The Murli

February 18, 1993

Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1993

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Trimurti Father Shiva is especially seeing all his children in three relationships. The first most loving relationship is of you being the masters of all attainments, the heirs. You are also Godly students, and you are those who follow the Satguru at every step. Everyone loves these three relationships.

: Today all of you have come running here to celebrate Trumurti Shiv Jayanti (birthday), or Shiv Ratri (night). What does Trimurti do through Prajapita Brahma? He creates you Brahmins. He then sustains you. This is why the birthday of the Father also means the birthday of the children.

In the alokik dictionary of Brahmins, to celebrate means to become. So will you simply celebrate the birthday, the festival for today, or will you create a life of constant zeal and enthusiasm? Zeal and enthusiasm is the breath of Brahmin life. However the speed of your breathing should be normal and constant.

You celebrate a special day for entertainment because, in Brahmin life, where else would you go for entertainment? You would not go to the seaside, or to a park, or to a club, would you? The seaside, the park, the club, are all here. The Brahmin club is good, is it not? Or is that club better?

The bhagats hold a fast on Shiv Ratri, whereas you have a picnic. Your fast is for all time – for the entire Brahmin life – your vow to remain perfect and complete like the Father. This is why you do not have to fast again and again. The bhagats are firm in their fast. Ar you firm in yours? On this day they also take a vow of purity, and they give no sorrow to anyone throughout the whole day. Their vow is for one day, but your vow is unlimited.

You have taken a vow of complete purity, not just of celibacy. You conquer the great enemy of lust, but do you pay the same attention to conquer its four companions? Or do you allow yourself some freedom to become a little angry? You are not allowed this, but you allow yourself that freedom. It has been seen that you give freedom to the children of anger. You have chased away the great evil spirit of anger, but you still have love for its children. Just as little children are loved very much, so too the little children of anger are sometimes loved very much. BapDada says you are forgiven, but do not do this in future. Your vow is of total purity.

Shiv Ratri means the night to finish the darkness and to bring light. It means the rise of the master suns of knowledge. You are not like the deepaks – there is darkness below them and light above. But you are master suns of knowledge – you are the form of light and might – you give light and might to others – there is constant light and no question of any darkness.

At Shiv Ratri the poor bhagats offer the sacrifice of a goat that bleats “meh, meh” (I, I). You sacrifice the consciousness of “I”.

To those form all four directions who constantly celebrate with festivity – to those who constantly fly with zeal and enthusiasm – to the souls who have a right, and are worthy of complete purity – to those who constantly make the impossible easily possible – to those who constantly have the courage to renounce anything in return for Baba’s love – to such Brahmin souls who are the companions of Trimurti Father Shiva from birth – love, remembrances, and namaste to the special elevated souls.

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