The Murli

March 16, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the master of the spiritual garden, is seeing a double garden. On one side is the beauty of nature, and on the other side is the beauty of the garden of spiritual roses. The satopradhan beauty of nature at the beginning of the drama, in satyug, is only for you spiritual, elevated souls. Even at this time of the final moments, you can see the beauty of nature, but there is so much difference between the garden here and your garden there. Even so, nature plays its very good part until the end. You elevated souls are the masters of nature, and so you are happy seeing the games of nature. Even when nature fluctuates, you are happy observing its games, as detached observers – you experience pleasure, and do not get confused.

Maya also plays games – some fall and make others fall, but those who are watching the games enjoy themselves when they see others fall, and they also enjoy themselves when they see others attain victory. This is a very big game.

So BapDada is seeing each spiritual rose. Some are simply very beautiful and colourful, while others have beautiful fragrance also – both varieties are loved ones. All the children now have colour and beauty, because all of you are coloured by the company of the Father. Even if some are not completely content with all aspects of interaction with others, the company of the Father is loved extremely by all. This is why you all have the colour, and because you have become Brahmins, your form has been transformed. Fragrance is numberwise. Fragrance is complete purity. To become a kumar or kumari means to become pure. The definition of purity is very subtle – it is not just celibacy, not just being beyond attachment to the body, but the mind should not be attached to anyone except the Father. To be celibate in the body, celibate in relationships with others, and celibate in your sanskars: the definition of this is very deep and lovely. Baba will tell you the detail of this at some other time. Today you are going to celebrate Holi, so it is not a deep study, you are just going to celebrate.

So the holy swans are going to celebrate holi – how lovely the holy swans are! Holy swans swim constantly in the water of knowledge – they fly and swim. So, all of you know how to fly and how to swim. To churn the knowledge means to swim in the nectar of knowledge. And to fly means to remain in an elevated stage. All of you have full love for the Father, and Baba also has love for the children, no matter whether they fall, or climb, or play games. Seeing their games, Baba understands that they are slightly mischievous. Not all children are the same: some are mischievous, some are serious, some are entertaining, and some have a very fast nature. But even then, they are still Baba’s children.

The word “children” is very lovely. Baba is never disheartened with any child – he always has pure hopes for them. Even if some go away, BapDada still has hope in them. If not today, then tomorrow! Where else would they go? With physical karmic accounts too, some may be very ill and some only slightly ill – those who are very ill take a little longer to get better, but both are ill. Even physically, no matter how ill someone may be, you never lose hope in them – if not today, then tomorrow they will get better. This is why Baba is never disheartened with any children. He always has a pure hope that if today the child is a little slack, tomorrow he will become clever. Since the destination is one, and the Father is one, where else can they go except to the Father?

All souls are to receive the inheritance from the Father. Even if they insult the Father, Baba would still give them the inheritance of mukti. If they have incarnated in this world, Baba has to give them their inheritance. Whether they take it or not, Baba has to give it. All souls received the inheritance from the Father – this is the meaning of father – no matter which religion they went into, they remember him as the Father, because they received the inheritance from him. Not a single soul can be deprived of receiving the inheritance.

However, you claim the inheritance directly, through recognition. You have a direct connection. Even though Brahma became the instrument medium in the corporeal form, you do not have yoga with Brahma, you have yoga with the Father. Father Brahma also said “remember the Father” – he did not tell you to remember him, You can never receive the full inheritance from any relationship other that that of the Father. You forge a direct relationship with the Father, and claim the right of the inheritance in all three aspects of time – you already have the inheritance of virtues and powers, you will remain close in the land of liberation, and you will have the inheritance of 21 births. People tell you “our mukti is better than your jeeevanmukti – you will come into the cycle whereas we will be liberated from the cycle”, but you can tell them with intoxication: “we will also receive mukti, but after receiving mukti, we receive jeevanmukti”. So you receive double, do you not?

In Holi, something is burnt , and then something is celebrated. So burn your weaknesses in the fire of determined thought. If you have not burnt them, then the pleasure of celebrating will not remain all the time. Apply a full stop to the past, and not a question mark. You make one small mistake that causes a lot of damage – you remember that which you have to forget, and you forget that which you have to remember. So you forget the Father. So let this be the past – burn it, and finish it. Finish it with all its traces. Be coloured by the company of the Father – this is the most fast colour, and the most elevated colour. Have you seen the pictures of the gopes and the gopis playing Holi? Baba and you both play Holi together. The eternal Holi is that of the colour of the company of the Father, and the memorial has been shown in the form of a dance in the company of the Father.

You have love for the Father, and also for service. Service means service of the self as well as service of other souls. First is the self, because only those who have created their stage can remove many other souls from their difficult situations. Just as you and Baba are combined, the body and the soul are combined, and your future Vishnu form is combined, in the same way let the service of the self and the service of all others be combined. Do not separate them, or you will make greater effort for less success.

Now do such service that through one, many are served. You have to give the message to the entire world. Those souls who are to come into the kingdom have already created their fortune and come forward. But there are many more who are to receive the message. You must give others a chance to claim their right to the kingdom – through doing this you will become even greater than them. In order to enable the message to reach all four directions quickly, one soul must become an instrument for many. Awaken a main one who will awaken others. Give such souls special time and training. Wherever there is the greatest population, now make such souls instruments – whether in institutions or industries, both have great populations – by making one soul worthy, he becomes your service companion and makes others close. You simply continue to give the message, and move forward. Make them instruments to give the message – give others a chance to use their mind, body, or wealth for service – only then can they be subjects in the Golden Age. If they do not use anything, how can they go there? Let them sow the seed. All of you have already sown the seeds. You are now receiving the fruit.

: Today you are an effort maker, and tomorrow you will be an angel. The angelic form should always be in front of you. Continue to fly with courage and zeal.

Double foreigners write very well with an honest heart. You are very clear and do not hide anything. To be clear is to be elevated. Double foreigners are very good at checking themselves. Now keep the power to cha
nge yourself with you, to the same extent – the power to change is slightly lacking. Keep a balance – check and change.

To those in all four directions who remain stable in the combined stage – to the constant and tireless instruments of service – to the holy swans who let the past be past, and who celebrate the Holi of the colour of the company of the Father – to the souls who remain in the happiness of the inheritance of the three aspects of time – to those who always remain detached, observing the games of nature and Maya – to such constantly victorious souls, who always have a flying stage – to the elevated souls who experience their angelic form in front of them, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

March 1, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, the great divine light, is meeting his children, the great divine lights. This great light is so loving and unique. BapDada is seeing the light that is sparkling in the middle of the forehead of each of you. This is such a divine and lovely scene. Baba is seeing such a beautiful gathering of the spiritual sparking stars.

This is Maha Shiv Ratri. You are the souls with such an elevated fortune that you are celebrating Shiv Ratri in the living form, in the corporeal form, with Father Shiva. You have found the Father, and made him belong to you.

Your speaking and your doing should be equal. When you create a thought, or perform any action, stabilise yourself in a powerful stage, and do it with power. Do not mix in weak thoughts. Have the elevated thought: “Baba will help me”, and you will easily put your thought into a practical form. You are victorious souls of many kalpas. Victory is tied to you Brahmin souls, as your constant companion. Since Baba is your companion, victory is also your companion. The beads of the rosary of victory can never be defeated.

You have sacrificed yourself – this makes you strong. You have offered your weaknesses as a sacrifice, and have gained great strength. You have sacrificed body consciousness and all of its progeny – you must not keep even the slightest trace, or it will pull you like a magnet, without you even knowing about it. When your attitude is elevated, the world will be seen as elevated. Anything good or bad is first inculcated in your attitude, and then it enters your words and actions. If your attitude is elevated, your words and actions will automatically be elevated. Your special service of world transformation is brought about through having a pure attitude – you create the vibrations and the atmosphere through your attitude.

Always have the consciousness that you are the souls who are the embodiment of success. Every thought word and action should take on a practical form, which means they are used in a worthwhile way, and thus enable you and others to attain success. If you do something as soon as you say it, it becomes successful. If you said something and thought about it, but did not do it, it becomes wasteful. So, do it now.

Do not become arrogant, and do not become disheartened. Wherever there is arrogance, there is a greater feeling of insult – sometimes there is arrogance, and sometimes there is insult. Where someone has no arrogance, they will not feel insult, and will remain humble and busy in the task of renewal.

So today you should hoist the flag of victory with the rope of elevated thought in your heart.

The year of tapasya has drawn everyone’s attention very well to the effort of the self. Since you paid attention, tension has gone away, has it not? The result of many of you is very good. A very few have claimed the first number. The majority are in the second number, and also the third number, and a very few in the fourth number. Baba is happy that all of you have given importance to the year of tapasya. The majority have passed very well. Now you have to find the balance between karma and yoga, between service and tapasya.

To all the elevated souls who are constantly the embodiment of success – to the sparkling divine stars who are constantly beyond arrogance and insults, and who remain stable in their self respect – to the Shakti army with the power of Shiva, who constantly hoist the flag of victory in their hearts – love, remembrances, and namaste from BapDada.

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