The Murli

December 28, 2007


Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) refuse public access to the channelled messages from God, called ‘Murlis’ or ‘Vanis’, that make up their core teachings. Instead these are kept hidden behind obscure, password-protected and encypted websites. Recently not just non-BKs but often loyal followers are often refused offsite access to them. Emailing Murlis to associates is discouraged.

Until a set of complete versions can be documented, here are presented summarized versions of what the BKWSU now calls “Avyakt Murlis”. ‘Avyakt’ means angelic and ‘murli’ means flute, as in the ‘flute of Krishna’. These channelled messages are speeches given by “Avyakt BapDada” to the “students” of the BKWSU at its headquarters in Mount Abu, Rajasthan. Further notes as to how and why these have been summarized can be found here and it is hoped that this collection will be added to and completed shortly.

Sakar and Avyakt Murlis

Originally, and perhaps more accurately, called “Avyakt Vanis” or ‘angelic versions’ these are considered to be God’s actual words, and not just Godly inspired. Some dispute amongst BKs exists as to whether these are the words of God, the channelled entity known as Shiva by the BKWSU, or merely the words of their deceased founder who is now believed to be perfect and the highest angel.

Prior to his death, it is believed that God Shiva spoke directly through the medium of Lekhraj Kripalani and the messages were called “Sakar Murlis”. Copies of a growing number of these original messages, different in nature and content are; here, for comparison.

Who is Avyakt BapDada?

“Avyakt BapDada” is the name given to what the BKWSU believed is the combined form of their deceased founder, Lehkraj Kirpalani, or “Brahma Baba” as they now call him, and the spiritual entity that he named as “Shiva”, claimed to be the ‘Supreme Soul’ or “God”. “Bap and Dada” equating to the Father of the BKWSU and the God Father. Whereas Kirpalani was the original medium for spiritual entity called Shiva, he (or they) speak since 1969 via trance channelling through the physical body (“chariot”) of a senior sister, and primary trance medium of the BKWSU, called Hirday Mohini or “Dadi Gulzar”, as happening pictured above.

BK Beliefs

Finally, in order to understand these writings, some background on the beliefs of the BKWSU will be helpful. It is not necessary to accept all these beliefs to find benefit in the teachings.

Key BKWSU beliefs include:

    • we are not bodies but divine eternal souls who take on a series of bodies temporarily, i.e. reincarnation.
    • there is divine justice through the universal law of karma.
    • God has come to give the BKs (“students” or members of the BKWSU) divine instructions (Shrimat) through their founder Lekhraj Kirpalani, a.k.a. “Brahma Baba”.
    • time repeats in a 5000 year cycle or kalpa.
    • all religions of the world are branches of the world tree of which the Hindu culture, rooted in the original deity religion, is the trunk. The BKs are the roots and God a.k.a. Shiva is the seed.
    • we are now at the end of a cycle, i.e. the end of the Iron Age. The world will shortly go through a process of physical destruction through natural and man made catastrophe, including Nuclear War between Russia and America, in which most of the human race will die (leave their bodies). Following which the planet will be transformed into a fresh new perfect world, the start of the Golden Age of the next cycle. A heaven on earth. This new Cycle then repeats downwards through Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages, as humanity become increasingly mired in material things and loses sight of its original spirituality and inherent virtue. The BKs believe we are now living in “hell on earth”.
    • the merging of the old Iron Age into the next Golden Age is a short period called the Confluence Age or Diamond Age. At this time (i.e. now) there is an acceleration of spirituality through certain souls (BKs only) to bring about the purification and cleansing of the world which is required to transform the old decadent hellish Iron Aged world into the new heavenly Golden Aged world.
    • at the end of each cycle (i.e. very soon) all outstanding karmic debts are settled by Dharamraj (“the King of Righteousness”), in other words Judgement Day. Each soul is thus purified and returns to the soul world (a.k.a Paramdham), awaiting their first rebirth in the next cycle.
    • only BKs will incarnate at the start of the new cycle (i.e. Golden Ageed heaven on earth, i.e. paradise). All other souls take their first births later on in the cycle. The religious founder such as Christ and Mohammed been excluded from heavenly experience.
    • the role of BKs now is to reveal God and God’s teachings to the world and thus prepare the rest of humanity spiritually for the coming Destruction/transformation.
    • every BK has to surrender to God Shiva. Through study and “churning” of BK knowledge, yoga with Shiva (BK Raja Yoga meditation – taught by the BKWSU), inculcation of virtues and by serving others they will become angelic and God-like (and thus fit to reincarnate in the coming paradise). The BKs aim to become, in this life, so perfect that they do not suffer any purgatory at Dharamraj.

Trance Mediumship
Mediumship is practised in a number of forms by the BKWSU. As understood, the process of trance mediumship happens in the following manner;

    • a date is set in advance and the spirit or spirits depending on one’s belief is called.
    • the medium BK Gulzar is prepared, bathed and dressed in new clothes.
    • many thousands of BK assemble and the medium is lead onto a throne, or guddhi, on the stage.
    • the medium goes into trance and says she loses consciousness entirely and leaves her body to be suspended without hearing or sensing the channelling.
    • the channelled spirit enters her body with a jerk, the features of her face, voice and movements change.
    • the Avyakt message is spoken and groups of BKs met and given encouragement.
    • the spirit is sometimes fed.
    • after speaking the spirit, or spirits, leave with another jerk and the medium returns to her own body and full consciousness but not knowing anything of the time that passed.

Whilst speaking, the messages are broadcast via securely encrypted audio-video channels to BK centers, recorded, transcripted and translated. They are then distributed to BKWSU centers world-wide. “God” speaks a middle class Hindi with a few English words.

At other times, BKWSU trance mediums will allegedly leave their bodies to spiritual travel to the “Angelic” or “Subtle Regions” to meet with the deceased Lekhraj Kripalani and take instructions over service plans or be generally inspired. Trance messaging used to be a widespread practise and each Thursday morning the local center-in-charge would go into trance to receive a vision whilst offering food to Shiva in an simple ritual. Mostly, this practise has been stoped due to, it is understood, problems arising from individuals adding their own interpretations. In the early history of the BKWSU, trance messengers called ‘sandeshputris’ were used widely to establish and clarify elements of the knowledge and God Shiva spoke through a number of different individual including, it is said Lekhraj Kripalanis partner Sevak Ram.

December 27, 2006

Archive by date

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 3:44 am


Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1969
Avyakt BapDada 24th January 1969
Avyakt BapDada 25th January 1969
Avyakt BapDada 2nd February 1969
Avyakt BapDada 6th February 1969
Avyakt BapDada 15th February 1969
Avyakt BapDada 2nd March 1969
Avyakt BapDada 4th March 1969
Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th April 1969
Avyakt BapDada 19th April 1969
Avyakt BapDada 24th April 1969
Avyakt BapDada 8th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 18th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 26th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 16th June 1969
Avyakt BapDada 19th June 1969
Avyakt BapDada 26th June 1969
Avyakt BapDada 6th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 16th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 19th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 23rd July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 24th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 27th August 1969
Avyakt BapDada 15th September 1969
Avyakt BapDada 18th September 1969
Avyakt BapDada 28th September 1969
Avyakt BapDada 3rd October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 16th October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 20th October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 25th October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 9th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 13th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 6th December 1969
Avyakt BapDada 20th December 1969


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1970
Avyakt BapDada 5th March 1970
Avyakt BapDada 23rd March 1970
Avyakt BapDada 2nd April 1970
Avyakt BapDada 5th April 1970
Avyakt BapDada 14th May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 21st May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 28th May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 29th May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 11th June 1970
Avyakt BapDada 19th June 1970
Avyakt BapDada 2nd July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 11th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 24th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 27th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 30th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 6th August 1970
Avyakt BapDada 17th October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 22nd October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 23rd October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 25th October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 29th October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 5th November 1970
Avyakt BapDada 3rd December 1970
Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1970


Avyakt BapDada 12th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 14th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 23rd November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 30th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 3rd December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 15th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 24th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 26th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1979


Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 4th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 7th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 16th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 25th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 28th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 1st February 1980
Avyakt BapDada 4th February 1980
Avyakt BapDada 6th February 1980
Avyakt BapDada 7th February 1980


Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 24th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 26th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1984


Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 7th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 16th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 28th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 21st February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 24th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 6th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 9th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 18th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 21st March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 24th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 30th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 2nd September 1985
Avyakt BapDada 11th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 13th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 20th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 25th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 2nd December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 4th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 11th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 16th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 25th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 30th December 1985


Avyakt BapDada 1st January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 8th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 13th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 15th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 20th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 20th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 22nd February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 25th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 4th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 10th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 22nd March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 29th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 7th April 1986
Avyakt BapDada 9th April 1986


Avyakt BapDada 1st Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 5th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 9th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 14th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 21st Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 25th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 29th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 2nd November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 6th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 10th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 14th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 18th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 22nd November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 6th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 18th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 27th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1987


Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 10th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 17th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 20th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 24th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 28th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 3rd March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 23rd March 1988


Avyakt BapDada 7th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 11th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 15th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 23rd November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 1st December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 13th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 21st December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 25th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 29th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1989


Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 10th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 22nd February 1990
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1990


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1992
Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1992
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1992
Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1992
Avyakt BapDada 1st April 1992
Avyakt BapDada 8th April 1992
Avyakt BapDada 24th September 1992
Avyakt BapDada 3rd October 1992
Avyakt BapDada 13th October 1992
Avyakt BapDada 3rd November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 12th November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 30th November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1992
Avyakt BapDada 20th December 1992
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1992


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1993
Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1993
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1993


Avyakt BapDada 17th November 1994
Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1994
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1994
Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1994
Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1994
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1994


Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 19th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 26th February 1995
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 7th November 1995
Avyakt BapDada 16th November 1995
Avyakt BapDada 25th November 1995
Avyakt BapDada 4th December 1995
Avyakt BapDada 13th December 1995
Avyakt BapDada 22nd December 1995
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1995


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1996
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1996
Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1996
Avyakt BapDada 10th March 1996
Avyakt BapDada 22nd March 1996
Avyakt BapDada 1st September 1996


Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1998
Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1998
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1998


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1999
Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1999
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1999
Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1999


Avyakt BapDada – 15th October 2005
Avyakt BapDada – 2nd November 2004
Avyakt BapDada – 30 November 2004
Avyakt BapDada – 15th December 2004
Avyakt BapDada – 31th December 2004


Avyakt BapDada 22nd September 2005
Avyakt BapDada 21st October 2005
Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2005
Avyakt BapDada 30th November 2005
Avyakt BapDada 15th December 2005
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 2005


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 2006
Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 2006


Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 3:38 am

BKWSU and Copyright

The BKWSU has latterly claimed the copyright of the original Avyakt Murli messages but at the same time also claims they are the direct words of God through Lehkraj Kripalani’s psychic faculties. In this process, the Lehkraj Kripalani, or his spirit, is said to act merely as the mouthpiece and a BK sister called “Gulzar” as the trance medium channeller. Many people believe that as such these messages belong to all of God’s children, which means all of humanity.

At present, originals copies of these messages are made available only to ” advanced students” of the so-called “spiritual university”, and are kept secret from the general public behind the password protection and encryption on obscure private websites. Individuals are generally only able to hear the Murlis after passing introductory courses and even within the BKWSU, only allowed to access them for reading afterwards with special permission from their senior sister and/or in dedicated places with their centers.

These summaries, taken from original copies and not personal notes, are now being available in the public domain under the principles of Copyleft, as the original editor personally found the words of Avyakt BapDada to be powerful spiritual teachings. For 5 years a “student” at the BKWSU, he was privileged to attend the live channelling of these messages at three of the events. His experiences inclined him to accept that these trance channellings are genuine, divinely inspired and that the teachings were an inspiration to him.


These summaries are based on transcripts of the original Avyakt Bapdada speeches which he was able to obtain whilst a “student”. We give thanks to those members of the BKWSU who helped him to obtain the original copies. The originals were spoken in Hindi with some usage of English terms. These edits are based on the BKWSU English translations and as such, are subject to any deficiencies in the BKWSU transcriptions and translation of the original speeches. The dates given are in every case the date of the original speech. It should be noted that, controversially, the BKWSU also makes its own edits, or “revisions” of these messages to sustain the credibility of the teachings where predictions apparently fail.

BapDada says: “Do not waste your time in the wasteful. Time is of the greatest value: if not now then never … When someone relates something very long to you, make it short. Leave aside the wasteful. Teach them how to make it short. This is pure service, and having mercy.” The editor has applied this to BapDada’s own speeches, condensing the long-winded and repetitive messages down to a fraction of their original size while, hopefully, retaining the essence of the teachings. There is still much repetition. This is the way BapDada teaches, repeating the essential points almost like a mantra or affirmation but in a variety of ways so as to stimulate the mind into absorbing the message. The original speeches were given to live audiences, often became conversational and, in his opinion, rambled somewhat.

The editor has also removed the great bulk of instructions for the day to day administration of the BKWSU and the “rallying of the troops” speeches to groups of BKs from different locations while retaining some elements of them, so as not to lose completely the original flavour of these speeches. But once again the focus is on “leaving aside the wasteful” and “making it short”.

Whilst some sentences and short passages may be identical to the original BKWSU English translations, most of the content of these summaries has been altered in some way from the original, whether to condense, simplify, improve readability and flow. Or in some cases in an attempt to make sense out of obscurity. These writings should not therefore be treated as authoritative statements of Avyakt BapDada or as official teachings of the BKWSU. They are summarized.

Readers who wish to access the original documents on which these summaries are based, and those who wish to pursue these teachings further, are advised to contact the BKWSU until the day comes when it decides to release them all into the public domain.

April 28, 2006

Archive by date

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am


Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1969
Avyakt BapDada 24th January 1969
Avyakt BapDada 25th January 1969
Avyakt BapDada 2nd February 1969
Avyakt BapDada 6th February 1969
Avyakt BapDada 15th February 1969
Avyakt BapDada 2nd March 1969
Avyakt BapDada 4th March 1969
Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th April 1969
Avyakt BapDada 19th April 1969
Avyakt BapDada 24th April 1969
Avyakt BapDada 8th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 18th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 26th May 1969
Avyakt BapDada 16th June 1969
Avyakt BapDada 19th June 1969
Avyakt BapDada 26th June 1969
Avyakt BapDada 6th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 16th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 19th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 23rd July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 24th July 1969
Avyakt BapDada 27th August 1969
Avyakt BapDada 15th September 1969
Avyakt BapDada 18th September 1969
Avyakt BapDada 28th September 1969
Avyakt BapDada 3rd October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 16th October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 20th October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 25th October 1969
Avyakt BapDada 9th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 13th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 17th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1969
Avyakt BapDada 6th December 1969
Avyakt BapDada 20th December 1969


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1970
Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1970
Avyakt BapDada 5th March 1970
Avyakt BapDada 23rd March 1970
Avyakt BapDada 2nd April 1970
Avyakt BapDada 5th April 1970
Avyakt BapDada 14th May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 21st May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 28th May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 29th May 1970
Avyakt BapDada 11th June 1970
Avyakt BapDada 19th June 1970
Avyakt BapDada 2nd July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 11th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 24th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 27th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 30th July 1970
Avyakt BapDada 6th August 1970
Avyakt BapDada 17th October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 22nd October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 23rd October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 25th October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 29th October 1970
Avyakt BapDada 5th November 1970
Avyakt BapDada 3rd December 1970
Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1970


Avyakt BapDada 12th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 14th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 23rd November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 30th November 1979
Avyakt BapDada 3rd December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 15th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 24th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 26th December 1979
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1979


Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 4th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 7th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 16th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 25th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 28th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1980
Avyakt BapDada 1st February 1980
Avyakt BapDada 4th February 1980
Avyakt BapDada 6th February 1980
Avyakt BapDada 7th February 1980


Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 28th November 1984
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 24th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 26th December 1984
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1984


Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 7th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 16th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 21st January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 23rd January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 28th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1985
Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 21st February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 24th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1985
Avyakt BapDada 6th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 9th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 18th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 21st March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 24th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 30th March 1985
Avyakt BapDada 2nd September 1985
Avyakt BapDada 11th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 13th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 20th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 25th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1985
Avyakt BapDada 2nd December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 4th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 11th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 16th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 19th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 25th December 1985
Avyakt BapDada 30th December 1985


Avyakt BapDada 1st January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 8th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 13th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 15th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 20th January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1986
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 20th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 22nd February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 25th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1986
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 4th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 10th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 22nd March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 29th March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1986
Avyakt BapDada 7th April 1986
Avyakt BapDada 9th April 1986


Avyakt BapDada 1st Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 5th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 9th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 14th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 21st Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 25th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 29th Ocotober 1987
Avyakt BapDada 2nd November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 6th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 10th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 14th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 18th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 22nd November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1987
Avyakt BapDada 6th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 18th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 27th December 1987
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1987


Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 10th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 17th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 30th January 1988
Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 20th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 24th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 28th February 1988
Avyakt BapDada 3rd March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 12th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 27th March 1988
Avyakt BapDada 23rd March 1988


Avyakt BapDada 7th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 11th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 15th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 19th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 23rd November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 27th November 1989
Avyakt BapDada 1st December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 9th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 13th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 17th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 21st December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 25th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 29th December 1989
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1989


Avyakt BapDada 2nd January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 6th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 10th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 14th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 22nd January 1990
Avyakt BapDada 22nd February 1990
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 13th March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 19th March 1990
Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1990


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1992
Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1992
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1992
Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1992
Avyakt BapDada 1st April 1992
Avyakt BapDada 8th April 1992
Avyakt BapDada 24th September 1992
Avyakt BapDada 3rd October 1992
Avyakt BapDada 13th October 1992
Avyakt BapDada 3rd November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 12th November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 30th November 1992
Avyakt BapDada 10th December 1992
Avyakt BapDada 20th December 1992
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1992


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1993
Avyakt BapDada 18th February 1993
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1993


Avyakt BapDada 17th November 1994
Avyakt BapDada 26th November 1994
Avyakt BapDada 5th December 1994
Avyakt BapDada 14th December 1994
Avyakt BapDada 23rd December 1994
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1994


Avyakt BapDada 9th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 19th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 26th January 1995
Avyakt BapDada 26th February 1995
Avyakt BapDada 7th March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 16th March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 25th March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 31st March 1995
Avyakt BapDada 7th November 1995
Avyakt BapDada 16th November 1995
Avyakt BapDada 25th November 1995
Avyakt BapDada 4th December 1995
Avyakt BapDada 13th December 1995
Avyakt BapDada 22nd December 1995
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1995


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1996
Avyakt BapDada 16th February 1996
Avyakt BapDada 27th February 1996
Avyakt BapDada 10th March 1996
Avyakt BapDada 22nd March 1996
Avyakt BapDada 1st September 1996

These are summaries for the 1995/96 season only and not for the 1996/97 season. In the murli of 1st September 1996, BapDada indicated that there would only be one more meeting in 1996, in December, and only three more in the 1996/97 season. This was left out of the summary – generally, the administrative arrangements are omitted from these summaries. It is not known what actually transpired in that season. Plans are often changed.


Avyakt BapDada 21st November 1998
Avyakt BapDada 12th December 1998
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 1998


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 1999
Avyakt BapDada 13th February 1999
Avyakt BapDada 1st March 1999
Avyakt BapDada 15th March 1999


Avyakt BapDada 22nd September 2005
Avyakt BapDada 21st October 2005
Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2005
Avyakt BapDada 30th November 2005
Avyakt BapDada 15th December 2005
Avyakt BapDada 31st December 2005


Avyakt BapDada 18th January 2006
Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 2006

February 3, 2006

Avyakt BapDada 3rd February 2006

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing all His children everywhere – the selected few out of the whole world who become those who have a right to God’s love. It is only God’s love that has brought you children here. It is only at this time out of the whole cycle that you experience God’s love. At all other times you experienced love from souls from great souls, from religious souls, but now you have become worthy of receiving God’s love. What would you reply when someone asks you where God is? – that God, the Father, is with us – that we live with him – God cannot stay without us and we cannot stay without God. You are experiencing so much love. You would say with intoxication that God is living in your heart, and that you are living in God’s heart. You have experienced this, have you not? If you are not experienced in this, then who is? The Father is pleased to see the children who have claimed a right to such love.

The sign of love for God is that you are easily ready to sacrifice everything for the one you love. So all of you have become as the Father wants you to be, have you not? Each and every child has become equal to the Father and has the Father visible through their face? You know what the stage is that the Father likes, do you not? – that of complete purity. Purity is the foundation of Brahmin life. There should not be the slightest name or trace of impurity in your thoughts or your dreams. BapDada is repeatedly drawing your attention to the fact that waste thoughts too are not complete purity. So check – do you have waste thoughts? Check that no types of thoughts are distancing you from perfection. Check that no wasteful thoughts are wasting your time in a royal way. Do arrogance and insult attack you in a royal way in the form of waste thoughts? If, out of arrogance, anyone considers his speciality, which is a godly gift, to be his own, then the arrogance of that speciality brings him down – it becomes an obstacle, and the arrogance that comes in a subtle form, which you know about, is the consciousness of “mine”. These waste thoughts distance you from perfection. BapDada wants you to stay in your self respect – not to have an arrogance or disregard.

BapDada wants to see every child with the faith and intoxication of being a double master – master of the Father’s treasures, and masters of self sovereignty. You are both types of master because you are the children and also the masters. To say “my Baba” means to become a child – however, together with being a child, become both types of master. You become number-wise in becoming a master. You have received the treasures of inheritance and this is why you have the faith and intoxication of being a child – but you have to become a master in a practical way. The mind causes obstacles to becoming self sovereign. Become a master of the mind – never influenced by the mind. To be self sovereign means to be a king. Father Brahma checked himself every day – he became the master of his mind, and claimed the right to be master of the world.

It is the mind that influences you with waste thoughts – if you do not control the mind, then because it is mischievous, it controls you. So check yourself. The mind is likened to a horse because it is mischievous – and you have the reins of shrimat. If the reins become slack, even slightly, then the horse becomes mischievous. Why do the reins become slack? Because somewhere or other you begin to look at the side scenes – and when the reins are slack the mind takes its chance. So always be aware – “I am a master and a child”. Check that you are a master of treasures, and also a master of self sovereignty – a double master – otherwise weak sanskars emerge. You say “my sanskars”, but weak sanskars are Ravan’s property – how can you say they are yours? The sanskars of the Father are “my” sanskars – the sanskars of world benefactor, good wishes and pure feelings. It is wrong to call any weak sanskar your own. And if you have kept any weak sanskar in your heart, then you have placed something impure in your heart – and so you sometimes have to battle – the pure and impure have been placed together, and what else would they do but battle? So you have to transform your sanskars.

BapDada wants to see each on of you children multi-million-fold fortunate in your activities, and through your face. Some children say that they have become fortunate – however, while moving along, the fortune that should have emerged becomes merged. BapDada wants to see the star of fortune sparkling on the forehead of every child – anyone who sees you should see from your face and activities that you are fortunate – only then will revelation of the Father take place, because the majority of people today want to have an experience. Science of today gives an experience – of heat or coolness – similarly they want an experience through the power of silence. The more you stay in this experience, the more you will be able to grant others an experience. BapDada has already given a signal that you now have to do combined service, not only through words, but also become an image of experience, and make others have an experience – an experience of peace, happiness, or soul conscious love. You may forget what you have heard, but once you have experienced something, you cannot forget it. It brings them closer to those who gave the experience.

You are all asking what newness you should bring for the future. BapDada has seen that every wing is doing service with great zeal and enthusiasm. However, until now, the sound that this is God’s knowledge has not spread – very few have had the experience that God himself is carrying out his task. The soul and dharna (values) are being revealed – you are doing a good job, you speak well, you teach good things, and as far as that goes, it is fine. They even say that your knowledge is good. However the sound that it is God’s knowledge will bring them closer to God, and the closer they come to God, the more they will experience. So make a plan and fill your lectures with such power that they will come close to God. The revelation that God has come, and that he himself is getting his task accomplished, will bring them close like needles to a magnet. They will come running here just as you do. So now become the practical proof of this experience of God. Achcha.

To all the children everywhere who are spiritual roses; to those who are extremely loving to the Father and extremely detached from body conscious; to the especially beloved children of BapDada’s heart, who always belong to the one Father, who have a concentrated mind, and a constant and stable stage; to all the children in different places everywhere; to the children who have claimed a right to God’s love every cycle, love and remembrance and namaste from BapDada; please aCcept multi-million-fold blessings from the heart, and also, namaste from BapDada to the children who are double masters.

January 18, 2006

Avyakt BapDada 18th January 2006

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, is the day of love. All the children from everywhere are merged in the Ocean of Love. This love makes you an easy yogi. Love takes you beyond all other attractions. All of you children have the blessing of love as a blessing from birth. Love has the power to enable transformation. So today Baba saw two types of children everywhere – all are the lovely children, but only some are absorbed on love. The children who are absorbed in love are easily and automatically equal to the Father in their every thought, every breath, every word, and every deed. Why? The Father has given the children the blessing of being powerful. Today is called the day of remembrance and power. Why? The Father made himself the backbone on this day and revealed the children who are absorbed in love on the stage of the world. In the corporeal form he revealed the children, and he then became a companion in th avyakt form.

On this day of remembrance and power he made the children the masters, and gave the master almighty authority children the task to reveal the Almighy Authority Father. The Father is happy because all the children are engaged in the task of revealing the Father, of benefiting the world, and transforming the world, according to their capcity and strength. BapDada gives multi-million congratulations from the heart to the children who are such master almighty authorities, all round servers, who maintain zeal and enthusiasm equal to that of the Father, who are altruistic servers and unlimited servers. Congratulations. Congratulations. BapDada has pure pride – he is proud of his children – throughout the whole cycle there isn’t such a Father whose every child is a “self-sovereign” king.

Many children ask, when they have a conversation with Baba: show us an image of what we will become in the future. What does BapDada say? The older children say that Mother Jagadamba used to give all the children an image – so also give us an image! BapDada says that he has given every child a unique mirror, in which you can see the image of who yo are in the future. Do you know which mirror? Those sitting in the front row must know it! Do you know? That mirror is the self-sovereign stage of the present time – to the extent you are self-sovereign, accordingly you will claim a right to the kingdom of the world. So are you self sovereign? Or are you sometimes dependent? Do your eyes sometimes deceive you? Does your mouth sometimes deceive you? Do your ears sometimes deceive you? Are you interested in listening to wasteful things? If any of the physical organs deceive you, they control you, and it proves you do not have the controlling power or the ruling power that you received from the Father as a blessing and inheritance. How could someone who cannot rule the self, rule the world? Check in the mirror of your present stage of self sovereign – you have all received the mirror, have you not? There aren’t any stains on the mirror are there? Is the mirror clear?

BapDada has given all the children the self respect of being self sovereign – you have all received the title of master almighty authority – not just a master with powers, but a master with all powers. If your powers do not emerge at the right time, check whether you are seated on your seat as a master: “I am a master almighty authority – I have a right to the inheritance and blessings from the Father”. Be seated on this seat and then issue and order. If you come off your seat you will not be obeyed. Would anyone obey the Prime Minister if he had given up his position? So check – did I issue an order as one who has a right? The father has given every child Godly authority – you have God’s authority. So order any power when you are stable in the stage of your authority and your right, and that power will say “yes my Lord!”. In front of all the powers, Maya, the elements, sanskars, and nature, will all become servants – they will wait for you, the master to give them orders.

This is the day of power, isn’t it? So BapDada is making you children revise what powers you have. He is making you underline it. BapDada has seen that the majority of children have a leakage, and so their powers are reduced. The leakage is mainly waste thoughts, and wasted time. It isn’t bad, but it is wasteful – you don’t accumulate at that time. You didn’t lose anything, but did you earn anything? You didn’t cause sorrow, but to how many did you give happiness? You didn’t make anyone peaceless, but how much did you spread vibrations of peace? You have this short time of the most elevated age to accumulate – if not now, then never. Make a savings scheme – save thoughts, time, words.

BapDada wants to see all the children as self-sovereign kings who are always seated on their seat of authority. Do you like this form? Whenever BapDada sees any child on the TV, he wants to see that child in this form. BapDada has a natural TV – he doesn’t have to switch it on – he cans see everywhere at the same time – he can see every child in every corner. Tomorrow what will Baba see in his TV? – you in the angelic dress, the sparkling dress of light? Do not wear the dress of the mud of body consciousness. When you have the sparkling, you are the stars of success. BapDada wants to see an image of each one of you like this. You like this do you not? If you wore a dress of mud you would become like mud, would you not? Father Brahma is in a sparkling dress – he is an angel. Follow the father. When your physical clothes become covered in mud or stained you change them – in the same way check whether you have constantly a sparkling angelic dress. The Father has the pure pride that every child is a king child. So stay in that form – live as a king – then Maya will become your servant, and will come to say farewell to you – she will come to say farewell for half the cycle – she will not attack you. BapDada always says: those who surrender themselves to the Father can never be defeated. If you are defeated, you have not surrendered.

(Q by me.. how can you be surrendered to another, even God, AND be self sovereign????????)

Fix a date for the ceremony of success. BapDada says that at least 108 jewels should celebrate the ceremony of having become the embodiment of success – they should become examples – is this possible? Speak! Those in the front row, speak! Is it possible? You don’t have the courage to reply. Everything can happen with courage. Dadi, say can 108 become the embodiment of success? (yes they can definitely become that – the ceremony of success can be celebrated.) Look – Dadi has courage – she is maintaining courage on behalf of all of you – so be co-operative. Pandavas speak! Why are you quiet? Why do you not have this courage? Will you demonstrate this by doing it practically? Can you at least maintain courage? There won’t be any sanskars remaining, any weaknesses remaining? Achcha – even those from Madhuban are raising their hands! Wah! Congratulations! Congratulations! Achcha – then 108 will be ready easily – if so many have raised their hands then 108 is not a big thing. What will the double foreigners do? Yes -Dadi Janki is listening – she is keen to say something – we will also look at the rosary from abroad. Achcha – how many double foreigners are here today? (200). 108 will be ready out of them. Is that right? In this say “I first” – do not look at others – say “I first” – do not say “I” in other things, but say “I” for this. BapDada is going to give even more work.

: Today is the day of power and so you have power. BapDada wants to celebrate a unique Diwali – BapDda wants to light the lamp of hope in disheartened people. The lamp of hope should be ignited in the minds of all human souls everywhere. BapDada wants this Diwali of the lamps of hope. If this lamp of hope is lit in the atmosphere, then world transformation will be almost here – the golden morning will have arrived. The hopelessness that nothing can happen should now finish. Lamps of hope should be ignited. You can do this, can you not? Make the vibrations that powerful –
become a lighthouse and might-house and spread the vibrations far and wide. Simply have the determined thought: I have to do it. Become busy in that. If you keep your mind busy you will benefit and souls too will benefit. While walking and moving along, be aware that you have to benefit the world. This attitude will spread into the atmosphere – according to time, everything will happen suddenly. So continue to take light from BapDada in your every thought, and as a lighthouse, continue to give light. Do not waste your time. When BapDada sees you battling a lot he doesn’t like it – a master authority and battling! So become kings, become embodiments of success. Finish the disheartenment and ignite the lamps of hope. Achcha.

Now keep the aim that while walking and moving around, you must serve through your mind, your words, or you actions – and don’t stop having remembrance. Remembrance and service are always together. Keep yourself so busy in both remembrance and service. When you remain free, Maya has a chance to come, so remain busy. Then you will easily become equal to the Father – you won’t have to labour – you will remain an embodiment of love. Achcha.

: Today, love has brought you flying here. How fast is the plane of love? You have come flying here with love – continue to fly and also make others fly. Keep the zeal and enthusiasm of this time, and the determined thoughts, always with you.

To the children who are the light of the eyes, merged in BapDada’s eyes; to the elevated souls who have a right to all the Father’s property; to all the mahavir children who constantly fly with wings of zeal and enthusiasm, and who make others fly, to the children who are absorbed in love with the deep love that the one Father is their whole world – remain absorbed in love and easily become equal to the Father. So multi-multi-millionfold love and remembrance and namaste to the children who are lovely and who remain absorbed in love. Achcha.

December 31, 2005

Avyakt BapDada 31st December 2005

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 9:58 pm

Today, BapDada is giving everyone from everywhere – whether they are sitting personally in front of Baba or are close to his heart while sitting far away – three types of congratulations. First are congratulations for the new life, second are congratulations for the new age, and third are congratulations this New Year’s day. All of you have also come here to give congratulations and to receive congratulations for the New Year. In fact, only Brahmin souls receive and give the greetings of happiness of a true heart. Today has great importance – it is the day of confluence of farewell and greetings – it is celebrated with so much pomp and splendour. It is because of the praise of the Confluence Age that there is praise of the confluence of the old year and the new year. There is also praise of the confluence where two rivers meet. But the greatest praise is of this the Confluence Age, the most auspicious age, where you fortunate Brahmin souls are sitting. You have this intoxication do you not? You are not in the iron age – you are in the Confluence Age. This Confluence Age is praised because of the meeting between God and the children – a gathering which doesn’t take place in any other age. Did you ever think, even in your dreams, that you, the soul, have such fortune recorded in the drama?

So, at this time of confluence, have you thought about what things you have to bid farewell to? You have to bid farewell for all time in order to celebrate for all time. Give such greetings that, seeing your face, any soul who comes in front of you also attains those greetings, and becomes happy. You are to become an angel from a Brahmin., and a deity from an angel. Have you given your burdens to the Father? If you keep even the slightest burden it will not allow you to become and angel. If you have not given away the burden, what have you kept it for? Do you love burdens? Do you like burdens? Look, what does BapDada call each of you children? Oh my carefree emperor children. The Father has come to take away the burden, and is telling you children, with love, to hand it over.

The most subtle burden of all is that of the old sanskars. BapDada saw every child’s chart for this past year – all of you too must have checked your own chart for the year – what did BapDada see? For the majority the burden of old sanskars still remains, in some form or other, it is visible in waste thoughts, in words, relationships and connections. These sanskars that still remain will deceive you some time. So, today have the cremation ceremony of the sanskars. You do make effort to renounce them – you want to renounce them – but your effort is not intense enough to transform the sanskars. Just as you kill Ravan and also burn him, you must kill the sanskars and also burn them in the fire of yoga, or they will awaken again.

You do have yoga, but your yoga is not in the form of an intense fire. You remember Baba with love – you also have many heart to heart conversations – you also practice taking power from Baba – but you havn’t made your remembrance so powerful that you can actually bid farewell. You are not using yoga in the form of the fire of yoga. So make your yoga powerful. THe power of concentration is necessary: whichever form you wish to become stable in, for however long you wish to remain stable in it, just have a concentrated thought, and you will be able to burn it. This is called the fire of yoga – all name and trace of it finishes. You are the masters – so issue orders and the required powers should become present.

You are raja yogis – not praja yogis (yogis who become subjects). BapDada says with intoxication that, at the Confluence Age, every child is a kingly child, a self sovereign king. So BapDada is giving you three months homework – check your chart – when you issue and order is it obeyed in a practical form? Do not allow royal carelessness to come by thinking it will happen by the end. Are you going to do this? Teachers, are you going to do this? What should happen if you don’t do it? BapDada will not allow you to come for one season, because BapDada has seen that time is waiting for you. Nature, the satopradhan elements are invoking you as well. So, in the three months, with your powerful stage, transform the sanskars that still remain.

You do not have to wait for time – “when will destruction happen?”, “will it be in 2 years or 10 years?”. Why should you wait for time? Time is waiting for you. BapDada is asking you children – have all of you become equal to the Father? Should we open the curtains? Or is it that, if the curtains are opened, someone will be combing their hair, someone will be putting cream on their face? If you are ever-ready and your sanskars have finished, it will not take BapDada time to open the curtains. At least become ever-ready first! You have pleased the Father for a long time, saying “I will become that” – now do not say that any more – it has to happen – you have to do it.

You will follow Father Brahma in the corporeal form will you not? He had renunciation, tapasya and practical service until the last day – he fulfilled his duty of allowing Father Shiva to speak the elevated versions until the last day. He didn’t renounce his old room. The children requested Father Brahma with so much love to live in the new buildings, but he made everything for the children, and didn’t use it for himself. He always awoke at 2.30 or 3.00 am and did tapasya for the self. He burnt his sanskars, and that is how he became karmateet, avyakt, and an angel. He demonstrated by doing practically whatever he thought. His speaking, thinking and doing were all equal. Follow the father. Till the last moment he always remained engaged in his task. He wrote many letters. He was a great donor continuously till the last moment. Till the last moment he sat in his tapaswi form, without physical support. He didn’t wear glasses. This is subtle power – free from support. The body is old, and day by day the climate, air and water are getting polluted, and this is why BapDada is not asking you why you take support or why you wear glasses. You may wear them. However, you must definitely make your stage powerful.. Have you finished your work for the whole world? Has world benefit been completed? So, how can you say that destruction will take place? You haven’t completed your work yet!

Everyone is asking: what should we do in the New Year? You have done well, but you have just given a message, and not given an experience. You have to prepare 900,000, the population of the first birth – not just 900,000 who are in relationship, but BapDada says that the subjects of the first birth will be those who have claimed a good number, because they are to receive number one in everything – the first number, the date will be one, the period will be one, the kingdom will be one. The royal family should also be ready – it is, but this year they just have to finish some sanskars. BapDada has the thought that every centre should have an official programme for this yoga practice, and have the aim that it should be printed in the papers in this land and abroad, that the Brahma Kumaris are going to have the same programme in so many centres on the same day. Also have the aim that you won’t just have yoga with a commentary, but that you will give them an experience – an experience makes them strong. There should be the same programme at the same time at every centre. Each centre should write the result of what everyone experienced. You may have a one day or a three day programme, but it should be at the same time everywhere, just as you have programmes for the third sunday. Aim to make them experienced – they should go away not having just heard something, but with an experience. How did all of you come to belong to the Father? You experienced something or other, whether it was love, or whether you experienced love by eating toli. You experienced the behaviour of the sisters, the smile of the sisters, their hospitality. You experienced something or other, and this is why you came to belong
to Baba. So make them have an experience in this way. Now do continuous service. A lot of service remains to be done. Achcha.

You have already given greetings to one another on this day. What else do people do? The give gifts. BapDada has received many gifts and many beautiful cards. Anyone who comes to you should not go back empty handed – even if you give them the gift of power through your mind, the gift of knowledge through words, or the gift of virtues through actions, but definitely give a gift to whoever comes into relationship or connection with you. Do not send anyone away empty handed – you are master bestowers. At amrit vela, consider yourself to be sitting on the world stage – you are hero actors sitting on the stage. Make your amrit vela powerful – you do fulfill the discipline, but your yoga has to be powerful – there has to be the fire of yoga. So for these three months, especially note down your chart of amrit vela. You speak of very good things – you are in a very loving form – but the fiery form is missing a little. And together with that, use all of your treasures in a worthwhile way, and accumulate them.

No matter how much service you do, the sign, or the golden key, of whether you accumulated it in your account, is to do everything in the consciousness of being an instrument, with humility, and with pure words. If one of these three is missing, then your service doesn’t accumulate in your account. If there is consciousness of “I”, you do not accumulate anything, no matter how much effort you make. Whenever you meet others, always see them as souls – see them as the same soul of the previous cycle, come to create their fortune. Even if he has anger or a bad nature, just keep your nature elevated.

You have been given lot of homework for this year – Baba will give a gift to each one who passes. First he will want a certificate from your companions. It isn’t that you will say something and Baba will believe you. First is the certificate of the mind, then is the certificate from the Brahmin family, and third is the certificate from the Father. You will claim these certificates will you not? Achcha.

(double foreigners)
BapDada gives you double foreigners the title “double intense effort makers” because your speciality is that you do whatever you think – whether it is right or wrong! You have the courage to do something. Therefore use this courage in your spiritual effort and in service. It is possible that the sound will first of all emerge from abroad to awaken India. You have the sanskar of determination, and can claim a number ahead of those from India.

You make everyone content through your drishti and your yogyukt stage. Having been here a short time, everyone goes back happy. You are receiving the fruit of the income that you have accumulated over a long period of time. You are playing a good part.

All the children celebrated the New Year with a lot of love. You celebrated and also made a promise to BapDada that you will finish your sanskars – so you have to finish them and unite everyone with good wishes, pure feelings, and elevated vibrations. Finish, unite, and celebrate – everything is included in this. Now remain very cheerful through the whole year and make everyone happy. Remain content and make others content. This is celebrating – this is the Father’s love, and these are the blessings. These are the love and remembrance. Namaste to everyone.

December 15, 2005

Avyakt BapDada 15th December 2005

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, God, the Father, is seeing His children everywhere who have a right to God’s love – only a handful out of multimillions in the world receive this love from God. This Godly love is altruistic love, because only God, the Supreme Soul, is incorporeal and ego-less. Because human souls are bodily beings they definitely have one selfish motive or another. Only God, the Father, can give his children such altruistic love. God’s love is the special basis of Brahmin life. Without the experience of God’s love that life becomes a dry life – not enjoyable. God’s love is constantly with you as a co-operative companion at all time. Where there is love and company, everything becomes very easy and simple. Those who have God’s love cannot be attracted by any person or thing because God’s attraction and God’s love gives such an experience of love that you always remain merged in love. People have understood this to be being merged in God. One doesn’t merge in God, but one remains merged in God’s love.

BapDada is seeing the children from everywhere. Everyone loves God, but one type are the lovely children, and the other type are the children who are merged in love. All are lovely, but ask yourself – to what extent do you remain merged in love? The sign of children who are merged in love is that they constantly and easily follow God’s instructions – they have surrendered their body consciousness easily through love.

The first instruction is “be yogi and holy (pure)”. Because the Father has love for you children he cannot bear to see you labouring – you have laboured a lot for 63 births. Now this alokik birth is to become free from labour and to enjoy the pleasure of super-sensuous happiness. So are you celebrating with pleasure, or are you having to labour? Where there is love, it doesn’t feel like labour to follow instructions – if you have to labour it means there is a percentage of love lacking – somewhere or other there is one type of leakage or another. Two leakages make you labour: attraction to the old world, including relationships and material things, and attraction to old sanskars. This old world, and old sanskars, attract you towards themselves. Just remember the eternal and original sanskars of you, the soul. You have elevated sanskars in the beginning and also now, at the end – those old sanskars are of the middle period, not eternal, not of the beginning, and not of the end.

Your aim is to become equal to the Father. The Father asks you children: what are the sanskars that are equal in both Bap and Dada? The Father is generous hearted towards every child. He is co-operative with every soul in giving them love and regard. Are you always loving and co-operative with everyone? Father Brahma was co-operative and loving with every child. He paid attention to himself, but he didn’t labour. The reason for labouring is that although you have become lovely, you do not remain merged in love.

BapDada considers every child to be a lovely child – he knows every child to be this. He knows every child’s horoscope, and yet what does he say? The child is lovely. BapDada always gives every child the same study, the same sustenance, and the same blessing. Even though BapDada knows that the child is the last number, he doesn’t keep any child’s defect or weakness even in his thoughts. BapDada always sees them with the vision and attitude that they are lovely, very sweet, long lost and now found beloved children. He knows that it is only through this attitude and elevated vision that weak ones will become mahavirs. In the same way, through your elevated attitude, good wishes, and pure feelings, you can transform anyone.

Each one of you has to help one another to transform. Help even the weak with your love and co-operation. Give the hand of co-operation to one another – unite in co-operation, and a rosary will be formed. Do not give teachings, but give loving co-operation. Do not become detached, do not step away, but be a support because your memorial is the rosary of victory. Each bead in the rosary is a co-operative companion of the other beads.

Be a great donor – co-operate with your virtues and make others do the same. Your virtues are in fact God’s virtues, but you have made them your own – with the power of those virtues remove their weaknesses. The duty of those who are master almighty authorities is to give and receive love. Give and take between you the virtues you have received from the Father. Give this gift of co-operation to one another. Give one another the gift of virtues, and the gift of powers, through your benevolent feelings, benevolent attitude, and benevolent atmosphere. To give co-operation to weak ones is to give a gift at the right time – don’t make those who have fallen fall even further – lift them up, lift them higher. Have this vision: they are worthy of God’s love, they are handfuls out of multi-millions, they are special souls, they will be victorious. Change your attitude, vision and atmosphere now – there should be some newness should there not? The sound should emerge from everyone’s lips “our special beloved deity has come!”. Do not plan it – do it – everyone is waiting – now end their waiting – prepare to be revealed. Look, even the elements are so distressed now. So, calm down the elements. When you are revealed there will automatically be world peace. Achcha.

This time many new children have come – it is good. BapDada is pleased that all of the children of the previous cycle, who have been hidden away in all corners, are coming here. Even those who have come late should have the aim that, because there is little time left, they can claim a number by making intense effort. The board for “too late” has not yet been put up, though the board for “late” has been put put up. So make as much effort as you want, and go ahead. Become double light and fly. BapDada is giving congratulations in advance. Achcha.

At every centre the atmosphere should be experienced to be like the atmosphere of Madhuban – souls who come should be impressed with one thing or another, so they continue to come again and again, so that they continue to move forward.

Nowadays people of the world are doing two things in particular – exercise and attention to their diet. So do you also do both these things? Everyone does physical exercise, but the exercise of the mind is: one minute be a Brahmin, then an angel, then a deity. Constantly perform this drill of the mind. And give the mind pure food – pure thoughts. Wasteful and negative thoughts are impure food for the mind. So let there always be pure food in your mind – become an embodiment of pure thoughts. Achcha.

To the special souls everywhere who have a right to God’s love; to those souls who are loving and co-operative with the Father and who will always be co-operative with one another; to the victorious children who put into a practical form the aim: “we are victorious and we will hoist the flag of victory in the world”.; to the children who are equal to the Father, and who always remain beyond the attraction of this old world and sanskars; love, remembrance and namaste from the heart of the Father, the Comforter of Hearts.

November 30, 2005

Avyakt BapDada 30th November 2005

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, Baba was seeing all the complete and equal children everywhere. Only the equal children are merged in the Father’s heart – they are humble and pure, always free from obstacles and sinful thoughts, not tied in any type of limited bondage. So ask yourself – have you become a soul who has such unlimited freedom? The first freedom is freedom from the consciousness of the body – to take the support of the body whenever you want and to become detached from the body whenever you want – do not be attracted by the body. Secondly, souls who are free will not be in bondage to old nature or sanskars. Together with that they will not be attracted to any bodily beings in their relationships and connections – they will be detached and loving.

So check yourself – are any small physical organs tying you in bondage? Remember your self respect – you are master almighty authority. Are you able to become free from all bonds in a second? The practical proof for the last paper, and to become number one, is to be able to focus your mind and intellect whenever you want in a second, and not fluctuate. Just as, through science, a lighthouse gives light everywhere as soon as you switch it on, are you able to switch on your lighthouse and might-house, and give souls light and might? When you receive an order to become bodiless in a second, will you become that? Or will you have to battle? You must practice over a long period of time, or you will need effort at that time. BapDada is giving you a signal – practice this throughout the day, while performing actions. Controlling power of the mind is required for this. If your mind is under control, none of the physical organs can influence you.

All souls now require a blessing of power from you – to be liberated through your drishti and vibrations. Everyone is tired now from having laboured. All of you have become free from labouring have you not? You were told earlier that the easy method to become free from labouring is to be extremely loving to the Father in your heart. Remember the promise of your childhood to belong to the one Father and none other – the world is in the Father – you have all relationships with the one Father – you have all attainments from the one Father – it is just the one who teaches you and sustains you – everything is in the One. Even if it is the family – the Godly family – it is also the one Father, the one family. In the family too you have spiritual love for one another – not just love, it is spiritual love.

Remember also what you gave to the Father – body, mind and wealth – whatever you have given to the Father, he has entrusted that to you for you to use for the task. You gave them to the Father – if you take them back that is being dishonest. Some children say “my mind is distressed” – where did “my mind” come from? You have surrendered “mine” – now nothing is yours – you are without a shell – emperors without even a shell. The Father’s treasures have become your treasures, and so you are emperors, are you not? God’s treasures are the children’s treasures. The Father took away your responsibility, with the words “simply remember me”, and you said “I am yours and you are mine”. That was a promise, was it not? So the Father says: constantly use the treasures for yourselves and for all souls – the more you use them, the more they will increase. Use all the powers – do not simply keep this knowledge in your intellect, but use all the powers for service according to the time.

In the chart of the majority of the children, BapDada has seen that there are two powers which you still need to remember to remain free from obstacles – the powers of tolerance and realisation. You do realise, but there is less attention paid to putting that into a practical form. Whoever does something receives the return of it, so the Father cannot do it for you, although he definitely co-operates.

BapDada has seen that children have very good thoughts – at amrit vela BapDada receives many many garlands of very good thoughts – so why do you become weak in doing it? Sometimes the atmosphere in the gathering of the Brahmin family is weak, and that quickly affects you. Your language then is very sweet: “this happens all the time… this happens anyway…”. Such thoughts bring carelessness, and this doesn’t allow there to be determination, and determination is the basis of success.

So, you don’t take as much benefit as the promises you make. BapDada wants you to be ever-ready before time. Time should not be your master. You are the masters of time.

November 15, 2005

Avyakt BapDada 15th November 2005

Filed under: Summaries — themurli @ 1:00 am

Today, BapDada is seeing his elevated children from everywhere – those who have a right to self-sovereignty and who are stable in their stage of self respect. The respect the Father has given the children is even higher than that of himself. He has liberated every child from falling at the feet, and has made them the crown on His head. He has always called himself the servant of the lovely children. So, do each of you consider yourself to have such self respect? One with self respect will give respect to everyone – he will be humble, and will be loved by everyone, and will be loving to all – his love will be unlimited – there will be no arrogance, no body consciousness. Even the last number in the rosary of 16000 has received one or another speciality from the Father. One with self respect gives respect to others and sees their speciality. Anyone who belongs to the Father is a special soul compared to the souls of the world, he is one out of multi-millions.

Every child is loved by the Father. The Father’s love is a magnet, pulling you here. Love from the heart is the foundation of this Brahmin life. Just as the Father has love for everyone, the children should also have love for everyone. Do not look at the weaknesses of others – if you see something bad, step away from it – you are those who give the mantra that disciplines the mind – the mantra that liberates them form an influence – you liberate them, do you not? Love in the heart is the very easy method to become complete and perfect. No matter how knowledgeable someone is, if they don’t have love in the heart, they will not have an enjoyable Brahmin life – it will be dry and tasteless. If there is love with knowledge, then you remain absorbed in love. Someone who has love does not have to make effort to remember the one he loves. Knowledge is the seed and love is the water.

: Today BapDada was checking love in the hearts of the children. You have love for the Father – are you loving to everyone else? Does each of you think: this is my brother or sister – this one belongs to me? At this time the Father is establishing both a religion and a kingdom at the same time. There won’t be just the father in the kingdom, there will also be the family. Be loving to the Father, and also be loving to the family.

As soon as you children took Brahmin birth, the Father gave you respect, and this was how you became so elevated. You have to give respect in this one birth, and you will receive respect – the reward of that – throughout the whole cycle. For half the cycle, you have the respect of having a right to the kingdom, and for half the cycle you receive respect from the devotees. The basis of this for the whole cycle is to give respect in this one birth and to receive respect.

You double foreigners do double service – not even double, you do triple service – you have your lokik job, you give knowledge, and the majority of you also do karma yoga service at the centres. In order to increase the speed of your service, you have such a good Dadi – when she sees even a little weakness, she gives class upon class about that.

If you have to make effort, check the love in your heart – is there a leakage anywhere, attachment to a person or a person’s speciality, or to any facility – if there is a leakage there will not be constant contentment. Where there is contentment you will be constantly smiling like a spiritual rose – you will not have an off-mood – you will remain always double light. So save yourself from labouring – Baba does not like it when the children have to labour – you have laboured fro half the cycle – now enjoy yourselves. Remain absorbed in love. Experience the pearls of love at the bottom of the Ocean of Knowledge – do not just take a dip and come out again, but remain merged in it.

All of you have promised you will live with the Father and go back home with Him. Are you ready? Are you ever-ready? Those who are equal will go with him. If you are given the order tomorrow will you go with him? WIll the householders go with him? Will you not remember your children? Will the mothers go with Baba? Will you not remember anyone? Will the teachers remember their centres and their students? Have all of yo become free from attachment? Achcha. Then you won’t have to labour, will you?

: Today BapDada wants to make everyone free from labour – will you become that? From tomorrow, no-one will go to the Dadis – you won’t make them make effort on you will you? You will meet them for enjoyment. You will not go to the zonal heads. You will not complain. You will be complete. Is that OK? No one belongs to you , and “I” and “mine” have finished. You very quickly make a promise, but to take the benefit of it, have realisation every day, and revise it – what benefit are you taking? When there is a balance, it will be all right.

The success of service is through self service. Self service is the basis of world service. You are master almighty authorities and you can do whatever you want. Before you have a thought, word or action, check whether it is equal to that of the Father. Check first, and then put it into a practical form. Simply remember two words – “instrument” and “humility”.

Use everything in a worthwhile way – all the treasures you have, all the powers – thoughts, words and actions are also powers – time is a treasure and also a power. Whether it is physical wealth, or spiritual treasures, you have to use everything in a worthwhile way, and enable others to use everything they have in a worthwhile way. If someone is not using something in a worthwhile way, then do not say anything or give corrections, but do it with your good wishes, pure feelings, and pure regard. If you have to give correction then let it be with forgiveness and then correction. Give teachings through your form of forgiveness. Be merciful. Be merciful. When surgeons perform an operation they put you to sleep first – so you too have to first become merciful, and then give correction – otherwise when you begin to give correction, they are already cleverer than you – a teacher would not accept correction from a teacher.

Emerge your original sanskars, your deity sanskars, and the eternal sanskars of the soul. Have a cremation ceremony of the wrong sanskars. Make your original and eternal sanskars emerge. You just have to be the instrument. Achcha.

Seeing all the children, BapDada sings the song: wah children wah! Achcha. What are we going to do now?

To all the children everywhere who have self respect; to those who always have love for the Father in their heart; to the elevated souls who have love for everyone; to the intense effort-making children who always remain free from labouring, and who experience liberation in life; to the blissful children who always maintain a balance between the promise they make and the benefit they take from that promise; to those who always remain in pleasure, and who always enable others to stay in pleasure; to such Confluence Aged children who have a right to the elevated fortune, love and remembrance from BapDada and blessings from the heart of the Comforter of Hearts. Love, remembrance and namaste.

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