The Murli

November 30, 2003

Avyakt BapDada 30th November 2003

Filed under: Avyakt Murli — themurli @ 12:00 am

Today, the Creator of the Brahmin world is seeing all His Brahmin children from everywhere. This Brahmin world is a small world, but it is an extremely elevated and lovely world. This Brahmin world is of the special souls of the world. Each and every Brahmin soul is one out of multimillions, one of a handful of souls because you have recognised your Father and claimed a right to the inheritance. Just as the Father is the Highest on High, so those souls who recognise the Father and belong to Him are also special souls. The Father, the Bestower of Fortune drew the line of elevated fortune on the forehead of every Brahmin soul as soon as he took birth. You are souls with such an elevated fortune. Do you consider yourselves to be so fortunate? Do you experience such great spiritual intoxication?

The Father, the Comforter of Hearts, is giving every Brahmin soul love from the heart, affection from His heart. This Godly love is received from only the One and only at one time throughout the whole cycle. Do you always have this spiritual intoxication in your every action? You challenge the world that you are the special souls who lead a karma yogi life. You are not those who simply have yoga, you are those who have a yogi life. Life is for all time. It is natural and constant. You are not those who have a yogi life for eight hours or six hours. Yoga, that is, remembrance is the aim of Brahmin life. The aim of life is automatically remembered, and, as is your aim, so you automatically develop those qualifications. BapDada is seeing the sparkling star of fortune on the forehead of every Brahmin soul. BapDada always sees each child as one with elevated self-respect and self-sovereignty. So, do all of you experience yourselves to be souls who have self-respect and self-sovereignty? If you bring it into your awareness for just a second, that you are soul with self-respect, then, how long is the list that emerges in just one second? Did the list of self-respect come into your awareness just now? It is a long list, is it not?

Self-respect finishes arrogance because self-respect is elevated pride. So, the elevated pride finishes the different types of impure body consciousness. When you switch on the light, darkness goes away in a second. Darkness is not made to go away. You don’t need to make effort to remove the darkness, but you just switch on the light and darkness automatically ends. In the same way, switch on your switch of the awareness of self-respect and you won’t have to make effort to end the different types of body consciousness. You do have to make effort whilst you don’t have the awareness of being an embodiment of self-respect. BapDada sees the games of the children. You speak about self-respect in your heart: I am seated on BapDada’s heart-throne. You say this, you think this, but then you don’t remain set (seated) on the seat of experience. It is essential to experience whatever you think because the most elevated authority is the authority of experience.

So, BapDada sees that you listen to everything very well, you think very well too, but hearing and thinking about it is something different. To become an embodiment of experience is the elevated authority of Brahmin life. This is the difference between devotion and knowledge. In devotion too, in the intoxication of listening, they become very intoxicated. They even think, but they are unable to have an experience. Gyan means being a gyani soul, that is, being experienced in every type of self-respect. The experienced form gives you spiritual intoxication. Experience in life can never be forgotten. Whatever you have heard or thought about can be forgotten. However, the authority of experience is never reduced. So, BapDada is reminding you children: Whatever you have heard, whatever you have heard from God the Father, become an embodiment of experience of that. Even if a thousand people try to erase something that you have experienced, it cannot be erased. Even Maya cannot erase your experience.

As soon as you adopt a body, you experience that you are So-and-so, and that remains very firm. Do you ever forget the name of your body? If someone says to you: No, you are not So-and-so, would you believe that person? In the same way, by experiencing the list of every type of self-respect, you can never forget your self-respect. However, BapDada has seen that in your becoming experienced in every type of self-respect and every point, you are numberwise. Since you have experienced that you are a soul, what else are you apart from the soul? You say: “The body is mine, but I am a soul”. Since you are a soul, where did body consciousness come from? Why did it come? What is the reason for it? The practice of 63 births, the wrong practice, that I am a body, is very firm. You forget the experience of the right practice.

When BapDada sees you children labouring, He feels love for you. God’s children and labour! What is the reason for this? The lack of being an embodiment of experience. When you are experiencing body consciousness, then no matter what happens, whenever you are performing actions, do you forget body consciousness? So Brahmin life means a karma yogi life. It means the experience of a yogi life. So check: Have I experienced every subject? To listen to knowledge and to relate it is easy. However, to become an embodiment of knowledge… When you put knowledge into practice, your every action will automatically be knowledge-full, that is, every action will be filled with the light and might of knowledge. Knowledge is said to be light and might. In the same way, the yogi form, a yog-yukt, yukti-yukt form.

To be an embodiment of dharna means that your every action, every physical organ and every virtue will be an embodiment of dharna. An experienced image of service; a constant and natural server. Whether it is through your thoughts, words, deeds, connections or relations, service should continue to happen naturally through your every action. This is called being an embodiment of experience in all four subjects. So, all of you should check to what extent you have become experienced – experienced in every virtue and experienced in every power. In any case, there is the saying: Experience is very useful at the right time. So, experience being an embodiment of experience, no matter what type of problem there is. One who is an image of experience, with his authority of experience, will transform the problem into the form of the solution in a second. Then the problem will not remain a problem. It will become the form of a solution. Do you understand?

Now, the closeness of time and the closeness of becoming equal to the Father should give the experience of being an embodiment of solutions. For a long time, you laboured with problems coming and then finding their solutions. Now, BapDada wants to see every child as one with self-respect, self-sovereignty and an embodiment of solutions. An image of experience is able to transform something in a second. Achcha. Souls from everywhere have reached here. Even the double foreigners claim a good chance in every turn. Achcha.

The Pandavas are no less in this group too. All the Pandavas, raise your hands. Mothers, kumaris, teachers, raise your hands. In the first group, there were lot more mothers, but in this group, the Pandavas have also raced very well. The intoxication and faith of the Pandavas are remembered even today. What has been remembered? Do you know? There were just five Pandavas, but, on the basis of their intoxication and faith, they became victorious. There is this praise until today. So, are you such Pandavas? Achcha, do you have intoxication? So, when you Pandavas hear that you are Pandavas, you don’t forget the Father of the Pandavas (PandavPati), do you? Do you sometimes forget Him? Pandavas and PandavPati. Pandavas can never forget PandavPati. Pandavas should have the intoxication: We are the Pandavas of every cycle, the ones who are loved by PandavPati. In the memorials too, the name of the Pandavas is no less. The title of the Pandavas is: Victorious Pandavas. So, are you such Pandavas? That’s all. We are victorious Pandavas, not just Pandavas, but victorious Pandavas. The imperishable tilak of victory is already applied on your forehead. What intoxication do you mothers have? You have a lot of intoxication.

Mothers say with intoxication: Baba has come for us! It is like this, is it not? This is because, for half the cycle, the mothers haven’t been given any status. Now, at the confluence age, even in politics, mothers have been given rights. In every department, the Father has placed you Shaktis in the front, and so, in the world too, in every profession, mothers now have rights. There isn’t a profession in which there aren’t any women. This is the status of the confluence age. So, you mothers feel: Our Baba! You feel, do you not, that it is, “My Baba!”? Do you have this intoxication? Mothers are waving their hands. It is good. You have made God belong to you and so it is the mothers who are the magicians. BapDada sees that mothers and Pandavas love BapDada in all relationships, but He also sees which ones especially love which relationship. Some children very much like making God their Friend. This is why there is the story of Khuda-Dost (God, the Friend). Baba says: At any time, whichever relationship you need, you can make God belong to you in that relationship. You can fulfil all relationships with Him. Children said: “Baba is mine” and what did the Father say? I am yours. You like the splendour of Madhuban, do you not? No matter how far away you may be sitting and listening and seeing, but the splendour of Madhuban is its own. You meet BapDada in Madhuban anyway, but how many other types of attainments do you also have? If you were to make a list of those, how many types of attainments are there? The greatest attainment of all is that you have easy yoga and natural yoga. You don’t have to labour.

When someone gives that importance to the atmosphere of Madhuban, then the atmosphere of Madhuban and the timetable of Madhuban will make that one into an easy yogi and a natural yogi. Why? In Madhuban, in your intellect, you just have one task. When a server group comes, that is a different matter, but those who come here for refreshment, what work do they have to do in Madhuban? Do they have any responsibilities? Eat, drink, enjoy yourself and study. So Madhuban is Madhuban. People are listening to Baba abroad too. However, there is the difference of day and night in listening to the murli there and coming to Madhuban. BapDada gives love and remembrances to those who are listening and watching through the facilities anyway. Some children even listen to the murli staying awake at night. It is definitely better than not listening to it at all, but the best of all is lovely Madhuban. Do you enjoy coming to Madhuban or do you feel that you can hear the murli sitting there? What do you like? You will hear the murli there too, will you not? Here too, sitting at the back you see everything on the TV anyway. So, those who feel that it is good to come to Madhuban, raise your hands! (Everyone raised their hands). Achcha. Nevertheless, what is the praise in bhakti? The murli is played in Madhuban. It isn’t that the murli is played in London. No matter where you are, to know the importance of the praise of Madhuban means to make yourself great. Achcha, all of you who have come, you are experiencing the yogi life, the life of being a gyani soul and an embodiment of dharna.

In the first meeting this season, Baba especially drew your attention, that for the full season, you have to become a jewel of contentment and make others content. You mustn’t just become that, but you also have to make others content. Together with that, according to the time now, anything can happen at any time. Don’t ask such questions as: When will it happen? Will it happen in one year or in six months? Suddenly, anything can happen at any time. Therefore, make the switch of your awareness very powerful. Put on the switch in a second and become an embodiment of experience. When the switch is loose, you repeatedly have to put it on and off, and it takes time for it to be put right. However, in a second, put on the switch of self-respect and the switch of self-sovereignty, become introverted and continue to have experiences. Become merged in the ocean of experiences. No authority can win against the authority of experience. Do you understand what you have to do? BapDada gives you a signal, but don’t wait in anticipation. Don’t say: When? When? When? Now! Ever-ready. Are you able to put on your switch of awareness in a second? Are you able to do this? No matter what the circumstances are, what the problems are, put on the switch of awareness. Practise this because the final paper will be of only a second, not even a minute. Those who keep on thinking will not be able to pass. Those who have experience will pass. So, now, all of you, in a second, put on the switch of the awareness: I am an elevated soul who is a resident of the supreme abode. Put on the switch of this awareness, let there be the awareness of nothing else. Let there not be any upheaval in your intellect. Unshakeable. (BapDada conducted drill.) Achcha.

To the experienced souls from everywhere who have elevated self-respect, to those who constantly experience every subject, to the constantly yogi souls who move along with a yogi life, to the special souls who are a handful out of multimillions, and, the few out of that handful who constantly keep their special fortune emerged in every action, love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada.

(Punjab group)

How many have come from Punjab? Stand up. Many teachers have come. There are also Pandavas. The chance for serving the yagya is such an elevated experience because the yagya is elevated and so to serve the yagya means to accumulate charity in your account. So, how much charity has each one of you accumulated? If you served from your heart, then you accumulated one hundred-fold for one in your account of charity. It is good. Punjab is no less. You are clever. It is the wonder of Punjab that you have quietened the atmosphere of Punjab. Is there any fighting or quarrelling there now? There isn’t, is there? What is happening in a common way is different, but there is no special terrorism there now, are there? And, you also continue to increase service. Your interest in expanding service is very good. Are the Pandavas also free from obstacles? Free from obstacles? Those of you who think that it is Maya’s duty to come and your duty to become victorious, raise your hands! Mothers, teachers, Maya comes to everyone. She even comes to the teachers because teachers have to move forward, and so Maya will come, will she not? It is good. This chance for service increases your account of charity with extra marks, and how many blessings do you receive? For people to go back content means for you to receive blessings. So, Punjab has accumulated in their account of blessings. It is good, but as yet, no mike or heir has been found from Punjab. From the time that BapDada has spoken about this, no zone has as yet brought a mike or an heir here. At least bring them onto the stage! Punjab is clever. It is clever in making heirs emerge and in preparing mikes. Look, the common slogan of Punjab is – Those who say it (the name of God) are glorified. So, if Punjab brings them, Punjab is glorified. You have to bring them. You have to bring them. BapDada will see which zone brings them first. There is importance in that, is there not? As yet, no one has brought them. They are preparing them. Even those from abroad are trying very hard, “We will bring them”. Double foreigners, you are going to bring heirs, are you not? Where are they? Double foreigners, raise your hands! Now, we shall see whether the double foreigners claim the first number or those from Bharat claim the first number. Anyone can claim it. BapDada now wants that, the mikes should now perform the task of giving the introduction of the Brahma Kumaris and of forging a relationship with them. You have done this for long enough, have you not? Now, you should simply give drishti and those mikes should speak. This has to happen. So, congratulations to those from Punjab. Congratulations! Congratulations! Achcha.

(To the Dadis)

You are carrying out a good task of putting zeal and enthusiasm into everyone. Let alone a million, souls of the whole world are to receive the message. They will say, “Oho Prabhu”, will they not? You have to prepare them to even say, “Oho Prabhu”, do you not? They (the rest of the Dadis) are also giving their cooperation. It is good. You are looking after Madhuban. You have found a good co-operative group, have you not? Each one has her own speciality. Nevertheless, there is an impact of the original jewels. No matter how old you may become, and new ones are also moving forward, but still, the sustenance of the original jewels is its own. This is why this group is good. (Seeing Mohiniben) You are also part of the original jewels, are you not? It is good. Service everywhere is very good. (Ratanmohini Dadi gave service news of Orissa. Mohiniben shared service news of Assam and said: Everyone has given You lots of remembrances. Give them My remembrance. Service is increasing because now, everyone has a need. Achcha.

(BapDada speaking to Naliniben, Santoshben, Sarlaben, Achalben, Premben etc. the older senior sisters)

Do all of you consider yourselves to be responsible? So, all of you have unlimited responsibilities. Not just Punjab, Gujarat, Bombay, but of the unlimited, just like the Dadis. So, you are in the unlimited, are you not? No matter which place you are instruments for, always consider yourselves to have an unlimited responsibility. At any time, wherever there may be a need, you are ever-ready. Just as there are the Dadis, so there is also your group. One minute there may be someone, or there may not be anyone, the second group is also very wise and serviceable. You can do a lot of work. So, always think that you are responsible for the unlimited, not the limited. So, are you ever-ready? If you are called at any time, will you come? Or, will you say: There is a very big task of the zone to be carried out, my health is not good. No. BapDada Himself will look after your health. No matter what responsibility you may have, you are in BapDada’s vision and this is why you have been specially called. (What special hope do You have in us?) Think about what should happen. Just as Dadi is always thinking about this, in the same way, think that that is also your responsibility. Churn what should happen and how it should happen. How can souls come close? How can heirs and mikes emerge? Let there be some newness in service. Think about this. Achcha.

Big programmes are to take place in Delhi and Calcutta: BapDada specially remembers those from Delhi and Calcutta. Preparations for this task are being made at both places. BapDada has seen that very good efforts are being made at both places and that everyone is united and doing service from their heart with a lot of enthusiasm and this is why BapDada is giving all of those who are instruments, love and remembrance personally by name with their speciality, without mentioning names. Success is guaranteed anyway, and success is our birthright. With this faith and intoxication, success will be revealed. Continue to give this message to everyone. Achcha.

Achcha. Baba had given love and remembrance to Australia, but daughter Janak is there, and so, together with her, Baba is also giving special love to those in Australia. There are three retreat places there. There aren’t at other places. So, there are the special souls and there are also the specialities, but they remain incognito. So, if you play your part on the stage, you will receive a lot of co-operation in service. And those souls, those who become the instruments, will receive special blessings. This is why those from Australia can do a lot more, but now, from being incognito, you have to come onto the stage. Achcha, special remembrances to daughter Janak. Remembrances to everyone by name anyway, but how many names should Baba mention? This is why, when Baba gives to one main person, consider it to be given to everyone. Baba was given remembrances from Par Dadi. Achcha. She will be better by the time of the Calcutta programme. It is good that there is a sample. She is a sample of Father Brahma. So, all of you have given her the name “Par Dadi” (Great Grandmother). Not just Dadi, but Par Dadi. She has speciality. Achcha. Her health is improving and she will be fine. (Narayan Dada has also given remembrances). He too has had an operation. Give him remembrances from Baba too. Definitely give the response of remembrance to those who remember Me. All of you are also receiving the response of remembrance, are you not? You are receiving it personally and they are receiving it through the mike. Achcha.

November 23, 2003

Avyakt BapDada 23th November 2003

Filed under: Avyakt Murli — themurli @ 1:58 am

See, Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1985.

November 15, 2003

Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2003

Filed under: Avyakt Murli — themurli @ 1:22 am

Stabilise your mind and using the power of concentration, experience the angelic stage. Today, the Master of all Treasures is looking at His children everywhere who are full. He has made each and every child a master of all treasures. You have received such treasures which no one else could give you. So, do each of you experience yourself to be full of all treasures? The most elevated treasures are the treasure of knowledge, the treasure of powers, the treasure of virtues and together with those, you also have the treasure of the blessings from the Father and the whole Brahmin family. So, check, have I received all of these treasures?

The sign of a soul who is full of all treasures is that others would also experience happiness from that soul’s eyes, face and behaviour. Any soul who comes into contact with such a soul would experience that that soul appears to be spiritual and different with alokik happiness. Seeing your happiness, other souls would also experience happiness for a short time. Just as everyone loves and feels that the white dress of you Brahmin souls is so lovely and unique that they experience cleanliness, simplicity and purity through it – they can tell from a distance that that one is a Brahma Kumar or Kumari – in the same way, the sparkle of happiness and the intoxication of being fortunate are always visible from the behaviour and face of you Brahmin souls. Today, all souls are greatly unhappy. Such souls, seeing your happy face and behaviour would experience happiness for even a moment. Just as when a thirsty soul receives even a drop of water, he feels so happy, in the same way, even a drop of happiness is extremely essential for souls. In the same way, are you full of all treasures?

Does each of you Brahmin souls experience yourself to be always full of all treasures, or only sometimes? The treasures are imperishable, the Bestower who gives them to you is imperishable, and so they should remain imperishable because no one in the whole cycle apart from you Brahmin souls, receives the alokik happiness that you do. The alokik happiness of this time continues for half the cycle in the form of a reward. So, are you happy? Are all of you happy? All of you raised your hand for this. Good. Are you always happy? Does your hap piness never disappear? Does it go away sometimes? You remain happy, but there is a difference in remaining constantly happy. You remain happy, but there is a difference in the percentage. BapDada sees the faces of all the children on His automatic TV. So, what does He see? One day, you should also check your chart of happiness. From amrit vela till night time, does your happiness remain to the same percentage throughout the day? Or, does it change? You know how to check this, do you not? Nowadays, science has invented very accurate machinery for checking. So, you should check and make it imperishable. BapDada checked all the children’s efforts of the present time. All are making effort, but some are making it according to their capacity and some are making effort powerfully. So, today, BapDada checked the stage of the mind of all the children, because the main thing is manmanabhav. In terms of service too, service of the mind is the most elevated service.

You say, those who conquer the mind conquer the world. So Baba checked the condition of your mind. So, what did He see? You become the master of the mind and make it work. However, sometimes, your mind makes you work. The mind then controls you. So, BapDada saw that you have deep love wi th your mind, but your mind doesn’t become concentrated and stable. At the present time, a stable and concentrated mind will enable you to experience a constant stage. Just now, in the result, Baba saw that you want to make your mind concentrate, but it wanders away in-between. The power of concentration easily enables you to experience the avyakt angelic stage. The mind wanders in to wasteful situations, wasteful thoughts and in wasteful interaction. For instance, some people don’t even have the habit of sitting still, even physically, whereas others do have that habit. So, when you are able to stabilise your mind where you want, as you want and for as long as you want, that is called having the mind under your control. The power of concentration and the power of being a master easily make you free from obstacles. Then you don’t have to battle. Using the power of concentration, you can easily experience belonging to the one Father and none other. You will experience this automatically, you won’t have to make effort. Using the power of concentration, you automatically experience a constantly angelic form. You love Father Brahma. So, to become equal to Father Brahma means to become an angel.

Using the power of concentration, you automatically have love, benevolence and an attitude of regard for everyone because stability means the stage of self-respect. The angelic stage is your self-respect, just as you saw Father Brahma and you also speak about that. What did you see as the time of perfection continued to come closer? The walking and moving angelic form. He was beyond any consciousness of the body. Did you ever have a feeling of the body? When he was walking in front of you, were you able to see the body or did you experience the angelic form? When he was performing actions, speaking, giving directions or giving zeal and enthusiasm, he was detached from the body; you experienced a subtle form of light. You say, do you not, that as Brahma Baba was speaking, it felt as though as he was speakin g to you, but that he wasn’t there? He was looking at you, but his vision was alokik. It wasn’t this physical vision. He was beyond any consciousness of the body. When others also don’t feel consciousness of the body, when they see your unique form, that is called being the angelic form whilst being in the body. Let there be the experience of uniqueness in every situation in your atti tude, vision and actions. He was speaking, but you felt it to be very detached and loving – loving in a soul-conscious way. In the same way, you yourself should experience the angelic stage and also give this experience to others, because without becoming an angel, you cannot become a deity.

Angels are deities. So, Brahma, the number one soul gave the experience of the angelic life in his practical life, and he became the angelic form. Together with that angelic form, all of you also have to become angels and go to the supreme abode. For this, pay attention to stability of the mind. Make your mind work under your orders. When you have to do something, those actions should be performed with your mind. If you don’t want to do something and your mind says that you have to do it, that is not being a master. At the moment, some children say, I didn’t want to do that, but it happened. I wasn’t thinking that, but it just happened. I shouldn’t have done it, but it just happened. This is the stage of being controlled by the mind. You don’t like such a stage, do you?

Follow Father Brahma. You saw Father Brahma. What did you experience when he was standing in front of you? That an angel was standing there, an angel was giving you drishti. So, the power of the concentration of the mind will easily make you into an angel. Father Brahma also tells you children: Become equa l. Father Shiva says: Become incorporeal, and Father Brahma says: Become an angel. So what did you understand? What did Baba see as a result? Concentration of the mind is lacking. The mind tours around a lot in-between, it wanders away. If it goes where it shouldn’t go, what would you call that? You would call that wandering, would you not? So, increase the power of concentration. Remain set on the seat of the stage of a master. When you are set, you don’t become upset. When you are not set, you become upset. Therefore, remain set on the seat of the various elevated stages. This is called the power of concentration with stability. Is this OK? You love Father Brahma, do you not? How much love do you have? How much? A lot! You have a lot of love. So what response of love did you give? The Father also loves you and this is why you love him. So, what did you give as a return? To become equal is the return. Achcha.

This is the first turn of the season. So, you claimed the first number in the first turn. BapDada also likes it that much more when He sees more children here. However big a hall you make, that many children come. If you now make a bigger hall, then many more will come. If you look at the hall now, it is full, is it not? When it becomes full, it is signalling that you have to make a bigger hall. The hall becomes decorated, does it not? And, it looks so good when the hall becomes decorated with such elevated souls. Those from Madhuban too, whether it is Pandava Bhavan or Shantivan, you don’t like it when it is empty, do you? You like it when it is full. Or, do those from Madhuban want solitude? Do you want solitude? Or, does the gathering and the sparkle of activity feel good? Nevertheless, you still get your solitude inbetween. Achcha.

Double foreigners too have come. It is good. Madhuban becomes decorated with the double foreigners. It becomes international. It is good. BapDada heard Dadi ‘s thought. (Today, in morning class, Dadiji had the thought of creating enthusiasm for service in this land and abroad. She was inspiring everyone to make a plan so that not a single village of Bharat or any country would be deprived of receiving Baba’s message). You had the thought – that is good. We shall see whether the foreign lands or Bharat fulfil that thought. The message should be received. You have received so much attainment ! You have found the Father, you have received treasures, you have received sustenance. Therefore, at least, you should enable the message to reach your brothers and sisters. Then, they would not complain, would they, that they didn’t know?

So, definitely give the message. That is essential. What is difficult anyway? Each zone should split up into different areas in their zone. What else is there? How many centres are there in each zone? It is not a big thing to divide them amongst each centre. Look, when the different wings’ service takes place in Madhuban, the sound from that spreads everywhere. You have seen that the sound has spread a lot more in IP quality souls since the service of different professions started. Put aside the VVIPs, they don’t have any time! And you have also had many other big programmes, and the sound spreads from those too. Now, Delhi and Calcutta are going to do this, are they not? They are making good plans. They are also making good effort. News continues to reach BapDada. The sound from Delhi should reach the lands abroad. What are those from the media doing? They are only making it reach Bharat. The sound should come from abroad that this programme took place in Delhi, and that this programme took place in Calcutta. This sound from abroad should come to India. The Kumbhakarnas of India are going to be awakened by those from abroad, are they not? News from abroad has more importance. When a programme takes place in Bharat and they receive news of that in the newspapers abroad, the sound will then spread. The sound of Bharat should reach abroad and the sound abroad should reach Bharat. Then that would create an impact. It is good. The programmes that you are organising are good. BapDada is congratulating those from Delhi for the efforts of their love.

Those from Calcutta also receive congratulations in advance because the sound is heard loudly when co-operation, love and courage – all three – are united. The sound will spread. Why would it not spread? Now, those of you from the media – perform this wonder. Everyone saw it on the TV, this came on the TV. There shouldn’t be just this. That is happening in Bharat. Now, reach the lands abroad. Now, this year, we shall see how much you are celebrating with courage and great force to make the sound spread everywhere. BapDada has received news that the double foreigners have a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. It is good. Seeing one another, there is greater enthusiasm. Those who take the initiative are equal to Brahma. It is good. So, Dadi also has the thought. It is a good way to keep you busy. It is good. She is an instrument. Achcha. Are all of you those in a flying stage? The flying stage is the fast stage. The walking stage or the climbing stage is not a fast stage. The flying stage is fast and it also enables you to come first. Achcha.

What will the mothers do? Mothers, awak en your equals. At least, none of the mothers should remain who would then complain. The number of the mothers is always the biggest number. BapDada is pleased. And in this group, there is a good number of all groups. A good number of kumars have come . Now, kumars, awaken your equals. It is good. Kumars should show the wonder that , even in their dreams, they are very firm in their purity. BapDada should be able to challenge the world: You are Brahma Kumars, youth kumars; you are double kumars, are you not? You are Brahma Kumars and physically too, you are kumars. So, let there be the definition of purity in a practical way. Therefore, should Baba give an order to check you in your purity? Should Baba give an order? Should He? You are not raising your hand s for this. There are machines to check this. Impurity should not even have the courage to come in your dreams. The same should be for the kumaris too. A kumari means a worthy-of-worship pure kumari. Kumars and kumaris should promise BapDada: We are all so pure that there cannot be any (impure) thoughts even in our dreams. Only then will the purity ceremony of kumars and kumaris be celebrated.

Now there is a little (impurity). BapDada knows about it. There should be ignorance of impurity because you have taken a new birth, have you not? Impurity is something of your past birth. This is your birth in which you have died alive. Your very birth is a pure birth through the mouth of Brahma. So, the code of conduct of the pure birth is essential. Kumars and Kumaris should hoist this flag: We are pure and we will spread pure sanskars in the world. Let this slogan be chanted. Did the kumaris hear this? Look how many kumaris there are! Now, we shall see whether the kumaris spread this sou nd or the kumars do. Follow Father Brahma. There should be no name or trace of impurity. This is what Brahmin life means. Mothers too have impurity when they have attachment. You mothers are also Brahmins, are you not? So, this should not exist in the mothers, in the kumaris, in the kumars or even the half-kumars and kumaris.

A Brahmin means a pure soul. If there is any work of impurity, that is considered to be a great sin. Punishment for that sin is very severe. Don’t think that it is OK, that i thappens all the time, that a little of this would always be there. No. This is the first subject. The newness is of purity. The insults that Father Brahma took were because of purity. You can’t excuse yourself by saying: It just happened. Don’t be careless about this. Dharamraj will not leave any Brahmin alone in this, whether he or she is surrendered, a server, or a householder. Father Brahma will also side with Dharamraj.

Therefore, kumars and kumaris, wherever you are, whether in Madhuban or at the centres, the suffering of this, even in your thoughts is very big suffering and pain. You sing the song: Keep your mind pure, keep your body pure. This is your song, is it not? So, when your mind is pure, your life is pure. Don’t be light about this, saying, “What does it matter if you do it a little?” It is not a little, it is a lot. BapDada is giving you an official warning. You will not be able to be saved in this. He will take this into account very clearly, no matter who it is. Therefore, be cautious. Attention! Did all of you listen with attention? Listen with both ears open! Let there not be any touching even through your attitude. There should be no touching even through your vision. If it doesn’t exist in your thoughts, how could it be there in your attitude or vision? This is because the time for becoming complete, the time for becoming completely pure, is coming close. When there is this impurity, it is like a black mark on a white piece of paper. Achcha.

Wherever all of you have come from, congratulations to the children who have come from everywhere. This time, it was Karnatak a who served the groups: This is a good chance. Servers from Karnataka, stand up! Many servers have come. Half the gathering is from Karnataka. Very good. (2,500 people have come from Karnataka). It ‘s good. There is good expansion. You are those who keep a balance of the method and the expansion. As yet, Karnataka has not played a hero part in the play. Your name is Karnataka, those who perfo rm a play (natak). And, in the play, the ones who play a hero part. So, you haven’t yet performed a hero part. The numbers are good, congratulations for that. Now, perform a hero part that no other zone has performed as yet. To gather a hundred thousand together is common now. Now, perform some newness that everyone applauds. You can do it. However, you are now incognito. You haven’t revealed yourselves as yet. So, teachers, you are going to do this, are you not? Perform a hero part and show ever yone. “We opened a centre , we opened a Gita Pathshala” – that is common. Now, do something new! Pandavas, you will do something new, will you not? You will do something new, will you not? Yes.

There are very good, old serviceable children. Perform wonders so that all the zones applaud. BapDada has many hopes in those from Karnataka. However, as yet, you are only stars of hope. Now, from being stars of hope, be revealed as stars of success. You have to become this. Is this OK? There are also many teachers. Just the teachers, raise your hands! Look how many teachers there are! There are also the Pandavas. There are also the heads of the zones. Raise your hands! Look how many hands there are! There are very good hands, but it is just that, at the moment, they are behind the curtains, they haven’t yet come onto the stage. Achcha. Congratulations.

(BapDada speaking to the Kumaris from the Indore Hostel)

Will you kumaris now perform wonders, or will you just perform dances? Now, to the extent that you are young, so perform great wonders. You young kumaris should issue a challenge. When you issue a challenge on the basis of your experience, everyone will be impressed. It is good that you have made your life safe. You have been protected fro m the company of the world. Now, make such plans amongst yourselves. Think of a new plan for service, so that even though you are young, you can demonstrate this by making wonderful plans. You can do it. Look, when establishment took place, it was the young kumaris who performed wonders, was it not? You too should create a wonderful plan. It is good. You have good company, a good atmosphere, you have safety, and you also have time. Therefore, now make a plan. Is this OK? Will you make plans? Make such a plan that the older ones remain as they are, and the young ones become equal to Allah. Achcha. Achcha, make your mind work under your orders. You should be able to connect your mind wherever you want in a second. It should be fixed there. Perform this exercise. Achcha.

Children in many places are listening to Baba. They are remembering Baba and also listening to Him. They are also happy to hear this. In fact, the facilities of science are bestowers of happiness for you children. To all the children everywhere who are always full of all treasures, to the constantly fortunate world benefactor children who have a happy face and who give a drop of happiness through their behaviour, to the children who become constant masters of the mind and who use the power of concentration to control their mind, and, by conquering their mind, become conquerors of the world, to the pure Brahmin souls who always stay in the speciality of Brahmin life – the personality of purity, to those who always become double-light and follow Father Brahma in the angelic life, to such children who are equal to Father Brahma, love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada.

To all the children everywhere who are listening and remembering Baba, lots and lots of love and remembrance and together with blessings from the heart, namaste to everyone. BapDada speaking to the Dadis: Everyone has received a good part in the drama. You like your part, do you not? BapDada is also pleased. They are very co-operative with you, are they not?

(To Dadiji).

They are right hands, are they not? You are right hands, are you not? Look at this whole group, they are all your right hands. They are such good right hands. They are also your right hands (to Dadi Janki). There are also right hands for the service abroad. (Call three or four of them). All of you right hands have responsibility. (Speaking to the senior sisters from abroad.) These (Dadis) are the instruments, but you are the ones who are responsible, because it is the hands that do the work. Look at the body, what is it that does the most work? The hands. So, all of you are right hands. And, the hands can do as much as they want. Their (Dadi’s) work is head work (brain work) and your work is work of the hands. They give inspirations, advice and directions, but you are the ones who will do that. They (Dadis) are not going to go and give courses. Now, even their (senior sisters) part of giving courses has ended. The right hands of Madhuban are good and the right hands abroad are also good. They are those who perform wonders. BapDada is pleased. Look, each one is such a good jewel.

(To the gathering)

All of you are also right hands, are you not? Right hands. Right hands are those who always perform right actions. You are not those who ever perform wasteful actions, but those who perform right actions. BapDada is pleased. All of you are the decoration. However many of you are instruments, and there are others too, when BapDada sees that all of you are very co-operative w ith one another and performing a very good task, He is pleased. Both the unity and purity of all of you who are instruments give courage to the whole family. There are also the Pandavas. The Pandavas have not been called onto the stage, but the Pandavas are also included w ith you. All of you took such a good chance. You arrived here and so you took the chance. Look, whenever BapDada looks at each one of you, He thinks: I should call this one and talk to him or her. However, a physical body means a bondage. Baba is bound by the bondage of the physical body. In the bondage of the physical body, one is not able to do as much, but one can do that in the subtle region and this is why he became free from bondage. There, there is no question of space and no question of time, but do you know something? Baba is going to share a secret with you: BapDada invites groups of people to the subtle region and also has a heart-to-heart conversation with them.

Do you remember in the corporeal days when Brahma Baba invited different groups to dine with him? (At Clifton.) In the same way, BapDada definitely invites you to the subtle region, but He cannot do that in the corporeal form. Achcha. So many very good servers are sitting here in Madhuban. Look, so many good people of the departments are sitting here. Look, how there are so many very good double foreigners. Look, the mothers are the best of all, but how could Baba call all of you? Could all of you fit onto the stage? You cannot. It is good that the att raction of Madhuban works like a canopy of protection for everyone. When you arrive here, you have such good experiences. Achcha.

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