The Murli

September 22, 2005

Avyakt BapDada 22nd September 2005

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

(bhog message)

(Today, at amrit vela, I took all your remembrances and reached Baba. Baba said:)
Child, what is the state of your world? Why do I ask, even though I am Janijananhar? What do you children think? Do you know what time we are passing through? What kind of time is it? (the time of the final moments) What efforts are the children making in these final moments? To what extent have you become complete and perfect? Day by day the atmosphere of this world will get worse, and that which is not in anyone’s thoughts or dreams will happen suddenly. Everyone has to change – the elements and nature in all four corners have started their work. Now the time for asking questions is over. Now is the time to do and become.

Again and Again Baba continues to signal to the children, and the children are also becoming experienced – they are seeing and also understanding. Those who are sensible in listening and understanding are able to transform themselves. Now Baba will not say any more. Baba has already given a signal. Now you children have to make a decision for yourselves, and decide what it is that you have to do. Each one has to remain yogyukt and yuktiyukt. You have to make yourself detached and beyond because time is moving towards completion.

The advance party are ready and they keep asking “Baba, when will we be revealed? When should we come onto the stage? You have to bring us onto the stage”. Now Baba will not wait much longer. Whoever wanted to make that effort has done it. Now whatever remains to be accomplished, time will make you do that. The time that is to come will get the work done, because it has been seen that children create their stage according to the time and the atmosphere. The children have made time their guru. When there is upheaval in the time, the children’s effort also has upheaval, and when the external upheaval finishes then their effort ends. This is why everyone is watching what you are doing. Where have you reached? They are looking at you and you are looking at them. So the greatness will be of time. Time, not you, will earn the income.

(Baba then took me to a very beautiful hall. Mama and some sisters were sitting on the stage and others were sitting in the hall, and it felt as if they themselves were sitting number-wise. As I and Baba entered, everyone stood up and was taking drishti filled with love from Baba. The rays that were emerging from Baba were reaching everyone, and their was a star sparkling on everyone. While giving drishti to everyone, Baba came and sat on the gaddi. I said to Mama “you have many sisters with you, whereas we have very few original sisters – the whole group has come here. She replied that the advance party has to do the work in advance. This is very big work and this is why such senior sisters are needed. Baba has called them all. Then Baba said:)

Mama child, is your army ready? (ji) The advance party are completely ready. What about your group? (everyone is ready according to their capacity, and according to the time) Even nature and the elements are ready, the advance party are ready, and you are saying you are also ready, so why is there a delay? OK, begin. I will not start just like that. I have said that whatever will happen will happen suddenly. Baba will only be a detached observer. Others are going to do this. The elements will do it by themselves. Now people have begun to feel that something is going to happen.. however, apart from you children, no-one knows what is going to happen, because only you children are carrying out the task of transformation. Only you are master trikaldarshi. This is why you now know this. Child, the time has come to be very fearsome. At that time you do not need the upheaval of “what happened? How did it happen?” You ned to be completely stable, unshakeable, and immovable, because at that time you require the stage of being a bestower. A bestower does not get frightened, but continues to give patience to souls who are stumbling and frightened. If you yourself are frightened, then you will not be able to give them patience. This is why you need to make your stage unshakeable and immovable. At the end, two powers especially will help you – the power to face and the power to merge. You children have to especially imbibe these two powers now.

Achcha, today you have brought Brahma bhojan for everyone. See how much Dadi has sent.

(Baba then emerged the trimurti Dadis – Dadiji, Dadi Janki, and Dadi Gulzar, and all the friends that were there – Mama, Didi, Chandramani Dadi, Pushpashanta Dadi and others – all gathered around Dadiji. Daidiji said “you have left us and gathered here. I am all by myself down there”. everyone began to laugh and said “you are not alone, you are trimurti, and Baba is with you”. Dadiji said “Baba is with me, but my friends are not with me”. They all replied “Dadi, you are carrying out the work of establishment, and we are doing the same here”. Dadi looked at Baba and asked “where are they all? Just show us once!”. So, Baba says:)

I cannot avoid anything that the specially beloved children ask me.

(Baba then changed all the Dadis that were sitting there into their form of light. Everyone’s faces changed into their present form. However, in a short time, their form of the Confluence Age appeared again. It felt as though all the older youths were in front of me – everyone’s face was sparkling – I couldn’t understand what each one was like and how they were. Dadi said “Baba, I could not understand anything”. Baba said:)

Children, these things are not to be understood. Understand them later.

The Madhuban residents are sitting under the canopy of Baba’s protection as carefree emperors. They are totally beyond what is happening, and how it is happening. The world is living with fear, eating with fear, moving along with fear. In each one, there is the question “what will happen tomorrow?”. Whenever something happens, that fear penetrates them. So you have to make them free from worry, fearless from fearful. Then whoever becomes this, however many become this, depends on them.

(Baba gave everyone love and remembrance, and made the scene that had been emerged merge again and sent me back down to the corporeal world.)

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