The Murli

December 31, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Father and Renewer of the world is seeing his companion children who carry out the renewal in close relationship. Matter also becomes co-operative in the task of renewal of the world. The present well known scientist children are also co-operative, but you are close companions. Your task is to make the world new.

The people of the world are celebrating the new year, but you are making the new world. Both souls and matter are to become new – you must change the cries of sorrow into cries of victory, into a world
where every moment, every action, and every thing is new. Everyone likes new things – even if they keep old things, it is only as a memorial – they don’t like to use them.

At this time, even though the world is old, for you Brahmin souls it is a new world. Other souls are in the world, but you are in the new age of the confluence. You are Brahmins – not what you were before. The people of the world celebrate the new year fro one day, but you celebrate a new life, the new age, and your every action is new. Because you are at the confluence, on one side you see the old world, and on the other you see the new world. Is your intellect ever pulled to the old? Do you like the old world ? Or are you pulled to that which you do not like? Do you still want to experience the sorrow, anxiety, and distress of the old world?

: Today BapDada has come to meet and to celebrate, and not to conduct a murli. What new thoughts do you have for the new world – for the service of the world – for your close companions – for matter, and your distant family? You no longer think about yourself, do you? You are the children of the unlimited Father, and so you also are unlimited. So will you think only about yourselves, or will you think about everyone? BapDada is the one who gets things done through others (Karankaravanhar) but you are the instruments. All of you like newness – so it is good to bring newness into your life.

You have already become experienced in keeping busy with words – the majority are moving forward well with this enthusiasm – but only a minority remain busy in service through the mind. For the majority, service through words has become natural – there is a constant awareness of service – however, service through the mind has to become natural also. With service through the mind, you will not have to speak so much – speech uses energy, and that energy will be saved due to the co-operation of the mind. And there will be greater success experienced through the powerful service through the mind. At the moment you use a great deal of mind, body, wealth, and time in running around a lot – small matters still become big for you – but all of that will finish. Then you will think there has been magic. Service of the mind will become the magic mantra, and there will be a difference very quickly.

So in the new year, use the magic mantra. Let there be a meeting of the mind and the words, and a balance between the two. When the practice, of giving good wishes and pure blessings through the mind, has been developed naturally, your mind will stay busy, and you will no longer lose hope. So this is the magic mantra.

Sometimes yo get frightened in the gathering. You are alright when you are alone, but when you come into the gathering you think: the promise I made was “Baba and I” – I did not promise to live in the gathering – to live with Baba is very good, but it is difficult to live with the sanskars of others. However, this will also become easy. Your powerful pure feelings of blessing and good wishes for other souls will bury their sanskars – they will not oppose you.

All of you sometimes think that, as yet, there are not even the 900,000, let alone the 330 million deities that exist by the end of the silver age. In the year 1-1-1, everything – matter, individuals, possessions – will be number one – so 900,000 number one souls are required, including subjects. OK, maybe the rulers will be 16,108. But how many hundreds of thousands have to be prepared? When you prepare a list you include in that those who come sometimes – you are laughing about this – all right, include those also, but even then how many are there? There are 300,000 now – actually there are even less, but lets say 300,000 – they are still not even half. The number one subjects will at least experience Baba’s love – they will then become co-operative and loving. They will not surrender – that is something else – but they will experience Baba’s love constantly – Baba will emerge in their hearts. Only then will they become subjects – the subjects of Brahma, of the first world emperor. So there has to be love for those whose subjects they are.

So, at the moment, you think there is a lot of service left, but service of the mind and words together will be fast and the effect will be great. BapDada is pleased seeing the children’s service – he is not complaining – but there has to be newness. To do service with a fast speed – to touch the intellects of the many who will come – your minds have to be very powerful. Quality souls are already clever with words, but empty of experience. They can only be hit by the arrow of experience. At the moment they have a bit of arrogance – they consider themselves to be greater. They think they are giving you courage, but now they should think that you are giving them courage. Now there should be this magic.

So you have ploughed the fields, and smoothed the land, and planted the seed. But now that seed needs the water of attainment. Only then will the fruit emerge, and they will have an experience. You have to increase the quality of your mind – you will be serving both yourself and others.

You are all Madhuban residents – those who live abroad do not belong there – you have been sent there for service. Just for identification you are called double foreigners, but you are actually Bharatwasis. In fact you are Brahmins, not foreigners. Baba has sent you there – through his thoughts. When you became Brahmins your karmic accounts finished. There were accounts in the beginning, but when you became Brahmins they were finished – the books were burnt. They have been burnt have they not? Some get trapped by a loan somewhere or other – they remain trapped by their debt. But those who are clever are never trapped anywhere. Let all the accounts be clear – there should not even be an account with the customs and systems of where you live – the customs and systems of Brahmins are the best. You are neither Bharatwasis or foreigners – you are Brahmins. Achcha.

To all the close service companions from all four directions – to the souls who are courageous and worthy of Baba’s help – to those who do double service through the mind and words together – to the servers who do service with a fast speed – to those who give blessings to all souls as Baba does – to the master satguru children – to the most elevated souls who constantly bring about newness, that is speciality, in themselves – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

December 29, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 29th December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba the player of the murli, is seeing his children who are thirsty for the murli and the meeting. This murli of knowledge and meeting with God are unique and lovely. You brahmin souls in different corners of the world are claiming this elevated fortune in an incognito way. You need a divine intellect and divine vision to see the divine Father, and Baba gives these to you special souls.

You have all come to your home – you have a right – the sign of this is the feeling of belonging. You have come to your father – you have come to your family – you have come to your home. You don’t come as guests.

You come into action and then become detached and leave – you stay in relationship but become detached from the bondage of karma. You make the sense organs subservient, become karma yogis, and perform actions with authority, You are not under the influence of actions or the senses. Those who are under the influence become desperate, but a soul who is master never becomes desperate about anything. The soul is strong with self respect.

People of the world say “we were caught in a spin – we didn’t want to, we don’t know how, but we were caught in a spin”. But a souls who is a spinner of the discus of self realisation can never get caught in a spin of deception, because the discus of self realisation liberates you from all other spins. It liberates you, and enables you to liberate others. People want to be free from the cycle of the world and the many types of sorrow, but they do not know it is possible to play a part in the world and still achieve liberation – they can have liberation as well as life – this is their birth right, as well as yours. Those who spin the discus of self realisation remain liberated from the spinning of sorrow, and liberate others. They perform actions through the sense organs by right, as masters. They are not deceived, but liberate others from deception.

So remembrance involves coming and going – you perform an action, and then become detached from the action. Gyan is also coming and going – the essence of knowledge is that you have to become karmateet and return home. Then you have to go to your kingdom and play the part of ruling.

Stabilise yourself in the bodiless stage whenever you choose, and become a karma yogi whenever you choose. This practice should be very deep. You should become bodiless at will, not held by bondage of the body, of karma, possessions, nature or sanskars. Bondage is light tight clothing – it clings to you and there is a struggle to undress. Bondage makes the souls tight. So be free and uninfluenced – be detached and loving. Detachment brings easy success in every action. Try it and see. Brahma Baba practised this and showed it to you – he was detached while listening, while speaking, while acting.

So eat, drink, play and do service, but do not forget detachment. The original nature of the soul is to be detached from the body – it was detached, it is detached, and it will be detached. The soul is separate. The body is not the soul, and the soul is not the body – they are separate things. It is just that the habit of attachment has been instilled for sixty three births. What is original always remains original.

To all the children who have a right – to the elevated souls who stay in the essence of gyan and yoga – to the souls who are to become complete with the awareness of coming and going – to those who constantly follow Brahma Baba – to the yogi souls who are to reach the karmateet stage – to the children who stay in the happiness of the feeling of belonging, and of having a right – to those with happiness in the heart, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

December 25, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 25th December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the greatest father is congratulating his children for each day of the Confluence Age. When it is a great day for the people of the world they dance and sing with happiness. For you each day of the Confluence Age is a great day because you meet the greatest father during this greatest age, and you receive the greatest attainment. BapDada makes all the children the greatest, the most elevated of humans.

: Today you celebrate with happiness, and give gifts and greetings to each other. It is celebrated as the day of receiving gifts from the father – BapDada has brought you the fortune of the kingdom of heaven on each one’s palm. Can anyone else give such a great gift? The gifts of the greatest person, compared to this, are like a lamp next to the sun. They say “Father Christmas” – the father is the one who always gives to the children.

This one is the unlimited father – he gives unlimited gifts, that stay with you for many births. You stay in spiritual intoxication and do not worry about anything – you become emperors now and claim a kingdom for the future. This kingdom of being carefree is the greatest and the most beautiful – you receive this kingdom, and the heart-throne for this one birth only.

Brahmin life means a carefree emperor – there is the work of service, but that is being done by Baba through you – it is not your burden – you have the faith that this elevated task will be carried out – it is already certain. Those with faith remain carefree. Baba is making the children play the game of service in order to keep them busy. It is baba’s work, but in the name of the children – he gives the fruit to the children, and does not eat it himself. So you are carefree, are you not?

So you celebrated the great day, did you not? The people of the world give greetings: “be happy, be healthy, be wealthy” – they say this but no-one becomes it. However Baba gives you such greetings that health, wealth, and happiness stay with you for all time in the form of a blessing. He does not simply say this blessing, but he makes you this.

All of you have emerged from the trunk – others are the branches. All those religions are your branches – the branches of the kalpa tree. The Christmas tree is the symbol of this tree – they decorate it with tiny sparkling light bulbs. What is the meaning of this? You are the sparkling stars of the kalpa tree. The religious founders that come are also satopradhan on their own account. You, the Golden Aged souls, are sparkling. Baba is the great great grandfather of the entire tree. Which Baba? Baba has placed Brahma in front. He is the original father of the corporeal world. Brahma is the original lord – this is why he is the great great grandfather. All of you are also first, along with Adi Dev. You first souls are with Adi Dev now, and you will also be with him in the future. Do you have so much intoxication? You constantly sing songs of happiness, do you not? Or will you only sing today? In all four directions the children are seen to be sparkling on the kalpa tree.

To those in all four directions who have a right to the Godly gift – to the greatest fortunate souls who belong to the greatest father – to the first souls who are always with the first father -to all the souls who have received greetings and eternal blessings from the greatest father – to all the children, love, remembrance, and namaste, and the sweet that brings happiness to the heart.

December 21, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 21st December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the Creator of the three deities is seeing his corporeal and subtle creations. He has immense love fro both the creations. The creation constantly sings “how wonderful is the Creator” and the Creator constantly sings “how wonderful is my creation”.

Baba has made each of his creation complete – as the Father, Teacher and Satguru he gives you the treasures of knowledge, fortune for many births, and fills your apron with blessings. Baba’s love is eternal. He does not like to see the weakness of those he loves – there is always the powerful thought to transform the weakness into a wonder – he cannot bear to see the children labour. Baba makes you complete so that without labouring you can remain in spiritual pleasure. There is the inheritance, the study, and blessings: the Father gives you the spiritual right, the teacher gives you the intoxication of being the students of God, and the Satguru makes you move forward with blessings at every step.

Those who follows the elevated instructions claim success in every step, easily – you claim liberation, your sweet home, and liberation in life, your sweet kingdom. The instructions are elevated and so the destination is elevated. However the brahmin souls reach an even more special destination – the instant fruit of the elevated karma of this time.

Who has to labour? Those who are up against the obstacles of Maya, or those who feel waste in connection or relationship with Brahmin or agyani souls, and who start to speak bitter words, feel anger inside, and become weak. Remember your elevated status – you are a great deity soul, a Brahmin soul, one out of multi-millions – and you will be free of this sickness. The soul has become tired from 63 births of searching, so stay in pleasure for this one birth – let others experience labour, but you stay in pleasure.

For 63 births you did bhakti – so are you part of the rosary of bhagats? No you are part of the rosary of victory – they are just bhagat souls, whereas you become gyani. They do not wish to listen to anything other than bhakti, and they consider only bhakti to be elevated. They do intense bhakti, whereas you have intense knowledge. There is a difference in the sanskars of the two types of souls. A bhagat says “I am degraded and the Father is elevated” – they are royal beggars, whereas you claim a right – you receive the introduction and you claim all rights. Do you understand?

Give some space of the bhagats also. You have half a kalpa and they have half a kalpa also. They also have to be a part of the rosary of knowledge. They are still better than the people of the world outside. At least their intellect is not in other directions, it is still towards Baba. They at least remain pure. They receive the fruit of purity, which is being praised. You will be worshipped but they will be praised. They may worship anyone during this last birth, they may worship the earth or the trees, but according to the discipline, they are praised.

A soul who is worthy of worship cannot even touch an impure thought. Have you become so worthy of worship?

To the souls from all four directions who have a right to the inheritance – to those who always pass with honour in their study – to those who always claim all blessings, and make others into those with all blessings – to those who are so loved by the Father, Teacher, and Satguru – to the elevated souls who always remain in spiritual pleasure, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

December 17, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the powerful Father is seeing his powerful children from all four directions. Some are always powerful and others are attracted at times towards waste.

BapDada was seeing that some children still complain to Baba – sometimes their waste thoughts change remembrance into complaints. The majority have finished the stage of vicious thoughts for the majority of the time, but you have not fully passed in not seeing waste, not speaking waste, not hearing waste, not thinking waste, and not wasting time. Because you do not set your mind and intellect in a powerful stage at amrit vela for the whole day’s timetable, you get upset. The more you keep your mind busy with powerful thoughts, the more the mind will not have the time to get upset.

In today’s world, the greater someone’s position is, the more his timetable of activity is set. They are VIPs, but you are children of God and compared to the outside world no number of ‘V’s are enough. With your support the world is transformed – you are the hero actors with a life as valuable as a diamond. This pure intoxication makes you powerful, but intoxication with body consciousness makes the soul come down.

BapDada has given you shrimat, that is instructions, about everything and told you how to move forward. All of you are obedient ones, who follow the Father’s footsteps, – so follow the Father’s instructions and your steps will be accurate – this is easy – you shouldn’t even have to think about it. However, because there is a little disobedience in one or another instruction, a bit of a burden starts to accumulate. The obedient ones receive blessings from God by having all relationships with him. This is a law. God’s blessings make you double light, and make you fly, and make you dance with happiness. Actions are the seed – so every powerful action brings instant fruit, without labour, and the soul remains powerful. So, be obedient, constantly.

There is disobedience in small matters. The majority pass in conquering lust, but its second brother is anger, and you fail in that by half. And you only half follow the discipline of amrit vela – you get up and sit down, but is there a powerful stage? In the experience of sweet silence, there is mixed the silence of sleep. If BapDada were to show you your weekly television, you would enjoy it a great deal. You follow the discipline, but you do not become the embodiment of success. Another small disobedience is in not giving or taking sorrow – you may not give sorrow, but you do take sorrow. You have waste thoughts because you have either seen or heard waste, and that continues in your mind even against your desire. Your mind has had this habit for 63 births, so it is attracted in that direction still. These small disobediences make the mind heavy, and you cannot fly towards a high stage. This is a very deep philosophy – the burden of past sins does not allow the soul to experience the stage it desires.

Baba has told you that the games of the Brahmins are very good. If BapDada asks how you are, everyone says “we are very well”, but when you are asked “are you as you should be?”, you keep quiet. The burden of these disobediences do not allow the soul to be powerful constantly. So remember this slogan – don’t think waste, don’t see waste, don’t listen to waste, and don’t waste time in waste actions. They have an image: hear no evil, see no evil, think no evil. You have gone beyond that which is bad. Now create an image of the divine activity of obedience. The greatest artists create an image of their activity at every step.

To the powerful souls in all four directions – to those who remain obedient in every step, who transform waste into something powerful – to the world transformers – to the artist children who create their image – love, remembrances, and namaste from powerful BapDada.

December 13, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 13th December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the creator of the world is seeing all his children of the world in the form of human souls. There are a children who recognise the Father and there are children who call out to him and are trying to recognise him – all are his children. A line of elevated fortune shines on the forehead of the few children who recognise Baba – the most elevated line of fortune is the divine Brahmin birth received through BapDada. The children without knowledge are not able to experience the divine birth – they say that God created them, but you say it with a difference: you know the creator, you know your birth, the time of your birth, and the method and result of your birth.

You make the promise “mine is one BAba and none other”. The mind should not wander anywhere else, even in dreams. Are you like that? Or do you sometimes need a friend or companion? At the time of service, do that service, and then become detached and loving, so that there is not the slightest influence. Then no sister or brother will have a special right over you. Be service companions, but be companions in the stage of being observers, otherwise Baba is forgotten. Play the part and be detached, be an observer.

There are four special lines of fortune sparkling on your foreheads – the line of divine birth, the line of sustenance from God, the line of God’s study, and the line of selfless service. There is a difference in the sparkle in each one, because there is a difference in their constant increase – very few have been experiencing a constant increase from the beginning up to now. The lines of some are broken or not clear because they do not follow the religion and action of the birth. All of you are being sustained by Baba’s directions whether you are surrendered or whether you live in a household. You are trustees and should not do anything for yourself – everything you earn belongs to Baba – you have given everything to Baba – so use your mind, body, and wealth according to shrimat, and do not mix in the dictates of your own mind.

Sustenance is given to all of you to make you powerful – all of you have become master almighty authority through the sustenance given by Brahma, the mother. Those who remain weak, with a broken line of fortune, are those who do not use the sustenance given to them. Because you do not keep the status of being an angel, and so a deity, in your consciousness, there is a difference in the line of each one’s fortune.

The same applies in the line of service. Brahma Baba reminded you to be incorporeal, viceless, and egoless. You can only the fruit of service to any soul by being stable in the incorporeal stage – for then the arrow of service from the soul hits the soul. If you are not stable in this stage constantly, then those you serve will not be able to stay in this awareness constantly. In the same way, if you have any trance of vice, you will not be able to transform another souls from shudra into the clan of Brahma. Finally, you must serve with humility – be the embodiment of the fruit and bow down. – or there can be no success in service. Constantly put these three blessings into practical service – incorporeal, viceless, and egoless – and you will have the unbroken line of service.

Do not think about service at the time of remembrance – you must have controlling power. If you come into the consciousness of service you will not be incorporeal. You have other time throughout the day to think about service.

You are a lucky handful out of multi millions, but you must become a few out of those, to become worthy of worship. Those with an unbroken line of fortune are loved and respected by all in the Brahmin family, and so receive everyone’s blessings, and so sparkle.

You are receiving the sustenance of Brahma the mother, and you are becoming worthy souls through the elevated instruction of Baba, the father. The Father makes the children worthy, and the mother makes them powerful.

To all the children who are like Baba, knowledge-full and powerful – to all the elevated children whose lines of fortune are constantly clear – to those who move forward constantly through their sustenance of Brahmin life and the study – to the eternally fortunate children, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

December 9, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, out of all his children, BapDada is seeing those who remain in accurate yoga (yogyukt) and follow accurate methods (yuktiyukt) in every action, and he is seeing those who, although they are yogis, do not remain in accurate yoga, nor follow accurate methods in every action.

Brahmin life means to be constantly accurate in yoga and action. This is the special spiritual state in which the soul is detached and loving. Some children are naturally moving forward in this speciality easily, while others are close to this stage sometimes but not constantly. Everyone has knowledge, and everyone has the same aim, but some stand still sometimes.

The easy method for remaining accurate is to consider yourself to be a charioteer and an observer. The soul is the driver of the chariot – this consciousness makes you detached from the chariot of the body. Where there is no consciousness of the body, you easily become accurate in yoga, and one who is accurate in yoga automatically becomes accurate in every action. All your sense organs remain under your control, and Maya cannot attack.

If you leave the consciousness of being a charioteer, you battle to chase away evil spirits – when one comes in they all come in as these evil spirits have a lot of unity with one another. You come to a standstill, and no longer progress – you become part of the second number. A charioteer will not come under any influence, but will be in control as he drives.

Brahma Baba claimed number one through this method. So follow the father, and become detached and loving. Make the body subservient – do not be subservient to the body. So check this from time to time throughout the day – am I a charioteer? Let these sanskars of checking become automatic and natural. Instill the habit of natural and easy checking.

A charioteer is naturally an observer – whatever you do you will think about it first as an observer. You will see it, think about it, and then act. You will be detached from the effect of Maya.

To those who follow Brahma Baba, those who remain accurate in yoga and action – to those who are elevated and use the sense organs on the right path – to those who remain close to the destination – to all the elevated, special souls, BapDada gives love, remembrances, and namaste.

December 5, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing to what extent each child is satisfied with the self, and to what extent each satisfies others. The form of all attainments from God is satisfaction that is visible on the face – satisfaction is the special basis for Brahmin life.

The difference between temporary and permanent satisfaction is like the difference between night and day. The vibrations of spiritual satisfaction reach other souls, and they experience peace and power. Like the rays of the sun, the vibrations of satisfaction transform the atmosphere, and make individuals forget all other matters, through the experience of true spiritual peace and happiness.

Baba sees three types of satisfaction – with the self, with others and with service. If you are satisfied with all three then BapDada is satisfied with you.

BapDada saw that children remain dissatisfied with themselves – they forget the attainment given by Baba equally to all children. If people have physical wealth and facilities but do not know how to use them, they remain deprived. In the same way each one of you has all spiritual treasures, but you do not know the method of using them. You lose hope, or are jealous of the speciality, fortune, or part of others. There is less courage and more jealousy. Anyone who loses hope, or is jealous, cannot remain satisfied, as their desires are never fulfilled. According to the system in the drama, every Brahmin soul has one or another speciality at the Confluence Age. So recognise your own speciality, and use it – to make use of it means to increase it.

If you are satisfied with yourself, then you will remain satisfied with others, and with the service you have been given.

To all the souls who recognise their own speciality and use it – to the sensible and essence-ful souls, the great souls who remain satisfied and so satisfy others, BapDada’s love remembrance and namaste.

December 1, 1989

Avyakt BapDada 1st December 1989

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing the children from all four directions who have self respect, and who are respected throughout the kalpa. Because you claim the authority of your kingdom, you receive respect from the subjects, and for half a kalpa you receive respect through bhakti. You claim that fortune primarily by renouncing the body – you cannot stabilise yourself in the stage of soul consciousness without renouncing body consciousness.

The Father himself has given you children respect – Baba has made you from maids and servants of the feet onto the crown of his forehead. Those who claim such great self respect are respected by others. Baba always keeps the children ahead of him – he sings praise of their virtues. He comes into the corporeal region from paramdham every day – to give you love and remembrances.

To have self respect means to have respect for others, and to have the respect of others. Baba receives the respect of all the souls of the entire world, and the more he receives the more he gives to all the children. One who does not give does not become a deity.

You saw Brahma Baba in the sakkar form – he always saw the children in their future form of world benefactors. He saw the kumaris, the kumars, and the youth as the ones who are to challenge the great souls of the world. He saw them with respect as pure souls. He always considered them to be great souls, who would perform miracles even more so than he would. In the same way he gave respect to the mature ones as experienced souls, those who were the same as he was. In their worship worthy form of the world emperors, Lakshmi and Narayan are the first to be worshipped after the worship of Baba. He became number one in both receiving respect from the kingdom and in being worshipped, because he gave self respect and respect to everyone. He did not think that he would give them respect only if they gave him respect.

One who gives respect considers anyone that insults or defames him to be his friend. The entire world is your family. You Brahmins are the roots of all souls – all the branches, all the souls of different religions, have emerged from you, the roots. So everyone should belong to you. Those with self respect always consider themselves to be master creators, and they give respect to others.

BapDada is seeing in front of him the elevated children who have self respect and who receive respect. With his drishti of respect he is giving love, remembrances and namaste to the children who are his companions, those who constantly receive respect from the kingdom and are worthy of worship.

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