The Murli

January 19, 1999

Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1999

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada, the ocean of love, is meeting his extremely lovely children. Today is a special day of love. From amrit vela, children everywhere have been swept along in waves of love. The love in each child’s heart is reaching Baba, the comforter of hearts. In response to the love of you children, BapDada blesses all of you with love and power. Baba calls today the special day of transformation in the creation of the yagya. On this day, Brahma Baba became the incognito backbone in order to reveal his children on the corporeal stage of the world. So this is also the day the children are revealed – the day of power – the day to give willpower.

Brahma Baba, in an incognito way, is inspiring everything to happen. He is not separated from you – he is with you – but is doing everything in an incognito way. This avyakt day is for speeding up the children’s task. The canopy of protection is sustaining all of you children – just as a mother protects her children, so too mother Brahma looks after the children everywhere. You children are the instruments in corporeal form, but mother Brahma sees the fortune of every child and sustains you with special power, courage, zeal and enthusiasm. Father Shiva is with you anyway, but Brahma has the special part of sustaining you.

In return for your special love, Brahma, the bestower of fortune, distributes all blessings. To the extent that you celebrate a meeting through the avyakt stage, you are accordingly able to receive whatever blessings you want. It is an open treasure store of blessings, and today is the special day when you can take as many as you want. You don’t have to make effort or ask for a gift – each of you will receive blessings easily and automatically today. The way to receive blessings is to have love in your heart.

Your love used to be shared out to many, and now it is only connected to One. Previously you had many different relationships, but now all the relationships you have are with the One. So you are easily able to give your total love to just the one. This is why each of you says “my Baba”. All of you have had a heart to heart conversation and said “my Baba” have you not? Today you have been offering flowers of love to Baba – BapDada received the most beautiful flowers of love. The love all of you have is very good.

Baba now says: let your love emerge in a practical way. This is what it means to become equal. Whichever child people see, meet, or come into contact with, they should be able to see the virtues of God the Father, and of father Brahma, in the face and form of that child. They should experience your eyes, your words, and your attitude, and your vibrations, to be totally unique.

Madhuban has been made alokik by the vibrations of father Brahma and the special children – it is filled with the vibrations of tapasya, karma, and renunciation – so everyone who comes here easily experiences this place to be a unique world. In the same way, wherever you are living, and wherever you are working, others should experience your virtues, deeds, and the atmosphere of your elevated attitude of being equal to the Father (Bap saman).

Up to now you have been thinking about being equal to the Father, but now that thought should be visible on your face and in your behaviour. The sound should emerge, from the hearts of everyone who comes into contact with you, that you souls are equal to the Father. When you reveal something through words, there is an impact, but there will be a much greater impact through your virtues and actions. Everyone should experience each of you children to have something special in your eyes. They should not experience you as ordinary, but as alokik, unique. They should be wondering how you became like this – who made you like this? In this way reveal the Father – by making your stage equal to his.

Because of the present atmosphere you must now let the attitude of disinterest emerge in your minds and hearts. BapDada has given physical facilities to each and every one of you – there is not a single child who doesn’t have the means to eat or a place to stay. Each of you has all the facilities you need whilst being able to maintain an attitude of unlimited disinterest. It is a different matter if someone is lacking something due to his or her own carelessness or laziness. BapDada knows that, according to drama, each of you children has every essential thing you need, and you will continue to receive this all the time. However in some cases there is less spiritual endeavour than there is use of the facilities – so now increase your spiritual endeavour and create an attitude of unlimited disinterest. You have to remain detached from the facilities whilst using them.

At the beginning of the creation of the yagya, you were able to maintain a bhatti of unlimited disinterest for 14 years. BapDada has now given you many facilities. Souls are distressed because of being subservient to their limited desires. Even multi-millionaires become distressed because of being influenced by their desires. You have to have unlimited disinterest yourselves, so that you can make those souls have an attitude of disinterest also. Otherwise souls will not be able to experience peace or happiness, nor will they become liberated from their subservience. You are the roots of the tree. You are the foundation. Whatever wave you create will spread throughout the world. So BapDada is telling you to pay attention to your attitude of disinterest, so that it becomes equal to the Father’s, and especially so that it becomes equal to father Brahma’s in the corporeal form. Everyone should see that you are not influenced by your facilities, but are engrossed in making spiritual endeavour.

You have now to perform powerful tapasya everywhere – that tapasya will become an instrument for serving through the mind. You have now to do very powerful service through tapasya. It is now essential for you to receive touchings for service in your mind. Time is drawing to a close and so you must have a constant stage and a constantly powerful atmosphere. On this special day, make the lesson of becoming equal to Brahma Baba very firm.

You must now become more introverted, and check yourself in an even more subtle way:
– I didn’t upset anyone, but have I accumulated happiness in myself, and did I make anyone else happy?
– I didn’t have any waste thoughts, but did I accumulate elevated thoughts in their place?
– Whether someone changed or not, did I remain content with that person? Did I maintain good wishes for everyone?
Check yourself like this.

Now, rescue souls from their desires. All of you should now sit with the Father in Paramdham, the highest of all places, and give merciful drishti to all souls. Spread those vibrations – spread the atmosphere of unlimited mercy, from there.

To the extremely loving children everywhere – to the elevated souls everywhere who are making spiritual endeavour – to all those who sang very lovely and sweet songs to BapDada throughout the day – to all those who had a heart to heart conversation with BapDada, and filled their aprons with blessings of all power and virtues….

BapDada heard everyone’s songs: songs of happiness, songs of love, songs of spiritual intoxication. BapDada heard so many very sweet things from such children that they really touched his heart – He became totally lost in listening to them, whilst celebrating a meeting with them. Children who relate the truth from their heart – those who have an honest heart – are great children, and they will constantly remain great. BapDada is giving multi-millionfold love in return to such sweet children who constantly maintain an attitude of unlimited disinterest, and whose intellect has faith filled with determination.

…to all those children who remain seated on the heart-throne of the comforter of hearts, love, remembrance, and namaste.

Children, may you fly constantly in the flying stage, and become prosperous, and al
ways remain prosperous. Achcha.

January 1, 1999

Avyakt BapDada 1999

Filed under: Years — themurli @ 1:00 am

Avyakt BapDada – 18th January 1999
Avyakt BapDada – 13th February 1999
Avyakt BapDada – 1st March 1999
Avyakt BapDada – 15th March 1999

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