The Murli

February 27, 1996

Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1996

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, the true Father, the true Teacher, and the Satguru, is seeing in all directions his children who are the embodiment of the power of truth. The foundation of truth is purity, and the practical proof of truth is divinity on your face and in your activity. The only real basis of truth is purity – without purity there cannot be constant truthfulness.

Truth is not just speaking the truth and doing that which is true, but the first truth is to know your true form – I am a soul. Firstly know your own form, then have the introduction of the Father, then know the world cycle in its true form, so you know your part very clearly.

Your part is the very good – the best part is said to be the Confluence Age, but, compared to the souls of the world throughout the cycle, your part of being deity souls is also elevated. Even though the religious leaders and great souls play their roles, those souls are not pure in both body and soul, whereas you deity souls are pure, both in body and soul. No-one, apart from you souls, has the elevated foundation of purity.

Deity souls have natural purity. Mahatmas make other souls pure, but on the basis of a lot of effort – it is not natural, nor is it part of their nature. Whereas you have a natural life of purity for half a kalpa, and you also have that nature. You do not make any effort for this there – the effort is made here – there, there is no name or trace of impurity – you are not even aware that there is such a thing. So the practical form of your purity is that of the deities, that is, of divinity.

At this time, no matter how truthful people of the world consider themselves to be, they still do not know the truth of their original form. They do not have the true introduction of the Father. You can only have the power of truth constantly when you are aware of your true form, and that of the Father. Then, constantly, your every thought will be true.

At present, when you become body conscious, you forget, and so your thoughts are not constantly filled with the power of truth, or the power of purity. You have waste thoughts: even if you don’t speak anything false, they are still not true thoughts. If there is not constant divinity in your thoughts, words, deeds, relationships, and connections, then others will not feel them to be honest, but will feel you are only trying to prove yourself. True divinity cannot be proven with stubbornness – that kind of truth is ordinary and worldly.

Sakar Baba gave the definition of the sign of truth in one slogan, which you also heard from sakar Baba: where there is truth, the soul dances in happiness. If there is any untruth mixed in with the truth, then those moments of life are not enjoyed so much.

Nowadays, people of the world clearly say to themselves that it is necessary to tell lies. Furthermore, at certain times, in certain situations, although Brahmin souls do not speak lies through their lips, internally you think that sometimes you may tell others a lie, that you have to be very clever with others. So those people speak lies clearly, whereas Brahmins speak it with a royal language. However, you saw Brahma Baba in the corporeal form – he was a student and had to withstand so much opposition for the sake of truth and purity. Yet he managed to interact with even those who were so clever. For example, many people advised him “do not tell people directly that they have to remain pure – instead tell them that they have to remain a little pure”. But was Brahma Baba afraid? In order to imbibe the truth, you have to tolerate – you have to bow down – you have to accept defeat. But although it feels like defeat at the time, it is not defeat: it is victory for all time.

True maharathis are those who move along with the power of truth. If you step away from the truth on seeing the external situations, then that is taking the support of falsehood, and you accumulate very little. So do not move along with this cleverness. Sometimes you watch one another and see others moving forward, their name being glorified, whereas because you are honest and truthful you seem left behind. However, in front of the Father,you are moving forward, you do not remain behind. Even if it seems, in front of others, that you are moving backwards, you are moving forward in the Father’s heart, which means to move forward in your reward for the entire kalpa.

However, if you copy souls here in moving forward, then you come into the list of those who give lectures, of those who look after centres, but only for a short time. You earn your name for that time, and receive that regard, but do not create a reward for the entire kalpa. You made effort, a seed was sown, and a tree grew, and you received the fruit, but you ate it raw – there was no eternal fruit. So, do not copy others for temporary name, fame, or honour. You may not earn a name here, but in Baba’s heart your name is ahead.

So, if you wish to become a true diamond, check that there is no type of flaw, even a royal one, hidden in the diamond. With the power of truth, imbibe divinity. No matter what you have to tolerate, do not be afraid. The truth will be revealed automatically according to the time. As you say “the boat of truth may rock, but it will never sink”: it will take you to the shores, so be fearless!

If you have to face anything, then keep Brahma Baba’s life in front of you – whilst remaining with the gathering, and having responsibilities, in a variety of situations, he was victorious. Did he not see the complications of the children? Other souls with various sanskars also came in front of him. However, even whilst having to tolerate all those situations, the original stage of his power of truth made him perfect.

So, you don’t wish to become clever do you? Imbibe the power to tolerate and face falsehood now. Do not become influenced.

Some think that they saw something in the maharathis, and that they should follow them, as Brahma Baba is no longer present on front of them. However, even the maharathis have mixed activities – if they move along with cleverness, then at that time they are under bad omens, and are not maharathis. What slogan does the Father give? Follow the father, or follow the sister or brother? So, in performing practical deeds, keep Brahma Baba in front of you and follow him. And in becoming bodiless, follow the incorporeal Father.

Some think “even if we claim a low status in satyug, we will be happy, because there is no sorrow there – so let us take pleasure now, and we will see about the future later”. However, this temporary pleasure will make you experience punishment. So, do you accept that? Will you accept punishment? Will you also take that pleasure? No.

So remember all three things: purity, truth, and divinity. Let there not be ordinary thoughts, ordinary words, or ordinary deeds, but let there be divinity. Divinity means to perform deeds and create thoughts with divine virtues. This is divinity.

To all the souls in all directions who keep the foundation of purity strong – to those who constantly bring satyug, that is, who are spreading the vibrations of the power of truth in the world, with their own power of truth – to those who constantly imbibe divinity in their thoughts, words, and deeds – to the souls who have the natural practice of following the father – to such souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

Can you make yourself bodiless in one second? How long does it take to have the thought “I am a bodiless soul”? So now, in one second, forget everything, and become completely bodiless.

Continue to perform this drill throughout the day, as many times as you can. Even if you do it for just one minute, you will receive a lot of help in becoming bodiless in the final moments. Are you able to become this? Did all of you become bodiless just now, or did you spend your time in battling?

Become bodiless when you want, and come into the body when you want. When you
have to do something, take the support of the body, but do not forget that it is the soul that is taking the support of the body. You are not the one that does, but the one that gets done, just as you get things done through others. Consider yourself to be separate – whilst getting something done through the body, you, the soul, that gets it done, are separate. Practice this, and you will never fluctuate in anything of body consciousness. Do you understand?

Do not get tired! Whenever you begin to feel tired, go somewhere and start to dance, even if it in the bathroom. Your mood will change. You can either sing with happiness in your mind, or if not that, then physically sing and dance. You are clever in dancing. You know the angelic dance, do you not? Achcha.

February 16, 1996

Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1996

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Father Shiva, the creator of the trimurti, is giving his children trimurti greetings. Children have come to give greetings to the Father, and so in return the Father is giving three types of greetings, to the children in all directions: greetings for Shiva Jayanti, greetings for the Diamond Jubilee, and greetings for having zeal and enthusiasm for doing service.

Throughout the kalpa you souls have been celebrating the birthdays of souls, whether of mahatmas (great souls), or ordinary souls. Now, at the confluence, age you celebrate the birthday of the supreme Father. And the supreme Father celebrates the birthday of the children.

Even in the golden and silver ages, the Supreme Soul will not celebrate your birthday, and you will not celebrate the birthday of God. So you are multi multi multi million times lucky souls. Did you ever think of this elevated fortune as yours even in your dreams? However, today you are celebrating this in the corporeal form. So you have a great deal of happiness.

: Today BapDada is seeing the rosary of the serviceable diamonds in all directions. All of you are part of the rosary, the sparkling diamonds, the garland around Baba’s neck, are you not? People speak of the rosary of 108, but how big is the rosary of all you diamonds around Baba’s neck? 108 would be all of you just sitting here on the floor – all of you sitting at the back are also this, are you not? Look – the instant fruit of renunciation is that BapDada gives more congratulations to those who are sitting at the back, and even more to those who are sitting down below (in Pandav Bhavan).

BapDada sees the specialities of all the children. Even if you have not become perfect, you are at least an effort maker. Each one of you has a speciality – there is not a single child of the Father who does not have a speciality. The first speciality is that at least you are in the list of the handful out of multi millions. And all of you have recognised the Father – even the great tapaswi souls who call themselves the 16,108 Jagadgurus, the scholars of the scriptures, or the great Mahamandleshwars, have not been able to recognise the Father. To know the Father is such a great speciality.

By saying from your heart “my Baba” you claim all rights. This is recognising the Father – all of you have a very elevated power to discern.

People speak of Shiv Ratri, the night of Shiva, but is it night for you now? You have come out of the night have you not? Has the night taken leave? Do you have any type of darkness? Or has it finished? It has become the confluence, and amrit vela, the time for constant blessings, and you receive blessings every day. So the night has become the golden morning and the diamond morning, for all of you.

Maya does not make you forget your blessings does she? Maya will come till the final moments – she will not go away just like that – it is Maya’s duty to come, and your duty to chase her away from a distance. The time when she made you fluctuate has now gone – but with the method of silence you can recognise her from a distance.

Maya has, like an animal, developed the habit of coming, and will not go away, because of this habit. Some children even offer tea to Maya, in the form of weak thoughts. If you offer someone tea, would they go away, or would they sit there comfortably? So you offer hospitality to Maya, something savoury and also something sweet. Then you get distressed, and tell Baba to chase her away. You allowed her to come, so why should Baba chase her away? Maya comes again and again because you do not set yourself on your seat of being trikaldarshi, of knowing the past, present, and future. Being trikaldarshi, you would know in advance what is to happen, and would not have to ask “why?”,”what?”, etcetera.

All types of situations will arise, in all directions – they have to come – whether through the self, through others, through Maya, or through the elements. But if your stage is powerful, then the external situation is nothing, in front of that. So check all three aspects of time – the beginning, the middle, and the end – to understand them and then do whatever is required. Do not just look at the present, or sometimes the external situations will seem greater than the stage of the self.

As people of the world say, “think before you act”. Otherwise you will repent. to think about something beforehand is a sign of an enlightened soul. In the copper and iron ages you have been repenting in many ways, but to carry on repenting at the Confluence Age is not enlightened. Become such that you do not have to repent in your mind for even one second.

So, in this Diamond Jubilee, pay attention to the treasure of time, and also to the treasure of thought. The bank is now open for you to accumulate for the entire kalpa. In the Golden Age the bank will be closed – there will not be this bank, nor will there be any other bank. You will all have so much wealth that there will be no need for anyone to take from anyone else.

Wealth is kept on a bank for safety and security, and to earn interest – many are very clever at living simply on the interest that they receive. If there are such clever ones at this time, then that is good. However, you have to see how you are using the interest that you receive. In the Golden Age there will not be that bank nor will there be this bank for you to accumulate spiritual treasures. At present this bank gives multi-millionfold return, bit only when you accumulate one fold will you receive multi-millionfold.

You still have a chance to accumulate. Put zeal and enthusiasm into yourself. Have a race with your own self, not with others. Accumulate remembrance, service, good wishes and pure feelings in your account. The Almighty Authority is with you, so success should run to your feet.

Many times, children use their heads for service, but they don’t use both their heart and head together. Those who do everything from the heart, also have Baba’s remembrance in their heart. When you use only the head, you soon forget.

People go to your non-living images and ask for protection., so you have to be those who save and protect others, not just those who cry out to be saved. You are worshipped, so constantly keep in your awareness your form of being one who has the right to the kingdom, and your form of being worship worthy – a bestower who gives to others – not one who takes, but a deity who gives.

What combined form of your is praised in connection with Shiv Jayanti? Shiv Shakti – are the Shaktis separate from Shiva? Shiv Shakti means to be combined. So how do you become separated? That which is joined together cannot be separated – it is just that Maya makes the face turn away in the other direction. You turn your face away, and so you step away from the Father. Have the awareness “I am a Shiv Shakti”. And what are the Pandavs? Are you also Shiv Shaktis or are you Shiv Pandavs? You are Shaktis are you not?

Children have asked what type of service is to take place in the future. Baba has already told you earlier that, as much as possible, you should be the chief guests on a ready made stage. Now increase this service even more. In this, bring the instrument souls of the big associations, companies, and societies, close, by giving them the introduction. Then – instead of serving each one individually, you will be able to serve many souls at the same time. Now pay greater attention to this, and increase this type of service. Secondly, prepare speakers – the great mikes are something different, you have to prepare them anyway – but bring those who are in connection with you closer with knowledge – so that they speak of the things of knowledge – so you don’t have to say anything. At present they have reached the stage of experimenting with peace and love, and they all say that they have experienced a lot of love and peace here. Some have even reached the stage of saying that this is the wonder of father Brahma
– but now you have to make them reach the stage where they say that it is the wonder of God working through Brahma.

The Father will be revealed when others reveal him. The field has now been prepared. Now keep the aim of sowing the seeds of Godly knowledge and Godly recognition. You have ploughed the field. Now bring them closer. You may not be able to take up the very strong points, like God not being omnipresent, but ate least they should understand that this is God’s power, that it is not a separate power of Brahma, but it is God’s power which is working through Brahma. So at least they receive the recognition of the Father. They have reached the point of saying that this is God’s task, that there is some power working here. The completion will be when they receive recognition of God.

To the children in all directions who give greetings for the birthday – to the children in the combined form who constantly stay with the Father – to the children who make themselves and others move forward with constant zeal and enthusiasm – to the truly serviceable souls in all four directions who move forward in service, multi multi multi millionfold greetings and congratulations from BapDada. Together with giving love and remembrance, Baba is also accepting love and remembrance and greetings from the children – Baba is seeing that, in all directions, songs of greetings are being played in each one’s heart. So now, special love and remembrance and namaste of the confluence of giving and receiving love, remembrance and greetings.

(flag hoisting)
Keep the flag flying high, so everyone’s vision can be drawn to it – when the flag of revelation is hoisted, everyone’s vision will be drawn towards the Father. All of you have the flag of baba’s remembrance in your heart anyway, but now you have to hoist this flag in the heart of everyone else. You have hoisted the flag of material, but everyone together has to hoist the flag of revelation. The flag will be hoisted.

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