The Murli

October 26, 1991

Avyakt BapDada 26th October 1991

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing all his royal tapaswi children. Tapasya makes you into kings. The power of tapasya changes you from being dependant into those who have a right. This is why it has been remembered that you claim the fortune of the kingdom through tapasya. How elevated your fortune is – so elevated that you have made the bestower of fortune belong to you. There is no need for each of you to ask for the different types of fortune individually. You have claimed all types of fortune from the bestower as an inheritance. An inheritance is never asked for.

Tapasya means that the soul says “I am yours and you are mine”. With the power of this tapasya you have made the bestower of fortune belong to you. Together with receiving fortune you have also received the kingdom of the self. The future kingdom of the world depends on the kingdom of the self.

In bhakti for many births you said again and again “I am your slave, I am your slave”. Baba says “I am the children’s slave”. You are children of the almighty authority, and so how can you be the slaves? This does not suit you. So, from slaves, Baba gave you the experience of being kings. You don’t become slaves at any time. You don’t become slaves of Maya do you? A king can never be a slave. Your slavery has finished. Has it finished, or do you sometimes enjoy it?

The power of tapasya is very elevated. Tapasya is to celebrate with pleasure. Tapasya means to sing and dance very easily. It is entertainment, is it not? It s not labour. The instant fruit of tapasya is happiness. Tapasya means to dance in happiness and to sing praises of Baba and your original eternal form. How great this song is! And how easy it is! Does your head become heavy, or do you become double light?

Your head becomes heavy if you make one small mistake, and consider the responsibility to be yours, instead of Baba’s. Baba is Karankaravanhar, so what burden do you have? Baba has made you the instruments in order to create your fortune. Baba is the companion. If the almighty authority is the companion, what heaviness can there be? When you consider it to be your responsibility, your head becomes heavy. Brahmin life is to dance, sing, and experience pleasure. Service is a game, nothing else. You are not working – you are playing games. For a souls who is a master almighty authority, all this is a game.

In this year of tapasya, you have been experimenting with yoga. Experiment with each one of the treasures – of time, thoughts, knowledge, or physical wealth. If you use your treasures with the method of experimentation in yoga, each treasure will continue to increase. In your experiments there should be less usage of any treasure and greater attainment – less labour and greater success – less expenditure and greater splendour. You will be able to use the accumulated savings to serve others. Only those who have accumulated wealth can give donations or perform charity. So use fewer words and actions, and attain greater success.

What was the result of the majority that was seen during tapasya? The zeal and enthusiasm is good. There is also attention, and there is success, but you use the treasures more for yourself. To have experiences yourself is a good thing, but the year of tapasya has been given for world service, as well as for the self. Spread the vibrations of tapasya in the world with a fast speed. Increase the speed of the experiments of yoga in the laboratory of experiences. At the present time all souls need to experience transformation through your powerful vibrations and atmosphere.

There are many co-operative children here. This co-operation will change into yoga. One variety are those who are loving and co-operative, the second are those who c-operative and yogi – and the third are constant yogis who experiment. Now ask yourself – “who am I?”. However, Baba has love for all three varieties of children.

Some wonder why you are carrying out huge projects in the year of tapasya, while others think this is the fruit of tapasya. Baba experiences both these vibrations. The drama is showing that tapasya can fulfill all needs easily at the right time. There should not be the question “why is this happening”. Tapasya means to experience success easily. As you go further you will experience how the impossible becomes possible so easily. You will experience this more and more. The obstacles are fixed in the drama from the beginning to the end – they give the experience of making the impossible possible. All of you have become experienced, so an obstacle is just a game to you. You play football, do you not? What do you do? You only kick the ball when it comes to you. If the ball didn’t come to you, how could you kick it? How could there be a game? This is a football game. You enjoy it, do you not. You enjoy playing a game, do you not? Or do you get confused? You try to make the ball come to you so that you can kick it. This game will continue. It is nothing new. The drama shows games, and it also brings you complete success. This is the custom and system of the Brahmin clan. Achcha.

The greatest wealth of all is sympathy. Whether rich or poor, today there is no sympathy. Don’t give them anything else, but you can make them content with sympathy. And your sympathy is the real sympathy, because of your relationship of the Godly family, it is not temporary sympathy. Sympathy with a family feeling is the greatest sympathy. And everyone is in need of this, and you can give this. Do you have sympathy, or do you lack it? Have you accumulated it? Spiritual sympathy brings fulfillment. It can fulfill the needs of the body, mind, and wealth. Baba will tell you more about this later. Achcha.

You are double light are you not? Or do you sometimes carry a burden? All of you are carefree emperors – are you this sometimes, or all the time? To be a child means to be free from worry. You are the children are you not? Or have you grown up?What worries do children have? If anything comes up, give it to Baba. Those who know how to give it to Baba remain always double light. If you keep it with you for even a little while, you become heavy. You have the habit of looking after it.

All of you keep a chart do you not? Has anyone missed it? There are a few. The more you maintain attention on the self, the more you will be able to move forward, and also inspire others to move forward.

Those who experience themselves to be close to BapDada at amrit vela are close to BapDada throughout the day. They perform every action on this basis. Baba’s companionship can never be forgotten, because to be constantly with Baba means to experience yourself to be constantly combined. No-one can separate those who are combined. In the same way as BapDada is combined, you are combined with Baba. Therefore you never forget the one who is combined with you. You constantly stay in remembrance, do you not? Do you have to make effort to remember, or is there remembrance anyway? How can the one who is combined be forgotten?You do not become separate, but you do forget. Make your combined form emerge again and again, and you will not have to make effort to remember, but remembrance will be natural. Achcha.

You are having good experiences of tapasya during the year of tapasya, are you not? For how many hours do you remain in remembrance? Is it an account of hours? Do you stay constantly in remembrance, or for some hours? You call yourselves yogis – so make your life so natural that you can never forget Baba. Or do you call yourselves yogis for 8 hours? What are you for the other hours?

All of you are the sweetest of all, because you stay in Baba’s company. So what are those who stay in the company of the one who is sweet? Baba says “the children are sweet”, and the children say “Baba is sweet”.

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