The Murli

April 8, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 8th April 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the unlimited Father is seeing his first elevated direct creation. Brahmin souls are the direct progeny of Shiva, and the first creation of Adi Dev. This is why, in the kalpa tree, Brahmins are shown in the foundation, amongst the roots, close to the seed. None of the other souls are the direct creation of father Shiva and mother Brahma. You, the direct creation of the supreme, know your creator, both mother and father, very well. You are the roots and also the trunk – the souls of the many other religions have emerged from you. As Brahmins you are the roots, and as deities you are the trunk. Other souls belong to the father of their religion, while you belong to the supreme father – there is so much difference between direct and indirect, a difference in intoxication as well as in attainment.

You are the direct progeny of the supreme. Even in the copper age, their bhakti is without recognition. Firstly you worship father Shiva. The worship of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar, the subtle deities, begins later, not in the beginning. So even their bhakti is indirect, whereas you are direct bhagats – you begin the worship of Shiva.

Also, look at the attainment! You direct souls receive jeevanmukti for half a kalpa. None of the other souls receive the inheritance of jeevanmukti for such a long time. The speciality is that you attain your golden and silver ages at the same time as the golden and silver ages of the cycle.

The year of tapasya has finished, but have you become complete? Or do you still have to become that? Do you need another year? How many more years do you need? How long is this song of “we want more, we want more” . There is a fixed duration for a song – 3 minutes or 5 minutes – so how long is this song of yours?

Service is that in which there service of the self and service of the others. If, whilst serving others, you become careless in serving the self, that would not be called accurate service. The definition of service is that you receive the fruit of service, instant fruit. If you become careless towards the self then service becomes labour and expenditure and tiredness, with no instant fruit of success. Success first of al means success for the self – the success of others happens simultaneously.

When doing service, why isn’t there yoga and service simultaneously? The reason is that you make many plans for service, very good plans, but you don’t make plans for a plain intellect. While doing service, nothing should touch the intellect, except the feelings of being an instrument, and the feelings of renewal. So, whilst carrying out the renewal, there is a lack of humility. The seed of good wishes and pure feelings is humility – not regard, not limited regard, but humility – and the feeling of being an instrument. This is why it is essential, when making plans for service, to make the intellect plain. Otherwise, if the rubbish of inaccurate feelings is mixed in the intellect, then your plans become studded with stones, instead of with jewels. So the jewels and the stones become mixed. When nine jewels are set in something, and one stone is mixed in with them, what will its value be? Will their be any value? In fact the buyer will have even more thoughts about whether the nine are real or not. If the intellect is plain, then there will be no loss and no burden.

When you become complete, the task of world transformation will have been completed. The elements are waiting to serve you, saying “when Brahmin souls become angels, and when the angels become deities, we can serve them with love from deep within our heart”. Without becoming angels, you cannot become deities. An angel has no attraction to the old world, old sanskars, or the old body, so be liberated from these. Brahma Baba has become an angel, and is waiting in the world of angels to make you all into angels.

There will come a time when BapDada will only meet those who are doing, those who are becoming, not those who just speak about it. At the moment everyone can come – those with devotional feelings can come, gyani souls can come, and you souls can also come. However, the time has to change. Transform yourself and show Baba. If you do not become strict in your effort then Baba will have to become strict. At the moment you are being sustained by Baba’s love. If you have love, if you have thirst for a meeting, then become equal, and meet Baba. Become equal angels and show Baba.

To the first creation, the direct creation of the original father, in all four directions – to the souls who are to claim the inheritance of jeevanmukti for many births – to all souls who have a right to be Brahmins and so angels, and angels to deities – to the souls who constantly have a plain intellect whilst making plans for service, and who achieve success – to all the close souls who fulfill the responsibility of true love for the Father, BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

A jeweller makes every single jewel flawless, and enables it to become valuable. The service of all of you is to clean every little flaw and make the souls complete. All are number-wise in having an avyakt stage and taking benefit from the avyakt form, but you are the example in the corporeal form. Your gathering is an example in front of everyone. All of you are all right – the kingdom is being created. The rays of light and might from the seniors enable all tasks to be carried out. There is no need to say anything. You have become basant (one who showers knowledge). Now you have to become rup (the form). Now become the embodiment and give the rays of light and might. It is very easy to become basant. Achcha.

April 1, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 1st April 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing the loving souls who are the embodiment of loving feelings, and the yogi souls who are the embodiment of knowledge. Both types of souls are loved by BapDada – both are the embodiment of attainment, but there is a difference in the attainment of each. Because of their loving feelings (bhavna), the children who are the embodiment of loving feelings cannot stay in remembrance – they experience love for the Father, and they also experience power, but it is not constant, nor is it all of the powers. Those who are yogi souls experience all powers and are easily victorious. They have the experience of being equal. So, although both types of children are progressing, only the yogi souls have the experience of a constantly unshakeable and immovable stage. The souls who are the embodiment of loving feelings are moving forward because of their love, but they are not constantly victorious. Loving souls always have “Baba, Baba” in their mind and on their lips, and therefore they receive co-operation from time to time. However the gyani-yogi souls are nearer in becoming the same as the Father. This is why, as well as having loving feelings, you must keep the aim of being the embodiment of knowledge. You must be the embodiment of knowledge to the same extent as you have loving feelings. Loving feelings alone, or knowledge alone, is not perfection. The balance of loving feelings filled with knowledge, and yoga filled with love, easily gives you the experience of the flying stage. To be equal to the Father means to have the balance of both these aspects.

In service at present there are more loving souls. Both types of souls are necessary in the task of establishment, both in establishment of the deity religion, and the establishment of the kingdom. So, now there is a greater need for the gyani-yogi souls. In the future, because the atmosphere will be that of disinterest, souls who are loving will come more easily. So, in service, greater attention needs to be paid towards souls who can be gyani and yogi. It is essential to increase the number of such souls. So now prepare souls who are to be equal to the Father – those who will have the experience of all powers – those who will become instruments to bring about world transformation. To bring about world transformation, souls are needed who have a very subtle and powerful stage, who are able to transform many souls through their attitude and their elevated thoughts.

Souls who experience love for themselves, or souls with loving feelings, move along very well by themselves, but that love or those feelings are not for the world – that is only for the self and a few close souls. Unlimited service can only be done through the powerful thoughts of the mind, or through good wishes and pure feelings. So have you become such souls who have knowledge, love, and the power of yoga? Have you become unlimited world benefactors?

BapDada does not come here as a V.I.P. He comes in an ordinary form. He dopes not enter the body of a prime minister or a king. This is why only the ordinary ones recognise him and claim their fortune.

Do not just become knowledgeable about the soul and the supreme soul, but become knowledgeable about matter also. The drama is included in this. To be the embodiment of knowledge means to be far sighted and to be able to see the three aspects of time. Understand your stage, and understand your body, and understand the atmosphere. Do not become happy with just loving feelings. Become full with knowledge.

To the fortunate souls in all four directions – to the souls who experience the balance of love with the power of yoga – to the souls who are the embodiment of loving feelings filled with knowledge – to the souls who fulfill the aim of becoming equal to the Father – to the souls who experience themselves to be close – to such constantly unshakeable, immovable, special souls – love, remembrances, and namaste, from BapDada.

The courage of you souls who are the instruments is increasing the courage of many souls. It seems like nothing new, does it not? BapDada is giving a current from behind the curtain, but you souls are playing a very good part on the stage. At amrit vela, BapDada constantly says good morning and namaste to the gathering of mahavir souls, the number one souls. Call it a current, call it love, but that becomes the nourishment for the whole day. With courage, success is guaranteed.

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