The Murli

January 18, 1993

Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1993

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, almighty Baba is celebrating a meeting with his almighty children. Almighty Baba has given total awareness, that is, all the powers, as a birthright, to every child. Each Brahmin child claims this right, becomes complete, and makes others complete.

On this special day of remembrance, Brahma Baba made himself avyakt. in the physical, corporeal form, he willed special willpower to the special children, in order to reveal them to the world. Just as, in the beginning, he willed himself, all his relationships, and all his wealth, to the shaktis, for the sake of service, on this day he willed all the willpower to the shakti army, in order for them to play their corporeal part, for the sake of world service. He himself adopted the form of an avyakt, incognito server, and made the children instruments for world benefit in the corporeal form. This is why this day is called the day of remembrance, the day of power.

On the basis of that remembrance, BapDada is seeing that, in this land and in foreign lands, children in all four directions continue to progress in service, because you have a trimurti blessing – you have the blessings of Father Shiva, of father Brahma, and also the blessing of the sweet versions of the mother, Jagadamba, Saraswati.

To give is to receive. The receiving is merged in the giving. See the self, change the self, and maintain your self respect of being a master bestower. No mater how big any machinery might be, if one tiny screw comes loose, it makes the whole machine useless. You make very good plans and you make a lot of effort. However the screw which makes your plans and effort weak is carelessness. This comes constantly in new forms. You make excuses, you say but don’t do, you wait for others, you see the weaknesses of others, and not the specialities – even the seniors do this. You must understand what has to be done, have the wish to do it, and actually do it. You must make a firm pledge. You have to become like the father, now.

To all the powerful souls – to the elevated souls who keep a balance between a firm pledge and revelation – to the children who are the same as the father, who constantly defeat all problems, and become the garland around God’s neck, almighty BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.

January 1, 1993

Avyakt BapDada 1993

Filed under: Years — themurli @ 1:00 am

Avyakt BapDada – 18th January 1993
Avyakt BapDada – 18th February 1993
Avyakt BapDada – 7th March 1993

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