The Murli

January 18, 1996

Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1996

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, is the day of remembrance filled with love. The sound of love from the hearts of the children in all four directions has reached BapDada. This love is filled with happiness. As well as calling this the day of remembrance, BapDada also calls it the day of power because Brahma Baba, in his corporeal form, surrendered his powers to the children, for them to carry out all tasks in the corporeal form.

The 18th January is the day of remembrance when Brahma Baba became completely free from all attachment. The essence of he 18th chapter of the Gita is that God made Arjuna the conqueror of attachment and the embodiment of remembrance. So, 18 is the memorial of the fact that no matter how much love Brahma Baba had in his heart for the children, he didn’t have attachment. And, of course, the children have experienced how much Baba used to remember those who were instruments in service. Attachment is that in which one has selfish motives. Brahma Baba did not have any selfish motives for himself, but he did have extreme love or the children in the name of service – this is why remembrance of the children did not pull him. He was always loving yet detached. This is why it is said: “the conqueror of attachment, and the embodiment of remembrance”. Today is the day for learning the lesson of following the father in this.

On seeing Brahma Baba, most people thought he was your God – the God of the Brahma Kumaris. When he transformed his part from the corporeal form, they thought your God had gone away. But did he go away? And they even thought that, if not today, then tomorrow, the work if the Brahma Kumaris would end. However, you know that the supreme soul was working through Brahma. This is God’s task – not the work of any human being. They only recognised this after Brahma Baba changed his part from the corporeal form – they realised that some power was working for you. Even now the poor helpless people do not know God – they know that some power is working, but they are still thinking about who that power is. They are seeing it, and thinking about it – eventually they will understand it.

Those children who came after the part of sakar Baba wonder why he finished his sakar part so quickly – otherwise they could have met him. In the memorial of the previous kalpa, the mahavir instruments of the Kaurav army received benefit through the Shaktis. So, according to the drama, the part of the Shaktis has been fixed in the corporeal form. And everyone believes that it is impossible for there to be world benefit without the power of the mothers. If Brahma Baba had not adopted his angelic form, all of you souls would not have reached here today. Being avyakt enables Brahma Baba to open the fortune of the maximum number of children – you can now see the fast speed of service through the angelic form. Otherwise you would all still be fast asleep.

: Today there is zeal and enthusiasm to follow the father and become an embodiment of remembrance and a conqueror of attachment, the same as Baba. Maybe one or two of you have tears today, but did any of you feel any sorrow? Today is the day that Brahma Baba became the service companion of all of you.

Are you companions, or are you observers? You are companions in service and observers of Maya. You are now aware of the ordinary insignificant form of Maya, but when she comes to you in fearsome form, hit her very hard, just like in wrestling. Have you seen wrestling? Do you want to see it? Children demonstrate that here. So always think that you are having a wrestling match, and hit her very hard – don’t be afraid – it is just a sport – you enjoy it more when you play as a detached observer. Maya has no strength any more – externally she has the form of a lion, but in fact she is not even like a cat. In order to make you afraid, she adopts a huge form, and you think “what will happen now?”. Don’t ever say “what will happen now?”. Baba has taught you not to ask such questions. Whatever is happening is good, and whatever is to happen will be even better.

To become a Brahmin mans that everything is good. Maybe, sometimes, something that you never dreamt about happens, something that never happened before gyan – your business might not have fluctuated before, but this happens soon after you come into gyan, and you become afraid, thinking that you should leave knowledge now. Whatever situation comes, consider that to be your teacher for a short time. Situations teach you the power to tolerate – to conquer attachment and to be detached – and they also teach you the power to face. So you learn something for the future.

When you are afraid, Maya understands that you are afraid, and she hits you very hard. But don’t be afraid – you are already trustees, that is, you have renounced everything – you have handed everything over to the Father. Everything is good, and everything will work out well, and so you are carefree, an embodiment of power.

So this is not just a day to remember Baba and sing songs – it is a day to become powerful, to become a conqueror of attachment. Brahma Baba’s becoming an angel became a means to reveal the Godly task within the drama. Does Brahma Baba exist or not? You are not able to see him.

Look – all of you who came later are very lucky – you have come at a time when the facilities for service are readily available. Those who are celebrating their 60 years of service extracted the butter, and all of you came to eat it. If you had had to make that much effort, you would have run away. However, now, the field of service is prepared.

In the early days, people said you should not even look at the face of a Brahma Kumari – when you used to call on them, they would shut the door on you. Now, whether it is a President, a Prime Minister, or any leader, the majority believe that your work is very good. Whether they can do it themselves is a different issue – each one’s part is his own – but at least they say that it is a good task and that it should go a lot further.

When any great guru leaves, it causes problems. Are there any problems here? In fact there has been further expansion and growth – you have celebrated the silver jubilee, the golden jubilee, and now the diamond jubilee. This proves that it is God who is carrying out this task. The instrument medium is Brahma Baba. Even now, the medium is Brahma Baba. This part of Avyakt BapDada is something different, but within the drama, the medium was initially Brahma, and now it is Brahma in his angelic form. Brahma is called father. Brahma is the creator. This part is to give sustenance to the children every now and then. But Brahma is the creator, and he will have the part of the task of creation until the end.

What will you do now? Nowadays there are many situations in which people don’t understand you through words, but if whilst having good wishes you give pure vibrations, they change. In this Brahmin life you become free from everything. You have been told of nine things to become free from, and through removing these nine things you can become part of the nine jewels. If you become free from these nine things, you can become part of the nine jewels.

However, today, BapDada is reminding you of one thing: don’;t ever be disheartened whenever there is any physical illness, any storm of the mind, any physical upheaval in your body, any upheaval in nature, any fluctuation in service, or any type of upheaval at all. Become those who have a big heart, like Baba. The Father has a big heart, but the children become disheartened! If they become ill, they start crying out in pain. Is being disheartened medicine? Will the illness go away, or will it increase? When any karmic accounts come – when there is any pain, that is also a karmic account that has come – be courageous, and Baba will help you. Those who maintain courage receive help. First there has to be the child’s courage, and then the Father will help. You lose courage and think that Baba didn’t do anything to help at the moment of need
– but you have forgotten half of the sentence – you remember only the second half. You think that Baba only helps the maharathis, and that he doesn’t even see you. In fact it is you first, and the maharathis second. So don’t be disheartened.

There will be fluctuations in wealth – even millionaires experience fluctuation, and what are you compared to them? Of course this will happen. But all of you have firm faith that those who are Baba’s companions, if they are true and honest, then no matter what the circumstances are, BapDada will definitely feed them with dal and roti. Perhaps there won’t be two types of vegetables, but at least you will have dal and roti. However, it shouldn’t be that you return home from work tired, and sit down waiting for Baba to feed you dal and roti. Those who are lazy and careless in this way do not receive anything. But the Lord is pleased with an honest heart.

In a family there will be problems. Everything is now going to the extreme, and so of course there will be problems in the family. Be a trustee. Be a detached observer, take power from Baba, and find a solution. If you think as a householder, then there will be even more problems.

Become a completely detached trustee. Nothing is “mine”. When there is the consciousness of “mine”, the intellect turns around and you change. if the intellect ever gets turned in another direction, due to any confusion, then understand that there is still the consciousness of “mine”. Check this, for no matter how much you try to solve the problem, it becomes even more confusing.

You have made a firm promise that you are God’s children, and you have the faith that you are this. So, will you ever become disheartened? Don’t just say it, but do it. Become powerful so that “son shows Father”.

To all the powerful souls in all directions – to all souls who are conquerors of Maya and nature – to the children, the sons, who constantly reveal the Father – to the children who always remain happy in their heart – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

January 1, 1996

Avyakt BapDada 1996

Filed under: Years — themurli @ 1:00 am

Avyakt BapDada – 18th January 1996
Avyakt BapDada – 16th February 1996
Avyakt BapDada – 27th February 1996
Avyakt BapDada – 10th March 1996
Avyakt BapDada – 22nd March 1996
Avyakt BapDada – 1st September 1996

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