The Murli

September 1, 1996

Avyakt BapDada 1st September 1996

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba, the Master of the World, is seeing the children in all four directions who are also masters. You are a child as well as a master. You become masters of the world in future, but at this time you are masters of all Baba’s treasures. You will claim the right to the kingdom of the world in future, but you now have a right to self sovereignty. The majority of you have the intoxication of being a child – when you think or say Baba, you are a child. Throughout the day, check and see how many times you say “Baba” in service.

However there are two ways of saying “Baba” – some say it from the heart, and others say it on the basis of knowledge from the head. Those who say “Baba” from the heart attain visible happiness and power constantly and easily from Baba. Those who say “Baba” on the basis of knowledge – because they have a good head filled with knowledge – experience happiness when speaking, and those who listen also experience happiness at that moment. But the happiness and power do not remain in the heart for all time. Why? Because they didn’t say “Baba” from the heart.

BapDada saw that everyone has the faith of being a child, but sometimes there is intoxication and sometimes there isn’t. Baba is the bestower – Baba has given – but are you the master of the inheritance? To be a master means firstly to master self sovereignty, and secondly to make all of Baba’s treasures belong to you. Baba’s treasures are unlimited – the treasure store is open and full and the treasures are not going to reduce – so why should Baba give anyone less? Everyone receives the same amount. So, are you master of the inheritance, and are you master of self sovereignty?

You say that self sovereignty is your birthright. So all the sense organs of the self should be your workers and not your masters? Are they your workers? Are you the master? Or, is it that the workers are masters, and you become the worker?

BapDada saw that it is the mind which most of all makes the children forget the stage of being a master, and controls the king from time to time. This is why Baba has given the mantra ‘manmanabhav’: to focus the mind on God. Not tanmanabhav (focus the body on God), or dhanmanabhav (focus the wealth on God), or even buddhimanabhav (focus the intellect on God), but manmanabhav. The mind develops its own influence on you: see any wasteful scene or atmosphere and the influence is first felt on the mind. The intellect then co-operates with it, and if the mind and intellect move in that direction, it becomes a sanskar. Even now, check yourself: how was my wasteful sanskar created? Sanskars are created on the basis of the mind and intellect.

There are a variety of sanskars which are not Brahmin sanskars. BapDaadd believes that if any of you were asked, you would say you are a Brahma Kumar or Kumaris. The children of Brahma are Brahmins. But at the moment when you are influenced by a wasteful sanskar, are you a Brahmin or a warrior? When you battle with yourself, are you a Brahmin or a warrior? If your happiness disappears, are you a Brahmin or a warrior? Are you masters, or are you under an influence?

BapDad saw that, in particular, it is the mind which shakes the stage of the master. You are the ruler with the right of self-sovereignty, and the mind is your minister. Or, is the mind the master and you its minister? You are the king, are you not? It is your minister – it co-operates with you. Self sovereignty is being constantly master of the mind. Otherwise you are dependent sometimes. So, first control the mind – a kingdom cannot function without ruling power. Do you have ruling power? Check the percentage of this.

There are a variety of sanskars which you call “my sanskars”. For some it is ill feeling, for others it it is to step aside, for some it is to gossip again and again, for others it is to listen to gossip. But is “my” sanskar truly yours? It is Ravan’s. So, why do you call it “mine”? This word “my” creates slackness in effort. Why do you hide Ravan’s things within yourself? People burn Ravan – they kill him, and burn him, and immerse what remains in water. And you have kept it belonging to you! Raban’s things exist there – so how can pure sanskars stay together with that which is impure? Can they stay? Who will rule? That which is impure, not that which is pure. The kingdom is impure, and you have carefully kept impure things within yourself, just as you carefully keep gold or diamonds. Because there is a battle of the impure with the pure, you repeatedly become a warrior instead of a Brahmin. What are “my” sanskars? Baba’s sanksars – in particular that of world benefactor, the one with good wishes and pure feelings for all. These are “my” sanskars – the rest are not “mine”. When you say this word “my”, remember what is “my” nature.

The people of the world call the mind a horse, and say that it runs a great deal, and it runs very fast. But, should yours be running? You have the strong reins of shrimat. If the reins are accurate, there can be no upheaval. But what happens? BapDada sees and laughs at how, when you are riding the horse, the reins are in your hands, but as you move along, you are distracted by side-scenes and the reins become slack. When the reins are slack, then the mind plays mischief. So constantly keep the reins of shrimat in your awareness. In any situation where the mind plays mischief, tighten the reins of shrimat. Then nothing will happen, and you will reach the destination.

Shrimat applies at each step, not just for brahmacharya (celibacy). Shrimat has been given for every action: to move, to eat, to drink, to listen. to speak, Shrimat applies to everything. For example, if you were gossiping, is that shrimat? If shrimat slackens, the mind has a chance to play mischief, and it then develops the habit. So be ruler of the mind, and check whether the minister is establishing its own incognito kingdom inside. The mind claims power and even tries to usurp the intellect, the lips and the ears – to make them belong to itself. So, everyday, ask your mind for news of whether it created any deception – don’t allow it to make you become the slave instead of the ruler. The mind is very mischievous, and very fast – within a second it can take you on a journey through all the foreign lands.

So don’t just be happy that you have become a child, and have received the inheritance. Become a master also. For if you don’t become the master of the inheritance, then what is the purpose of being a child? The significance of the child is to be also the master. Also, be the master of self sovereignty. The eye are just tiny points, but even they deceive you. You are not the master – this is why you are deceived. BapDada wishes to see all of the children as rulers, with the right of self sovereignty, and never dependent. Understand?

BapDada is telling you openly why Kumars cannot stay at a centre. The reason is that the Dadis are afraid. And sometimes there is damage in a practical form. It isn’t just that there is fear, but it also happens. If kumars become firm yogis. if there is no attention to anything even slightly other than the soul, kumars could receive many service centres. However, there is the fear of damage, because Ravan’s things are still inside. Kumaris have done service for many years, but kumars will do fast service – you will get a very good chance. But prepare yourself beforehand. First let the Dadis become carefree. Where kumars and kumaris stay together, there is fear. The situation abroad is different. There, a female is like a male, and a male is also a male. The situation abroad is different. However, in Bharat, if there are two or three brothers running a centre, then, at first, people wouldn’t do anything except simply debate. And if they get angry, they would even take a stick to you. If kumars become firm yogis and make good effort, then they can bring time close. Time will come close and your service will become vast

(double foreigners)
Foreign land
s have to be merged within the land of Bharat. In satyug, America and London will not exist – they will be merged in Bharat. The world will have become one. Double foreign lands and Bharat won’t be separate. East and West will come together and become one world. So, this will happen later anyway, and you are coming here and claiming your right now. The people of Bharat are happy, and you people are also happy – both are happy.

To all the elevated souls in all four directions – to the children who become master and claim a double right – to the fortunate souls who claim the right of constant self sovereignty, and the right to run their own kingdom – to those who move forward in service by making Baba’s sanskars their own sanskars – to such elevated server souls who constantly move forward – BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste.

The more responsibilities increase, the more you receive extra blessings, and the more Baba’s love increases. Baba’s arms are your helpers. You are double light, and because you are double light, you don’t feel the responsibilities. On the physical level you have the responsibility of both the mother and father, of Jagadamba and Brahma Baba. On the subtle level they are with you, but externally you are the instrument. This is why everyone has the most pure love for you. The Dadis have it, and the world has it also. All of you have a great deal of love, do you not? Achcha.

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