The Murli

September 24, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 24th September 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, the comforter of hearts, has come to celebrate a meeting and to fulfill the heart-felt desires of all if his children. All the children constantly celebrate a meeting in the avyakt form, but even then they have the pure desire to celebrate an avyakt meeting through the corporeal form. This is why Baba has to come from the subtle into the corporeal. You are here in the corporeal form, or you are here in the avyakt form, through your mind. Wherever you are, you are close to the father in his heart through remembrance. BapDada is listening to the music of everyone’s love. BapDada knows that the children don’t have anyone ot love except the Father, and Baba doesn’t have anyone except the children. You constantly stay in the consciousness “I belong to Baba and Baba belongs to me”. This consciousness makes you powerful.

If, instead of one, you have two belonging to you, even in your dreams, what happens? One is milan (to meet) and the other is jhamela (the chaos and confusion of a crowd). That other may seem like one, but all others are merged in it – like the toys which seem like one, but have others within them – open one and another will emerge – open the second and a third will emerge. So there is a crowd. There should be just one – don’t think of just two.

If, instead of the one Father, you accept, even in your thoughts, that any soul or instrument of nature belongs to you, if you accept that support, then this automatic Godly machinery works with such a fast speed, that immediately your mind and intellect step away from the Father. And because you have stepped away from the true Father, you start to accept that which is false to be true – your intellect begins to give wrong judgement.

Nowadays, according to drama, this is the kingdom of falsehood, and the President of the kingdom is Ravan. His advisors and ministers are also very great, and his judges and lawyers are very clever as well, and give a great variety of wrong judgements which are very sweet externally. But the victory of falsehood is short lived – the kingdom of falsehood is temporary. For a short time they celebrate with happiness, and prove themselves to be right, and then truth is victorious and they have to repent a hundred fold.

When you step away from the Father you do not step away physically – you still consider yourself to be a gyani – but the mind and intellect have stepped away.

The future is a shadow of the present. Without the present, you cannot make the future. Souls who are under the influence of falsehood can swing in the swings of temporary happiness, and teh happiness of name, respect, and honour, but they cannot receive the regard of love from the heart, and blessings from the heart, of all souls. They receive temporary honour, but they do not experience the honour of being seated constantly on Baba’s heart throne. Through the companions of falsehood they can claim their name, but they cannot claim their name on Baba’s heart.

You made a promise that one Baba is yours – to break that promise means to fall into confusion, whether you take the support of temporary name, temporary regard, honour, individuals, or material comforts.

So check yourself, not others. Baba says: become your checker and a maker of others. But what do you do instead? You become a checker of others and a maker of stories. There is a very big book of the stories that BapDada hears from the children every day, and when you begin to check others, the stories become very long. If you check yourself, all the stories finish. The story of a true life will continue in a practical form.

All of you say “Baba we have a lot of love for you”, but do you really have love for Baba? What proof do you have to give? Baba gives the practical proof of the father’s love – whoever you are, wherever you are, you are mine. Now the children have to give their proof – “you are everything for me”. Do you understand? It shouldn’t be that there is a little of something else also. No. You have love for Baba but sometimes you come under the influence of the kingdom of falsehood. Achcha.

To the true children of the true father in all four directions, who accurately recognise the truth – to the elevated souls who are merged in the love of all relationships – to the children who constantly fulfill all their promises – to such powerful souls, who recognise everything accurately – to all the children who remain free from all obstacles in remembrance and service – to the children who remain with and close to the Father – love , remembrances, and namaste.

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