The Murli

December 31, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, avyakt BapDada is celebrating a meeting with his children who are the avyakt images. To be avyakt means to be beyond corporeal feelings, and to be loving like the avyakt Father. The sign of worthy children is that your hearts sing, and your vision, attitude, vibrations, and lips convey constantly the experience of being full of all treasures, like the Father. You are constantly with the Father – you are in his company through your love, and you are his companions in service. This experience makes you a detached observer – detached and loving like the Father.

Yo saw how father Brahma constantly experienced himself to be in a combined form with the Father, and also gave the experience to others. In the same way, worthy children constantly experience themselves to be in a combined form with the Father. No power can separate them. Just as in satyug the elements are the co-operative servants of the deities, all the powers and virtues are now co-operative with the worthy children because of their elevated stage. They remain sovereigns over all the powers and all the virtues.

All of you do service through words and mind, but worthy children also give the experience of co-operation and attainment, to Brahmin souls, and to souls without knowledge. The greatest donation is the donation of virtues and powers, to make the weak powerful. Do you know how to give such co-operation? Or are you still thinking about taking? Start to give and your taking will automatically become complete, because Baba has given everything to everyone.

Generally in life, the basis of ascent is feelings, and the basis of descent is wishes. If you have elevated feelings for the task and for the one who is carrying out the task, then the result will be elevated. Feel benevolence for everyone. Give love and co-operation, no matter what anyone is like. Constantly increase zeal and enthusiasm. Feel that everyone belongs to you, no matter who or what that person may be. Feel soul-conscious. These are positive feelings – to be avyakt means to have these feelings.

Corporeal feelings are negative – the opposite of these positive feelings. You know what these opposite feelings are – there is no need to speak of them. When your feelings are negative you cannot stabilise yourself in the avyakt stage. These are the special doors for maya to come through. When any obstacle comes, the reason is that you had negative feelings. If you do not feel that a soul belongs to you, then misunderstandings will arise through the words and acts of that soul. They may be doing something good but you will see only a bad intention – you misunderstand their intention because your feelings are not pure.

Thirdly, there are ordinary feelings – these will not cause any loss, but will also not help you carry out the task of Brahmin life, which is to do service through good feelings and good wishes. So transform ordinary thoughts into elevated feelings and elevated wishes. If you check then you will easily be able to change, like the father. Having pure feelings is a very easy method to do service through the mind, and having elevated wishes is an easy method to be loved by those you come into connection and relationship with. Those who have good wishes constantly give happiness to others, and receive happiness. This is doing service. You can transform bad wishes with your good wishes. Just as you can change tamoguni matter into satoguni matter, you can transform the feelings and intentions of souls.

To all the worthy children in all four directions who give the proof of love – to the souls who constantly have the zeal and enthusiasm of becoming like the father – to the victorious souls who constantly have elevated feelings and elevated wishes for all souls – to the world transformer souls who transform every soul with their elevated feelings – BapDada’s love, remembrances and namaste.

December 20, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 20th December 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the bestower of all the powers, is seeing his shakti army. Baba, the almighty authority has given equal powers to every Brahmin soul. Some become complete with all the powers, while others become complete with some powers only. Some are constantly the embodiment of power – when they order a particular power at a particular time, it comes. Others become the embodiment of power only sometimes – they order the powers, but the powers do not always become present.

Those who take every step according to Baba’s shrimat – who say “yes my lord” to the Father, the almighty authority – who follow orders in a practical way – are the ones who experience every power to be always present. The power says “yes my lord’ to them. If someone only follows some of the Father’s orders, and not others, then only some of the powers become present for such a soul at a time of need.

BapDada has the greatest mercy when children are not able to use any particular power at a time of need. The come in front of Baba in the form of enlightened (gyani) bhagats. Bhagats simply call out “give this, do this”. They ask of the Father. They take the right of Him as their father, but adopt the form of a royal bhagat. While a trace of bhakti remains they cannot receive the fruit of bhakti, for the fruit of bhakti is success – salvation means success – salvation means victory – salvation means being the embodiment of all attainment. The fruit of bhakti is knowledge, that is, all attainments. Bhakti means labour and knowledge means love.

The custom and system of bhakti is to remember God at times of difficulty. So when gyani bhagats meet an obstacle, they have special remembrance. It is one thing to sit in remembrance for service, and another to sit to fill the self with whatever is lacking.

The practical proof of accurate, powerful remembrance is that the power will be present according to the time. The powers are the weapons, and weapons are always used at the time of need. So, remembrance in every action brings success. This is karma yoga. Are you karma yogis or are you sitting yogis? You cannot remain, for even one second, without performing karma – even when you are sleeping you are performing the act of sleeping. In the same way, a karma yogi cannot perform a single action without yoga.

When the enemy comes you must be able to use the sword. The power of the shakti army is the weapons – all the powers are your weapons. Baba saw that he majority were not always able to give orders to all the powers according to the time. They think, and they also understand, but there is a lack in being the embodiment of success – they either lack power, or they lack experience. Baba saw three varieties. There are those who understand, at the time, that something they have done is not right, but even so are unable to change this understanding into a form of power. The second number understand only after the situation and time have passed. And the third number doesn’t even realise it is wrong, but always prove what is wrong to be right – that is, they don’t have the power to realise the truth.

BapDada has seen which children experience constant and easy success – within this also, there are two varieties: those who easily experience success, and those who easily attain success after making effort. Those who constantly conduct themselves with humility experience success easily. Humility is just one word, but the depth and varieties of humility are many. Baba will tell you about this at some time later. But remember that to be humble is to maintain self respect, and that it is the easy method to receive respect from everyone. To be humble does not mean too now down, but to make everyone bow down to your speciality and love.

Everyone heard the result. Time is waiting for you in anticipation, and what are you doing? You are waiting in anticipation for time. You are the children of the Master, and so time is waiting for you to transform it. You have to make effort – not wait for time. Make effort to give the message to all and to make yourself complete. When both tasks are complete, time will stop waiting. So are you making effort? With what speed? Is it fast, or do you become tired whilst moving fast, and then take a rest? You are doing it, and are bound to do it, according to the drama. What else will you do anyway? Do you have any other work? You are bound to this in the drama. Check the speed. Do not just check that you are moving forward and that service is happening, but check the speed.

To those in all four directions who constantly say “yes my lord” to the Father – to those who constantly become a master almighty authority and make all the powers work under their orders, and to whom all the powers say “yes my lord” – to those who constantly experience the form of remembrance in every action, and who give others the experience – to such experienced souls who are constantly humble in every action, relationship, and connection – to such victorious jewels, to the elevated children, who easily experience being the images of success – BapDada’s love, remembrances and namaste.

December 10, 1992

Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1992

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, the creator of the world, is seeing his elevated creation, the ancestor souls of the world. You are the foundation of this cyclic tree – the roots. It is through you that the special religious founder souls also receive Baba’s message, and they become the instruments to give the message to the souls of their own religions. Brahma Baba is the great great grandfather, and you Brahmin souls are his companions. Whether directly or indirectly, you ancestor souls have a connection with all souls. All twigs and branches of a tree have a relationship with the roots and the trunk.

After claiming a right to the kingdom for half a cycle, you become worship worthy souls. No souls of other religions are worshipped in the way that you are. Not even any one of the religious fathers are worshipped as you are, as gods and goddesses.

In your eternal form you remain extremely close to the supreme soul. The double foreigners call this being “nearest and dearest”.

The ancestors sustain everyone. Do you sustain all souls, or only those students who come to you? You are ancestors of the entire world, not just of Brahmin souls. The roots and trunk are for the whole tree – every last leave receives water from them. So do you have such unlimited intoxication or do you become limited? Each leaf has to be given water – you are the instruments to sustain each and every soul.

When you meet or see souls of any other religion, do you ancestor souls have the experience that all souls are the progeny of your great great grandfather? Do you experience all of them to belong to you? Since all are brothers, you ancestor souls are the senior brothers. Experience this awareness in your practical life, and give others this experience also.

The practical form of alokik sustenance is to fill souls with all the powers received from the Father – give sustenance to any soul with whatever power is needed, at whatever time it is needed. So when you hear news of external situations, do you sustain everyone with the power of peace, or do you simply take pleasure in listening? You are spiritual social workers – at such times you should become alert within a second – this should happen automatically. When there is upheaval in the world, it is your duty to fill souls with the power of peace, tolerance, and courage. Become a lighthouse and give everyone the light of peace. Give souls the comfort of spiritual power – let them experience cool water on the burning fire of sorrow. You can do this from a distance. The upheavals are becoming intense, and so your service should become more intense. Give others the experience of going beyond situations through their own elevated stage.

To the souls of the beginning from all four corners, who are the helpers of Adi Dev Brahma – to the ancestor souls who are the foundation of all souls – to those who have the elevated attitude of unlimited service for all souls – to the spiritual social servers – BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

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