so they experience the complete attainment of all blessings in all situations. So why take the burden of responsibility on yourself? You will then require a push from someone who provides companionship – this is how numbers are created in claiming blessings.

Let there one strength and one support, and one teacher. Neither follow the dictates of one’s own mind, nor the dictates of others. Follow the instructions of One and experience the sweetness of One. There should not be sweetness in any other individual or object. If there is oneness in this way, the soul loves solitude, and going into the depths of one – the soul loves the word “one”.

Those who please the Bestower of Blessings are sustained – they move forward and fly with blessings from amrit vela in every activity of their timetable. They feel nothing to be difficult, whether in the mind, in relationships or in connections. In every thought, in every second, in every action, they experience blessings and closeness, and are personally with the Bestower of Blessings, as if He was in the corporeal.

The activities and cleverness of all the children are with BapDada – just because BapDada doesn’t mention any names, don’t think that he does not know. Baba still continues to give chances. Baba thinks “achcha – they are innocent”. They are innocent of real understanding – they are not innocent otherwise! So don’t be innocent in this way.

To all the children who have been given the method to move forward easily – to those who constantly experiment with this method, and become easy yogis – to the children who have claimed the complete blessings from the Bestower of Blessings – to those who become the embodiment of the lesson of One, and put it into the corporeal from at every step – to those who experience the company of the incorporeal and the subtle, and experience them to be present in the corporeal – to such children who have claimed blessings, love and remembrances and namaste from the Bestower of fortune and blessings.

November 19, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Baba is known as the Truth – this is why the age established by BapDada is called the age of Truth (satyug). Baba is praised as the true Father, the true Teacher, and the true Guru. The praise of truth has always been elevated.

The true Lord is looking at his children and seeing how many have pleased him.

The first sign of the Bestower being pleased with you is the constant experience of all treasures – of knowledge, powers and virtues – received from the bestower. No virtue or power will be completely missing. Such children will be always wealthy – overflowing and accomplished.

The second sign is the star of fortune shining on your forehead – a spiritual sparkle visible from your image and your face – your features show constant pleasure – you experience fortune in mind, body , wealth, and in relationships with others. No aspect will be missing.

The sign of fortune of the body is that the karmic accounts of the body will never prevent service. You will never cry out, or be influenced by, or engaged in, suffering. You will never be distressed, or make a small matter large by speaking of it and expanding it. You will not become health conscious instead of soul conscious. Instead, you will overcome suffering by finishing large matters with the essence of knowledge.

The fortune of the mind is that it always remains cheerful, and ignorant of all desires. Your mind is neither attracted by, nor bows down to, any individual or object. The mind easily remains in the world of Baba’s love.

You have the wealth of knowledge, and as much physical wealth as you need to eat and drink comfortably, and to live comfortably at the Confluence Age, and to pursue service. There is a difference of night and day between necessity and desire. If the heart is true in service, then the treasure store will remain. There is a lot of detail in this, but Baba is telling you the essence.

The sign of being fortunate in relationships with other people – meaning the Brahmin and lokik families – is receiving co-operation according to need. You will receive these from at least 95% of souls – the accounts of the other 5% can be settled – so there will sometimes be examinations, but there should not be this with more than 5% of souls. Gradually continue to settle your accounts with such souls with good wishes and pure thoughts. Fortunate souls settle all karmic accounts easily – you will remain content in the heart while in connections and relationships with people – there will be no questions in the heart. If you create a queue of questions you have to sustain it with time and energy – so control this wasteful creation. Do not say “this is fixed in the drama” but be master creators of the drama. Be knowledgeable and let each action (karma) be elevated.

(to teachers)
You are free birds – do not create a golden cage or a diamond cage for yourself, or you will be trapped in it. You are very very lucky.

Achcha. To those who experience all types of fortune; to the experienced souls; to those who always say “yes Lord”; to the elevated souls who have a right to Baba’s help; to those who remain content in the mind, instead of raising questions in the heart; to such yogi souls who are worthy of praise, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

November 15, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 15th November 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the one who uplifts all the souls of the world, is seeing his children, who uplift other souls. Upliftment is brought about by a true heart. Knowledge can be given without a true heart, simply in words – it is a question of a clever head, a good memory, and the ability to speak. So there is a difference between the head and the heart – the head is gross and compared to the heart – the heart is subtle.

When a person desires love, he desires love from the heart BapDada’s titles are the Conqueror of Hearts, and the Comforter of Hearts. The Lord is pleased with a true heart – not with a clever head, though the speciality of a clever head is necessary, and can be imbibed through the points of knowledge. But only those with a true heart become the embodiment of those points of knowledge.

The head of some may not be good externally, but the head of one with a true heart and with Baba’s special blessings can work accurately and significantly at the time of need. Due to blessings from Baba, according to the drama, the head will receive a touching for the accurate action, words or thoughts, because that one has pleased Baba, the Intellect of the Wise.

The arrows of those who do service with the head only reach the head – whereas the arrow of those who serve with a true heart reach the heart.

You saw at the beginning of service, the first batch did not give lectures in good language – they did not give the very good lectures and stories and examples given today – their language was all mixed up, but the language of the eyes was spiritual, and souls changed from thorns into roses. In the second and third batches, many have a true heart, but they are in the minority.

Those with a true heart only have thoughts, speak the words, and perform the actions that are desired by the comforter of hearts – they only see the Father and the self – they do not notice what the others are doing.

On Brahmin life the head should be accurate and the heart should be true. One with a true heart automatically receives the lift of a clever head. So always check – have I pleased the Lord by having a true heart?

Nowadays people do not change simply by hearing about it – they change by seeing it – if you try to give them knowledge they will not listen.

To those who constantly uplift other souls – to those who constantly please the Lord with a true heart – to those who keep a balance between a true heart and a clever head – to the elevated souls who transform the self and become instruments for world transformation – to such children from all four corners, love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada.

November 11, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 11th November 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Bestower of the divine intellect, the Bestower of divine drishti, is seeing the divine souls in their divine birth, BapDada has made each soul into an embodiment of divinity, with a divine life, a divine intellect, and divine words, who performs divine actions. Divinity is the elevated decoration of you children who belong to the Confluence Age. All of you know the signs of divinity – divine drishti, attitude, consciousness, actions, and vibrations. Just by going in front of such a soul, others will forget their ordinary state.

Nowadays most souls are not content with their ordinary life, saying “this life is no life”. With the thirst of something being needed, they will search in all four directions. Where will they go when they are so desperate? To all of you.

Do you experience divinity at all times, or do you sometimes experience being ordinary? Ordinary things cannot enter a divine intellect. The body of a Brahmin of divine birth cannot perform ordinary action. Your actions may appear ordinary to others, but when you go on business or a job, or when the mothers cook food, these actions are alokik and divine – there is a great difference compared to the actions of other people. You are trustees of mind, body and wealth – all three – you cannot use them without the shrimat of Baba, the master. At all times you receive Baba’s shrimat to perform divine actions. So check – for how long throughout the day were there ordinary thoughts, words, and actions, and for how long were they divine and alokik?

Some children sometimes become innocent. They do check, but they do it with innocence. They think that throughout the day they said and did nothing bad – but did they perform divine and alokik actions? Ordinary words and actions are not accumulated – nothing is either removed or created. So think – how much happiness did you give? Others should experience happiness from the master bestowers of happiness, at every step. Let the checking be deep, not ordinary – always remember you have to accumulate for 21 births. This is the only time in the kalpa when you souls can accumulate – the accounts of other souls are different – but for the elevated souls, it is “now or never”. Do not be innocent in this – be innocent with the old sanskars.

(to groups)
In reaching here through love, everything has been forgotten through love. You will have to sleep on the floor (more than 2,000 visited), and will only be allowed to stay for four days – no matter how difficult it may be, you will have to leave. Consider it your fortune that at least you are receiving this much – at least you don’t have to stand in front of the non-living images for their vision. Everyone has got three feet of land. You are sitting here comfortably, are you not? You only need two things – food and sleep. If you get a place to sleep, it is understood you will get a place to sit. Your food here is ready prepared, is it not? There you have to prepare food and offer bhog – so the mothers are getting a good rest. The kumars are also getting a good rest – the biggest problem for the kumars is how to cook food.

If you remain easy constantly in this way, you will remain easy at all times, in all situations, and in all tasks. If the sanskars are tight, the circumstances also become tight, and there is struggle. Always remain cheerful – do not be drawn by the side scenes – good or bad.

To the divine images who experience divinity at every step, and who give others the experience of divinity; to those who always accumulate in their account; to the enlightened souls; to the sensible children who overcome all difficulties through this stage; to the elevated souls, the master oceans of knowledge, who quench the thirst in life – love and remembrances from BapDada, the Ocean of Knowledge.

November 7, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 7th November 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, who loves the entire world, was especially seeing the children who love the Father. The Father’s love and the children’s love – the love of each is greater than the other. Love enables the mind and the body to grow alokik wings, to bring the soul close. Spiritual love attracts the children to the Father and enables the soul to celebrate a meeting, in the heart, and in the corporeal. The spiritual love of God has given you Brahmins a divine birth.

: Today, through the searchlight, Baba was seeing the love-filled faces, and hearing the songs of love, of the Brahmin children from all four sides. BapDada gives you blessings in return. May you always be fortunate. May you always be cheerful. May you always be healthy, by eating the nourishment of happiness. May you always be full of the treasure of happiness.

Spiritual love gave you birth, and now you receive divine sustenance through blessings from BapDada, the Satguru. Everyone is given the same sustenance in the same way, but some children are weak in imbibing it. The weakness of the individual weakens the family. Baba does not have dislike, but he does have mercy. Sometimes BapDada looks at the horoscope of each child, from the beginning, up to now – for some he has only mercy, for others he gives comfort.

There are two forms of easiness – a life of blessings, and an attitude of carelessness, of “don’t care”. The souls who move forward with blessings, and spiritual sustenance, are careful. They do not have the attitude of “don’t care”, nor the tension of attention. Such careful souls receive the support of the Brahmin family, and special help and co-operation from Baba according to the time, the facilities, and the circumstances. And so everything is experienced to be easy. The co-operation of all these things makes you an easy yogi. Otherwise, something small, like an ant, makes a maharathi unconscious. To become unconscious means to fall from experiencing the elevated stage which comes from the sustenance of blessings. Helplessness and labour are both signs of being unconscious. So, check your horoscope with this method.

To those who are constantly sustained through the three relationships (father, teacher, satguru); to the constant jewels of contentment, those who make themselves worthy to claim the first right in the first birth; to such cheerful children, love, remembrances, and namaste from Baba, the Bestower of Blessings.

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