The Murli

March 7, 1993

Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1993

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada was seeing his highest and holiest children. You are those who eternally remain close to Baba in paramdham. You attain deity status in satyug, at the beginning of the cycle of the world. In the copper age, the middle period, you become the highest and most elevated worship worthy souls. Look how the deity souls are worshipped accurately in the temples, according to the system. Now at the end, the confluence age, you are the highest-on-high Brahmins, and so you become angels. So you are the highest eternally, at the beginning, the middle, and the end. Do yo have so much spiritual intoxication? Not ego – but self respect – the spiritual intoxication of being an elevated soul. Other souls may become holy, that is pure, but your purity of the present period, and then purity of the deity life, is the most elevated and unique.

At this time you become completely pure, that is, holy. The definition of complete purity is very elevated, and also very easy. Complete purity means that impurity does not touch you in your mind or intellect, even in dreams. This is known as being a true Vaishnav. At this moment you may be effort makers number-wise, but the aim of your effort is complete purity, and you are those souls who develop purity easily. It is easy because you have courage, and Baba gives help.

Your aim is the highest, is it not? Or is your aim weak, thinking “it doesn’t matter – let’s carry on – these things happen sometimes – no-one finds out anyway – we don’t put it into action”. The vibrations of the mind cannot remain hidden – BapDada clearly knows those who simply carry on, but he doesn’t speak about them. Baba could reveal your names, but he is not doing this now. Those who simply carry on will themselves reach the silver age.

If you look throughout the entire kalpa, it is only the deity souls who have a pure body. Others souls may become pure buy their bodies are not pure. You souls become so pure in Brahmin life that you make your body, matter, pure. You are the highest and also the holiest.

Which Holi have you celebrated? With which colour are you coloured? That of rose water? The colour of saffron? You are coloured with the company of Baba, the most imperishable colour of all. Brahmin souls should never be alone for even one second. BapDada himself has made you his companions. If you still feel lonely then that is because you are not combined. The combined form is never separated. Sometimes things happen – there is a friendly quarrel – and you are separated from Baba. So experience the companion in the combined form. Become the embodiment of this experience. You will experience Brahmin life to be very loving and detached and entertaining. Nothing is difficult in the company of God.

You experience difficulty when there is carelessness, laziness, or when old sanskars emerge. You have died alive, so forget the old sanskars completely – they do not belong to Brahmin life. New birth means new sanskars. Maya makes the old sanskars emerge, but they don’t belong to you. Throw them away or they will bring you sorrow. Brahmin life is about original nature, sanskars, attitude, drishti, and awareness. These are Baba’s goods and the others are Ravan’s goods. Which do you prefer?

People of the world celebrate Holi with pleasure for one day, but you sing and dance with pleasure at every second. You dance when there is a cultural program do you not? You constantly dance do you not? Constantly sing songs of the praise of Baba and your attainments. All of you
can sing and dance constantly – it is easy. You will become complete – you have done it many times before and it has to happen again.

To the elevated souls who constantly celebrate the Holi of the colour of the company of God – to the elevated souls who constantly play the highest part in the cycle of the world – to the holiest of all souls – to the multi-million times fortunate souls who constantly remain combined – to the Brahmin souls who constantly make the difficulties of others easy – to the souls who remain in the flying stage with their new birth, new nature and new sanskars – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

This year let each of you perform one miracle. There are miracles in service, and that is bound to happen. However, show such a miracle in your personal effort that those who see you say that this is a miracle. To perform a miracle means to make the impossible possible – to make that which is difficult easy. That which is not even in dreams has to be done in the corporeal. That is a miracle. Miracles happen according to time. That is going to happen – it is certain. But perform a miracle through your own attention.

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