The Murli

February 13, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the comforter of hearts, the ocean of all powers, and the ocean of love, has come to meet his extremely loving and close children. This meeting removes all types of distress – it gives an experience of spiritual honour – it easily transforms the old life, and makes you experienced in all the attainments and all relationships. It is a meeting of the elevated alokik world of the Confluence Age. You are the few souls out of multi millions who have become worthy to experience God’s love. Some out of the few are still searching for this experience, whereas you are celebrating this meeting. In fact you remain in this meeting constantly. You have love for Baba and Baba has love for you. True love means there is no separation between the two, either physically or in the mind – they cannot be separated. None of the millions of souls of the entire world, nor Maya, nor matter has the power to separate this meeting of God’s love. This is true love. Those who try to finish that love may themselves finish, but the love can never finish. Are you such strong and true lovers.

God’s love at this time creates the reward of lives full of love for many births. Now is the time of that attainment. Those who are loved by the one with a true heart constantly remain merged in love. No-one has the courage to come close or to oppose such souls who are merged in love. If you are merged in love, no one’s attraction can attract you. Just as the power of science takes human beings away from the attraction of the earth, in the same way, the stage of being merged in love takes you very far from all limited attractions. If you are not merged in love, there can be fluctuations. You do have love, but don’t just stop at this: become constantly merged in love. To be merged in love is to be lost in love. To become merged means to be liberated from bondage.

When you tell people that you are going to claim jeevanmukti, they think you are going t come into the cycle and they are going to be liberated from the cycle and become merged. But you know that, according to the drama, the stage that they consider as being merged is not going to be claimed by anyone. It is possible to become equal to the father, but it is not possible to be merged with the father. In their stage of being merged, there is neither any experience, nor is there any attainment. When you become merged in love, whilst alive, you have an experience and an attainment. You experience Baba and yourself to have become equal. There is nothing except Baba, and so you become one. So do you have this experience – is it still to become constant? Are you able to experience being merged at the time of performing actions, or do you have to sit specially to be merged? Do you have to come down to perform actions? Achcha – you have become very clever.

A karma yogi can receive extra help from Baba’s company at the time of performing actions: from one, there are then two, and so the work is distributed. When there is help from Baba, there is double force, and the work is accomplished well. No matter how much work there may be, Baba’s help constantly gives you zeal and tirelessness for a task. Love accomplishes everything – where there is Godly courage, there is help. A soul who has become an instrument automatically develops courage – they think “nothing is new, victory is guaranteed’. This is the experience of the true lovers. The limited lovers say: “wherever I am, I see you”. They are not the almighty authority. Baba is the almighty authority – he does not have a corporeal body, and can reach wherever he chooses, whenever he chooses, in a second. So don’t think it is not possible to experience the stage of being merged in love in the life of a karma yogi. You become constant yogis do you not? Lovers are those who are constant and easy yogis.

In this year of tapasya, service has been made lighter and tapasya has been given greater importance. Let there be a stage of balance between karma and yoga. Balance means equality. There should be equality in remembrance, tapasya, and service. There should be equality in power and love – equality in having love and in being detached. There should be equality in being detached at the time of performing actions, and in being detached while sitting separately. Those who learn the art of maintaining a balance of equality will become great.

BapDada celebrates when the children celebrate. When you celebrate in heaven, Baba will also celebrate. Dance a lot, swing a lot, always celebrate with happiness. Be easy effort makers here, and claim the reward there. However you will have changed from being like a diamond to being like gold. The entire Confluence Age is the day of love, when Baba and the children are companions. Baba is seeing the love in everyone’s heart.

To all the souls who are constantly merged in love – to the souls who constantly experience the company with love – to those who are close and equal to the Father with the consciousness of one Baba and none other – to the souls who have the right to heaven, the elevated reward for the Confluence Age – to the special souls who experience the elevated art of a constant yogi life – to the souls who are liberated from all limited attractions, and who are lost in love, in the love of all relationships with the father – love, remembrance, and namaste.

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