The Murli

October 13, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 13th October 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the true teacher is seeing his godly students – those who imbibe his elevated teachings. To what extent has each godly student imbibed these godly teachings? The teacher is one, the study is the same, and yet the students are number-wise in their study. The lesson everyone listens to every day through the murli is the same at very place, so why is there still a number? Because the method of studying this godly study is not just to listen to it, but to put it into a practical form. Everyone listens to the same extent, but it becomes number-wise in putting it into a practical form. Everyone has the same aim: “I should become number one”, but you become number-wise in the result. You have to put the aim into your qualifications.

You have to imbibe four subjects. If you imbibe the subject of knowledge completely – that is if you put every word of knowledge into your practical form, then that knowledge is just of two words: the creator and the creation – alpha and beta. To have a clear understanding of the Father, the creator, means that the introduction of the supreme, and the relationship with him, become clear. An the creation means the first creation: “I am an elevated soul”, and secondly, what my part as a soul is in this unlimited creation, that is, in this unlimited drama throughout the entire kalpa. All of you have this entire knowledge do you not? But, when being the embodiment of an elevated soul, and playing an elevated part at every moment, sometimes you remember and sometimes you forget.

Yoga is also based on these two words – so there is a connection between knowledge and yoga. Those who are enlightened souls are also yogi souls. And those who are gyani and yogi will have elevated and natural dharna. Their natural nature and sanskars will be the embodiment of dharna. They will not have to make effort again and again in order to imbibe this or that virtue. If you have difficulty with your dharna, then you are not enlightened yogi souls – there is knowledge, but you are not enlightened souls – you are trying to have yoga but are not yogis. The sanskars of forgetfulness and weakness of 63 births create obstacles to your efforts. For those who have a gyani and yogi life, every action is naturally filled with knowledge and yoga – knowledge and yoga have become their nature – they make their nature natural. So knowledge and yoga should become your original nature, and then you will naturally have dharna. These three subjects become your life – a natural and automatic experience. All three subjects have a connection, and those who have such a treasure of such experiences will be complete.

Such images of perfection become automatically the master bestowers. A bestower means a server. The sanskars of being a bestower automatically make the subject of service easy in a practical way. And so all four have a connection, do they not?

So check whether your stage fluctuates again and again due to any situation, that is, whether you have to labour in your efforts again and again. This shows that, in the main subject of knowledge, you have not put the lesson of “creator and creation” into your practical form. It has not become your nature – your nature has not become easy.

The natural nature and sanskars of a Brahmin life are those of a yogi life and a gyani life. A life means constantly, not just for 8 hours or 4 hours – such souls are those who are trying to have yoga. You especially sit in a gathering so that with the power of the yoga of everyone, through that atmosphere, you are able to transform those who are weak effort makers, and all the souls of the world, with the power of that yoga. You do not sit in yoga just to repair your own broken yoga, just to forge your own broken connection once again. If you are weak then you sit for this purpose, but if you are a yogi soul, then as a master almighty authority, as a master world benefactor, you are doing the service of giving co-operation to everyone. The study means to become the embodiment. Achcha.

: Today, Baba has come to celebrate Deepavali. You celebrate by lighting lamps. Moths sacrifice themselves in the lights. Have you sacrificed yourself, or are you still circling around? To circle around means to come into contact with one or another form of Maya. So do you come into conflict with Maya, or do you defeat Maya?

To such constantly ignited lamps, the true lamps, who are themselves the form of light, and who dispel the darkness of others – to those who put all the four subjects into their practical life at the same time – to such gyani and yogi souls, who qualify in their practical lives as number one in all four subjects – to the souls who are the embodiment of the divine virtues – to the constant servers, the elevated world benefactor souls – love, remembrances, and namaste, from BapDada.

October 3, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 3rd October 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada the bestower of fortune is seeing the elevated and easily attained fortune of his children. Throughout the entire cycle, no one except you Brahmin souls has this fortune. Brahmin birth takes place through God himself. Always keep this elevated fortune emerged in your mind, on your face, and in every activity of yours, clearly visible to others. The line of fortune should be visibly sparkling in the centre of your forehead.

From the Father you receive the inheritance, and become full of unlimited treasure. Secondly you receive the elevated sustenance of the teacher and satguru. Shrimat is sustenance from God – without sustenance from God you cannot take even one step. You only receive such sustenance now – you don’t receive it in satyug. God himself, the supreme soul, is your sustainer. Do you have so much intoxication?

Greatness should be visible in your simplicity. Even now your non-living images give the experience of your greatness. You are the souls of the living gods and goddesses. People should experience such greatness in you living souls – is it experienced? They should bow to your elevated fortune with their minds, not just with their hands or their heads. They should experience your fortune and begin to dance in happiness themselves.

The life of a Brahma Kumar or Kumari is a life of pleasure with love. It shouldn’t be that sometimes you are compelled and at other times you have love. Finish the compulsion and move forward with love. Fly in the swing of love with pleasure – remain in the flying stage. Do you now understand your elevated fortune? Don’t keep it merged – make it emerge.

The satguru gave you the mantra “be pure, be yogi”. This is the key to attainment. A yogi life, a pure life is the basis for all attainment. Your list of blessings is a very long one – you are now living your entire Brahmin life on the basis of such blessings, and you will live on that basis in the future.

It is not that you will receive your elevated fortune. You have received it. It is not that you will become something – you are that. If you are not fortunate now, you will not be fortunate at the end. You should experience it now, and others who come close, or who come into contact, should experience it also. In the end your fortune will be revealed to the world

: Today BapDada is seeing the elevated line of fortune of all the children. The children don’t experience as much fortune as Baba saw in them. Everyone has attained the mine of fortune. Some know how to use it, but others don’t know how to use it, and don’t use it as much as they should. Baba has given the number one fortune to everyone, but you take it number-wise. The more you use it, the more it will increase. It does not increase if you merge it and keep it – you will not experience it yourself and will not be able to give the experience to others. So put it into your activity and onto your face. Will you be part of the rosary of 108, or will you accept being part of the rosary of 16,000? Know your own self – who am I. Achcha.

To the most elevated, fortunate souls in all four directions – to all souls who have claimed a right from God since birth – to those who have claimed the most elevated inheritance from the Father and have been sustained by God – to those who have received the great mantra and blessings from the satguru – to such multi million times fortunate souls, who accumulate multi-millions at every step – love, remembrances, and namaste from BapDada.

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